EUROPEAN COMMISSION RESEARCH DIRECTORATE-GENERAL Political Co-ordination and Strategy COST Brussels, 06 June 2000 ZD/00-067 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE THIRD MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF COST ACTION 716 ‘EXPLOITATION OF GROUND-BASED GPS FOR CLIMATE AND NUMERICAL WEATHER PREDICTION APPLICATION’ BRUSSELS, Belgium, 28-29 September 1999 Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium - Office: SDME 1/53 Telephone: direct line (+32-2)2965169, Fax: 2964289 Internet: 106749135 -2- 106749135 1. WELCOME The 3rd MC of Action 716 was held at The European Commission, 36, rue Froissart, in BRUSSELS, Belgium. Mr. Gunnar ELGERED the chairperson of the Action in his capacity addressed the participants. The copy of the attendance list is given in Annex 1, the list of National Delegates in Annex 2. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MCM3/D1 The agenda was adopted without modification. The Agenda is given in Annex 3. 3. COMMENTS ON THE MINUTES OF THE 2nd MC-MEETING APRIL 23, 1999 MCM3/D2 The minutes of the 2nd MC meeting was adopted with the following modifications: i) item 7: remove the sentences ‘The archiving program need support climate purpose.’ and ‘The common archiving, the uniform system is necessary.’ at he end of that paragraph, add the sentence: ‘Working Group 3 has the task to specify these requirements.’ ii) item 10: In the last sentence in the 1st paragraph, delete ‘in USA’. 4. STATUS OF THE ACTION The MoU of the Action has signed by in total 14 countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. The summary of the COST Meteorology Action is given in Annex 4. 5. BUDGET The economic status was reviewed. It was noted that if needed there would be resources for a Working Group meeting still during 1999, even though this is not planned for the moment. Mr. DUNKEL gave a summary the COST budget in 1999 and showed the budget plan of Action 716 for 2000. The budget plan of COST Meteorology domain is given in Annex 5.1 6. REPORT FROM PROJECT 1 PRESENTATION AND APPROVAL OF PROPOSED WG MEMBERS (P.PESEC) Mr. Peter PESEC reported the Working Group 1 activity as chairman. No members for WG1 are appointed in addition to the chairman. Responses to the questionnaire sent to each country. Concerning present hardware and software the response have been received and a final report is expected in time for the workshop planned for July 2000. Mr. PESEC will be a member also of Working Group 2. Draft summary of WG1 meeting is given in Annex 6. 7. REPORT FROM PROJECT 2 PRESENTATION AND APPROVAL OF PROPOSED WG MEMBERS (H. VAN DER MAREL) Mr. VAN DER MAREL, the chairman of WG2, reported the WG2 activity. MCM3/D3 The MC accepted the following members for WG2: 1 The Annex 5 contains the simple summary of MC’s plans were submitted to the Secretariat. The opinion of TC was 450-500 thousands euros seems to be realistic. The COST Commission Secretariat allocated 450.000 euros for the COST Meteorology domain for 2000. -3- 106749135 Mr. Hans van der MAREL (chairman) Mr. Peter PESEC Mr. Antonio RIUS Mr. Gerd GENT Mr. Elmar BROCKMAN Mr. David JERRET Mr. Rene WARNANT Mr. Eric DOERFLINGER Mr. Francesco VESPE and two possible additional members from the EUREF and BALTEX GPS activities. MCM3/D4 The next WG2 meeting will be held in MATERA, I, 4 March 2000 and a 2nd one just before the next MC meeting. 8. REPORT FROM PROJECT 3 PRESENTATION AND APPROVAL OF PROPOSED WG MEMBERS (S. BARLAG) Ms. Sylvia BARLAG, the chairlady of WG3, presented the report from Working Group. The summary of her presentation is given in Annex 7. MCM3/D5 The MC accepted the following members for WG 3: Ms. Sylvia BARLAG (chairwoman) Mr. Dave OFFILER Mr. Mark HIGGINS Mr. Nils GUSTAFSSON Ms. Christina KOEPKEN Mr. Henrik VEDEL Ms. Jennifer HAASE Mr. Jean PAILLEUX Mr. Heimo QUIBY Mr. Antti LANGE Mr. Antonio RIUS. Concerning the forthcoming meetings WG3 plans a WG meeting in January or February 2000. User requirements are expected to deliver to WG2 in time for the meeting in Matera on March 4, 2000. Also WG 3 plans for a meeting together with MCM in July 2000. 9. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS FROM NATIONAL DELEGATES No additional comments were submitted from the national delegates. 10. PROPOSAL FOR HOSTING INSTITUTE OF STSM BUDGET The MC has examined the implementation of short-term scientific mission in the context of the Action, and the necessity to delegate the administration of this mission to a participating Institute. MCM3/D6 After explanation and open discussion of the tasks and procedures foreseen and taking into account the interest expressed by National Delegates within the Action, the Management Committee decided to recommend Institute of Engineering, Surveying and Space and Geodesy (University Park, NOTTINGHAM NG7 2RD, UK, responsible person: Professor Alan DODSON) as the most suitable Institute to administer this operation taking into consideration available administration facilities and infrastructure and its willingness to undertake the tasks. -4- 106749135 11. PROPOSAL FOR SHORT TERM SCIENTIFIC MISSIONS Concerning the STSM no proposal for STSM was received so far. MCM3/D7 The MC agreed that the MC delegates to the chairman, the vice-chairman, and the WG chairpersons to decide about future proposals and report at the MC meetings. 12. WORKSHOP IN YEAR 2000 The workshop planned for year 2000 was discussed, and especially the proposal from Statens Kartverk in Norway to arrange it together with the IGS (International GPS Service for Geodynamics). It was decided to accept this proposal. The workshop will be July 10-12, 2000. The Program Committee (PC) will include the chairman, the vice-chairman, the three WG chairmen, and Hans-Peter Plag, chairman of the Local Organising Committee. There will be a link established from the COST-716 home page (see below) to the home page of the workshop. The MC has examined the implementation of ‘Towards operational GPS Meteorology’ Workshop in OSLO, N, 10-12 July 2000, in the context of this Action. MCM3/D8 The MCM accepted a total budget of 9 keuro to subsidy the Workshop. MCM3/D9 After explanation and open discussion of the tasks and procedures foreseen, and taking into account the interest expressed by National Delegates within the Action, the Management Committee decided to recommend the Norwegian Mapping Authority (Serviceboks 15, N-3504 HØNEFOSS, N, responsible person Mr. Hans–Peter PLAG) as the most suitable Institute to prepare the above mentioned action. 13. DISTRIBUTION OF TASKS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED UNTIL THE NEXT MC-MEETING Item 1: The chairman will establish a COST-716 home page. Its address will thereafter be distributed to all the MC delegates who thereafter are welcome to suggest improvements.2 Item 2: Martin Vermeer volunteered to think about a logo for the COST-716 Action. 14. A.O.B. No any other business was discussed. 15. DATE AND LOCATION OF NEXT MEETING MCM3/D10 The next Management Committee meeting will be held in OSLO, N, 12-13 July 2000 together with Working Group 1, 2, and 3 meetings 10-11 July 2000. 16. CLOSING THE MEETING Mr. ELGERED expressed his thanks to the MC and WGs for their work and closed the meeting. 2 The list of COST Meteorology Actions homepage is given in Annex 8. -5- 106749135 List of Annexes Annex 1 Copy of attendance list Annex 2 List of national delegates Annex 3 Agenda Annex 4 Status of the Action Annex 5 Budget plan for 2000 Annex 6 Draft report of Project 1 by Mr. Peter PESEC Annex 7 Draft report of Project 3 by Ms. Sylvia BARLAG Annex 8 Homepage addresses -6-