Ancient History

US History
Semester 1
Final Exam Study Guide
Identify the following concepts, places, people and terms (remember to define a term or identify the person
as well as state its’/their significance). Also, it may be useful to note the date or time period.
What was the Roosevelt Corollary?
What was Dollar Diplomacy?
-Built on Monroe Doctrine.
-U.S. was in charge of intervening in Latin America,
to keep European troops out of the area
-American business supported LA developing
countries everyone would benefit.
-US would increase its trade, Business would increase
profits and LA would rise out of poverty.
In which direction did America look for new trade?
What was Pan-Americanism?
-Forced trade with Japan (Naval expedition)
-Idea that The United States and Latin America
should work together
What does it mean for the US to be a Protectorate?
Progressives believed who should solve problems?
-Imperial power allowing rulers to stay in control
and protected them against rebellions
-The Government
What was the purpose of the Great White Fleet?
How did Yellow Journalism fuel a war?
-Roosevelt sent 16 battleships on voyage around the
world to show the nation’s military might
-Made a stop in Asia (imperialism)
-Reporters that exaggerated or even expanded the
Who Overthrew the Hawaiian Monarchy and Why?
Why was the Battleship Maine sent to Cuba?
-A group of planters supported by the U.S. Marines
-Lucrative sugar cane in Hawaii
-To evacuate Americans if necessary
-Explodes  Blames it on Spain to get involved in the
What were the Causes of the Spanish American War?
What did the US get with the Treaty of Paris of 1898?
-Cuba became independent
-U.S. acquired Guam and Puerto Rico and paid Spain
-20 Million for the Philippines.
(United States officially an Imperial Power)
-Yellow Journalism
-USS Maine
-US & Spanish Imperialism
What was the purpose of the Open Door Policy?
What was the purpose of the Children’s Bureau?
-To ensure trading rights for all nations with China
-To investigate and publicize problems with child
US History
Who founded the NAACP?
Who created the Federal Reserve System and why?
-National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People.
-W.E.B. Dubois found it
-He believed it was time to end lynching and other
What did the Triangle Shirtwaist disaster lead to?
-Woodrow Wilson
-To regulate the banking system and money supply
-Owners locked the doors and would not let workers
out. Then fire breaks out.
-Led to new fire/safety codes in the workplace (i.e.
fire escapes)
What was Prohibition?
-The right to vote.
-Law banning the manufacture/sale/consumption of
-Group of citizens to introduce legislation and
required a legislature to vote on it.
What was the 19th Amendment?
What was the 21st Amendment?
-Women’s Suffrage.
-Repealed the 18th Amendment (Prohibition)
What helped Theodore Roosevelt to be Vice Pres.?
Who were the Triple Entente?
-Sec. of the Navy during the Spanish American War
-Fame from the war
-Great Britain, France & Russia
Who were the Central Powers?
What was Nationalism?
-Later: Ottoman Empire & Bulgaria
-Intense pride in your own nation/culture
-Can lead to cultural superiority
What was the Zimmerman Telegraph?
What were the Causes of World War I?
-Telegraph intercepted by the British.
-From Germany to Mexico to try and get the
Mexicans to attack the U.S.
Immediate: Assassination of Archduke
Why did the United States Enter into World War I?
What was the purpose of Daylight Savings Time?
-Sinking of the Lusitania (Unrestricted Submarine
-Zimmerman Telegraph
-To conserve energy for the war
-Work-weeks and days were also shortened for
companies that did not produce war time goods.
What was Suffrage?
What was Initiative?
M – Militarism
A – Alliances
I - Imperialism
N – Nationalism
US History
-Business Interests with GB (Money)
What was Selective Service?
What was the purpose of Liberty and Victory Bonds?
-Military Draft
-Created for WWI
-2.8 million men were drafted
-To fund the war
-American people bought over 20 billion dollars
What does Armistice mean?
What were U-Boats?
German submarines
What was the League of Nations?
What did the New Morality glorify?
-Organization created after World War One to keep
the peace
-Wilson’s 14th point.
-U.S. never joined
-Personal freedom
What was the Emergency Quota Act?
What was the Red Scare?
-Only 3 percent of total number of people from any
ethnic group already living in the US could be
-Idea of Communists trying to start a revolution in the
United States
-J Edgar Hoover and the CIA
What did Socialists believe?
When did Motion Pictures with sound begin?
-Idea that government should own and operate all
industries and business.
What was the Scopes Trial?
How did Welfare Capitalism affect unions?
-John Scopes taught evolution in Tennessee. Was
convicted and found guilty.
-Companies allowed workers to buy stock,
participate in profit sharing, and receive benefits such
as medical care and pensions.
How did the Assembly Line work?
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
-Henry Ford
-Divides jobs into simple tasks
-Quick and efficient
-Flowering of African American culture & arts
What was Warren G. Harding motto and why?
Who was Henry Ford?
