CIRCULATING LIBRARY This bibliography lists circulating library materials that IHA members may borrow from the Illinois Heritage Association for a four-week period. The bibliography is divided into subject categories with subheadings: Administration General Development Collections Care Management Historic Preservation General Conservation Local Reference History General Art Illinois Local Reference Research and Interpretation General Cookbooks Costumes Programming Reference Special Audiences Reference Some bibliographic entries overlap in scope, so users should consult more than one section when searching for a specific publication. If you are searching for an item not included in this bibliography, contact the IHA office to determine if it has been added to the collection. More information about some titles may be found at Book Reviews. The following abbreviations are used throughout: AAM—American Association of Museums; AASLH– American Association for State and Local History; IHA–Illinois Heritage Association; pb–paperback. Materials in the IHA vertical files also may be borrowed by members. These include pertinent articles from professional journals; information sheets; products and services information; data about museums, historic sites, and preservation management policies; and forms used in administering museums and other history-related organizations. For additional information, or to borrow titles, contact plm(at)illinoisheritage(dot)org, or phone 217-3595600. COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS (Care) AAM. Caring for Collections: Strategies for Conservation, Maintenance, and Documentation. Washington, D.C.: AAM, 1984. 44 pp., pb. Appelbaum, Barbara. Guide to Environmental Protection of Collections. Madison, Conn.: Sound View Press, 1991. 272 pp. Barclay, R. L. The Care of Musical Instruments in Canadian Collections. Technical Bulletin No. 4. Ottawa, Can.: Canadian Conservation Institute, 1980. Revised 1982. 40 pp., pb. Brandt, Margaret W. Neat and Nifty Needlepoint. Jenkintown, Pa.: Margaret W. Brandt, 1983. 24 pp., pb. Cennini, Cennino D'Andrea. The Craftsman's Handbook. New York: Dover, 1960. (Reprint of 15thcentury treatise.) 142 pp. Clapp, Anne F. Curatorial Care of Works of Art on Paper. Oberlin, Ohio: Intermuseum Conservation Association, 1978. 135 pp., pb. Cole, Susan. Family Papers. Preservation Guide 1. New Orleans: Historic New Orleans Collection, 1983. 13 pp., pamphlet. Cornman, Maura F. The Care of Historic Collections. n.p., 1985. 105 pp., pb. Cowan, Janet. Dry Methods for Surface Cleaning of Paper. Technical Bulletin 11. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Conservation Institute, 1986. 20 pp., pb. Davis, Nancy. Curatorial Housewifery: Housekeeping for Historic Properties. Columbia, Md.: AASLH, 1995. Mimeographed copy. ———. Handle with Care: Preserving Your Heirlooms. Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Museum and Science Center, 1991. 31 pp., pb. Dawson, John E. Solving Museum Insect Problems: Chemical Control. CCI Technical Bulletin 15. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Conservation Institute, 1992. 56 pp., pb. Deiss, William A. Museum Archives: An Introduction. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1999. 37 pp., pb. de Torres, Amparo R. Collections Care: A Selected Bibliography. Washington D.C.: National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 1990. 119 pp., pb. Dolloff, Francis W., and Roy L. Perkinson. How to Care for Works of Art on Paper. 4th ed. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1985. 48 pp., pb. Doms, Keith, ed. Preservation of Library Materials. Reprinted from PLA Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Library Association 28, no. 6 (Nov. 1973). 32 pp., Pamphlet. Donnelly, Maureen A. Furniture. Preservation Guide 4. New Orleans: Historic New Orleans Collection, 1987. 13 pp., pamphlet. Ellis, Margaret Holben. The Care of Prints and Drawings. Nashville, Tenn: AASLH, 1987. 251 pp., pb. Fall, Frieda Kay. Art Objects: Their Care and Preservation. Vol. 1. Washington, D.C.: Museum Publications, 1967. 114 pp., pb. Finch, Karen, and Greta Putnam. Caring for Textiles. London: Barrie and Jenkins, 1977. 104 pp. Gettens, Rutherford J., and George L. Stout, comps. Painting Materials: A Short Encyclopaedia. 1942. Reprint. N.Y.: Dover, 1966. 333 pp., pb. Guldbeck, Per E. The Care of Antiques and Historical Collections. 