Family Medicine Residency Program ( F P R P ) Family Medicine Family Physicians possess unique attitudes, skills & knowledge that qualify them to provide continuing & comprehensive medical care in a personalized manner, health maintenance & preventive services to each member of a family regardless of sex, age or type of problems, be it biologic, behavioral or social and are best qualified to serve as each patient's advocate to all health – related matters including the appropriate use of consultants, health services & community resources. Coordination & integration of all necessary health services with the least amount of fragmentation & the skills to manage most medical problems allow family physicians to provide cost – effective health care. Devotion to continuing, comprehensive, personalized care to early detection of diseases and the maintenance of health & to the ongoing management of patients in a community setting uniquely qualifies the family physician to deliver primary care. The rewards in family practice come largely from knowing patients intimately over time & sharing their trust, respect and friendship. 1 Family Medicine Residency Program Mission To produce fully competent community oriented physicians capable of providing high quality care to their patients and skilled in the principles and practice of family medicine. Structural Frame Work The Family Medicine Residency Program (FMRP) is a four years training program both in accredited family medicine training centers and hospitals. Towards this end the residents must learn to gather essential & accurate information about patient and use it together with up-to-date scientific evidence to make decisions about diagnosis and therapeutic intervention. The residency program must ensure that its residents by the time they graduate provides appropriate, effective & compassionate clinical care. Principles and implications of Family Practice The FPRP is built upon the principles of the specialty. At the end of the training program the family physician will be expected to: 1- Demonstrate clinical excellence in identifying and managing all the medical problems (both acute & chronic) presented by his / her patients seen: * In the health center or doctor's office. * At the patient's home. * In hospital. 2- Provides continuing, comprehensive, compassionate & confidential care to all individuals with emphasis on the family unit, irrespective of age, sex or diseased organ or system. 3- Demonstrate the commitment to the person rather than to a particular knowledge, group of diseases or special technique (personalized care). 4- Demonstrate competence in serving the public as physician of first contact and means of entry into the health care system (gate keeper). 5- Applying methods of disease prevention, health promotion and screening. 6- Demonstrate abilities to act as the patient's and family advocate in all health related matters and services. 2 7- Demonstrate the ability to integrate the behavioral, emotional, social and environmental factors of families in promoting health and managing disease. 8- Demonstrate the ability of mastering skills in: a- Consultation b- Counseling c- Resources management d- Communication e- Of breaking bad news f- Uncertainty g- Of dealing with conflict, dubious request & grief 9- Develop mutually satisfying physician, patient relationship, recognizing the impact of patients' background, beliefs and expectations on: * Problem identification * Problem solving * Compliance * Patient education 10- Demonstrate the ability to cope with chronic disease. 11- Recognize the importance of continuing education after graduation as an absolute necessity to maintain excellence in medical care. 12- Understand and evaluate the findings of published research and to apply its results to one's own medical practice. 13- Perform self assessment and identifying learning needs and monitoring of quality of performance (Audit). 14- Demonstrate competence in dealing with somatization strategies of prevention & management. 15- Seek to understand the context of illness and attach the importance to the subjective aspects of medicine (many of the illnesses seen can't be fully understood unless they are seen in their personal, family & social context). 16- Understanding & application of the knowledge & skills required for evidence based practice and be able to use best evidence in critical decision making (Evidence based medicine). 17Demonstrate the ability of mastering resources management skills which includes the skills of practice management and of consultation and referral (Family physician is a manager of resources). 3 18- Demonstrate a basic approach to ethical and medico-legal dilemmas. 