PCA Skin® chemical peels Healthy Skin Clinic 15 Madison St. Huntington N.Y. 11743 (631) 683-4200; healthyskinclinic@gmail.com Patient profile Name: __________________________________________ ___ DOB: ____________ Age: ______ Sex: ______ Address: ____________________________________________ City: ____________________________________ State: ______ Zip: ___________ Home Ph: _____________________ Cell Ph: __________________________ E-mail Adress: Are you pregnant or lactating? Yes ___ No ___ (If so, only the Oxygenating Trio or Detox Gel is appropriate) Do you wear contact lenses? Yes ___ No ___ ( remove contacts if eyes are sensitive) Do you have permanent make-up? Yes ___ No ___ ( if so, to what areas of the face?) ________________________ Do you currently have a sunburn/windburn/red face? Yes___ No___ Why? ___________________________ Are you in the habit of going to tanning booths? Yes___ No___ (if within past three weeks, decline treatment!) Do you currently use or receive depilatories or waxing? Yes___ No___ (Discontinue use 7 days pre and post treatm.) Are you applying any topical medications at this time? Yes___ No___ Which one(s)?________________________ (High percentages of certain ingredients may increase sensitivity) Are you currently using any topical Retinoid prescriptions (Retin-A®/Renova®/Differin®/Tazorac®/Avage®?) Yes___ No___ What strength? _______________ For how long? ___________ (Discontinue use 5-10 days before and after treatment) NOTE: consult your physician before discontinuing use of any prescription. Are you currently using Accutane®? Yes___ No___ How long?_____________ It’s OK to apply ONE layer of Sensi Peel®, Ultra Peel® II, Esthetique Peel® or Oxi Trio to skin that has been treated with Accutane®. Those who are currently taking Accutane® should be directed to their dispensing physician. Have you had a chemical peel or any type of procedure with a medical device? Yes___ No___ (peels should follow injections by 2-5 days to prevent movement of the filler). Have you recently had facial surgery? Yes___ No___ Describe:_______________ How long ago?__________ Have you recently had laser resurfacing? Yes___ No___ When?_____________ What kind?_________________ What type of work do you do?__________________ Regular airline travel? Yes___ No___ How often?__________ Do you participate in vigorous aerobic activity or sports? Yes___ No___ What type?_________________________ Do you smoke or use tobacco? Yes___ No___ Do you develop cold sores/fever blisters? Yes___ No___ Last breakout?__________________________________ Are you allergic/sensitive to: (check all that apply) milk___ apples___ citrus___ grapes___ aloe vera___ aspirin___ perfumes___ lates___ hydroquinone___ mushrooms___ If any other allergies, what?____________ Are you sensitive to alcohol-based products? Yes___ No___ Have you ever used any other products that caused a bad reaction? Yes___ No___ Describe:_________________ Are you taking any medication at this time? (antibiotics may increase sensitivity) _____________________________ What is your hereditary background?________________________________________________________________ Natural eye color: Blue___ Green___ Hazel___ Gray___ Lt.Brown___ Med.Brown___ Dk.Brown___ Natural hair color: Blonde__ Red__ Lt.Brown__ Med.Brown__ Dk.Brown__ Black__ Gray/Silver__ White__ Skin tone: Pale/White__ Light__ Medium__ Reddish__ Freckled__ Lt.Olive__ Med.Olive__ Dk.Olive__ Lt.Brown__ Med.Brown__ Dk.Brown__ Soft Black__ Black__ Sallow__ Do you consider your skin: Sensitive___ Resilient___ Not sure?___ Describe your skin (check all that apply): Thick__ Thin__ Saggy__ Firm__ Normal__ Dry__ T/Zone/Combination__ Oily__ Acne__ Comedones/Blackheads__ Milia__ Cysts__ Breakouts__ Acnescarred__ Large pores__ Small pores__ Florid__ Rosacea__ Eczema__ Freckled__ Sun-damaged__ Uneven/blotchy__ Mature__ Wrinkled__ Patchy dryness on__ Sallow__ Melasma__ Perfume-stained__ Hypopigmentation__ Psoriasis__ Hyperpigmentation__ Dehydrated (lacking moisture)__ Asphyxiated__ Telangiectasia/broken surfacecapillaries__ What is your daily care regimen? ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are the cosmetic improvements you would like to see in your skin? ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Consent form Continued treatment Consent Prior to receiving treatment, I have been candid in revealing any condition that may Have bearing on this procedure, such as: pregnancy (if so, consult your physician prior to treatment), recent facial surgery, allergies, tendency to cold sores/fever blisters, use of Retin-A®, Accutane®, Differin®, Tazorac® or Avage®. Date Initials I understand there may be some degree of discomfort; i.e.: stinging, pin-prickling sensation, heat, or tightness. I understand there are no guarantees as to the results of this treatment, due to many variables, such as: age, condition of skin, sun damage, smoking, climate, etc. I understand I may or may not actually peel, that each case is individual. I understand this treatment is a cosmetic treatment and that no medical claims are expressed or implied. I understand that to achieve maximum results, I may need several treatments. I understand that although complications are very rare, sometimes they may occur and that prompt treatment is necessary. In the event of any complications, I will immediately contact the doctor/clinician who performed the treatment. I agree to refrain from tanning in tanning booths while I am undergoing treatment, and during the 14 days following the end of treatment. I understand that extended direct sun exposure is prohibited while I am undergoing treatment, and the daily use of sunscreen protection with a minimum of SPF 15 is mandatory. I have not had any other chemical peel of any kind within 14 days of the treatment. I understand I cannot have another treatment within 14 days of this treatment, whether it is performed at this location or any other location. I hereby agree to all of the above and agree to have this treatment be performed on me. I further agree to follow all post-peel care instructions as I am directed. Signature: _______________________________________________ Initials: _________ Signature of Clinician: _____________________________________ Signature of Witness: ______________________________________ Date: _________________________