Scope and Sequence – Term 1 Overview Stage 2 (Early) Number NS2.1 Whole Numbers NS2.2 Addition & Subtraction NS2.3 Multiplication & Division NS2.4 Fractions & Decimals NS2.5 Chance Count forwards by tens on the decade from 1000 - 10 000. Count backwards by tens on the decade from 1000-10 000. Count by 3, 4 & 6 using skip counting. Rounding numbers to the nearest ten when estimating from 1000 – 10 000. Order a set of 4 digit numbers in ascending order. Order a set of 4 digit numbers in descending order up to 1 000 Represent numbers up to 4 digits using numerals, words, objects and digital displays. Reads and writes numerals to 10 000. Name the place value of four digit numbers. Add three digit numbers to three digit numbers using split and/ or jump strategy to mentally solve problems. Subtract three digit numbers from three digit numbers using split and/or jump strategy to mentally solve problems. Add numbers by changing the order of addends to form multiples of 10 to mentally solve problems to 3 digit numbers. Record their use of mental strategies to solve addition questions to 3 digits Record their use of mental strategies to solve subtraction questions to 3 digits. Add two & three digit numbers without trading, using concrete materials and recording their method. Subtract two and three digit numbers without trading, using concrete materials and recording their method. Learn table facts (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10). Use arrays and groups to link multiplication & division facts up to 6 x10. Recall Multiplication facts up to 6 X10, using a variety of mental strategies Use mental strategies to multiply a one digit number by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10. Recognise and use ÷ to indicate division. Model halves, quarters and eighths of a whole object or collection of objects. Name fractions with denominators of 2, 4 & 8 up to 1 whole. Compare and order fractions with denominators of 2, 4 & 8. Interpret the denominator as the number of equal parts a whole has been divided into (using 2, 4 & 8). Interpret the numerator as the number of equal fractional parts eg 3/8 means 3 equal parts out of 8 (using 2,4 and 8). Count by halves and quarters. Model decimals to 2 decimal places Compare decimals to 2 decimal places. Represent decimals to 2 decimal places. Perform calculations with money. List all possible outcomes in a simple chance situation eg “heads”, “tails” if a coin is tossed. Distinguish between certain and uncertain events. Compare familiar events and describe them as being equally likely or more or less likely to occur. Scope and Sequence – Term 1 Overview Stage 2 (Early) Patterns and Algebra Data Space and Geometry PAS2.1 DS2.1 SGS2.1 3D Space SGS2.2(a) 2D Space Identify and describe patterns when counting forwards or backwards by threes, fours and sixes. Find a higher term in a number pattern given the first five terms eg determine the 10th number pattern beginning with 4,8,12,16,20……… Create, with materials or a calculator, a variety of patterns using whole numbers. Conduct surveys to collect data. Create simple tables to organise data. Interpret information presented in simple tables. Construct picture graphs on grid paper using one to one correspondence. Compare and describe features of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres. Identify and name 3D objects: prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres. SGS2.2(b) Manipulate, compare and describe features of 2D shapes, including pentagons, octagons and parallelograms. Identify and name pentagons, octagons, trapeziums and parallelograms presented in different orientations. Make representations of 2D shapes in different orientations. Construct 2Dshapes from a variety of materials. SGS2.3 Position Describe the location of an object using more than one descriptor eg the book is on the third shelf and second from the left. Use a key or legend to locate specific objects. Construct simple maps and plans eg map of their bedroom Use given directions to follow a route on a simple map Draw and describe a path or route on a simpler map or plan. Measurement MS2.1 Length MS2.2 Area MS2.3 Volume & Capacity MS2.4 Mass MS2.5 Time Recognise the coordinated movements of the hands on an analog clock including: how many minutes it takes for the minute hand to move form one numeral to the next. how many minutes it takes for the minute hand to compete one revolution. Describe one centimetre as one hundredth of a metre. Use and record the metre and centimetre as a unit to measure lengths and distances. Recognise the need for formal units when measuring