19- Mastering the skills concerning patient safety. Practical Skills The resident should perform general clinical examination of organ systems, including digital rectal & vaginal examination. Proficient use of the following: * Auroscope * Sphygmomanometer * Fetal stethoscope & / or sonicaid * Tuning Fork * Proctoscope * Patellar hammer * Ophthalmoscope * Stethoscope * Thermometer * Visual acuity and colour tests * Vaginal speculum Proficiency in the following: * Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation including use of a defibrillator. * Controlling a hemorrhage. * Venipuncture. * Giving intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous or intradermal injections including via a syringe driver. * Performing & interpreting an electrocardiogram. * Performing basic respiratory function tests. * Administering oxygen safety. * Use of a Nebulizer. * Near patient testing e.g. urine analysis. * Removal of ear wax. * Introducing a urinary catheter. 4 * Performing a cervical smear. * Collecting other relevant samples including endocervical or per-nasal swabs. * Suturing a wound. * Minor surgical procedures e.g. cryotherapy, joint injection & aspiration and surgical excisions as appropriate. Seriously ill Patients The resident should develop knowledge of handling, managing & appropriate referral of seriously ill patients. * Cardiovascular problems including cardiac arrest, acute myocardial infarction, acute left ventricular failure, severe hypertension, life-threatening arrhythmias & dissecting aneurysms. * Respiratory problems including acute severe asthma, pulmonary embolus, pneumothorax, pneumonia, epiglottitis, bronchiolitis, foreign body aspiration & respiratory failure. * Central nervous system problems including cerebrovascular problems such as strokes, seizures including febrile convulsions, infections such as meningitis or encephalitis & signs of other significant intracranial pathology such as tumors. * Gastrointestinal problems including gastroenteritis especially in childhood, hemorrhage, acute abdominal pain & liver failure. * Infectious diseases e.g. malaria, TB. * Shocked patients including septicaemia, cardiogenic & anaphylactic shock, hemorrhage & burns. * * * Unconscious patients including those with diabetic problems such as hypoglycemia, hyperglycaemic ketoacidosis & hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma. Psychiatric problems including acute psychoses, acute organic reactions the suicidal patient, psychological crises. Urological problems including torsion of the testis, priapisms, paraphimosis, gross hematuria, ureteric colic & acute retention of urine. 5 * * * Women's problems including severe vaginal bleeding & / for pelvic pain e.g. Ectopic pregnancy & emergencies associated with pregnancy e.g. placenta abruption or eclampsia. Terminally ill patients including symptomatic & palliative care. Sudden unexpected death including sudden infant death syndrome, confirmation of death & dealing with relatives (breaking bad news). Complex & Undifferentiated Conditions The resident should develop knowledge of handling undifferentiated conditions (skills of uncertainty). * including symptoms & ill – defined conditions for which no diagnosis classifiable elsewhere in recorded. * Tiredness all the time / malaise / Fatique / weakness / Lassitude. * Funny turns / dizziness / giddiness / blackouts / ataxia / gone off legs. * Anorexia and / or weight loss. * Weight gain and / or obesity & conditions which may be associated with obesity. * Swelling: localized, mass, lump including single lymph nodes. * Non – specific rashes. * Fever including pyrexia of unknown origin. * Allergic problems. * Confusion, memory loss, poor concentration & forgetfulness. * Frequency of micturation including metabolic causes. 6 Trauma / Injuries / Toxic Effects The resident should develop knowledge of handling, managing and appropriate referral of traumatic, injured patients. * Wounds (including surgical) and lacerations: management & principles of care. * Fractures, sprains, strains & other significant soft-tissue trauma: recognition & principles of management. * Head injuries including minor with or without loss of consciousness, concussion & more serious cranial or intracranial injuries. * Internal injuries of the chest, abdomen or pelvis: recognition & principles of management. * Poisoning including drugs, foods & other chemicals & including adverse effects of prescribed drugs. * Post operative complications including those related to the procedure, infections. * Miscellaneous including epistaxis, foreign bodies, burns. Medicine The resident should develop competence for initial diagnosis, management & appropriate referral criteria for common medical illnesses. * Approach to the undifferentiated conditions. Chest pain, syncope, palpitation, leg oedema Dyspnoea, haemoptysis Dyspepsia, abdominal pain, Jaundice Dizziness, Blackout, Faints Anorexia & weight loss Tiredness, Fatique, body aches Headache, seizures, coma Anemia, lymphadenopathy Backache, Arthralgia & arthritis Pyrexia of unknown origin Non-specific rashes Haematuria & proteinuria 7 * Cardiovascular System Congenital heart disease Ischaemic heart