.co.uk SSOW REF NO:PCSSOW022 Control of rabbits using Long Netting Site: Various Description of work – The capture of rabbits through means of Long Netting. Number of operatives – Two Site safety – The area of the works is to be clearly communicated to client prior to work commencing. Emergency procedures – Line manager to be notified that works are taking place. First aid kits to be carried in technicians vehicles. Risk Assessment – Risk rated as low on assessment documentation Ref: PCRA022 Training – Health and Safety Tool Box talks with reference to lone working and trips, slips and falls. Training specific to the control of rabbits via this and other means. PPE – Safety Shoes, suitable warm clothing, gloves. PRE WORK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Refer to Cannon Task Specific Risk Assessment to familiarise oneself with hazards before starting work. Confirm arrival on site on PDA if required. Carry out signing in procedure as per client’s request. Meet with site contact and inform them about work to be undertaken. Ask site contact if there have been any changes to the building/ operations carried out on the premises since the survey. Obtain permit to work where applicable Ensure all operatives are familiar with the Emergency Action procedure in case of an Emergency or machine breakdown. Complete pre work risk assessment. For all works involving restricted head space where accidental bumping of the head could be involved, a scalp protector (bump cap) MUST be worn. (Bump caps are not a substitute for hard hats when working at heights SEE PCRA006 PCSSOW006). Procedure for Long Netting 10. Each Operative must wear company issued uniform and the correct PPE. 11. On arrival at site the operatives will contact their line manager, or nominated person, to inform them that work is to commence. 12. Prior to commencing the works the operative will walk the site and identify the areas where the Long Netting is to take place. Once identified each area is to be clearly marked with warning posters. 13. The Long Nets are to be transported to the work area in specially designed baskets with adjustable shoulder strap. 14. At least every 5 metre run of Long Net is to be installed by means of supporting on posts. The nets are to be located between the areas where rabbits are grazing and their burrows. 15. When the nets are installed the operative will walk the area in order to drive the rabbits back towards their burrows and into the Long Nets or the nets will be placed around rabbit warrens prior to ferrets been entered to flush the rabbits. 16. All nets will be inspected for rabbits that are caught. 17. The rabbits will be dispatched and removed using an approved method (dislocation of the rabbits neck). 18. If a non target species is entangled in the net it is to be cut free immediately using scissors. 19. The rabbits will then be removed from site and disposed of in an approved method. 20. Make sure all work areas are left in good order. .co.uk SSOW REF NO:PCSSOW022 Control of rabbits using Long Netting 21. The above will be repeated at different locations around the site until all relevant areas have been treated. 22. Before leaving site the operative will inform line manager, or nominated person that the work has finished. 23. COMPLETING THE JOB 24. Ensure work area is left clear of obstruction, materials and any tools used 25. Remove gloves and wash hands. 26. Complete a Cannon treatment report detailing what has been found, what has been done, what recommendations have been made and what products have been used. 27. Carry out necessary data entry on PDA. 28. Talk client through report and obtain signature on report and PDA. 29. Arrange follow up visit 30. Carry out any of client’s booking out procedures (signing out, returning permits etc) 31. Return all products to Cannon van. Emergency Procedures Inform emergency services should accident occur. First aid kits to be available in technicians vehicles. Fire alarm sounds during task N/A on open sites Accident - Stop work immediately; get assistance for any injured persons, cordon off the area if required, report details to the site contact immediately. All accidents must be logged in the clients accident book and reported to ARC; an accident investigation form must also be filled in by the line manager for all accidents / near misses IF IN ANY DOUBT OVER THE SAFETY OF ANY JOB THEN STOP WORK IMMEDIATELY AND CONTACT YOUR SUPERVISOR I have been trained on the Safe Systems of work and will work to the correct procedures within this document. Employee Print………………………………… Employee Signature…………………………… Date…………………………………