area. Use a 10cm x 10 cm tile (or grid) to find areas that are less than, greater than or about the same as 100 square centimetres. Recognise the need for a formal unit to measure volume and capacity. Estimate measure and compare volumes and capacities (to the nearest litre). Recognise the need for a formal unit to measure mass. Use the kilogram as a unit to measure mass. Use hefting to identify objects that are ‘more than’, less than’ and about the same as’ one kilogram. Scope and Sequence – Term 1 Overview Stage 2 (Later) Number NS2.1 Whole Numbers NS2.2 Addition & Subtraction NS2.3 Multiplication & Division NS2.4 Fractions & Decimals NS2.5 Chance Count forwards by tens on the decade from 1000 – 10 000. Count backwards by tens on the decade from 1000-10 000. Rounding numbers to the nearest ten when estimating from 1000 – 10 000. Order a set of 4 digit numbers in ascending order. Count by 3, 4 & 6 using skip counting. Represent numbers up to 4 digits using numerals, words, objects and digital displays. Reads and writes numerals to 10 000. Name the place value of four digit numbers. Add four digit numbers to four digit numbers using split and/ or jump strategy to mentally solve problems. Subtract four digit numbers from four digit numbers using split and/or jump strategy to mentally solve problems. Add numbers by changing the order of addends to form multiples of 10 to mentally solve problems to 4 digit numbers. Record their use of mental strategies to solve addition questions to 4 digits Record their use of mental strategies to solve subtraction questions to 4 digits Add 4 digit numbers without trading, using concrete materials and recording their method. Subtract four digit numbers without trading, using concrete materials and recording their method. Learn table facts (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10). Use arrays and groups to link multiplication & division facts up to 10 x10. Recall Multiplication facts up to 10X10, using a variety of mental strategies. Use appropriate mental strategies to multiply a one and two digit number by a number 0-10. Use mental strategies to multiply a one digit number by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Use mental strategies to multiply a one digit number by a multiple of 10 eg 3x20 Recognise and use ÷ & ) to indicate division. Model halves, quarters, eighths, fifths, tenths and hundredths of a whole object or collection of objects. Name fractions with denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 100 up to 1 whole. Compare and order fractions with denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 100. Interpret the denominator as the number of equal parts a whole has been divided into 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 100. Interpret the numerator as the number of equal fractional part eg 3/8 means 3 equal parts out of 8 (Using 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 100). Count by halves and quarters. Model decimals to 2 decimal places. Compare decimals to 2 decimal places. Represent decimals to 2 decimal places. List all possible outcomes in a simple chance situation eg “heads”, “tails” if a coin is tossed. Distinguish between certain and uncertain events. Compare familiar events and describe them as being equally likely or more or less likely to occur. Scope and Sequence – Term 1 Overview Stage 2 (Later) Measurement MS2.1 Length MS2.2 Area Estimate, measure and compare lengths or distances using millimetres. Record and convert lengths or distances using centimetres and millimetres. Use decimal notation to two decimal places (eg. 1.25 m) to record lengths or distances. Recognise the features of an object associated with length that can be measured (eg length, breadth, height, perimeter). Record area in centimetres (eg 55 centimetres). square square MS2.3 Volume & Capacity MS2.4 Mass MS2.5 Time Construct three-dimensional objects using cubic centimetre blocks and counting to determine volume. Pack small containers with cubic centimetre blocks and describe packing in terms of layers (eg ‘2 layers of 10 cubic centimetre blocks’). Recognise that 1000 millilitres equal one litre. Convert between millilitres & litres eg. 1250 mL = 1 litre 250 millilitres. Recognise the need for a unit smaller than the kilogram. Measure and compare the masses of objects in kilograms and grams using a set of scales. Read analog and digital clocks to the minute eg 7:35 is read as ‘seven thirty-five’ Convert between units of time eg - 60 seconds = 1 minute - 60 minutes = 1 hour - 24 hours = 1 day Read and interpret simple timetables, timelines and calendars.