disease, Hyperlipidemia Hypertension Heart failure Arrythmias & Conduction defects Valvular heart disease Thrombo-embolic disorders, peripheral vascular disease Carditis , Cardeomyopathy Rheumatic fever, Infective endocarditis Hypovolaemic shock, Cardiogenic shock, dissecting aneurysm of aorta * Respiratory System Acute bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Bronchial asthma & wheezy chest , allergic alveolitis, allergic rhinitis Lobar pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, atypical pneumonia Pulmonary abscess & ephymia Tubercullosis, Aspergillosis Broncgenic carcinoma, Adenoma, metastasis, mesothelioma Pulmonary fibrosis & interstitial lung diseases Pneumothorax Bronchiectasis Pleural effusion & pleuricy Occupational lung diseases Deformities of chest wall Respiratory failure Sleep apnoea syndrome Pulmonary embolism * Gastrointestinal tract Gastroesophageal reflux, dysphagia, diffuse spasm of oesophagus Carcinoma of oesophagus, Achalasia, slinding hiatus hernia, Paraoesophagel hernia Peptic ulcer disease, Gastritis, upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage Acute perforation, pyloric obstruction, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome Carcinoma of stomach Non-ulcer dyspepsia, irritable bowel disease Malabsorption, Coeliac disease, Tropical sprue Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, lactose intolerance Acute abdomen (surgical & Medical) , Ischaemic colitis 8 Diverticular disease, Angiodysplasia of colon Neoplastic polyps, familial adenomatous polyposis, carcinoma lymphoma Diarrhoea (acute & chronic) , Dysentery Constipation, laxative abuse Ascites Nausea & / or vomiting & / or diarrhoea Rectal bleeding & pain Abdominal masses Abdominal pain * Liver & Biliary System Jaundice (hemolytic, Hepatocellular & cholestatic) Acute & chronic hepatitis Chronic parenchymal liver disease, infection, Toxin, alcohol & drugs Biliary obstruction Cirrhoss of liver, hepatic encephalopathy, portal hypertension & Ascites Alcoholic liver disease Tumours of liver (primary & secondaries) Liver abscess Haemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, fibrocystic disease Gall bladder diseases Pancreatitis * Diseases of the Kidneys Urinary tract infection (Asymptomatic & symptomatic) Glomerulonephritis Nephrotic syndrome Acute renal failure Obstruction of urinary tract Renal stones Tumors of the kidney & urinary tract Congenital abnormalities of kidneys & urinary tract Haematuria Proteinuria Dysuria 9 * Endocrine & Metabolic diseases Hypopituatarism, Growth hormone deficiency, tumours of pituitary glands Acromegaly, cushing disease, Hyperprolactinoma, Diabetes Insipedus Hyperthyroidism, subclinical hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism, subclinical hypothyroidism Subacute thyroisitis, post partum thyroiditis Simple goiter, solitary thyroid nodule Thyroid tumours (benign & malignant) Hyperparathyroidism, Hypoparathyroidism, Tetany Addison's disease Conn's Syndrome Phaechromocytoma Hypogonadism, impotence Diabetes Mellitus Hyperlipidemia Hirsutism * Haematology Iron deficiency anemia Megaloblastic anemia Haemolytic anemia Haemoglobinopathies, sickle cell anemia, Thalassemia Polycythemia Lymphoma Neutropenia Leukemias (Acute & chronic) Bleeding disorders, Thrombocytopenia Coagulation disorders, Haemophilia (A & B) Acquired bleeding disorders Disseminated Intravascular coagulation * Neurology Cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) (Ischaemia, hypertension, haemorrhage & Arteriovenous malformation) & Transient Ischaemia Attack (TIA) seizures disorders (CNS) Cranial Peripheral nerves infections (meningitis, Encephalitis, Neurosyphilits & brain abscess. Neuropathies, Neuralgias, Motor neurone disease, Encepalopathies Dementia, Migraine, cluster headache, Giant cell arteritis, Tension headache, Space occupying lesion (SOL) & brain tumours (Pry & 2ry) Parkinsonism 10 Multiple sclerosis Tremor, chorea, Tics Sleep disorders Delerium & Confusional states Disorders of cerebellum Head injury & spinal cord injury Syringomyelia & syringobulbia Muscular atrophies, myotonia, Myasthenia Grave's * Musculoskeletal & Connective tissue disorders Rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren disease SLE Polyarteritis nodosa Scleroderma Mixed Connective tissue disease Seronegative arthritis (Ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, Reiter's disease) Arthritis with inflammatory bowel disease & Behcet's disease) Osteoarthritis Gouty arthritis, pseudogout Infective arthritis Polymyositis & Dermatomyositis Polymyalgia rheumatica & Giant cell arteritis Wegenr's granulomatosis Eosinophilic fascitites Bursitis, Tendinitis, Tennis elbow Fibromyositis, Torticollis Neck pain, shoulder pain, Osteoporosis, Osteomyelitis Neoplasm of bones (primary & Secondaries) Head pain & ankle sprain Back pain including mechanical, disc lesion or tumours Neck pain including cervical spondylosis, torticollis