1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SEASONAL STUDY OF LIPID COMPOSITION IN DIFFERENT TISSUES OF THE COMMON OCTOPUS (Octopus vulgaris) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Mª Pilar Sieiroa, Santiago P. Aubourgb,* and Francisco Rochaa a ECOBIOMAR, Institute for Marine Research (IIM-CSIC), Vigo (Spain). 30 b Seafood Chemistry, Institute for Marine Research (IIM-CSIC), Vigo (Spain). 31 * Correspondent: FAX: +34986292762; e-mail: saubourg@iim.csic.es 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Running Title: Lipid composition in octopus Keywords: Octopus, lipid classes, fatty acids, tissue, season 1 SUMMARY 2 3 Seasonal variation of octopus (Octopus vulgaris) lipid composition was investigated 4 in four tissues: arm, mantle, ovary and digestive gland. A non-homogeneous fat distribution 5 was observed, the digestive gland exhibiting a higher (p<0.05) lipid content than the other 6 tissues. The ovary showed a higher (p<0.05) fat content than both muscle tissues reaching 7 its highest (p<0.05) value in winter. Neutral lipids –free fatty acids, FFA; triglycerides; 8 sterols, ST– exhibited their highest (p<0.05) concentrations in the digestive gland and their 9 lowest (p<0.05) values in muscle tissues. The phospholipid (PL) content of ovary was the 10 highest (p<0.05) of all tissues analysed, the PL content also being significantly (p<0.05) 11 higher in the digestive gland than in arm and mantle. The concentrations of most lipid 12 classes (FFA, PL and ST) exhibited a seasonal variation. The fatty acid composition 13 showed a remarkable difference between the digestive gland and all other tissues analysed. 14 Thus, the digestive gland exhibited higher (p<0.05) contents in monounsaturated fatty acids 15 and also lower (p<0.05) contents in both saturated (SFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty 16 acids. The highest mean values in SFA and PUFA were observed in ovary and muscle 17 tissues, respectively. A seasonal effect was observed for SFA and PUFA. 18 19 2 1 1. INTRODUCTION 2 3 Seafood products are known to provide high contents of important components for 4 the human diet such as nutritional and digestive proteins, lipid-soluble vitamins (A and D, 5 namely), microelements (I, F, Ca, Cu, Zn, Fe, Se and others) and highly unsaturated fatty 6 acids [1, 2]. Marine lipids are now the subject of a great deal of attention due to their high 7 content of ω3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which have shown a positive role in 8 preventing certain human diseases [3, 4]. 9 Marine species have shown wide lipid content variations as a result of endogenous 10 and exogenous effects [5, 6]. On one hand, and with respect to the endogenous effects, lipid 11 matter has been described to exhibit a heterogeneous distribution throughout the body of 12 marine species probably affected by physiological factors. In this sense, previous reports 13 have shown wide differences in the fat content of fish [7, 8, 9] and cephalopods [10, 11], 14 depending on the tissue investigated. On the other hand, and with respect to the exogenous 15 effects, seasonal variation was considered to play a key role on temperature, feeding 16 availability and other external factors affecting lipid content in different types of marine 17 species [12, 13]. In this sense, an important effect of the seasonal variation on the level of 18 lipid damage has been reported in processed marine species [14, 15]. 