ECC 2015 -

Forney Independent School District
2015-2016 Extracurricular Code of Conduct
1. Extracurricular Activities: General Provisions
What is an Extracurricular Activity?
 Any University Interscholastic League (UIL),
School District, or campus-sponsored or related
athletics, whether on- or off-campus;
 Any elected offices and honors (such as student
counsel and homecoming queen);
 All co-curricular activities, which are those held
in conjunction with a credit-bearing class, but
that may take place outside of school and
outside of the school day (such as band and
Why are Extracurricular Activities
 They promote self-discipline, responsibility,
commitment, and student wellness.
 They enhance and enrich curricular educational
 They offer participants the opportunity to be
leaders and role models on campus and in the
 They enable participants to represent the School
District in a positive manner.
 All national organizations (such as National
Honor Society or Future Farmers of America);
 Any activity held in conjunction with another
activity that is considered to be an
extracurricular activity (such as a meeting,
practice, or fundraiser).
2. Jurisdiction
Who is Subject to the Extracurricular
Code of Conduct?
When Does the Extracurricular Code of
Conduct Apply?
Any student who participates in one or more
extracurricular activities is subject to the
Extracurricular Code of Conduct (ECC). A student
is subject to the ECC from the time he/she is
selected for, elected to, or otherwise joins an
extracurricular activity and continues to be subject
to the ECC from that point forward unless or until
the student no longer participates in extracurricular
The privilege of representing the School District
carries with it a greater responsibility to conduct
oneself with respect and dignity, and to serve as a
role model for all students.
extracurricular activity participants are expected to
comply with the ECC at all times, regardless of
location. This includes both on and off-campus
conduct as well as evenings, weekends, holidays,
and summer vacation.
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3. Conduct Expectations
What is Expected of Extracurricular Activity Participants?
Participants in extracurricular activities are
representatives of the School District, and must
conduct themselves in a manner that reflects
positively on the School District at all times.
Specifically, they must:
 Maintain an average of 70% or better in all
academic courses, except as provided in District
policy FM (Legal);
 Be punctual and prepared for all games,
practices, meetings, performances, camps,
and/or other scheduled events related to an
extracurricular activity;
 Treat all school property with respect and ensure
that school property is returned upon request
and in good condition (excluding reasonable
wear and tear);
 Abide by the District’s dress and grooming
standards for students as well as any dress and
grooming standards applicable to the specific
extracurricular activity;
 Comply with UIL rules, including those related to
random steroid testing, if applicable;
 Student commitment to a team or organization is
expected for the entire season or activity.
Students are encouraged to participate in more
than one extracurricular activity; however,
students may not quit one sport or organization
in order to participate in another while the sport
or club that he/she quit is still active;
 Be courteous and respectful toward all fellow
participants, school faculty and staff members,
spectators, parents, and officials, whether from
Forney ISD or from any other school district;
 Provide advance written or verbal notice to the
coach or sponsor of an activity if they are unable
to attend a game, practice, meeting,
performance, and/or other scheduled event
related to the extracurricular activity;
 Complete training recognizing the symptoms of
injuries and the risks of using dietary
 Comply with all rules and guidelines in the ECC
extracurricular activity in which the student
participates; and
 Before a student may be allowed to participate in
any competitive after-school extracurricular
activities, the student and parent (or legal
guardian) must present written consent for drug
testing (FNF Local).
 Comply with and adhere to the behavioral
standards identified in the District’s Student
Code of Conduct.
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4. Prohibited Conduct
What Conduct is Prohibited for Extracurricular Activity Participants?
Category A Violations:
Category B Violations:
 Engaging in theft, destruction, or misuse of
school district property;
 Failing to return school property as directed;
 Engaging in hazing, harassment or bullying of
others as defined by the Forney ISD Student
Code of Conduct;
 Buying, selling, giving, delivering, using,
possessing, or being under the influence of
tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, a controlled
substance (without a proper prescription), or a
dangerous drug at any time and regardless of
whether the student is on school property or at a
school-related activity;
 Engaging in any unreasonably dangerous
athletic technique that unnecessarily endangers
the health or safety of a student;
 Maintaining or being identified on a website or
blog that depicts behavior that is illegal or is
sexual in nature;
 Sending, transmitting, or posting images or other
material that is related to illegal or sexual
activity; and
 Engaging in conduct prohibited by the District’s
Student Code of Conduct that is punishable by
placement in DAEP or expulsion.
 Being tardy to games, meetings, practices,
performances, camps, and/or other events
without permission from the activity sponsor or
 Being absent from games, meetings, practices,
performances, camps, and/or other events
without permission from the activity sponsor or
 Engaging in acts of poor sportsmanship, such as
cheating, using profane language, or taunting
other participants;
 Being insubordinate to a coach or sponsor;
 Being disruptive during a game, meeting,
practice, performance, camp, and/or other event;
 Violating the established rules or guidelines of a
specific extracurricular activity in which the
student participates;
 Violating the District’s standards for dress and
grooming or the standards set for the specific
extracurricular activity; and
Note: Students placed in DAEP are ineligible to
participate in or attend extracurricular activities
pursuant to Texas Education Code § 37.006(g).
Note: The standards of the ECC are independent
of the Student Code of Conduct. Violations of
these standards of behavior that are also violations
of the Student Code of Conduct may result in a
student being disciplined under both standards.
 Engaging in general misconduct prohibited by
the District’s Student Code of Conduct.
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5. Consequences
Category A Violations:
Category B Violations:
First Offense:
First Offense:
The student will be suspended from participation
for up to 6 school weeks and may be placed on a
behavior contract.