or injuries Sport medicine * Infections & Parisites Viruses e.g. AIDS, Measles, Rubella, Mumps, Chickenpox, infectious mononucleosisSTD Bacteria e.g. scarlet fever, typhoid, Brucellosis, TB Protozoa e.g. Malaria, Giardiasis, Amoebiasis, leishmaniasis Helminth e.g. Bilharziasis, Ascaris, Thread worm, Tape worm 11 Means & Control of transmission Consent for testing issues of confidentiality Role of public health services * Health Promotion & Screening Cardiovascular risk factors assessment, Hypertension, D.M, Exercise, Smoking Cessation, Stress, Alcohol, Cancer of colon, breast, cervix , prostate, body weight, lipids, salt intake, immunization, Harm minimization & promotion of a healthy life style. * Serious Communicable Diseases AIDS, TB, Hepatitis B & C * Pharmaco-therapeutics Application of the concept of rational prescribing especially with regard to patient safety Awareness of drug combination, adverse effects, latrogenic disorders & potential interaction Awareness of the factors affecting dose, drug requirements, compliance & monitoring Evaluating independent evidence regarding the appropriateness of treatment (cost effectives drug management) Competency in recognizing & performing primary management for the following life threatening & emergency conditions * Acute MI, Pulmonary oedema, Acute respiratory failure, Malignant hypertension, G.I Haemorrhage, Shock, Anaphylaxis, Status asthmaticus, Status epilepticus, Acute renal failure, Diabetes ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia, Comatose patient * The resident should be able to perform the following clinical skills a) Procedures used in medical practice ECG tracing & interpretation Lumbar puncture Arterial puncture Peritoneal tap Bone marrow aspiration PPD testing & interpretation Joint aspiration Peak Flow Meter including pulmonary function tests CPR b) Interpretation of laboratory tests c) Interpretation of CXR, abdominal x-ray , x-ray of bones & joints 12 *Pediatrics The resident should develop competence for initial diagnosis, management and appropriate referral criteria for common pediatric illnesses. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Prenatal diagnosis Care of the new born babies, prematurity, birth asphyxia, Respiratory distress syndrome, Neonatal sepsis Approach to a child with Jaundice Approach to a child with Fever Approach to a child with stridor & wheezing Approach to a child with poor appetite Approach to a child with vomiting Approach to a child with generalized lymphadenopathy Approach to a child with vulvovaginitis Approach to a child with nocturnal cough Genetics & congenital abnormalities Pediatric nutrition, breast feeding, modified cow's milk formula, recommended daily requirements for protein carbohydrate, fat, vitamins & minerals Weaning & sleep disorders * Malnutrition * Failure to thrive Short stature * Obesity * Limping child * Non-accidental injury Poisoning & over dose * Bow leg Growth and developmental assays including knowledge of normal developmental milestones Child health surveillance & screening, squint, hearing hypothyroidism, CDH, undescended testes club foot 13 * * * * Vaccination * Infantile colic * Nocturnal Enuresis Behavioral disorders, learning disorders, mental retardation, language problems, hyperactivity Upper respiratory tract infections, sorethroat, pharyngitis, Earache, otitis media, Glue ear, deafness, Croup & epiglottitis Role of antibiotics in upper respiratory tract infections * * * * * * * * * * Lower respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, Tuberculosis, bronchiolitis Bronchial asthma & Hay fever Viral illnesses measles, rubella, mumps, chicken pox Cardiovascular system heart murmurs, hypertension, congestive heart failure, arrythmias, congenital heart disease (cyanotic & acyanotic). Gastrointestinal system, gastroenteritis, vomiting, abdominal pain, acute and chronic diarrhoea, acute & chronic constipation, Gastroesophageal reflux, intestinal infestations, malabsorption, abdominal masses, acute abdomen, hepatitis & liver diseases, anal pain & fissure Central nervous system, meningitis, encephalitis, febrile convulsions, epilepsy, raised intracranial pressure, cerebral palsy, hyderocephalus. Haematology, iron deficiency anemia, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, G6PDD, haemolytic crises, lymphadenopathy, leukaemia, bleeding disorders Endocrine disorders Diabetes mellitus & its complication, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypopituatarism, cushing disease, Dwarfism, Obesity. Urinary system: urinary tract infections, nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, hematuria, proteinuria, congenital anomalies, vesico-ureteric reflux, calculi & tumours Musculoskeletal system: Arthralgia, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, reactive arthritis 14 * * Skin disorders: Exanthmatous rash, diaper rash, eczema, impetigo, pediculosis, scabies, skin infection (viral, bacterial & fungal) , psoriasis Pediatric emergencies: Epiglottitis, chocking, Anaphylaxis, septic shock, Hypovolamic shock, status asthmaticus, seizures disorder, congestive heart failure, cyanotic heart disease, poisoning & overdose. Woman Health General training objectives for woman health By the end of 6 months training and working in obstetric gynecology department and training PHC centers the family physician should be able to provide preventive, curative primary health care to all women before, during and after their reproductive age in all issues related to their reproductive system. A- By the end of 6 months training the family physician residence should be able to: 1. Obtain a comprehensive history & perform a complete & accurate physical examination. 2. Understand anatomy & physiology of the female / reproductive system in all age groups, before & during pregnancy. 3. Ability to recognize high risk pregnancy. 4. Utilizing appropriate resources including consultation. 5. Principles of preconceptual care. 6. Principles of antepartum & post partum care. 7. Recognition of mechanism of labor 8. Thorough knowledge of fetal monitoring 9. Recognition of abnormal labor. 10. Knowledge of modalities used in managing complications of labor & delivery. 11. Technical proficiency in handling instruments. 12. Understanding & appropriate use of consultation & communication with consultants. B- At the end of the residency each resident should be aware of the following principles: 1. Normal growth & development of female reproductive system & variants. 2. Sexual counseling. 3. Family planning counseling. 4. 5. 6. 7. Prenatal genetic counseling. Prenatal counseling on (diet, activities & exercise, alcohol, smoking & environmental hazards). General principles of prenatal conception & postnatal care. Immunization during pregnancy. 15 8. Screening during pregnancy. 9. Drug use during pregnancy. 10. Fetal monitoring. 11. Infertility, primary & secondary. 12. Osteoporosis risk assessment. 13. Screening of cancer. 14. Prevention of cancer. 15. Menopause counseling. 16. Breast diseases. 17. Pelvic masses, cysts, fibroid & malignancy. 18. Management of family violence. 19. Raped patient. C- Resident should be able to evaluate, Diagnose, manage & refer when need the following conditions: 1. Prenatal evaluation & care of common problems during pregnancy. 2. Normal labor & delivery. 3. Post partum care. 4. Care of normal new born. 5. Identification of high risk pregnancy. 6. Evaluation for Anemia, abortions. * Diabetes Mellitus (abnormal GTT) * Hypertension * Eclampsia & preeclampsia * Rh. incomp. * Asthma 7. Uterine prolapse. 8. Vaginisum. 9. Others disorders * GI problems * Infections during pregnancy * Obstetrical emergencies e.g. Antepartum haemorrhages, placenta previa * Dx. Ectopic pregnancy (to have high index of suspesion) * Premature ruptures of membrane & premature labour. * Intrauterine growth retardation & intrauterine death. 10. Menstrual disorders: Amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis, abnormal Uterine bleeding, intermenstrual bleeds, post coital & postmenopausal bleeds. 11. Management of menopause symptoms & it's consequence 12. Treatment of common problems during pregnancy. 13. Treatment of common problems - Vaginitis, vaginal discharge, prurites vulvae, bacterial vaginosis. - PID - UTI & allied pelvic complaint - Chronic pelvic pain - Psychological Problems: PMS, Anxiety, Depression, Eating disorder - Urinary malfunction 16 D- At the end of rotation the resident should be able to perform the following skills: 1. Routine AN. Examination / Breast examination, Pelvic examination. 2. Spontaneous vaginal delivery. 3. Injection of local anesthesia in perineal region for delivery. 4. Episiotomy. 5. Repair of vaginal laceration. 6. Incision & drainage of Bartholin abscess. 7. Obtaining cervical cytology (pap smear) & interpretation of result. 8. Perform H.V.S with Wiff Test & wet preparations. 9. Rx of venereal diseases. 10. I.U.C.D insertion & removal. 11. U/S . General principles a. Detection of gestational sac b. Fetal echo c. Heart beat d. Gross abnormality e. Localization of placenta f. Measurement of (CRL, FL, BPD) g. Assessment of the amniotic fluid adequacy Surgery The resident should develop competence for initial assessment, triage, diagnosis, management & appropriate referral criteria for common surgical conditions. 