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2 – Mark Questions And Answers
Class : II MCA
Sem : 04
Unit I - Introduction
1. What is a Software development methodology?
A software development methodology is a series of processes that, if followed,
can lead to be development of an application. The software processes describe how the
work is to be carried out to achieve the original goal based on the system requirements.
2. What are the two orthogonal views of the software?
Object oriented system development and traditional system development.
3. Why is an Object Orientation?
The system are easier to adapt to changing requirements, easier to maintain, more
robust, and promote greater design and code reuse.
1. Higher level of abstraction – the top-down approach supports abstraction at the
function level. The object-oriented approach supports abstraction at the object
2. Seamless transition among different phases of software development. – The
tradition approach to software development requires different styles and
methodologies for each step of the process.
3. Encouragement of good programming techniques.
4. Promotion of reusability
4. Define Object
Object is a real world entity, identifiably separate from its surroundings, has a
set of attributes and a well-defined set of procedures or methods. Properties (or
attributes) describe the state (data) of an object. Methods (procedures) define its behavior.
Object means a combination of data and logic that represents some real-world entity.
(Eg) Car is an object
Color, manufacturer, cost, owner etc are attributes.
Drive it, look it, carry passengers in it are all methods.
5. Why do we go for object oriented system development?
The motivation factor behind object-oriented system development is the desire to
make software development easier and more natural by raising the level of abstraction to
the point where the level of abstraction to the point where applications can be
implemented in the same terms n which they are described by users.
6. Write about the traditional development methodologies?
Most traditional development methodologies are either algorithm centric or data centric.
a. Algorithm-centric methodology
You think of an algorithm that can accomplish the task, and then build
data structures for that algorithm to use.
b. Data-centric methodology
You think how to structure the data, and then build the algorithm around
that structure.
7. What are the difference between the object-oriented systems and their traditional
Traditional DevelopmentMethodologies
Object - oriented System: It is either algorithm centric or data centric.
The algorithm and the data structures are packaged together as an object. Tends toward writing a
lot of code to do all the things that has to be done. You are the only active entity; the code, is a
lot of building materials This is more like employing a lot of helpers that take on an active role
and form a community whose interactions become the application.
8. Give a brief note on object behavior
Object behavior is described in methods or procedures. Behavior denotes
the collection of methods that abstractly describes what an object is capable of doing.
Each procedure defines and describes a particular behavior of an object. Methods
encapsulate the behavior of the object. Objects take responsibility for their own behavior.
9. Define information hiding?
Information hiding is the principle of concealing the internal data and procedures
of an object and providing an interface to each object in such a way as to reveal as little
as possible about its inner workings.
An object is often said to encapsulate the date and a program. Per-class protection.
Class methods can access any object of that class and not just the receiver
Per-object Protection. Methods can access only the receiver.
10. What do you mean by polymorphism?
Ploy means “many” and morph means “form”. Polymorphism means that the
same operation may behave differently on different classes. Polymorphism allows us to
write generic, reusable code more easily because we can specify general instructions and
delegate the implementation details to the objects involved.
11. What do you mean by consumer – producer association?
It is also known as client-server association. It uses relationship. It is a one-way
interaction in which one object requests the service of another object.
The object that makes the request is the consumer or client and the object receives the
request and provides the service is the producer or server.
Printer Server Request for Printing Item
12. Write about static and dynamic binding?
Static binding The process of determining which functions to invoke at compile time is
as static binding. Static binding optimizes the calls.
Dynamic binding The process of determining which functions to invoke at runtime are
called as
dynamic binding. They occur when polymorphic calls are issued. Not all function
invocations require dynamic binding.
13. Define object persistence
A file or a database can provide support for objects having a longer lifeline,
longer than the duration of the process for which they were created. This is called object
persistence. An object can persist beyond application session boundaries; during which
the object is stored in a file or database. The object can be retrieved in an other
application session and will have same state and relationship.
14. Define meta-classes.
If a class is an object, it must belong to a class which is called as meta-class or a
class of classes. All the objects are instances of a class and all classes are instances of a
meta-class. Meta-classes are used by the complier.
