APPROPRIATENESS OF ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS MEASUREMENTS IN ACUTE CARE GENERAL WARDS Mohamed Al-Moamary, MD; Diane Daniel, RRT; Faisal Battwa, MB; Hamdan Al-Jahdali, MD; Abdullah Al-Shimemeri, MD The measurement of arterial blood gases (ABG) has assumed an increasingly important role in the process of clinical evaluation, and has been widely used during the past three decades. The number of ABG measurements has increased in different medical conditions due to greater availability.1 Though ABG measurement indications are clear, they are occasionally misused.2 The test has some risks, consumes a considerable amount of physician and respiratory therapist time, and results in increased cost to the health care system.3 Pulse oximetry, a noninvasive method that measures arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SaO2), can play a major role in reducing the need for ABG measurements.4 This transdigital technique has been shown in normal healthy volunteers to be easily used, safe, accurate, and reliable. It is also sensitive in detecting arterial desaturation.5,6 However, this method is underutilized, even in situations where it has major benefits, such as tapering oxygen for hospitalized patients and in intensive care settings.2,7 We observed overutilization of ABG measurements in our hospital, where proper use of pulse oximetry could have reduced the number of requested ABG. To justify the development and implementation of guidelines for ABG measurements, we conducted a prospective study to observe their appropriateness and the frequency of pulse oximetry usage in acute care general wards. This study did not interfere with the process of ongoing pulse oximetry usage or requests for ABG. Accepted for publication 21 November 1998. Received 19 April 1998. therapists, with the result filed in the patient’s medical record for interpretation by the requesting physician. The respiratory therapists were given orientation on the pulse oximetry and aims of the study. The study form included information on diagnosis, indication for ABG measurement, urgency of requisition, usage of pulse oximetry, measured SaO2, and route and amount of oxygen. All ABG requested were reviewed daily by a pulmonologist (MA) and a senior medical resident (FB) who determined the appropriateness of each requisition. ABG requests were considered inappropriate under the following criteria: 1) when ABG was measured only to check SaO2 in a stable patient with no known cardiopulmonary distress or acid-base disturbance; 2) when ABG measurement could have been avoided in retrospect by using pulse oximetry prior to ABG; 3) when ABG was measured without an attempt to achieve adequate SaO2 by using oxygen; and 4) when ABG measurement was used as a tool to titer oxygen up or down or to titer it down in patients with CO2 retention. The patients’ medical records were reviewed whenever necessary. Pulse oximetry was measured noninvasively by BCI International 3302 oximeter (Wisconsin, USA) and Ohmeda Biox 3700E (Ohio, USA). Data were summarized using simple descriptive statistics. Chi-squared test was used to check the association between categorical variables. Materials and Methods Results This was a prospective observational study conducted in a 550-bed tertiary care teaching hospital over a two-week period in October 1997. The study involved all ABG measurements from adult acute care general wards of approximately 330 beds belonging to different specialties. All ABG requested were performed by respiratory During the study period of two weeks, 98 ABG were requested on 64 patients from adult acute care general wards. On average, there were seven ABG requests per day and 1.5 ABG requests per patient. Medical wards were the most frequent areas requesting ABG (48%) (Table 1). The total number of ABG requested from all medical wards was 59 (60.2%). Acute and chronic respiratory diseases were the most frequent diagnoses (34.6%) requiring ABG measurements (Table 2), followed by 17 measurements (17.4%) for chronic airway obstruction, five for asthma (5.1%), three for pulmonary fibrosis (3.1%), three for sleep apnea (3.1%), three for pulmonary embolism (3.1%), and three for pneumonia (3.1%). Other disease categories that From the Pulmonary Section, Department of Medicine and Cardiopulmonary Services, King Fahad National Guard Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Address reprint requests and correspondence to Dr. Al-Moamary: P.O. Box 84252, Riyadh 11671, Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine, Vol 19, No 2, 1999 153 AL-MOAMARY ET AL TABLE 1. Location of requisition for measurement of arterial blood gases (ABG). Ward Number (%) General Medicine 47 (48) Surgery 13 (13.3) Obstetrics and Gynecology 6 (6.1) Cardiology 5 (5.1) Gastroenterology and Liver Transplant 5 (5.1) Other 22 (22.4) Total 98 (100) Wards are not strictly defined, as overflow is allowed between wards, depending on bed situation. TABLE 2. Reasons for 45 inappropriate ABG measurements. Reason Number (%) ABG measured only to check SaO2 in the absence of cardiopulmonary distress or acid-base disturbance 15 (32.6) ABG measured without an attempt to achieve adequate SaO2 by oxygen 12 (26.1) ABG measured to titer oxygen 9 (19. 