19 Common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) is a cephalopod species which has been 20 traditionally considered to have world-wide distribution in temperate and tropical regions 21 [16]. However, recent ecological studies, based on molecular analyses, have shown that its 22 distribution seems to be more restrictive, only covering the Mediterranean Sea, the Eastern 23 and Western Atlantic Ocean and some areas in the North-western Pacific Ocean [17]. Such 24 aquatic food products are typically commercialised fresh, frozen or dried-salted, both at the 3 1 artisan and industrial scales [18]. Previous compositional analyses on octopus have focused 2 only on the investigation of phospholipid [19], collagen [20] and tropomyosin [21]. 3 However, and due to increasing consumer demand, research scientists are paying more 4 attention to this aquatic food product, especially to its growth patterns and to the effects of 5 its sexual maturation on biochemical and compositional changes affecting food quality [22, 6 23]. 7 The main goal of the present work was to investigate both the distribution of 8 different types of lipid classes and the fatty acid composition in different tissues (mantle, 9 arm, ovary and digestive gland) of the common octopus. This study was conducted at 10 different times of the year (autumn, winter, spring and summer) to investigate the seasonal 11 variation of lipid composition. 12 13 14 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 15 16 2.1. Octopus source and sampling 17 Female octopus (Octopus vulgaris) specimens (n=39) were obtained at the ship 18 unloading in the port. Octopus specimens were caught in winter, spring, summer and 19 autumn 2004 in three different fishing banks off the Galician (North-western Spain) coast, 20 these were: Cíes Islands, Vigo; Corcubión, Finisterre, and Cedeira. Octopus specimens 21 were kept in ice for 8-10 hours, from the catch until arrival to our laboratory. Specimens 22 were then prepared for analysis. 23 The length of individuals ranged from 73 to 110 cm, while the dorsal mantle length 24 range was between 14 and 28 cm. Total body weight ranged from 515 to 3,755 g, while the 4 1 range of eviscerated body weight varied between 413 and 3,221 g. Four different tissues 2 were considered for the study: arm (skinned), mantle (skinned), ovary tissue and digestive 3 gland. Lipid analyses were carried out separately on each of the four tissues. Each octopus 4 specimen was studied independently, therefore nine (n=9; winter) and ten (n=10; spring, 5 summer and autumn) independent determinations were accomplished in each season to 6 carry out the statistical analysis. 7 8 9 10 2.2. Determination of the water and lipid contents Water content was determined by weight difference of the homogenised tissue (1-2 g) before and after 24 h at 105 ºC. The results were expressed as g water/100 g tissue. 11 The lipid fraction was extracted by the Bligh and Dyer [24] method. 10 g and 15 g 12 of visceral (ovary and digestive gland) and muscle (arm and mantle) tissues were 13 employed, respectively. The results were expressed as g lipid/100 g wet tissue. 14 15 2.3. Analysis of lipid classes 16 Lipid classes were determined by different spectrophotometric methods. In each 17 case, appropriate portions of total lipids were investigated to guarantee the accuracy of the 18 method employed. 