Grammar Study 0883-398 Department: DLS LBJ-3771 Professor: Kathleen Eilers crandall Office: LBJ-2264; Phone: 475-5111 TD/V Office Hours: see schedule on door E-Mail: COURSE OBJECTIVES In this course, you will focus on improving your grammar for English reading and writing. No matter what major you are studying, you will need to know how to communicate in English. Improving your grammar is a developmental process, so you must remember and use the English grammar you have learned in previous courses. In this course, you will add to your skills. Your grammar will improve if you try hard and spend enough time and effort on each assignment to do your best. Course Objectives: - To understand your grammar strengths and weaknesses. - To refine selected grammatical structures and sentence structures. - To learn to apply grammar in the reading and writing process. - To develop more confidence in your grammar abilities. COURSE MATERIALS You will use these materials. 1. Grammar for KEC’s Courses Selected chapters from various texts. Eilers-crandall, Kathleen NTID, Rochester, NY current version 2. Longman Dictionary of American English (any edition) Addison-Wesley Longman (online or text version) . 1 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES You need to be an active learner. Out-of-class work and study on English grammar is essential. To learn a language, you must practice it everyday. You will need to make a personal commitment to study and work hard. If you really want to pass this course and improve your writing abilities, you will need to do your assignments and study two or more hours outside of class everyday. You should work on your assignments everyday and come to class ready to discuss your work. In class, you should take notes. After each class, you should review your class notes and your assignments, and you should correct any mistakes you have in your assignments. Then you should do the next assignment. I expect you to take pride in your work and turn in work that is neat and accurate. When you have questions about an assignment, ask questions. There are many ways to get answers to your questions. Come to my office with your work and your questions. Attend the English tutoring sessions for this course with your questions about the Independent Reading assignments. Bring your work and your questions to the English tutors at the NLC English table. ASSIGNMENTS AND GRADES The Assignment Schedule shows the assignments you will have for this class. Remember that learning is up to you. If you really want to improve your writing skills, you need to study and practice reading and writing several hours everyday. 1. Grammar Structures: a. We will discuss selected structures in English grammar. b. You will then practice these structures in your text book. 2. Journals: (40 points) a. You will need to use the structures you are studying in short writing assignments. b. There are 10 journal assignments for homework. c. In class meetings, we will discuss journal entries and then you will revise your entry. d. Completed journals are worth 4 points.. 3. Quizzes: (60 points) a. Quizzes will cover information from discussions and assignments. b. You will take 6 quizzes. c. Quizzes are worth 10 points. 2 4. Attendance: a. You will not get credit for attending class. However, you will lose 10 points toward your overall grade for each 4 absences. GRADES Points for your assignments will be added to determine grades as follows: Grade A B C D F Points 90 to 100 80 to 89 70 to 79 60 to 69 0 to 59 INC I will need to get a written request from you for an Incomplete, and you must have a good reason to receive one. (Students who have earned D or F may request an Incomplete (I), not D or F. These students must take the Grammar course again in the Fall Quarter, 2003-1.) W You will need permission from your career counselor to receive a W. 3 Assignment Schedule Week Content 1 Course Syllabus Structure 1: Sentence Clauses (Independent) Journal 1 2 Structure 2: Sentence Clauses (Dependent) Journal 2 Quiz 1 3 Structure 3: Nouns (Subjects and Objects) Journal 3 4 Structure 4: Verb Forms – Active Journal 4 Quiz 2 5 Structure 5: Verb Forms – Passive Journal 5 6 Quiz 3 Structure 6: Verbals (Infinitives and Gerunds) Journal 6 7 Structure 7: Noun Clauses Journal 7 Quiz 4 8 Structure 8: Adverb Clauses Journal 8 9 Quiz 5 Structure 9: Adjective Clauses Journal 9 10 Structure 10: Class Choice Journal 10 Quiz 6 4