UWCHLAN MONTHLY MEETING OF THE RELIGEOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS HELD AT DOWNINGTOWN 800 East Lancaster Avenue Downingtown, Pa 18335 *********************************** Graveyard The following is based on data originally compiled by Daniel Lindley, primarily from the records of the Meeting. In some cases, records were only partially legible. That may have resulted in some transcription errors. In other cases, a death date/ burial date was illegible or missing and the date, or approximate date, has been recorded based on the location of the other relevant data in the Meeting’s records. Some of the persons listed below are buried in unmarked graves, as was the often custom during the first half of the nineteenth century. Dan Lindley’s more complete compilation is available upon request. We have omitted information relating to persons originally buried in the graveyard but subsequently removed by family members to another burial place. Data on the graveyard, last updated in the early 1990’s, also appears at http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=cr&CRid=1184903&CScnty=2255&CSsr=41&. In addition to those listed below, there is a large stone against the east wall of the graveyard with the inscription “In Memory of Friends Not Buried Here.” The names on that stone, and the years of their deaths, are: Last Name First Name Lloyd Brown Cohen McIlvain McVickar McVickar Inslee Mary L. Lucile D. Isabel W. Robert W. M. Paul Clarita O. Marie W. Death Date 1991 1997 1997 2006 2003 2008 2009 In the event any reader detects an error or an omission, please contact Harry Bryans, Bryans26@verizon.net. We want this document to be as complete and accurate as possible. This document was last updated on April 1, 2011. Last Name Aldrich Aldrich Ambler Ambler Ambler Ambler Andes Ashbridge First Name Joseph Rachel S Alice W. Annie Esther S. Hannah E. James McConnel Abram Sharpless Death Date or Burial Date 15-Apr 28-May 12-Nov 9-Jan 9-Nov 28-Jan 27-Apr 25-Apr -1- 1865 1873 1861 1861 1864 1857 1960 1902 Ashbridge Ashbridge Ashbridge Ashbridge Ashbridge Ashbridge Ashbridge E. St Clair Whitney Eleanor Elizabeth D. George George G. George G. Jacob S. 14-Dec 29-Jan 17-Oct 7-May 20-Jun 16-Aug 14-Mar 1936 1958 1915 1848 1865 1843 1858 Ashbridge Ashbridge Ashbridge Ashbridge Ashbridge Ashbridge Ashbridge Ashbridge, Jr Atkins Baker Baker Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Beale Beale Beale Beale Beale, Jr Beaman Beaman Bedford Benley Mary B. Phebe Rachel S. Rachel V. Richard Richard J. William Abram S. William Olive Thomas Child of Jonathan Child of Lydia Amy J Caleb Charity Deborah Elizabeth George Henry C. Israel John John Jonathan Joshua Marie Mary Mary Ann Richard Samuel Samuel Samuel Susanna William J. Annetta F. Elizabeth F. Emily James M. Horace A. Marian Gibbons Thomas Oliver P Anna M Child of Cornelius 8-Dec 11-Jun 5-Jan 25-Aug 20-Jan 26-Jul 5-Sep 1882 1833 1920 1858 1904 1936 1832 1948 1820 or 21 1854 1836 1834 1826 1932 1826 1840 1900 1860 1859 1858 1823 1816 1867 1874 1850 1815 1818 or 19 1888 1842 1837 1825 1841 1844 1897 1895 1893 1942 1881 1871 1966 1971 1867 1830 20-Sep 28-Apr 7-Oct 11-Dec 28-Feb 14-Feb 31-Aug 17-Jul 11-Nov 1-Jun 3-Sep 1-Nov 22-Jun 19-Aug 26-Oct 25-Oct 13-Mar 16-Apr 14-Oct 16-Jul 7-Sep 19-Dec 3-Nov 6-Oct 13-Apr 21-Dec 22-Jul 6-Jan 1-Mar 21-Aug 15-Oct 17-Mar 9-Sep -2- Bennet Bewley Bradley