19 Free fatty acid (FFA) content was determined following the Lowry and Tinsley [25] 20 method, which is based on complex formation with cupric acetate-pyridine. In this study, 21 benzene was replaced by toluene. The results were expressed as g FFA/100 g wet tissue. 22 To measure the triglyceride (TG) content, the lipid extract was first purified by thin 23 layer chromatography (20 x 20 cm plates coated with a 0.5 mm layer of silica gel G from 24 Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) using a mixture of hexane-ethyl ether-acetic acid (90-10-1, v5 1 v-v; two developments) as eluent [26]. Once the TG were purified, the method of Vioque 2 and Holman [27] was used for measuring the ester linkage content, according to their 3 conversion into hydroxamic acids and further complexion with Fe (III). The results were 4 expressed as g TG/100 g wet tissue. 5 Total phospholipids (PL) were determined by measuring the organic phosphorus on 6 total lipid extracts, according to the Raheja et al. [28] method based on the formation of a 7 complex with ammonium molybdate. The results were expressed as g PL/100 g wet tissue. 8 Total sterols (ST) were determined in total lipid extracts by the method of Huang et 9 al. [29] based on the Liebermann-Buchardt reaction. The results were expressed as g 10 ST/100 g wet tissue. 11 12 2.4. Fatty acid analysis 13 Total lipid extracts were converted into fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) according 14 to the Lepage and Roy [30] method. FAME were analysed by GC (Perkin-Elmer 8700 15 chromatograph) employing a fused silica capillary column SP-2330 (0.25 mm i.d. x 30 m, 16 Supelco Inc., Bellefonte, PA, USA) according to Aubourg et al. [31]. Peaks corresponding 17 to fatty acids were identified by comparison of their retention times with standard mixtures 18 (Larodan, Qualmix Fish; Supelco, FAME Mix). Peak areas were automatically integrated, 19 19:0 fatty acid being used as internal standard for quantitative analysis. The concentration 20 of each fatty acid or fatty acid group was expressed as g/100 g total FAME. 21 22 2.5. Statistical analysis 23 For each chemical measurement, differences among different tissues and seasons 24 were analysed using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test (p<0.05). Having demonstrated 6 1 a significant difference somewhere among tissues or among seasons, the non-parametric 2 Mann-Whitney-U test was used to find out where the significant (p<0.05) differences were 3 [32]. 4 5 6 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 7 8 3.1. Water and lipid contents 9 The water contents determined in the different samples are presented in Table 1. 10 Water content was higher in all seasons in both muscle tissues (76%-82%) as compared to 11 ovary (61-69%) and digestive gland (62%-64%) tissues. The mantle exhibited a higher 12 water content than the arm in all seasons except spring. No significant differences were 13 observed between ovary and digestive gland throughout the whole year. 14 The results of the lipid analyses are also shown in Table 1. A detailed comparison 15 among the four tissues considered in this study indicated that the highest lipid content was 16 found in the digestive gland (mean values range: 5.38-9.03%), followed by the ovary (mean 17 values range: 1.98-3.98%). Very low lipid values (mean