Bilingualism Policy - Amazon Web Services


Trowbridge Primary


Bilingualism Policy

‘Learning Together To Be The Best’

JUNE 2011

The policy will be reviewed in June 2012 or as necessary

Signed Headteacher ……………………………………….

Chair of Governors …………………………………………

Date adopted by Governing body ……………………….

Trowbridge Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Trowbridge

Policy for Bilingualism

Polisi Dwyieithrwydd


In 2000 the Welsh Assembly Government asserted its commitment to the Welsh language and bilingualism stating that by 2010:

“The proportion of the entire population which can speak Welsh should have grown, with the greatest increase amongst young people.”

“Iaith Pawb” (the National Action Plan for a Bilingual Wales) noted the following as a key target:

“By 2011, the percentage of the population of Wales that is able to speak Welsh will have increased by 5% from the figure highlighted in the 2001 census.”


Bilingualism is defined as an ability to speak, read and write in two languages. Bilingualism also offers pupils the added benefits of being able to communicate in two languages and an awareness of two cultures. Research has shown that the earlier a child is exposed to more than one language, the more likely she/he will learn to use and become fluent in both languages.

The children, parents, governors and staff at Trowbridge Primary School have a diverse range of linguistic backgrounds. It is a multi-cultural and multi-lingual environment. Some pupils enter the school able to speak at least one language in addition to English.

Other children enter the school with little or no experience of English. This presents the school with a unique challenge in developing children’s bilingualism. However, the school also recognises the advantages many of its already bilingual pupils have in being able to learn Welsh.


1. To enrich the cultural experience of pupils and staff.

2. To develop and extend pupils' ability as listeners, speakers, readers and writers of the Welsh language.

3. To enhance pupils' competence and confidence in the use of the Welsh language in and outside the classroom.

4. To develop the skills and confidence of all staff in order to ensure a consistent approach towards developing bilingualism.

5. To work in partnership with the Athrawes Fro.

Role of Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team:

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To act as role models to pupils, staff and parents in using incidental welsh in a range of different circumstances and situations.

To ensure that all staff receive appropriate training and support either from the

Athrawes Fro, bilingual staff or form external courses.

To develop a bilingual ethos through ensuring the school environment reflects the culture and heritage of Wales. This is achieved through bilingual signs, displays and artefacts.

To monitor and evaluate the quality of bilingual provision within the school.

Role of subject leader:

To act as an effective role model in promoting the Welsh language to pupils and staff.

To work in partnership with the Athrawes Fro to review bilingual provision and to plan strategies for its continual development.

To support and encourage colleagues when appropriate and according to their needs.

To monitor the effectiveness of the Welsh Second Language Policy and Scheme of

Wo rk in developing pupil’s abilities to speak, read, write and understand Welsh.

To review and manage resources that promote and endorse bilingualism.

Role of teachers:

Promote bilingualism in subjects other than Welsh and situations in and outside the classroom.

Develop an inspiring bilingual classroom environment.

Reward children for using incidental welsh informally. eg “Seren yr Wythnos” or

‘’Helpwr Y Dydd’ weekly award.

Planning and Resources:

Scheme of Work for Welsh 2 nd Language, including the LEA’s “Gyda’n Gilydd” for

Year 6, promotes pupil’s and teacher’s knowledge and understanding of welsh vocabulary and sentence patterns to use incidentally.

Progression in Incidental Welsh is planned to ensure that year groups develop bilingual skills at an appropriate level.

 “Phrase of the week” is planned and displayed in the staff room. Flashcards are used in the classroom to remind the pupils.

Booklets with phrases to use in everyday situations are used alongside the phrase of the week to extend language.

Training and Development

All staff receive inschool and external training from Cardiff’s advisory service.

The Athrawes Fro works alongside teachers and provides further support to the SLT, subject leaders and school teams to promote confidence and develop the skills of all staff.

Individual staff receive further training according to need.

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