The student will receive a verbal warning and
reprimand and will be directed to refrain from future
Second Offense:
Second and Third Offenses:
The student will be suspended from participation
for up to 12 school weeks and will be placed on a
behavior contract for 4 school weeks.
The student will be suspended from participation for
up to 4 school weeks and will be placed on a behavior
contract for 4 school weeks.
Third Offense:
Fourth Offense:
The student will be suspended from participation
from all extracurricular activities for the remainder
of the school year. If the violation occurs within 3
school weeks of the end of the current school
year, the student will be suspended for the
remainder of the current school year and the
entirety of the next semester, including any
extracurricular activities or events during the
summer months.
The student will be suspended from participation from
all extracurricular activities for the remainder of the
school year. If the violation occurs within 3 school
weeks of the end of the current school year, the
student will be suspended for the remainder of the
current school year and the entirety of the next
semester, including any extracurricular activities or
events during the summer months.
Fifth Offense:
Fourth Offense:
The student’s participation in all extracurricular
activities will be revoked for the remainder of the
time the student attends that campus, or any
other Forney ISD campus serving the same
grade levels as the campus the student currently
attends. For example, the remainder of the
student’s high school career.
Definition: “weeks” means school weeks, but
also includes any non-school weeks in which an
extracurricular competition or event occurs, such
as camps during the summer or on school
The student's participation in all extracurricular
activities will be revoked for the remainder of the time
the student attends that campus, or any other Forney
ISD campus serving the same grade levels as the
campus the student currently attends. For example,
the remainder of the student’s high school career.
Definition: “suspension” means that the student
will not be permitted to participate in any competition,
contest, scrimmage, performance, or election
associated with an extracurricular activity.
student may continue to participate in practices.
Note: An extracurricular activity participant starts each school year with a clean slate, unless he or she
had participation in extracurricular activities revoked during the previous school year, in which case that
revocation continues from year to year. In addition, any consequences that were assessed during the prior
school year for which the student owes additional suspension or behavior contract time must still be
completed. For example, a student who was suspended from participation for 4 school weeks during the last
week of school may have an additional 3 weeks of suspension to complete beginning with the next school
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6. Procedures
Who Determines that a Violation of the
How Will Parents be Notified that a
ECC has Occurred?
Violation of the ECC has Occurred?
The activity sponsor or coach will determine whether
Parents will be notified of all violations that result in
a violation of the ECC has occurred and will assess
the appropriate consequence.
How will Consequences be Assessed for
The activity sponsor or coach will contact
the student and the student’s parent via telephone or
face-to-face conference within 2 school days from the
Different Violations of the ECC?
time the activity sponsor or coach learns of such a
Consequences for violating the District’s ECC are
will inform the parent and student that a violation of
assessed based on the severity of the violation and
the ECC has occurred, discuss with them the
the commission of prior ECC violations.
applicable consequences, and give the student an
Is a Student Entitled to Participate in
Extracurricular Activities?
Participation in extracurricular activities is a
privilege, not a right.
may be
As such, a student’s
at the
At this time, the activity sponsor or coach
opportunity to respond to the allegations.
What if a Parent Does Not Agree with the
All appeals will be addressed through the District’s
complaint process, contained in policies FNG (Legal)
and (Local). A decision of the Forney ISD Board of
Trustees regarding an extracurricular activity complaint
is final and is not appealable.
Note: Nothing in this Extracurricular Code of Conduct limits the authority of a coach or sponsor to
impose reasonable sanctions, including extra workouts, for students who breach team or organization
conduct expectations but do not engage in prohibited conduct.
Note: The principal will not ordinarily interfere in a coach or sponsor’s judgment regarding appropriate
discipline but has the authority to increase or decrease the punishment based on his or her assessment
of the situation.
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7. Acknowledgment
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by Forney ISD’s Extracurricular Code of Conduct for the
2015-2016 school year. I understand that I will be held accountable for the behavior expectations and
consequences outlined in the Extracurricular Code of Conduct. I understand that by participating in
extracurricular activities, I am a representative of Forney ISD and a role model to my peers and
throughout the community; therefore, the Extracurricular Code of Conduct governs my behavior at all
times, and applies both on and off school property. I understand that the behavior expectations of the
Extracurricular Code of Conduct are in addition to those included in the Forney ISD Student Code of
Conduct. I understand that violations of the behavior standards of the Extracurricular Code of Conduct
that are also violations of the Student Code of Conduct may result in my being disciplined under both the
Extracurricular Code of Conduct and the Student Code of Conduct.
Student Name:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Grade Level:
Student Signature:
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Forney ISD Extracurricular Activity Participant
Behavior Contract Contract
I, __________ [student name], a participant in _________________________________
[list extracurricular activity(ies)] agree to abide by the Extracurricular Code of Conduct,
including all conduct expectations and the consequences. I understand that by
participating in extracurricular activities, I am a representative of the school district and
a role model for my fellow students, and as such, I am held to a higher standard of
I recognize that I violated those standards by engaging in the following violation(s) of
the Forney ISD Extracurricular Code of Conduct: __________________________
[student should describe violations in detail].
I understand that my continued participation in extracurricular activities is contingent
upon my successful completion of this Behavior Contract.
I pledge to do the following: _______________________________________________
Deadline for completion: _________________
I understand that if I do not successfully complete this contract by the specified
deadline, I will be suspended from participation in extracurricular activities for the
remainder of the current school year. I understand that if the end of the current school
year is within 4 school weeks of the deadline for completion listed above, failure to
successfully complete this Behavior Contract will result in my suspension for the
remainder of the current school year in addition to the entirety of the next semester.
Student Name:
Parent Name:
Student Signature:
Parent Signature:
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