values range: 0.26-0.47%) were 18 obtained for both muscle tissues. A non-homogeneous fat distribution has been reported for 19 octopus and other cephalopods, the digestive gland tissue having been proposed to act as a 20 fat storage organ in cephalopod species [11, 33]. This behaviour would be similar to that 21 described for lean fish species, whose lipid storage is predominantly in the liver [5, 6]. In 22 the present study, a higher lipid content implied a lower water content, according to a 23 known inverse ratio between both constituents in marine species [26]. 7 1 The lack of major glycogen and lipid reserves in cephalopod tissues favours the 2 direct use of protein as an energy supply in such marine species [23, 34]. However, the 3 results of the present study clearly indicate that the digestive gland exhibits a remarkably 4 high lipid content that, according to previous research on other cephalopod species [35, 36], 5 might be employed as a metabolic substrate in common octopus. 6 Since the digestive gland may constitute an important lipid depot site, a seasonal 7 variation in the lipid content of this gland might be of relevance. Thus, a higher lipid 8 content in the digestive gland was observed in autumn, a season characterised by its highly 9 abundant diet availability, as compared to previous reports on other cephalopod species 10 [37]. However, and due to individual variations, no significant seasonal variation was 11 observed, although the highest mean value for the digestive gland lipid content was 12 obtained in autumn. In the case of the ovary tissue, the highest lipid content was determined 13 in winter specimens, a result that may be explained in terms of the annual reproductive 14 cycle reported previously [23, 38]. 15 16 3.2. Lipid class analysis 17 FFA are mainly produced as a result of the action of lipases and phospholipases on 18 high molecular weight lipids such as triglycerides and phospholipids, respectively. The 19 FFA concentrations (Table 1) determined in muscle tissues (arm and mantle) were lower 20 than in ovary and digestive gland in all seasons, the latter gland exhibiting the highest value 21 throughout the whole study. Such high values can be explained as a result of the activity of 22 lipases and phospholipases in a visceral tissue [39] that exhibits a remarkably high lipid 23 content compared to other tissues (Table 1). 8 1 With respect to the digestive gland, the FFA content exhibited its highest 2 concentration in spring, while the lowest was determined in the autumn specimens. This 3 pattern was found to be the opposite to that reported for the lipid content (Table 1). In the 4 case of the ovary tissue, the highest FFA values were obtained in spring and winter. 5 TG content (Table 1) was studied in both the ovary tissue and digestive gland. 6 Muscle tissues were not considered at this point due to the low TG values determined 7 (<0.005 g/100g wet tissue) and to the relatively low sensitivity of the analytical method 8 applied in this study [27]. According to its role as a storage lipid class [5, 6], TG exhibited 9 higher concentrations in the digestive gland than in the ovary tissue throughout the whole 10 year. According to the pattern exhibited by the lipid content, higher TG contents were 11 predicted in autumn than in any other season. However, the results obtained in this study 12 did not support such a statement due to the variable differences observed among different 13 specimens (Table 1). No significant seasonal variation was determined in the ovary tissue. 