2nd ed., revised and expanded by A. Bruce MacLeish. Nashville: AASLH, 1985. 248 pp., pb. ———. The Care of Historical Collections. Nashville: AASLH, 1972. 160 pp., pb. Hansen, Eric F., and Chandra L. Reedy, eds. Research Priorities in Art and Architectural Conservation. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 1994. 180 pp., pb. Harpers Ferry Regional Textile Group. Textiles and Museum Lighting. n.p.: Harpers Ferry Regional Textile Group, 1980. 151 pp., pb. ———. Textile Treatments Revisited. Washington, D.C.: Harpers Ferry Regional Textile Group, 1986. 114 pp., pb. Hartley, Emily J. The Care and Feeding of Baskets. n.p.: Emily J. Hartley, 1981. 45 pp., pb. An Introduction to Materials. Science for Conservators, Book 1. London: Crafts Council, 1982. 112 pp., pb. Jedrzejewska, Hanna. Problems in the Conservation of Textiles: Needle versus Adhesive. Ottawa: ICOM Committee for Conservation, 1981. Johnson, E. Verner, and Joanne C. Horgan. Museum Collection Storage. Protection of the Cultural Heritage—Technical Handbooks for Museums and Monuments, no. 2. Paris: UNESCO, 1979. 56 pp., pb. Keck, Caroline K. Basic Tender Loving Care for Paintings. Association Techniques, vol. 4. Rochester, N.Y.: Western New York Association of Historical Agencies, 1988. Pamphlet. ———. A Handbook on the Care of Paintings. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications for AASLH, 1965. 136 pp., pb. ———. How to Take Care of Your Pictures. New York: Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1954. 54 pp., pb. ———. Safeguarding Your Collection in Travel. Nashville: AASLH, 1970. 78 pp., pb. Knell, Simon, ed. Care of Collections. London: Routledge, 1994. 295 pp., pb. Lafontaine, Raymond H. Silica Gel. Technical Bulletin No. 10. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Conservation Institute, 1984. 34 pp., pb. Lambert, Anne M. Storage of Textiles and Costumes: Guidelines for Decision Making. Vancouver, B.C.: University of British Columbia Museum of Anthropology, 1983. 126 pp., pb. Lawrence, John H. Photographs. Preservation Guide 2. New Orleans: Historic New Orleans Collection, 1983. 13pp., Pamphlet. Lemberg, Rolf. Die Textilabteilung der Abegg-Stiftung Bern. Monographien der Abegg-Stiftung Bern, no.3. Bern: Abegg-Stiftung Bern, 1970. 40 pp., pb. McCann, Michael. Artist Beware. New York: Watson-Guptill, 1979. 378 pp. McGiffin, Robert F., Jr. A Current Status Report on Fumigation in Museums and Historical Agencies. Technical Report 4. Nashville: AASLH, 1985. 16 pp., pb. ———. Furniture Care and Conservation. Nashville: AASLH, 1983. 233 pp. ———. Furniture Care and Conservation. Rev. 3rd ed. Nashville: AASLH, 1992. 235 pp., pb. McWilliams, Jerry. The Preservation and Restoration of Sound Recordings. Nashville: AASLH, 1979. 138 pp., pb. Mailand, Harold F. Considerations for the Care of Textiles and Costumes: A Handbook for the NonSpecialist. Indianapolis: Indianapolis Museum of Art, 1978. 24 pp., pb. ———. Considerations for the Care of Textiles and Costumes: A Handbook for the Non-Specialist. 3rd rev. ed. Indianapolis: Indianapolis Museum of Art, 1980. 24 pp., pb. Massari, Giovanni. Humidity in Monuments. Rome: International Centre for the Study of Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, 1977. 47 pp., pb. Morrow, Carolyn Clark, and Carole Dyal. Conservation Treatment Procedures: A Manual of Step-byStepProcedures for the Maintenance and Repair of Library Materials. 2nd ed. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1986. 225 pp., pb. Muller, Chris. Environmental Control for Museums, Libraries and Archival Storage Areas. Draft Copy. N.p.: Purafil, 1989. 57 pp., pb. National Conservation Advisory Council. Conservation Treatment Facilities in the United States. Washington, D.C.: National Conservation Advisory Council, 1980. 44 pp., pamphlet. National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property. Training for Collections Care and Maintenance: A Suggested Curriculum. Volume 1: Archaeology and Ethnography. Washington D.C.: National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 1990. 103 pp., pb. ———. Training for Collections Care and Maintenance: A Suggested Curriculum. Volume 2: History. Washington D.C.: National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 1991. 