15. What do you mean by software development process?
The software development process consists of Analysis, Design, implementation,
Testing, Refinement. The essence of software development process is to transform users
needs into a software solutions that satisfies those needs. The main point is to build highquality
16. Explain briefly the waterfall approach.
a. It starts with deciding what is to be done.
b. Once the requirements have been determined, we next must decide how to accomplish
c. Followed by a step in which we do it.
d. We then must test the result to see if we have satisfied the users requirements.
e. Finally we use what we have done.
17. Define Collaboration.
The object-oriented programming community has adopted use-cases to a
remarkable degree. Scenarios are a great way of examining who does what in the
interactions among objects and what role they play; that is their interrelationships. This
intersection among objects roles to achieve given goal is called collaboration.
18. Write about the 80-20 rule.
a. Documentation is another important activity, which does not end with objectoriented
analysis but should be carried out through out the system development.
b. The 80-20 rule generally appliers for documentation:
80 percent of the work can be done with 20 percent of the documentation.
19. Define prototype. Given the types of prototype.
A prototype is a version of a software product developed in the early stages of the
product’s life cycle for specific, experimental purposes. A prototype enables you to fully
understand how easy or difficult it will be to implement some of the features of the
system. It also given users a chance to comment on the usability and usefulness of the
user interface design.
Prototypes have been categorized in various ways.
Horizontal Prototype
Vertical Prototype
Analysis Prototype
Domain Prototype
20. Write a brief note on RAD
a. Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a set of tools and techniques that can
be used to build an application faster than typically possible with traditional
b. The developer sacrifices the quality of the product for the quicker delivery.
c. RAD does not replace the system development life cycle but complements it since
it focuses more on process description and can be combined perfectly with the
object-oriented approach.
d. The main objective of RAD is to build a version of an application rapidly to see
whether the system does what it is supposed to do.
e. RAD involves a number of iterations. RAD encourages the incremental
development approach.
21. What are the steps in Macro Development process?
It serves as a controlling framework for the micro process. The primary concern
of the macro process is technical management of the system. It consist of the flowing
1. Conceptualization
2. Analysis and development of the model
3. Design or create the system Architecture
4. Evolution or implementation- Refine the system through many iteration.
5. Maintenance- Make localized changes to the system to add new requirements and
eliminate bug.
22. What are the steps in the Micro Development Process?
It is a description of the day to day activities by a single or small group of software
It consists of the following steps
1. Identify classes and objects
2. Identify classes and object semantics
3. Identify classes and object relationships
4. Identify classes and object interfaces and implementations.
23. What are the diagrams used in Booch methodology?
Class diagrams, Object diagrams, State transition diagrams, Module diagrams,
Process diagrams, Interaction diagrams.
24. Define Patterns
The design pattern identifies the key aspects of a common design structure that
make it useful for creating a reusable Object Oriented Design. Furthermore, it identifies
the participating classes and instances, their roles and collaborations, and the distribution
of responsibilities. It describes when it applies, whether it can be applied in view of other
design constraints and the consequences and trade-offs of its use.
Good pattern do the following
1. It solves a problem
2. It is concept not theories
3. The solution is not exactly.
4. It describes a relationship
5. The pattern has a significant human component.
25. Define Pattern Template:
Every pattern must be expressed “in the form of rule” which is called as a
template. It should establish a relationship between a context, a system of forces which
arises in the context, and a configuration. Components of pattern recognizable:
Name:- A meaningful name, refer the pattern and the knowledge and structure it
Problem:- The goals and objectives it wants to reach within the given context
Context:- The preconditions under which the problem. It can be thought of as the initial
configuration of the system.
26. What is Anti patterns ?
A pattern represents a “best practice”. Anti pattern represents “Worst pattern”.
2 types
1. Bad solution to a problem that resulted in a bad situation.
2. To get out of a bad situation and how to proceed from there to a good
Unit – II Methodology And UML
1.What is meant by OMT?
It is a method for analysis,design,implementation of a system using an object
oriented technique.OMT is a fast intuitive approach for identifying and modeling all the
objects making up a system.