-Return to Normalcy (WWI & Red Scare)
-Ohio Gang
-Invented the T-Model Car
-Applied the Assembly Line for cars
-Quicker and more efficient production
US History
What was the Ohio Gang?
What was the Teapot Dome Scandal?
-Poker playing friends
-Gave positions to friends in the cabinet instead of
the most qualified
-Senator Fall leased oil reserves at Teapot, Wyoming.
-Received $300,000 in bribes to do so
-First senator to go to prison
What was Calvin Coolidge’s belief on government?
Why were there Tariffs on foreign goods during the
Great Depression?
-Keep cool with Coolidge
-Gov should not interfere with business
-Makes foreign goods more expensive and therefore
forces Americans to buy American made goods
What was the Installment Plan?
What was the Farming Crisis caused by?
-Idea of using credit to pay monthly payments
-Like a credit card
-Soil dried up, which led to falling farm prices
Why did Herbert Hoover win in 1928?
What was a Bank Holiday?
-Because of the prosperity of the 1920s
-FDR closed done the banks for a 3 day “cooling off”
-Prevented “bank runs’
How did Hoover’s removal of the Bonus March/Army
affect him?
What happened when banks collapsed during the
Great Depression?
-Veterans looking for $1,000 promised, eventually the
army forces them out
-Two veterans and young child were killed
-Drastic loss in public approval
-People lost their investments & life savings
What was a Bank Run?
What is the Stock Market?
-Lines of investors looking to withdrawal their
money before the bank fails
A financial institution where shares of a company are
bought and sold
-October 29, 1929 Black Tuesday Stock Market
Crashes and leads to the Great Depression
-Affects most of Europe as well
What is a Bull Market?
What was the TVA?
-A time period of speculation when the market is
doing very well
-Stock prices continue to rise
-Tennessee Valley Authority
-Created jobs for the rural American population
What was the Emergency Banking Relief Act?
What did FDR do first when he became President?
-Temporarily closing and issuing licenses to banks
that federal examiners found to be financially sound
-Declare bank holidays to restore public confidence in
the banking system
US History
What was the CWA?
What was the CCC?
-Civil Works Administration
-Focused on creating employment
-4 million employed
-300,000 women
-Roosevelt shut it down because money was being
spent too fast
-Civilian Conservation Corps
-Focused on creating employment
-Employed single men 18-25 for natural resource
-Forest fires, planting trees
-Specifically benefited the South
Why was the Court Packing Plan wrong?
What did the Securities and Exchange Commission
-Expand the membership of the Supreme Court so
that he could nominate justices who would uphold
the constitutionality of New Deal legislation
-It interfered with the Constitution’s separation of
-The Stock Market
How did the AAA try to help farmers?
Who did Adolf Hitler blame for Germany’s problems?
-Agricultural Adjustment Act
-Reduced agricultural surplus and raised prices for
struggling farmers
-Ruled unconstitutional
-The Jews
What was Fascism?
What did the Nuremburg Laws do?
-One dictator (Hitler, Franco, Mussolini)
-Aggressive Nationalism
-Took citizenship away from Jewish Germans
What was first in Hitler’s Unification Plan?
What was the Final Solution?
-Hitler’s idea to exterminate all European Jews
The Munich Conference gave in to who and what?
What was the secret of the Nazi-Soviet
Nonaggression Pact (Treaty)?
-France and GB meet Hitler to decide appeasement
-Giving Hitler Sudetenland for peace
-USSR and Germany to 10 year peace and to split
US History
What was the Battle of Britain?
What did the Lend-Lease Act allow Britain to do?
-London destroyed but the RAF hold off the
-Luftwaffe to finally make a stand against Germany
-Way to get Britain arms without them having to pay
for them
How did the US remain neutral early in WWII?
What was D-Day?
-United States idea to stay out of the war
-Neutrality Act 1935
-Neutrality Act 1937 – Cash and Carry
-Largest land & sea invasion in military history
-U.S. & GB invade the beaches of Normandy, France
-Leads to the liberation of France and the surrender of
What was Mein Kampf?
What was the objective of Iwo Jima?
-Hitler’s Autobiography
-Discussed Hitler’s hatred towards specific groups
and his “final solution”
-Location close to Japan
-Important to United States because building
airplanes and bases
What was the “Double V” Campaign?
Who were the Axis Powers?
-African American campaign
-Victory over Hitler
-Victory over Racism at home
-Germany, Italy, & Japan
What is Isolationism?
What cause the rise of dictators in Germany?
-Staying out of international affairs in order to focus
on your own nation (United States)
-Treaty of Versailles
-Lack of strong political leadership
What was V-E Day?
What were Women’s Roles in WWII?
-Victory in Europe
-May 8th, 1945
-Victory gardens
-Working “men’s” jobs
-WAAC (pilots, nurses, electricians, etc.)
What was V-J Day?
-Victory in Japan
-August 14th, 1945