92 pp., pb. National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property. Training for Collections Care and Maintenance: A Suggested Curriculum. Volume 3: Natural Sciences. Washington D.C.: National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 1991. 94 pp., pb. ———. Training for Collections Care and Maintenance: A Suggested Curriculum. Volume 4: Fine Arts. Washington D.C.: National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 1991. 70 pp., pb. National Research Council. Committee on Hazardous Substances in the Laboratory. Prudent Practices for Handling Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1981. 291 pp. Ogden, Sherelyn, ed. Preservation of Library and Archival Materials. Washington, D.C.: American Association of Museums, Northeast Document Conservation Center, Professional Practice Series, 1994. 223 pp., pb. Ontario Museum Association and Toronto Area Archivists Group. Museum and Archival Supplies Handbook. 3rd ed., rev. and expanded. Ontario, Can.: Ontario Museum Association and Toronto Area Archivists Group, 1978. 174 pp., pb. O'Reilly, Priscilla. Paintings. Preservation Guide 3. New Orleans: Historic New Orleans Collection, 1986. 13 pp., pamphlet. Pearce, Susan M. Museums, Objects, and Collections: A Cultural Study. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992. 307 pp., pb. Peterson, Harold L. How Do You Know It's Old? A Practical Handbook on the Detection of Fakes for the Antique Collector and Curator. New York: Scribner's, 1975. 166 pp. Plenderleith, H. J., and A. E. A. Werner. The Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art. 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1971. 394 pp. Print Council of America. Guidelines for Lending Works of Art on Paper. Cambridge, Mass.: Print Council of America, 1995. 34 pp. pamphlet. Puentes, Nancy O'Brien. First Aid for Family Quilts. Wheatridge, Co0l.: Moon over the Mountain Publishing Company, 1986. 34 pp. Rath, Frederick, and Merrilyn O'Connell. A Bibliography on Historical Organization Practices. Vol. 2: Conservation of Collections. Nashville: AASLH, 1975. 107 pp. Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn. Archives and Manuscripts: Conservation, A Manual on Physical Care and Management. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1983. 144 pp., pb. Sax, N. Irving. Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 5th ed. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979. 1118 pp. Schlichting, Carl. Working with Polyethylene Foam and Fluted Plastic Sheet. CCI Technical Bulletin 4. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Conservation Institute, 1994. 39 pp., pb. School of Human Resources and Family Studies, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. The Care of Historical Garments and Textiles. Urbana Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, 1988. 21 pp., pb. Smith, Merrily A., comp. Matting and Hinging of Works of Art on Paper. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1981. 32 pp., pb. Smithsonian Institution. Basic Museum Protection. Proceedings of a conference on the protection of cultural property, Chicago, March 13-16, 1990. 401 pp., pb. Strang, Thomas J. K., and John E. Dawson. Controlling Museum Fungal Problems. Technical Bulletin 12. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Conservation Institute, 1991. 16 pp., pb. ———. Controlling Vertebrate Pests in Museums. Technical Bulletin No. 13. Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Conservation Institute, 1991. 20 pp., pb. Stuckert, Caroline M. Cataloging from Scratch: A Manual for Cataloging Undocumented Collections in Small Museums. Havertown, Pa.: MACC Associates, 1991. 99 pp., booklet. Thomson, Garry. The Museum Environment. London: Butterworths, 1978. 270 pp. Toledo Museum of Art. Museum News: Conservation of Art. Toledo, Ohio: Toledo Museum of Art, n.d. 20 pp., pb. Torraca, Giorgio. Solubility and Solvents for Conservation Problems. 2nd ed. Rome: International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property, 1978. 60 pp., 1978. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Removing Stains from Fabrics. Home and Garden Bulletin 62. Rev. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1978. 26 pp., pamphlet. Warren, Susanne R., ed. Introduction to Archival Organization and Description. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Trust, 1998. 66 pp., pb. Western Australian Museum. Department of Material Conservation and Restoration. Conservation and Restoration for Small Museums. 