1) Common Surgical Conditions Experience & expertise should be gained in the recognition and appropriate initial management of the following common conditions. Abscesses, haematoma, cellulitis Abdominal mass, Breast lumps, groin lumps, neck lumps Burns: minor & major Cancer e.g. lung, colon, breast, thyroid, prostate Compartment syndrome Foreign bodies GIT bleeding, Rectal bleeding, intestinal obstruction & pyloric stenosis Obstructive Jaundice & cholelithiasis Ingrowing toenails Perianal conditions, pilonidal abscess / sinus, haemorrhoids Prostate disease, voiding difficulties, urinary incontinence Head, hand, spinal, facial and pelvic injury 17 Peripheral vascular disease, leg ulcers, varicose vein Hydrocele, varicocele & undescended testicle Hernias II) Be able to diagnose & refer acute surgical conditions a) Acute abdomen b) Intractable haemorrhage c) Acute arterial occlusions d) Torsion of the testes e) Incarcerated hernia III) Be able to manage (stabilize, transport & perform life-saving procedures) in the following conditions: a) Penetrating trauma to neck, thorax or abdomen b) Blunt trauma to head c) Multiple fractures d) Pneumothorax & hemothorax e) Fractures of the spine IV) Be able to perform the following office surgical procedures 1) Suturing of simple wounds 2) Excisions of skin & subcutaneous lesions e.g. sebaceous cyst dermoid cyst & Lipoma 3) Incision & drainage of abscesses 4) Removal of Ingrowing toe nails 5) Circumcision 6) Emergency care of burns 7) Casting & splint use 8) Management of uncomplicated fractures & complications V) Be able to perform preoperative & postoperative care. VI) Be familiar with: a) Implementation of sterile technique b) Wound healing & care c) Application of local & regional anaesthesia d) Familiarize with indications & complications of different surgical technique 18 Conditions of the Eye The resident should develop knowledge of initial diagnosis, management and appropriate referral criteria for common eye problems. * Conjunctival disorders a) Conjunctivitis (Viral, Bacterial & Allergic) b) Conjunctival nevus (Pterygium & Pinguecula) c) Conjunctival tumors * * * * * * * Skin & adnexal disorders a) Infections (Horodelum, Cellulites, Dacryocystitis) b) Inflammation (Graves' disease, chalazion) c) Eyelid disorders (Entropion, Expropion, Ptosis) d) Benign tumors (Milia, Papilloma, Keratoacanthoma, Nevus xanthelasma, Dermoid) e) Malignant tumors (Basal cell care, Squamous cell care, Lymphoma, Malignant melanoma & Ratinoblastoma) Cornial diseases a) Superficial trauma / infections (Corneal abrasion, Keratitis & Corneal ulcers) b) Dry eye & associated diseases. Iritis (Unequal pupits, Afferent papillary defect, Adie's pupil & Horner's syndrome). Cataracts * Glaucoma * Retinal disease a) Associated with visual loss (Central retinal vein occlusion, Central retinal artery occlusion, Retinal detachment and vitreous hemorrhage) b) Associated with medical conditions (Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus) c) Macular degeneration d) Age – related changes External muscular disorders (Cranial nerve palsies). Trauma (Blunt and penetrating). Refracting errors a) Nearsightedness (myopia) b) Farsightedness (hyperopia) c) Presbyopia 19 * * * * * Ocular complications of systemic illness. Effects of drugs and toxins on ocular function & disease. Red eye. Squint. Papilloedema. Ear, Nose & Throat Problems (ENT) The resident should develop knowledge of initial diagnosis, management and appropriate referral criteria for common ENT problems. * Nasal problems including catarrh. hay fever, rhinitis, polyps, epistaxis, septal deviation. * Mouth problems including pain such as ulceration, infections such as gingivitis, malignancies, disorders of salivary glands and medical problems associated with the dentition. * Sorethroat (Viral, Bacterial, Mechanical), tonsillitis & its complications (acute & long term), indications for tonsillectomy. Nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, peri-tonsillar abscess, epiglottitis, laryngitis & tracheitis. * Snoring, Hoarseness & Dysphagia. * Sinus problems. * Hearing problems including deafness, tinnitus, vertigo, dizziness & associated speech or language disorders. * Ear infections including otitis media & externa, glue ear, labyrinthitis. * Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Meneir's disease. * Bell's palsy. * Role of antibiotics in Upper Respiratory Tract Infections. 20 Dermatological Problems The resident should develop knowledge of initial diagnosis, management & appropriate referral criteria for common dermatological problems. * Acne & acne rosacea * Dermatitis * Eczema * Psoriasis * Skin infections (Viral, Fungal, Bacterial & Parasitic). * Skin tumors including benign lesions such as malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma. * Pruritus either generalized or localized * Skin manifestations of systemic illnesses &skin markers of malignancy. * Nail and / or hair disorders including alopecia. * Skin pigmentation. * Lichen planus. * Sexually Transmitted Diseases. * Drug reactions. * Life threatening skin conditions. * Pre cancerous skin lesions. * Vesciculobullous eruption. Human Behavior & Mental Health The resident should develop knowledge of initial diagnosis, management and appropriate referral criteria behavior & mental health problem. * Diagnosis & management of psychiatric disorders in children & adults. * Emotional aspects of non-psychiatric disorders. * Co-morbidity: the association of psychiatric disorders with other medical conditions. 