2.Give the phases of OMT model?
2.system design
3.object design
3.How OMT separates modeling?
Object model
Dynamic model
Functional model
4.What does the object model specifies?
The object model describes the structure of objects in a system:their Identity,relationships
to other objects,attributes and operations.this model is represented graphically with an object
5.What does the OMT functional model specifies?
The OMT dataflow diagram shows the flow of data between different processes in a
6.Give the four symbols used in dataflow diagram?
Data flow
Data store
External entity
7.Write about Booch Methodology?
This methodology is a widely used object-oriented method that helos you design your
system using the object paradigm.It covers the analysis and design phases of an object-oriented
8.List the diagram present in the Booch methodology?
Class diagram
Object diagram
State transition diagrams
Module diagrams
Process diagrams
Interaction diagrams
9.what are the steps involved in Macro development process?
2.Analysis and development of the model
3.Design or create the system architecture
4.Evolution or implementation
10.What are the steps involved in micro development process?
Identify classes and objects
Identify class and object semantics
Identify calss and object relationships
Identify class and object interfaces and implementation
11.Define OOSE?
Object-oriented software engineering(OOSE),also called objectory,is a
method of object-oriented development with the specific aim to fit the development of
large,real-time systems
12.Give the models of OOSE?
UseCase Model
Domain object Model Analysis Object Model
Test Model
13.What are the phases of Object-oriented business engineering?
Analysis phase
Design and implementation phase
Testing phase
14.What is meant by proto-pattern?
A “pattern in waiting”,which is not known to recur,sometimes called a proto-pattern.
15.Give the tasks carried out by the patterns?
It solves a problem
It is a proven concept
The solution is not obvious
It describes a relationship
The pattern has a significant human component
16.What are the essential components of patterns?
Resulting context
Related patterns
Known users
17.What is meant by pattern mining?
The process of looking for patterns to document is called pattern mining.
18.What is a framework?
A framework is a way of representing a generic solution to a problem that can be applied
to all levels in a development.
19.What are the steps involved in OOA process?
Identify the actors
Develop a simple business process model using UML activity diagram
Develop the usecase
Develop interaction diagrams Identify classes
20.What are the responsibility of the access layers?
Translate request Translate results
Unit – III Object Oriented Analysis
1. What are the approaches for identifying classes?
The noun phrase approach, the common class patterns approach, the use case driven,
sequence/collaboration modeling approach and the classes responsibilities and collaborators
(CRC) approach.
2. What is noun phrase approach?
Nouns in the textual description are considered to be classes and verbs to be methods of
the classes. All plurals are changed to singular , the nouns are listed and the list divided into
relevant classes, fuzzy classes and irrelevant class.
3. What are the tools in Analysis?
Examination of existing system, Interviews, Questionnaire, Observation
4. Define CRC in Approaches?
CRC is a technique used for identifying classes responsibilities and therefore their
attributes and methods.
5. What are the types of relation ship among objects?
1. Association
2. Super sub Structure
3. Aggregation and a – part – of structure.
6. What is Object oriented Design Axioms?
An axioms is a fundamental truth that always is observed to be valid and for which there
is no counter example or exception.
Axiom1: The independence axiom. Maintain the independence of components.
Axiom2: The information axiom: Minimize the information content of the design
7. What is Coupling and Cohesion?
Coupling – it is measure of the strength of association established by a connection from
one object to another.
Degree of coupling : Very high (Content coupling), High (Common), Medium ( control)
,Low (Stamp) Very Low ( Data)
Cohesive : interaction between single objects.
8. What are the types of corollary in Object Oriented Design?
Uncoupled design with less information content.
Single purpose.
Large number of simple classes
Strong mapping
Design with inheritance.
9. What are the names of coupling?
Content Coupling
Common coupling
Control Coupling
Stamp Coupling
Data Coupling
10. What are the Steps in CRC process?
Consist of 3 steps
1. Identify classes responsibilities
2. Assign responsibilities
3. Identify collaborators.
11. What is Common Class patterns?
Common class pattern is based on a knowledge base of the common classes that have
been proposed by various researchers. Class names are Concept class, Events class, Organization
class, People class, Places class, Tangible things and devices class
12. What is use case driven Approach: Identifying classes and their behaviors through
sequence / Collaboration modeling?