14 PL analyses (Table 1) evidenced a lower content in muscle tissues than in the ovary 15 tissue and digestive gland. The ovary showed the highest content throughout the whole 16 year. Muscle tissues exhibited lower values as compared to those reported when 17 considering the total edible parts of octopus (0.6 g/ 100 g wet tissue) [19] and other 18 cephalopod species (squid, Loligo vulgaris; 1.9 g / 100 g wet tissue) [40]. Some of the 19 differences observed in the PL content may be explained in terms of seasonal variation. 20 Thus, the highest PL content in ovary was found in winter specimens, while the digestive 21 gland exhibited the highest PL level in winter and autumn. No significant differences 22 (p>0.05) were observed in both muscle tissues in this study as a result of seasonal variation. 23 PL have been described to be important constituents of cell membranes and PL variations 24 in marine species have been reported to be caused by external factors [6, 41]. Seasonal PL 9 1 variations determined in the ovary tissue and digestive gland can be explained as a result of 2 different metabolic needs during development. 3 ST content (Table 1) provided a similar pattern to that determined for FFA in all 4 tissues and for TG in the ovary tissue and digestive gland. Thus, the highest ST content was 5 found in the digestive gland, confirming previous research on other cephalopod species 6 [42]. The ovary tissue exhibited a higher ST content than both muscle tissues throughout 7 the whole year. The values obtained in the present study for mantle and arm are in 8 agreement with values reported for fish white muscle [43]. The highest ST content (p<0.05) 9 for the digestive gland and ovary tissue was found in winter and autumn. In muscle tissues, 10 the highest content was observed in autumn. 11 Previous research on sterol composition has shown that cholesterol is by far the 12 predominant sterol (89-95% of total sterols) in cephalopod species [44, 45]. The resulting 13 high cholesterol content in both the digestive gland and the ovary tissue can be explained in 14 terms of physiological demands to accomplish rapid maturation events commonly observed 15 in cephalopods [23, 45]. 16 17 3.3. Fatty acid analysis 18 The seasonal variation of the fatty acid composition was investigated in four tissues 19 of the octopus (Tables 2-5). In all cases, the most abundant fatty acids were 22:6ω3, 20 20:5ω3, 16:0, 18:0, 20:4ω6, 18:1ω9c and 20:1ω9. Certain saturated fatty acids (SFA) such 21 as 14:0 and 16:0 exhibited a higher concentration in ovary than in the three other tissues 22 studied. By contrast, 18:0 fatty acid showed in most cases higher mean concentrations in 23 mantle and arm than in both ovary and digestive gland. 10 1 Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) such as 16:1ω7, 18:1ω7 and 18:1ω9c 2 exhibited higher concentrations in the digestive gland than in the other tissues analysed. 3 Notably, 20:1ω9 fatty acid showed higher concentrations in the ovary tissue at all seasons, 4 as compared to the other three tissues investigated. 