21 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Psychopharmacology. Alcoholism & other substances abuse. The physician / patient relationship. Patient involving skills. Counseling skills. Normal psychosocial growth & development in indiviuals & families. Stages of stress in a family life cycle. Sensitivity to gender, race, age, sexual orientation & cultural differences in patients. Family violence including child, partner & elder abuse (physical, sexual) as well as neglect & its effect on both victims & perpetrators. Medical ethics including patient autonomy, confidentiality & issues concerning quality of life. Factors influencing patient compliance. Communication problems including autistic spectrum disorder. Behaviour problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, encopresis, school problems. Problems of particular life stages e.g. childhood, adolescence, old age. Family, social & cultural context of psychiatric illness. Mood disorders (major depressive disorder, Dysthymic, Bipolar disorders, assessment of suicidal risk, detection of masked depression). Anxiety disorders (panic attack, phobias, obsessive / compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, Acute stress disorder, Generalized anxiety disorder). Major mental illness including psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. 22 * * * * * * * * Somatization disorders (somatization, Conversion, Pain & Hypochondriasis). Delirium, Dementia, amnestic & other cognitive disorders. Learning difficulties & mental disability. Sleep disorders (Insomnia, Hypersomnia, Narcolepsy, Breathing related sleep disorder, Circadian-rhythm sleep disorders, Parasomnias). Adjustment disorders (Depressed mood, Anxiety, Mixed anxiety & depressed mood, Disturbances of conduct). Personality disorders. Sexual & gender identity disorders. Eating disorders (Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa). Genetics * Autosomal dominant inheritance * Autosomal recessive inheritance * Sex-linked recessive * X-linked dominant disorders. * Genetic Counseling. * Detection of carriers. * Common chromosomal disorders.e.g. Down's Syndrome * Genetic of Cancer. 23 Methods of Teaching Lectures, Seminars, Group Discussion Tutorials Clinical Problem solving, bedside teaching Journal Club Clinical / Consultation Assessment MCQ, OSCE Daily Evaluation Oral exam 24 - Training Period Internal Medicine Pediatric Surgery Woman Health Accident & Emergency Orthopedic Dermatology Ophthalmology Ear, Nose & Throat Psychiatry X-ray Community Elective Family Medicine 8 Months 6 Months 4 Months 6 Months 3 Months 1 Month 2 Months 1 Month 1 Month 3 Months 1 Month 1 Months 2 Months 9 Months 25 ألخطه الدراسية للحصول على درجة االختصاص العالي في طب المجتمع تمنح درجة االختصاص العالي في تخصص طب المجتمع من كلية الدراسات العليا بجامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا األردنية شريطة ما يلي -: -1التقيد بالشروط المنصوص عليها في تعليمات برنامج االختصاص العالي في جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا االردنية الصادرة عن مجلس العمداء -2اتمام المتطلبات التالية : اوال :المتطلبات الكاديمية .ويشتمل اتمام 34ساعة معتمدة بنجاح موزعة كما يلي : أ – متطلبات اجبارية ويخصص لها ( )20ساعة معتمدة هي : رمز ورقم المساق ص ع 706 ص ع 707 ص ع 714 ص ع 720 ص ع 730 ص ع 740 ص ع 758 ص ع 760 برامج الرعاية الصحية تصميم البحوث1 احصاء حيوي1 صحة البيئة االدارة الصحية مبادىء التثقيف الصحي مقدمه تغذية المجتمع علم االوبئة اسم املساق Primary Health Care Programs Research Design I Biostatistics I Environmental Health Health Management Principlec of Health education Introduction to Comm. Nutrition Epidemiology الساعات المعتمدة 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 أ -متطلبات اختيارية ويخصص لها ( )14ساعة معتمدة يختارها الطالب من بين المساقات المطروحه في قسم طب المجتمع والصحة العامة والوارد ذكرها في الملحق(أ) المرفق . ثانيا :متطلبات التدريب العملي /االقامة : يشترط على ان يمضي بنجاح فترة االقامة ومدتها 16شهرا في 4وحدات تعليمية تدريبية يختارها الطالب من بين الخمس عشر وحدة الوارد ذكرها في الملحق (ج) وبواقع 4شهور يمضيها في كل وحدة . يعتبر الطالب ناجحا في الوحدة التدريبية اذا استوفى في نهاية التدريب فيها الشروط التالية : أ -حصوله على تقرير من مشرف الوحدة يشيد بمستواه العلمي وسلوكه المهني ب -ان يقدم تقريرا خطيا عن الوحدة التي اتم تدريبه فيها بحيث يشتمل التقرير على: وصف عام لمكان التدريب وطاقاته وانشطته المساهمة التي قدمها المتدرب للوحدة اثناء فترة تدريبه ج -ان يتقدم بخطة مشروع بحث علمي في الحقل الصحي الذي يقع ضمن مجال الوحدة ثالثا :اجتياز االمتحان الشامل الخاص باالختصاص العالي في طب المجتمع يتكون االمتحان الشامل من شقين االول تحريري ( يتألف من ورقتين لكل منهما %30من العالمة النهائية ) والثاني شفهي ( وله %40من العالمة النهائية ) يعتبر الطالب ناجح اذا حصل عالمة %75فاكثر كمعدل نهائي في االمتحان الشامل بشقيه التحريري والشفهي 0 رابعا :النجاح في تحضير وانجاز مشروع تخرج يقدر بــ 6ساعات معتمدة 0 المتطلب السابق 714 ص ع 760 ص ع 704 ص ع الساعات المعتمدة 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 اسم المساق