Modeling with use cases is a recommended aid in finding the objects of a system and is
the technique used by the unified approach. The process of creating sequence or collaboration
diagrams is a systematic way to think about how a use case can take place and by doing so, it
forces you to think about objects involved in your applications.
13. What is naming Classes?
Naming classes is an important activity. Here are guidelines are
1. The class name should be singular
2. for naming classes is that you should use names with which the users or clients
are comfortable.
3. the name of a class should reflect its intrinsic nature.
4. Use readable name. Capitalize class names. By convention, the class name
must being with an upper case letter.
14. Explain the Association?
Association represents a physical or conceptual connection between two or more objects.
The association name can be omitted if the relationship is obvious. In some cases, you will want
to provide names for the role played by the individual classes making up the relationship.
Identifying association:
15. What is Super –sub class relationship?
It represents inheritance relationships between related classes, and the class hierarchy
determines the lines of inheritance between classes. Super class – sub class relationships, also
known as generalization hierarchy, allow object to be built from other objects. Such relationships
also us to explicitly take advantage of the commonality of objects when constructing new
classes. Inheritance allows classes to share and reuse behavior and attributes.
16. What is a part of relationships – Aggregation?
It represents the situation where a class consist of several components classes. A class
that is composed of other classes does not behave like its parts, actually, it behaves very
1. Transitivity
2. Anti symmetry
17. Write about Uncoupled design with less information content?
Uncoupled design with less information content. Highly cohesive objects can improve
coupling because only a minimal amount of essential information need be passed between object.
The main goal here is to maximize objects cohesiveness among objects and software components
in order to improve coupling because only a minimal amount of essential information need be
passed between components.
18. What is Design Patterns?
A Design pattern provides a scheme for refining the subsystems or components of a
software system or the relationships among them. It allow system to share knowledge about their
design. These describe commonly recurring problems. Rather than keep asking how to solve the
problem this time, we could apply the design pattern in a previous problem. A design pattern
provides a scheme for refining the subsystems or components of a software system or the
relationship among them.
19. What is a part of relationship patters?
Assembly- It is constructed from its parts and an assembly part situation physically exits.
Eg : House an assembly of door, walls, windows
Container – A physical whole encompasses but is not construct from physical parts. Eg:
House is container of furniture , appliances.
Collection Member- A conceptual whole encompasses parts that may be physical or
20. What is Theorem?
Theorem is a proposition that may not be self evident but can be proven from accepted
21. What is Corollary?
Corollary is a proposition that follows from an axioms or another proposition that has
been proven. A corollary is shown to be valid or not valid in the same manner as a theorem.
Axiom1: The independence axiom. Maintain the independence of components.
Axiom2: The information axiom: Minimize the information content of the design.
22. What is “large number of simpler classes” in Corollary?
A great benefit results from having a large number of simpler classes. A class that easily
can be understood and reused contributes to the overall system. The smaller are your classes, the
better are your chances of reusing them in other projects. Larger and complex classes are too
specialized to be reused.
23. What is mean by “Strong mapping” in Corollary?
Object-oriented Analysis and Object oriented design are based on the same model. As the
model progresses from analysis to implementation, more detail is added but it remains essentially
the same. A strong mapping links classes identified during analysis and classes designed during
the design phase.
24. What is mean by “Standardization” in Corollary?
To reuse classes, you must have a good understanding of the classes in the object oriented
programming environment you are using. The knowledge of existing classes will help you
determine what new classes are needed to accomplish the tasks and where you might inherit
useful behavior rather than reinvent the wheel. The concept of design patterns might provide a
way to capture the design knowledge, document it, and store it in a repository that can be shared
and reused in different application.
25. How to achieving multiple inheritances in a single inheritance system?
Single inheritance means that each class has only a single super class. Multiple
inheritance brings with it some complications such as how to determine which behavior to get
from which class, particularly when several ancestors define the same method. It also is more
difficult to understand programs written in a multiple inheritance system. One way of achieving
the benefits of multiple inheritances in a language with single inheritance is to inherit from the
most appropriate class and add an object o another class as an attribute or aggregation.