5 With respect to PUFA, 20:4ω6 fatty acid exhibited a higher concentration in ovary 6 than in the other three tissues analysed, except for summer. In the case of 20:5ω3 fatty acid, 7 higher contents were found in muscle tissues as compared to the ovary and the digestive 8 gland. For 22:6ω3 fatty acid, a similar pattern to 20:5ω3 was observed, this revealing a 9 higher concentration of this fatty acid in the muscle tissues than in the two visceral tissues. 10 This higher proportion of both ω3 fatty acids in both muscles than in visceral tissues agrees 11 to the fact that the former ones showed a higher PL content on lipid basis (mean values: 12 64.99 and 59.20 g PL/ 100 g lipid for arm and mantle, respectively) than the ovary and 13 digestive gland (46.66 and 11.88 g PL/ 100g lipid, respectively). The results presented in 14 this work are in agreement with a previous study on octopus reporting that ω3 PUFA 15 proportion in PL (50.3 g/ 100g total FAME) was higher than in TG (24.6 g/ 100g FAME 16 [46]. 17 In relationship to the ω3 series fatty acids, some attention has been focused on the 18 importance of the 22:6ω3/20:5ω3 ratio. Thus, previous reports have shown that fish and 19 cephalopod species provide a value > 1 for this ratio, while most marine invertebrate 20 species exhibit a lower content of 22:6ω3 than 20:5ω3 [10, 19, 31, 40, 47-49]. The results 21 presented in this work are in agreement with those results, since a 22:6ω3/20:5ω3 ratio 22 higher than 1 was found in all cases (Tables 2-5). 23 If fatty acids are considered as fatty acid groups (SFA, MUFA and PUFA), a 24 remarkable compositional difference is observed in the digestive gland. Thus, this tissue 11 1 provided a general pattern not affected by seasonal variation consisting of low saturated 2 and polyunsaturated contents and a high monounsaturated content, as compared to the other 3 three tissues. These results are also in agreement with previous research on other 4 cephalopod species [50, 51]. Regarding the PUFA content, both the mantle and arm 5 exhibited a higher content than the ovary tissue and digestive gland in all seasons except for 6 winter, when no differences could be seen. 7 The vast majority of Western countries do not consume adequate levels of ω3 fatty 8 acids through natural dietary sources such as fish. Consequently, great attention has been 9 recently paid to the ω3/ω6 ratio of foods included in the human diet. This ratio has shown a 10 significant effect on the prevention and development of certain health problems [3, 4], the 11 recommended ratio for the human being around 1/6 (ω3/ω6) [2]. In the present work, a 12 higher ω3/ω6 ratio was found in both muscle tissues as compared with the other two tissues 13 at all seasons except for summer, when no significant differences among mantle, ovary and 14 digestive gland were observed. Muscle tissues provided in all cases a high ω3/ω6 ratio that 15 may be considered as beneficial to the human diet. 16 Concerning the seasonal variation of the fatty acid profiles of the four tissues analysed, 17 SFA exhibited the lowest (p<0.05) concentration in autumn except for the digestive gland 18 where the lowest content (p<0.05) was observed in autumn and winter. MUFA presence 19 showed the highest values (p<0.05) in winter for all the tissues, except for the ovary, which 20 highest values (p<0.05) were obtained in autumn.. The PUFA content was maximum in 21 autumn for the arm and mantle. While both muscle tissues did not exhibit significant 22 (p>0.05) seasonal variation in their ω3/ω6 ratio, the ovary tissue and digestive gland 23 provided the highest ω3/ω6 ratios (p<0.05) in summer. According to the results reported in 24 this work, a general pattern of the seasonal effect on the fatty acid profile of octopus tissues 12 1 could not be concluded. 