Testing Causes of Ring Formation in Blue Grama Grass in the Sevilleta By Nora Dunkirk August 10, 2013 Abstract: Plants interact with their soil communities through root interactions with soil and root-inhabiting microorganisms, also known as plant-soil community feedbacks. Plantsoil community feedbacks (PSFs) can shape how a plant grows in its habitat. Negative PSFs, which result when a plant performs worse in association with its own soil community than with the soil communities from other plant species, have been hypothesized to explain why some plants, such as the grass blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), form patches in the shape of rings. The idea is that host-specific pathogens build up in the center of the plant, causing plant dieback and the formation of a ring as the plant grows outward toward pathogen-free soil. The mechanisms for grass ring formation have been minimally studied in the field, and none, to our knowledge, have directly tested for a role of PSFs in ring formation. This study tested the effect of negative PSFs on ring formation by comparing the plant response of blue grama seedlings when grown in soils taken from either inside or outside grass rings in the field to sterile controls. We found higher rates of germination, survival, and growth for seedlings grown on live soil from inside the ring than from live soil outside the ring, but no difference in plant performance when soils were sterilized, suggesting that a seed would have higher fitness if it landed in the center of a ring than at the outer edge. These results did not support the hypothesis that negative PSFs cause ring formation in blue grama, but suggest instead that pathogen loads may be highest on the outer edges of ring-forming plants. Introduction: As a plant grows and matures, it changes the composition of and interacts with the soil microbial community around and inside its roots (Bever 1997). This interaction, or 1 plant-soil community feedback (PSF) can be beneficial, detrimental, or neutral (Van der Putten 2013). Feedbacks range in strength as well as in the direction of their effects on plants (Kulmatiski et al. 2008). A positive plant soil feedback occurs when the plant interacts with the soil organisms in a way that is beneficial to the growth of that plant and its progeny relative to soil communities from other plant species. A negative plant soil feedback occurs when the interaction inhibits the growth of the plant and/or its progeny. PSFs can occur for one plant species (individual PSF) or for a community of species, and can alter the survival, reproduction, and growth patterns of those species (Kulmatiski et al. 2008). Many grasses in differing ecosystems grow in ring shaped patches, such as Poa bulbosa (Sheffer 2007), Sesleria appennina, Brachypodium rupestre, and Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Carteni et al 2012). Several studies link negative PSFs to ring formation in clonal plants such as Scirpus holoschoenus (Bonanomi et al. 2005), the species studied by Carteni et al. (2012), and Bouteloua gracilis, or blue grama, studied by Ravi et al. (2008). The mechanism behind this has been a subject of past research because central dieback implies a difference in soil community characteristics between the center and the outside of the grass rings (Ravi et al. 2008). One study proposed the hypothesis that exogenous factors, hydrologic patterns linked with aeolian deposits that cause plant death, can be a cause for ring formation in blue grama, however, these mechanisms have received little direct experimental testing (Ravi et al. 2008). One study suggests blue grama ring growth is simply an “adaptation a plant has to maintain itself under unfavorable conditions,” yet this does not explain the underlying mechanism for central dieback in these grasses 2 (White 1989). The hypothesis that PSFs cause ring formation has only been studied in conceptual models thus far and not empirically (Ravi et al. 2008). Therefore, this study does the job of testing the theoretical model in a real-world experimental testing. This project aims to increase our understanding of plant-soil feedbacks in grasses of the desert environment at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). I hypothesize that negative plant-soil feedbacks are causing the central dieback found in blue grama. This study addresses the question: Is ring formation of blue grama caused by negative PSFs? Methods: Study species. Blue grama, Bouteloua gracilis, is an abundant, arid-land grass that grows in rings. After reaching a certain size, the center of the patch of grass dies back which grass leaves a ring-shaped patch. A prior field study by Ravi et al. (2008) found that blue grama of a medium size (40-60 cm diameter) showed a larger edge vs. center difference in soil qualities such as infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity than did plants of both smaller and larger ring sizes. Thus, we focused on plants in this size range for our study. Study site. The study site was a desert grassland dominated by blue grama located in the McKenzie flats region of the Sevilleta NWR in New Mexico (106.6917W 34.3529N). The experiment was conducted in June - August 2013 and consisted of: soil collection, soil sterilization, cone-tainer treatment, seed addition to pots, and data collection. 3 Plant observations. Forty mid-sized (40-60 cm diameter) blue grama plants were chosen at random along two transects in a blue grama grassland in the Sevilleta NWR. Each plant was a minimum of 1 m apart and formed an obvious single ring. For each plant, we measured ring area by finding two perpendicular diameters of each the outer and inner edges of the ring, and using the equation for the area of an ellipse (A = pi* r1*r2) subtracted the inner area from the outer. We also collected roots from the inner and outer edges of the ring for observations of fungal colonization. Approximately 60 cm length of roots were collected from each plant July 12-31. Roots were stained using the ink and vinegar method (Vierheilig et al. 1998) and fungal colonization was scored using the grid-line intercept method (McGonigle et al. 1990). Soil collection. At each of the 40 target plants, two soil samples (approx. 