Unit – IV Object Oriented Design
1.What is meant by an axiom?
An axiom is a fundamental truth that always is observed to be valid and for which there is
no counter example or exception.
2.What is meant by a theorem?
A theorem is a proposition that may not be self evident but can be proven from accepted
axioms.It is equivalent to laws or principle.
3.What is a corollary?
A corollary is a proposition that follows from an axiom or another proposition that has
been proven.
4.What are the two design axioms?
The independence axiom
The information axiom
5.What are the different types of corollaries?
1.Uncoupled design with less information content
2.single purpose
3.large number of single classes
4.strong mapping
6.design with inheritance
6.What is meant by coupling?
Coupling is the measure of the strength of association established by a connection from
one object or software component to another coupling is binary relationship.
7.What is meant by cohesion?
Interaction within a simple object or software component called cohesion.
8.What are called design patterns?
Design patterns are devices that allow systems to share knowledge about their design by
describing commonly recurring structures of communicating components that solve a general
design problem within a particular context.
9.Define OCL?
OCL is a specification language that uses simple logic for specifying the properties of the
10.What are the type of expressions defined by UML modeling constructs?
Item.selector Item.seletor[qualifier-value] Set->select(Boolean-expression)
11.Write about private protocol?
The private protocol of the class includes messages that normally should not be sent from
other objects.
12.Write about public protocol?
Public protocol defines the stated behavior of the class as a citizen in a population and is
important information for users as well as future descendants so it is accessible to all classes.
13.Write about protected protocol?
In a protected protocol, subclasses can use the method in to the class itself.
14.What is meant by encapsulation leakage?
The problem of encapsulated leakage occurs when details about a class’s internal
implementation are disclosed through the interface.
15.Give the types of attributes?
Single value attributes
Multiplicity or multivalue attribute
Reference to another object,or instance connection
16.What is attribute presentation suggested by UML?
Visibility name:type-expression=initial - value
17.what is meant by type expression?
Type expression is a language-dependent specification of the implementation type of an
18.What is meant by copy method?
The method that copies the contents of one instance to another instance.
19.What are different types of methods described in the class?
Conversion method
Copy method
Attribute set
Arttribute get
I/O methods
Domain specify
20.What is the operation presentation suggested by UML?
Visibility name:(parameter-list):return-type-expression
Unit – V Software Quality
1. What is Dynamic Model?
It is in contrast to a static model, can be viewed as a collection of procedure or behaviors
that, taken together, reflect the behavior of a system over time.
2. What is static Model?
Static Model can be viewed as a snapshot of a system’s parameters at rest or at specific
point in time. Static models are needed to represent the structural or static aspect of a system.
3. What is Modeling?
A model is an abstract representation of a system, constructed to understand the system
prior to building or modifying it.
4. Define UML Class diagram Notation?
A class is drawn as a rectangle with three components separated by horizontal line. The
top name compartment holds the class name, other general properties of the class, such as
attribute are in the middle compartment, and the bottom compartment holds a list of operations.
Class name Attribute Opeations
5. Define Binary Association?
It is drawn as a solid path connecting two classes, or both ends may be connected to the
same class. An association may have an association name.
6. What is Association role?
A simple association- the technical terms for its is binary association is dean a solid line
connection tow classes symbols. The role is part of the association, not part of the class.
7. Define Stereotype?
Stereotype represent a build in extensibility mechanism of the UML. User defined
extensions of the UML are enabled through the use of stereotypes and constraint
8. What is OR Assocation?
An OR association indicates a situation in which only one of several potential
associations may be instantiated at one time for any single object.
9. What is UML meta Model?
UML defines notations as well as a meta model. UML graphic notations can be used not
to describe the system’s components but also to describe a model itself. This is known as a meta
10. What are the tools in Analysis?
Examination of existing system
Interviews 
Questionnaire 
11. Why analysis is a difficult activity?
There Most common sources
Fuzzy description
Incomplete requirement
Unnecessary features.