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This work was supported by the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y 7 Tecnología (CICyT) through the project VEM 2003-20010. 8 20 1 2 21 1 TABLE 2: Fatty acid composition* in different tissues of octopus specimens captured in winter Fatty Acids 14:0 15:0 16:0 17:0 18:0 20:0 21:0 24:0 ∑ Saturated 14:1 15:1 16:1ω7 18:1ω7 18:1ω9t 18:1ω9c 20:1ω9 22:1ω9,11 ∑ Monounsaturated 18:2ω6t 18:2ω6c 20:2ω6 18:3ω3 18:4ω3 20:4ω6 20:5ω3 22:5ω3 22:6ω3 22:6ω3 / 20:5ω3 ∑ ω3 / ∑ ω6 ∑ Polyunsaturated 2 3 4 5 6 Arm 1.1±0.1a 0.1±0.0 19.2±2.5a 2.2±0.7 8.2±0.8a nd 0.2±0.1 1.2±0.1 32.3±4.1a nd 0.5±0.2 0.5±0.3a 2.0±0.2a nd 2.6±0.4a 3.4±0.1a 1.3±0.3 10.4±0.8a 0.3±0.2 0.1±0.0 0.4±0.2 nd nd 4.5±0.7a 19.1±0.9a 0.3±0.1 30.7±2.5 1.6±0.2a 9.7±2.2a 55.4±3.9ab Mantle 0.9±0.2a nd 17.3±1.2a 2.5±0.4 8.9±0.9a nd nd 1.2±0.0 30.7±2.5a nd 0.4±0.3 0.5±0.1a 1.9±0.1a nd 2.7±0.2a 3.6±0.3a 1.1±0.3 10.4±0.8a 0.2±0.1 0.2±0.1 0.5±0.1 nd nd 4.6±0.8a 19.3±0.8a 0.3±0.2 31.7±2.8 1.6±0.2a 9.5±2.7a 57.0±2.4a Ovary 3.3±0.8b nd 21.5±1.1b 1.2±0.5 4.2±0.2b nd nd 0.9±0.2 31.0±1.2a nd nd 0.2±0.2a 2.0±0.3a 0.4±0.1 3.6±0.3b 5.3±0.5b 0.1±0.1 11.7±0.9b nd nd 0.1±0.2 nd nd 8.7±0.8b 15.1±1.1b 0.3±0.3 31.6±1.0 2.1±0.2b 5.4±0.8b 55.9±1.3a Digestive gland 2.1±0.8c 0.2±0.3 11.8±2.3c 1.5±0.4 6.3±1.0c nd 0.2±0.3 1.9±0.6 23.7±2.6b nd nd 4.5±2.4b 5.4±0.6b nd 10.6±2.8c 3.2±0.6a 1.4±0.9 25.2±5.2c nd 0.4±0.4 1.3±0.7 nd nd 5.2±1.0a 14.7±1.7b 0.1±0.2 28.7±0.8 2.0±0.5b 6.7±1.5b 50.4±6.5b * Expressed as g/100 g total fatty acid methyl esters. Mean value (n=9) ± standard deviation is indicated; “nd” indicates a non-detected fatty acid. For each row, data followed by different superscripts indicate significant differences (p<0.05) among tissues. 22 TABLE 3: Fatty acid composition* in different tissues of octopus specimens captured in spring Fatty Acids 14:0 15:0 16:0 17:0 18:0 20:0 21:0 24:0 ∑ Saturated 14:1 15:1 16:1ω7 18:1ω7 18:1ω9t 18:1ω9c 20:1ω9 22:1ω9,11 ∑ Monounsaturated 18:2ω6t 18:2ω6c 20:2ω6 18:3ω3 18:4ω3 20:4ω6 20:5ω3 22:5ω3 22:6ω3 22:6ω3 / 20:5ω3 ∑ ω3 / ∑ ω6 ∑ Polyunsaturated 1 2 3 4 5 Arm 1.5±0.4a 0.1±0.0 18.9±1.7a 2.1±0.2 8.5±0.6a 0.4±0.1 0.5±0.6 1.4±0.1 33.2±2.0a nd 0.3±0.2 0.6±0.0a 1.7±0.2a nd 2.0±0.2a 3.4±0.1a 1.7±0.2 9.9±0.9a 0.2±0.1 nd 0.6±0.1 nd nd 4.1±1.3a 19.1±1.1a 0.5±0.1 30.2±1.6a 1.6±0.2 11.0±2.8a 54.9±1.9a Mantle 1.1±0.3b 0.2±0.2 18.3±1.6a 2.2±0.1 9.2±0.6b 0.6±0.1 0.1±0.1 1.2±0.1 32.8±2.1a nd 0.1±0.1 0.6±0.2a 1.6±0.2a nd 2.1±0.2a 3.2±0.3a 1.5±0.1 9.5±0.7a 0.2±0.1 0.2±0.2 0.5±0.1 nd nd 4.3±1.7a 19.2±1.3a 0.6±0.1 30.8±2.1a 1.6±0.2 10.7±3.1a 55.83±2.2a Ovary 3.7±0.2c 0.5±0.1 22.16±1.3b 1.8±0.1 6.4±0.6c 0.2±0.2 nd 1.6±0.5 36.1±2.0b 0.5±0.1 0.2±0.2 0.7±0.0a 1.7±0.2a 1.0±0.3 3.0±0.4b 5.3±0.3b 0.7±0.0 13.2±1.4b 0.6±0.1 nd 0.4±0.2 nd nd 6.5±1.0b 15.6±1.1b 1.0±0.2 24.8±1.9b 1.6±0.2 5.6±0.9b 49.1±2.1b Digestive gland 2.6±0.8d 0.6±0.3 13.7±0.5c 2.1±0.3 8.6±0.8ab 0.4±0.2 0.4±0.1 2.1±0.3 30.3±3.1a 0.4±0.3 0.3±0.2 5.1±1.2b 5.0±1.5b 0.3±0.3 8.4±2.8c 2.6±1.0a 1.0±0.8 23.5±3.9c 0.2±0.1 0.9±0.1 1.3±0.4 0.7±0.2 0.8±0.3 5.6±2.2a 18.1±5.4ab 1.0±0.3 16.7±7.1c 1.1±0.6 5.0±1.3b 45.5±3.7c * Expressed as g/100 g total fatty acid methyl esters. Mean value (n=10) ± standard deviation is indicated; “nd” indicates a non-detected fatty acid. For each row, data followed by different superscripts indicate significant differences (p<0.05) among tissues. 