2nd ed. Perth, Western Australia: Western Australian Museum, 1981. 101 pp., pb. Wilhelm, Henry, and Carol Brower. The Permanence and Care of Color Photographs: Traditional and Digital Color Prints, Color Negatives, Slides and Motion Pictures. Grinnell, Iowa: Preservation Publishing Company, 1993. 853 pp. Williams, John C., ed. Preservation of Paper and Textiles of Historic and Artistic Value II. Advances in Chemistry Series 193. Washington, D.C. American Chemical Society, 1981. 355 pp. Williams, Marc A., ed. “Upholstery Conservation.” Preprints of a symposium held at Colonial Williamsburg, February 2-4, 1990. East Kingston, N.H.: American Conservation Consortium, 1990. 462 pp., pb. Woods, Jennifer. How to Make Paste Papers. Philadelphia: Library Company of Philadelphia, 1988. Pamphlet. Zigrosser, Carl, and Christa M. Gaehde. A Guide to the Collecting and Care of Original Prints. New York: Crown Publishers, 1965. 120 pp. COLLECTIONS (Management) Anderson, Linda W. Libraries for Small Museums. Reprint. Columbia, Mo.: U. of Missouri at Columbia, 1972. 80 pp., pb. Blackaby, James R., Patricia Greeno, and the Nomenclature Committee. The Revised Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging: A Revised and Expanded Version of Robert G. Chenhall's System for Classifying Man-Made Objects. Nashville: AASLH, 1988. 520 pp. Buck, Rebecca, and Jean Allman Gilmore. Museum Registration Methods. 5th ed. Washington, D.C.: American Association of Museums Press, 2010. 516 pp., pb. Carmicheal, David W. Organizing Archival Records: A Practical Method of Arrangement and Description for Small Archives. 2nd ed. Walnut Creek, Calif.: Alta Mira Press, 2004. 97 pp., pb. Chenhall, Robert G. Museum Cataloging in the Computer Age. Nashville: AASLH, 1975. 261 pp. ———. Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging: A System for Classifying Man-Made Objects. Nashville: AASLH, 1978. 512 pp. Duckett, Kenneth W. Modern Manuscripts: A Practical Manual for Their Management, Care, and Use. Nashville: AASLH, 1975. 375 pp. Dudley, Dorothy H., et al. Museum Registration Methods. 3rd ed., revised. Washington, D.C.: AAM, 1979. 437 pp., pb. Dudley, Dorothy H., Irma Bezold Wilkinson, et al. Museum Registration Methods. 2nd ed. Washington, D.C.: AAM, 1968. 294 pp. Gardner, James B., and Elizabeth E. Merritt. The AAM Guide to Collections Planning. Washington, D.C.: AAM, 2004. 101 pp., pb. Guldbeck, Jan. Collections Management Procedures. Association Techniques, vol. 5. Rochester, N.Y.: Western New York Association of Historical Agencies, 1988. pamphlet. Hoachlander, Marjorie E. Profile of a Museum Registrar. Washington, D.C.: Academy for Educational Development, July 1979. 120 pp., pb. Jones, H. G. Local Government Records: An Introduction to Their Management, Preservation, and Use. Nashville: AASLH, 1980. 208 pp., pb. Kane, Lucile M. A Guide to the Care and Administration of Manuscripts. 2nd ed. Nashville: AASLH, 1966. 74 pp., pb. Malaro, Marie C. A Legal Primer on Managing Museum Collections. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1985. 351 pp. ———. A Legal Primer on Managing Museum Collections. 2nd ed. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Books, 1998. 507 pp., pb. Pederson, Ann, ed. Keeping Archives. Sydney, Australia: Australian Society of Archives Incorporated, 1987. 374 pp., pb. Perry, Kenneth D., ed. The Museum Forms Book. Austin: Texas Association of Museums, 1980. 380 pp., pb. Pinninger, David. Insect Pests in Museums. London: Archetype Publications, 1994. 58pp., pb. Rath, Frederick, and Merrilyn O'Connell, comps. A Bibliography on Historical Organization Practices, Vol. IV: Documentation of Collections. Nashville: AASLH, 1975. 218 pp. Reibel, Daniel B. Registration Methods for the Small Museum. Nashville: AASLH, 1978. 160 pp., pb. ———. Registration Methods for the Small Museum. 2nd, rev. ed. Nashville: AASLH, 1991. 246 pp., pb. ———. Registration Methods for the Small Museum. 3rd ed. Walnut Creek, Calif.: Alta Mira Press, 1997. 192 pp. pub. Thompson, Enid T. Local History Collections: A Manual for Librarians. Nashville: AASLH, 1978. 99 pp., pb. Vance, David, et al. Computers in the Museum. White Plains, N.Y.: International Business Machines Corporation, 1973. 69 pp., pb. Williams, David W. A Guide to Museum Computing. Nashville: AASLH, 1987. 181 pp., pb.