12. Define Association?
Association : represents a physical or conceptual connection between two or more objects
13. What do you mean by Object diagram?
The Object model of OMT is represented graphically with an object diagrams. The object
diagram contains classes interconnected by association lines. Each class represents a set of
individual objects. The association lines establish relationships among the classes. Each
association line represents a set of links from the objects of one class to the objects of another
14. Explain use cases under the microscope?
A use case is a sequence of transactions in a system whose task is to yield results of
measurable value to an individual actor of the system. Keywords in the Use case Use case is a
special flow of events through the system Actors is a user playing a role with respect to the
In a System : the actors communicate with the system’s use case.
A measurable value : the actor to perform a task that has some identifiable value.
Transaction is an atomic set of activities that are performed either fully or not at all.
15. Explain Use case driven object-oriented analysis the unified Approach?
The actors are external factors that interact with the system ; use cases are scenarios that
describe how actors use the system.
OOA process consists of the following steps
1. Identify the actors
2. Develop a simple business process model using UML activity diagram
3. Develop the use case
4. Prepare interaction diagram
5. classification develop a static UML class diagram
6. Iterate and refine.
16. What is UML Diagrams and list out the name?
The UML defines nine graphical diagrams
1. Class diagram
2. Use – case diagram
3. Behaviour diagram
4. Interaction diagram
5. Sequence diagram
6. Collaboration Diagram
7. Statechart diagram
8. Activity diagram
9. Implementation diagram
10.Component diagram
11. Deployment Diagram
17. What are the advantages of Modeling
Good models are essential for communication among project teams. As the complexity of
systems increases, so does the importance of good modeling techniques.
Some of the advantages are as follows.
Models make it easier to express complex ideas.
The main reason for modeling is to reduction of complexity
Models enhance and reinforce learning and training.
The cost of modeling analysis is much lower than cost of similar
Manipulation of the model is much easier.
18. What is mean by n-Ary association ?
An n-ary association is an association among more than two classes. Since n-ary
association is more difficult to understand, it is better to convert an n-ary association to binary
association. An n-ary association is shown as a large diamond with a path from the diamond to
each participant class.
19. What is class notation static structure?
A class is drawn as a rectangle with three components separated by horizontal line. The
top name compartment holds the class name, other general properties of the class, such as
attribute are in the middle compartment, and the bottom compartment holds a list of operations.
Class name Attribute Opeations
20. What is qualifier?
A qualifier is an association attribute. A qualifier is shown as a small rectangle attached
to the end of an association path, between the final path segment and the symbol of the class to
which it connects.
21. What is UML Collaboration Diagram?
A collaboration diagram represents a collaboration, which is a set of objects related in a
particular context, and interaction, which is a set of messages exchanged among the objects
within the collaboration to achieve a desired outcome. In a collaboration diagram, the sequence
is indicated by numbering the messages.
22. What is state – chart diagram?
A state chart diagram also called a state diagram. Shows the sequence of states that an
object goes through during its life in response to outside stimuli and message. A state diagram
represent the state of the method execution, and the activities in the diagram represent the
activities of the object that performs the method.
23. Explain the component diagram.
Component diagram model the physical components (such as source code, executable
program, user interface) in a design. These high-level physical components may or may not be
equivalent to the many smaller components you use in the creation of your application. A
package usually will be used to group logical components of the application, such as classes, and
not necessarily physical components.
24. What is Package in Model management?
A package is a grouping of model elements. Packages themselves may contain other
packages. A package may contain both subordinate packages and ordinary model elements. All
UML model elements and diagrams can be organized into packages. A package is represented as
a folder, shown as a large rectangle with a tab attached to its upper left corner.
25. Explain uses and extends association?
A use-case description can be difficult to understand if it contains too many alternatives
or exceptional flows. A way to simplify the description is to take advantage of extends and uses
association. The extends association is used when you have one use case that is similar to
another use case, but does a bit more or is more specialized; in essence it is like a sub class. The
uses association occurs when you are describing your use cases and notice that some of them
have sub flows in common.