23 TABLE 4: Fatty acid composition* in different tissues of octopus specimens captured in summer Fatty Acids 14:0 15:0 16:0 17:0 18:0 20:0 21:0 24:0 ∑ Saturated 14:1 15:1 16:1ω7 18:1ω7 18:1ω9t 18:1ω9c 20:1ω9 22:1ω9,11 ∑ Monounsaturated 18:2ω6t 18:2ω6c 20:2 ω6 18:3ω3 18:4ω3 20:4ω6 20:5ω3 22:5ω3 22:6ω3 22:6ω3 / 20:5ω3 ∑ ω3 / ∑ ω6 ∑ Polyunsaturated Arm 1.8±0.1a nd 20.0±0.3a 2.2±0.1 7.8±0.4a nd 0.1±0.1 1.3±0.0 33.2±1.2a nd 0.5±0.0 0.8±0.1a 1.9±0.2a nd 2.4±0.0a 3.1±0.1a 1.3±0.0 9.6±1.2ab 0.1±0.0 0.1±0.1 0.4±0.2 nd nd 3.6±0.1a 21.4±0.4a 0.4±0.1 28.3±0.5 1.4±0.2 12.8±2.3a 54.8±1.2a Mantle 1.1±0.2a nd 19.4±1.0a 2.0±0.2 9.7±1.1b nd nd 1.1±0.1 33.4±1.2a nd 0.3±0.1 0.7±0.2a 1.6±0.3ab nd 2.3±0.2ab 2.9±0.3a 1.2±0.0 9.2±1.0a 0.1±0.1 0.2±0.2 0.5±0.1 nd nd 4.1±0.4b 20.4±1.1a 0.3±0.2 29.6±2.3 1.5±0.2 10.4±2.5ab 55.1±1.4a Ovary 4.1±0.4b nd 24.8±1.9b 0.8±0.0 6.5±0.7c nd nd 1.0±0.3 37.3±1.3b 0.3±0.5 nd 0.5±0.1a 1.1±0.1b 1.3±0.2 3.4±0.8b 4.7±0.0b 0.6±0.1 12.1±0.8b 0.2±0.2 nd 0.7±0.2 nd nd 4.5±0.8b 16.0±1.3b 0.3±0.4 27.4±2.3 1.7±0.3 8.3±1.0b 49.1±2.2b Digestive gland 3.6±0.6b 0.6±0.1 13.6±1.3c 1.4±0.4 5.7±0.9c 0.3±0.1 0.1±0.1 1.5±0.2 26.6±1.9c 0.5±0.2 0.1±0.2 6.1±1.7b 3.8±1.2c nd 7.5±0.9c 2.9±1.1a 1.3±1.1 22.4±4.6c 0.1±0.1 1.0±0.2 0.9±0.2 0.8±0.2 1.1±0.2 3.3±1.2a 16.1±1.9b 0.3±0.2 26.9±4.5 1.7±0.5 9.1±2.8b 50.4±4.7b 1 2 * Expressed as g/100 g total fatty acid methyl esters. Mean value (n=10) ± standard deviation 3 is indicated; “nd” indicates a non-detected fatty acid. For each row, data followed 4 by different superscripts indicate significant differences (p<0.05) among tissues. 24 TABLE 5: Fatty acid composition* in different tissues of octopus specimens captured in autumn Fatty Acids 14:0 15:0 16:0 17:0 18:0 20:0 21:0 24:0 ∑ Saturated 14:1 15:1 16:1ω7 18:1ω7 18:1ω9t 18:1ω9c 20:1ω9 22:1ω9,11 ∑ Monounsaturated 18:2ω6t 18:2ω6c 20:2ω6 18:3ω3 18:4ω3 20:4ω6 20:5ω3 22:5ω3 22:6ω3 22:6ω3 / 20:5ω3 ∑ ω3 / ∑ ω6 ∑ Polyunsaturated 1 2 3 4 5 Arm 1.4±0.2a nd 16.7±1.7a 1.8±0.2 6.0±1.1 nd 0.1±0.1 1.1±0.1 27.3±2.5a nd 0.8±0.3 0.6±0.3ab 1.7±0.2a nd 2.3±0.1a 3.6±0.1a 2.0±0.4 10.3±0.9a nd 0.1±0.1 0.2±0.2 nd nd 4.9±0.3a 21.1±0.4a 0.2±0.1 32.9±2.1a 1.6±0.1a 10.7±1.8a 59.2 ±2.3a Mantle 1.6±0.9b nd 16.1±2.1a 1.8±0.2 6.8±0.9 nd nd 1.0±0.1 27.5±2.6a nd 0.5±0.3 0.3±0.1a 1.6±0.2ab nd 2.2±0.2a 3.4±0.1a 0.9±0.4 9.1±0.8b nd 0.1±0.2 0.4±0.1 nd nd 5.1±0.4a 20.8±0.5a 0.3±0.1 34.2±1.6a 1.6±0.1a 10.1±1.6a 60.6±1.9a Ovary 3.6±0.7c 0.1±0.2 18.9±1.5b 1.2±0.1 3.6±0.1 nd 0.4±0.5 0.9±0.2 28.6±1.4a 0.4±0.3 0.5±0.2 0.7±0.1b 1.5±0.0b 1.0±0.1 3.0±0.0b 5.5±0.1b 0.6±0.0 13.5±1.1c 0.6±0.0 0.1±0.2 0.6±0.0 nd nd 9.4±0.5b 13.4±0.7b 1.1±0.4 30.1±2.0b 2.3±0.3b 4.2±0.7b 55.3±2.2b Digestive gland 2.2±0.1d 0.6±0.1 12.0±0.5c 1.3±0.3 5.4±0.4 0.3±0.3 0.3±0.0 1.6±0.1 23.8±1.9b 0.4±0.1 0.3±0.1 4.0±0.5c 3.9±0.6c 0.2±0.2 10.0±0.3c 2.9±0.5c 1.5±0.7 23.2±1.8d 0.1±0.0 1.0±0.3 1.2±0.1 0.6±0.1 0.8±0.4 5.2±0.7a 14.4±0.8b 0.8±0.2 28.3±1.4b 2.0±0.3b 6.2±1.1c 52.3±2.8c * Expressed as g/100 g total fatty acid methyl esters. Mean value (n=10) ± standard deviation is indicated; “nd” indicates a non-detected fatty acid. For each row, data followed by different superscripts indicate significant differences (p<0.05) among tissues. 25