66 ml each) were collected in the week of June 10 from each the center and the outer edge of the ring using a soil corer for 0-10 cm depth (20 plants) or a hand trowel and soil corer for 1020 cm (20 plants). The soil corer and trowel were wiped clean with a towel between each soil collection. One sample from each the center and the edge was placed directly into a conetainer pot (2.5 cm diameter, 16 cm deep, Ray Leach Conetainers, Stuewe and Sons, Corvalis, OR), and the other sample from each location was placed into a plastic autoclave bag for sterilization. Pots were kept at room temperature for 6 days until seeds were planted. The factorial experimental design is shown in Table 1. Location on Ring Inner Outer Live 40 40 Sterile 40 40 4 TABLE 1. Experimental design showing soil origin X sterilization treatments, numbers show sample sizes for each treatment combination. Soil sterilization. All the soils collected in autoclave bags (half of the total soil collected) were sterilized in an autoclave at the University of New Mexico. The bags were autoclaved on a gravity cycle at a high temperature for 3 h, allowed to cool, then autoclaved a second time for 3 h. Sterilization was used to kill soil microorganisms, including the heat-tolerant microbes of the desert. Pot set-up. Each pot, was scrubbed and sterilized in 10% bleach prior to soil addition. Then the pots were separated by at least 6 cm in every direction in their pot trays to reduce the possibility of cross-contamination among the treatments. Each pot was filled with soil in the field so that approximately 2.5 cm remained empty in the top to avoid overtopping during watering. Planting. After the pots were filled with soil and tagged, blue grama seeds from a local distributor were inserted onto each pot. Five seeds were added to each pot on June 18, 2013, and then each pot was supplemented with additional seeds on June 24 (after some seeds had been lost due to wind) for a total of 6 seeds per pot. Pots were then misted with water at least twice daily to keep the soil surface moist and optimal for germination. After germination, the pots were given 5 ml of water two times daily and allowed to grow for 4 weeks. Response variables. Plant fitness was estimated by measuring germination rate, survival, seedling height, and total biomass. Germination rate was determined by 5 counting the total number of seeds that sprouted in each pot, and dividing that by the total number of seeds planted. Survival was determined as the mean survival of a germinated seedling at 20 days after seed addition. All but one seedling were pruned from the pots after germination to avoid competition. After the seedlings grew for 4 weeks, plant height was measured. Then the seedlings were harvested, soil was rinsed from roots, and plants were dried at 60C in a convection oven for 3 days to measure above and below-ground dry biomass. Data analysis. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and General Linear Models in the program R (version 3.0.0, R Core Team) to test for the effects of soil origin (inside ring vs. outer edge), soil sterilization (live vs. sterile) and the origin X sterilization interaction. Specifically, we predicted that if PSFs were responsible for ring formation, we should detect a significant soil origin X sterilization interaction, with reduced plant performance in live soils from inside the ring relative to live soils from the ring edge, but no effect of soil origin when soils were sterilized. We additionally tested whether ring size or depth of soil collection were significant covariates in the analyses. Results: Germination. In general, plants performed worse in soils from the outer ring edge than in soils from the inside of rings. Soil origin had no effect when soils were sterilized, implicating soil microbes in these differences. When measuring germination rate, we found plants that grew on soil originating from the inside of the ring had a significantly higher germination rate on average than plants growing on soils from the outside of the 6 ring (F1,39=5.29, P=0.016). Survival. The trend for live soils was higher survival on soil from inside the ring than on soil from outside. Whether a plant survived better on soil from the inside the ring depended on if it was sterile or live. The survival rate showed that the interaction of treatments, soil origin X sterilization, was significant (F1,39=2.194, P=0.028). Growth. The results for plant height showed marginally significant effects of ring location (F1,39=4.041, P=0.053). For sterilized soil, the height average was very similar for both inside and outside soils. But for live soil, there was a large trend for soil taken from the inside of the ring to result in much greater average seedling height than soil from the outer edges. The data taken for biomass had a very low sample size due to high rates of seedling mortality, so statistical analyses could not be done. Nevertheless a trend can still be found for live soil, which had on average higher biomass for above and belowground on soil from the inside than from the outside of the ring. Another interesting find is that seedlings grown on sterile soil all had greater biomass than seedlings grown on live soil (inside and out) suggesting that live soils are largely pathogenic (rather than beneficial) to seedlings. Discussion: We set out to find if negative PSFs were the cause of ring formation in blue grama grass. This experiment found little evidence to support that hypothesis. Instead, we found the opposite trend from natural occurrences, where we see plant death in the center of the ring, a negative interaction, and growth and active tillers outside the ring, a 7 positive interaction. Our results indicate that a seed in nature would do best if it landed and grew inside the ring rather than outside it. These results also imply that there is a higher abundance of soil pathogens located outside the ring than inside it. Future studies can look at the roots from inside and outside blue grama rings to evaluate the apparent fungal colonization and assess whether there is a difference in abundance (inside vs. outside). This could help to determine whether fungal parasites or mutualists affect grass ring formation. The soil collected from inside the ring was taken from the approximate center, where it is possible that few roots were present; whereas the soil collected from outside the ring was taken as close to the plant as possible (about 5-10 cm away) where roots were abundant. Soil pathogens that we would expect to cause negative PSFs, such as pathogenic or parasitic fungi, are largely associated with plant roots. If no roots were collected with the soil from the center of the ring, the pathogens could have been avoided as well. This difference in collection could have had an effect on seedling growth. Future experiments could sample soils at intervals inside and outside the ring to see if plant growth patterns differ from those found in this experiment. We conclude that negative PSFs do not appear to be a strong mechanism causing ring formation in blue grama. In fact, plant growth was quantitatively better on soils from inside the rings relative to soils from the outer edge of rings. Acknowledgements: This research was funded by the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge and the University of New Mexico. We 8 would like to thank the Sevilleta Fish and Wildlife and Amaris Swann. 9 Literature Cited: Bever J.D., Westover K.M, and Antonovics J. (1997) “Incorporating the soil community into plant population dynamics: the utility of the feedback approach.” Journal of Ecology 85: 561-573. Bonanomi G., Rietkerk M., Dekker SC, and Mazzoleni S. 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