Demography and Vital Statistics علم السكان Computer in health Sciences الحاسوب في العلوم الصحية Health Information Systems نظم المعلومات الصحية Primary Health care الرعاية الصحية االولية PublicHealth Research Planning تخطيط البحوث في الصحه العامه Teaching Methodology طرق التعليم الصحي Primary Health care Programs Research Design I – برامج الرعاية الصحية -1تصميم البحوث Research design II Clinical Research Methods Advanced Vital Statistics Vital Statistics 2 تصميم البحوث اسالييب البحث السريري االحصاء الحيوي االحصاء الحيوي متقدم Biostatistics I 1احصاء حيوي Biostatistics II 2احصاء حيوي Environmental Health صحة البيئة Occupational Health الصحة المهنية Occupational safety السالمة المهنية Occupational Toxicology التسمم المهني Environmental measurements القياسات البيئية Ait Pollution تلوث الهواء Environmental Risk Management ادارة االخطار البيئية Health Management االدارة الصحية Ioduction Health Policy مقدمه في السياسة الصحية تخطيط وتقييم البرامج الصحية Evaluation of Health Programs& Planning Public Health and the Law الصحة العامة والقانون Healt Economics اقتصاديات الصحة موجهه في االدارة الصحي مطالعات Directed reading in Management Hospital Administration ادارة المستشفيات Principles of Health Education مبادىء التثقيف الصحي تخطيط وتقييم برامج التثقيف الصحي Plannin & Evaluation of Health Education Programs Principles of Training Health Workers اسس تدريب العامل الصحي Behavior and social science علم االجتماع والسلوك طرق واساليب االتصال الصحي Means and ways of Health Communication Principles of health Behavior Change مبادىء تغيير السلوك الصحي Introductionto Mediacal Sociology مقدمة في علم االجتماع الطبي Communication for Health التواصل من اجل الصحة تنظيم المجتمع من اجل التنمية الصحية Community Organization for Health Development Leadership in Health Education القيادية في التثقيف الصحي تغذية االنسان Introduction to Human Nutrition تقييم احلالة الغذائيةAssessment of Nutritional Status 2 اجلوانب الغذائية يف املرض Nutritional Aspects of Human Diseas 2 النمو والتطور: التغذيةNutrition: Growth and development )ملحق (أ رقم ورمز المساق 700 ص ع 701 ص ع 702 ص ع 703 ص ع 704 ص ع 705 ص ع 706 ص ع 707 ص ع 708 ص ع 709 ص ع 710 ص ع 711 ص ع 714 ص ع 715 ص ع 720 ص ع 721 ص ع 722 ص ع 723 ص ع 724 ص ع 725 ص ع 726 ص ع 730 ص ع 731 ص ع 732 ص ع 733 ص ع 734 ص ع 735 ص ع 736 ص ع 740 ص ع 741 ص ع 742 ص ع 743 ص ع 744 ص ع 745 ص ع 746 ص ع 747 ص ع 748 ص ع 749 ص ع 750 ص ع 751 ص ع 752 ص ع 753 ص ع اجلوانب السريرية يف امراض التغذية Clinical Aspects of Nutritional Diseases 2 كيمياء وفيزيولوجيا التغذية 2 754 ص ع 755 ص ع Clinical Aspects of Nutritional Diseases 2 مشاكل التغذية يف الدول النامية 756ص ع Nutritional Problems of the Developing Countries 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 6 0 9 6 3 0 تقنيات البحث يف كيمياء التغذية Research Techniques in Nutritional Biochemistry مقدمة تغذية اجملتمعIntroduction to Community Nutrition Epidemiolog علم االوبئة Analytic Epidemiology I 1 وبائيات تحليلية وبائيات االمراض المعدية Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases dvanced Analytic epidemiology وبائيات تحليلية متقدمة Environmental epidemiology وبائيات البيئة Epidemiology of Health Services وبائيات الخدمه الصحية Maternal and Child health صحة االم والطفل تقييم امراض ووفيات االطفال Mortality&Assessment of Child Morbidity الحاله الصحيه لالمهات في سن الخصوبه Status Assessment of Maternal Health ادارة وبرامج صحة االسره Analysis & Evaluation of Organized Health & Social Services in Family Health Women’s Reproductive Health الصحة االنجابية للمرأة International Health الصحة الدولية Directed Readings مطالعات موجهه Mental Health الصحة العقلية School Health الصحة المدرسية Seminar ندوة Special Topics دراسات خاصة Graduate Project بحث التخرج Comprehensive االمتحان الشامل Thesis راسلة ماجستير Thesis راسلة ماجستير Thesis راسلة ماجستير Thesis راسلة ماجستير 757 ص ع 758 ص ع 760 ص ع 761 ص ع 762 ص ع 764 ص ع 765 ص ع 766 ص ع 770 ص ع 771 ص ع 772 ص ع 773 ص ع 774 ص ع 775 ص ع 780 ص ع 781 ص ع 782 ص ع 790 ص ع 792 ص ع 795 ص ع 798 ص ع أ799 ص ع ب799 ص ع ج799 ص ع د799 ص ع ملحق (ب) االمتحان الشامل يتكون من جزئين : -1االمتحان الكتابي وله %60من العالمة ويجلس الطلبة لورقتين : أ -ورقة عامه ولها %30من عالمة االمتحان التحريري ب -ورقة تخصص ولها %30من عالمة االمتحان التحريري -2االمتحان شفوي وله %40من العالمة عالمة النجاح في كل ورقة %70بينما العالمة الكلية للنجاح هي %75 -3يكون الطالب مؤهال لالمتحان الشفوي بعد النجاح في االمتحان الكتابي -4لجنة الدراسات العليا في القسم هي التي تحدد موعد ونوع ومحتوى االمتحان . ملحق (ج) التدريب العملي : الوحدات او البرامج الصحية التي يختارها المتدرب اربعة منها لقضاء فترة اقامة ( )Residencyمدتها اربعة اشهر كل منها )1الرعاية الصحية االولية )2الصحة المدرسية )3الصحة المهنية )4الصحة البيئية )5الصحة النفسية )6مكافحة امراض االسهال )7مكافحة امراض المستوطنة )8مكافحة امراض المزمنه )9برامج التطعيم والتحسين )10تغذية االنسان والفئات الحساسة )11رعاية االمومه والطفوله )12التثقيف الصحي )13التخطيط الصحي والقوى البشرية )14االحصاء والمعلومات الصحية )15تأهيل المعاقين ويمكن للقسم اعتماد وحدات او برامج صحية اخرى تتوفر فيها الشروط الخاصة في التدريب .