6) ABG measurement could have been avoided in retrospect by using PO 9 (19.6) Total 45 (100) required ABG were 13 patients with liver and gastrointestinal diseases (13.1%), 10 with motor vehicle accident and trauma (10.2%), seven with diabetes mellitus, and 34 for miscellaneous indications (34.7%). Though 13 ABG measurements (13.3%) were done for patients with liver or gastrointestinal disease, most were part of routine pre-liver transplant work-up. Indications for ABG measurements included 37 for patients with dyspnea (37.8%), 11 to monitor PaO 2 (11.2%), 10 to check saturation (10.2%), nine baseline ABG (9.2%), six during cardiac arrest (6.1%), five for patients with chest pain (5.1%), and 20 for other reasons (20.4%). Fifty-three patients (54.1%) were considered appropriate by reviewers and 45 (45.9%) were not. Arterial oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry was checked concomitantly with 68 ABG measurements (69.5%). Of these measurements, 31 (45.6%) could have been avoided by proper utilization of the pulse oximetry. Fifty-five ABG measurements (56.1%) were urgent orders, 36 (36.7%) were routine orders, while the status of the remaining 7 (7.1%) could not be determined. Thirty of the 55 urgently requested ABG and 17 (47.2%) of the 36 routinely ordered ABG were appropriate (47.2%) (P=0.7). Discussion Clinical analyses of blood gases have been made possible in the past three decades due to several important advances.7 Due to the important information gained by ABG measurements, it has become the most frequently ordered test in intensive care areas.8 Guidelines for the 154 Annals of Saudi Medicine, Vol 19, No 2, 1999 usage of ABG measurements have significantly reduced the number and increased the appropriateness of their use.2,9 On the other hand, the recent widespread usage of pulse oximetry to analyze SaO2 has significantly reduced the number of required ABG.3-6 The development and application of guidelines have become common practice in many Western countries, where most of the health care costs are paid for either by the patient, third-party payers, or to a lesser extent, the government. In an era of increasing health care costs,9 this is a financial burden for most patients. In Saudi Arabia, the cost of ABG measurements is included in the budget of governmental hospitals, with the result that many physicians do not appreciate the costs of frequent measurements. However, the charge of this measurement in the private sector is 100–200 Saudi riyals (USD27–54). In the absence of guidelines, there will be no control on the number of unnecessary ABG measurements. Our study concentrated specifically on the appropriateness of measured ABG in a tertiary-care teaching hospital. The criteria that we used to determine such appropriateness were extrapolated from different sources.2,3,6,7,10 Forty-six percent of ABG were inappropriately ordered, which is compatible with the experience of others.2,3 The number of ABG measured was 1.5 per patient, the proper timing of ABG requests or utilization of pulse oximetry theoretically could have reduced this to 0.8. However, Browning et al. found that even after the application of ABG guidelines in ICU settings, 30% of ABG analyses did not meet their appropriateness criteria.3 By taking this observation into consideration, the number of ABG in our study could have been reduced from 1.5 to 1 ABG per patient. Thus, we believe that the implementation of guidelines for ABG measurements could have reduced 30 ABG measurements during the study period, which would be an approximate reduction from 2496 to 1664 measurements annually, i.e., 832 fewer ABG measurements. If requested ABG from the Emergency Department had been included in our study, it is our assumption that the number of unnecessary ABG measurements would have been much greater. Pulse oximetry has added a significant dimension to the monitoring of arterial oxygen status and deserves widespread application and use.11 The measurement of SaO2 by pulse oximetry is clinically accurate to ±4%, and is a sensitive indicator of relative hypoxemia.12 A pulse oximetry reading of less than 95% of SaO2 has 100% sensitivity in identifying hypoxemia. Nevertheless, it tends to overestimate the lower levels of SaO2, and does not correlate well with PaO2 during profound hypoxemia with SaO2 of less than 70%.5,11,12 Pulse oximetry reading can give erroneous measurements in the presence of carboxyhemoglobin, methemoglobin, jaundice, strong ambient light, and black henna stain.13 Though reduction is available on all acute care wards in our hospital, 31.5% of measured ABG did not have their SaO2 checked by the pulse oximetry concomitantly. In 45% of these occasions, BRIEF REPORT: ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS MEASUREMENTS ABG measurements could have been avoided if pulse oximetry had been done. Wider and proper utilization of this tool would be reflected in decreasing numbers of unnecessary ABG measurements. In summary, ABG measurements from acute care wards in a tertiary-care teaching hospital were found to be overutilized, a fact that is consistent with data in the literature. The development and implementation of guidelines or an algorithm for requested ABG requisition may significantly reduce the number of requested ABG and increase their appropriateness. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Prof. LeRoy Heffernan and Prof. Sameer Bin Huraib for reviewing the manuscript and providing valuable comments, and to Mr. Richard Kellie and the members of the Cardiopulmonary Department for their assistance and support. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Showstack J, Schroeder S, Matsumato M. 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