Bradley Brinton Brinton Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown, Jr Brown Brown Brown Brown, III Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull Burguoyne Burguoyne Burnet Cadbury Cadbury Cadbury Canor Coates Coates Coates Coates, MD Conard Cope Cornog Cozzone Davison Dehaven Derr Diller Doran Dorsey Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Child of John Kevin Philip H. Frances G. Child of Dr. Brinton Elizabeth P Ellis Y Mary Downing Paul W. Sarah W. William Ellis Y Maclean Enid S. Richard W. Ellis Y. Ann Lydia T. Rev William L. Richard T. Sarah William M. John Mary Mary Elizabeth Willets Mary Yarnall Brown William Edward Catharine Child of Joseph Child of Joseph Thomazine Joseph Caroline Caroline B. Sarah D. Frances S. Dorothy McIlvain Child of Isaac Mary H. Jonathan William Mary A. Bradbury Child of Isaac Child of Isaac Child of Issac Alexander Ann T. Anne Charles 26-Mar 29-Dec 2-Feb 23-Jan 12-Mar 25-Sep 9-Mar 26-Oct 15-Jul 26-Mar 16-Apr 21-Jul 26-Jan 5-Jun 13-Feb 27-Mar 28-Dec 11-Jun 27-Jan 9-Oct 26-Sep 28-Mar 1858 1998 2002 2008 1830 1831 1925 1974 1935 1924 1826 1962 1997 2006 2006 2008 1895 1858 1933 1847 1897 1883 1843 1841 1846 or 47 1977 1976 1967 1849 1827 1826 1877 1832 1906 1857 1882 2002 1979 1834 1967 1831 1886 24-Jan 22-Feb 21-Dec 5-Dec 10-Nov 7-May 1827-30 1832 1831 1833 1863 1836 1863 27-Feb 12-Oct 26-Oct 18-Feb 15-Sep 28-Feb 29-Dec 19-Jul 4-Jul 2-Dec 30-Mar 17-Jun 28-Jan 12-Jul 10-Mar 8-Nov 4-Oct 1-Dec -3- Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Charles Cora Daniel T. David Debby Ann Deborah Deborah E. Edward Edwin P Eliza S Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth M. Elizabeth W. Ellen Emily Frances F. George A. George B. Grace Hanna Hannah Hannah H Harriet Henry W. & Joseph J. Hester Hunt Isaac Israel Israel Jacob James Jane John John J. 14-Nov 14-Mar 4-Oct 24-Jan 21-Dec 7-Nov 30-Dec 6-Mar 29-Jan 14-Dec 18-Feb 9-Mar 25-Feb 9-Sep 3-Apr 25-Jul 21-Feb 22-Nov 27-Dec 31-Aug 2-Jan 29-Dec 15-Sep 18-Jan 16-Feb 1-Oct 26-Mar 17-Feb 31-Mar 11-Apr 13-Nov 4-Oct 31-Jul 4-Dec 1910 1837 1836 1847 1869 1927 1833 1841 1920 1845 1885 1861 1910 1872 1840 1838 1878 1935 1886 1855 1864 1942 1865 1892 1874 1851 1878 1834 1837 1864 1831 1823 1831 1844 23-Aug 1836 Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Joseph Joseph J. Joseph J. Joseph M. Joseph M. Joseph R. Joseph R. Mary Mary Ann Mary Ellen Mary P. Maury D. Miller Phebe E. 26-Mar 8-Nov 31-Dec 22-Mar 6-Apr 20-Jan 13-Mar 3-Dec 25-Mar 28-Mar 4-Dec 16-Feb 1-May 20-Aug 1855 1823 1841 1865 1915 1855 1917 1847 1815 1924 1871 1953 1879 1849 -4- Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing Downing, Jr Downing, Jr Dunn Dunn Dunwoody Dunwoody Dunwoody Ecroyd Edge Edge Edge Edge Edge Edge Edge Eshleman Eshleman Eshleman Eshleman Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Fairlamb Fairlamb Richard Richard Richard J. Richard Thomas Samuel J. Samuel R. Sara Sharpless Sarah Sarah Sarah G. Susan H. Theresa M. Thomas Thomas Thomas B. Thomas W. Willard W. William William W. Richard Thomas S. Elizabeth John Jesse B. John G. Lewis Rebeckea C. Jay Dr. John Elizabeth Jane Laura Thomas Ruth Ruthanna Dr. John K Fanny Edge John Jay Mary Esther Jesse Jesse W. Josephine M. Martha Mary Jane Reuben William William H. William P. Annetta M. Debbie B. 18-Jan 19-Aug 15-Mar 17-Jan 19-Aug 14-Oct 1-Jan 8-Jan 20-Oct 13-May 11-Jul 3-Jun 14-Feb 31-Jul 16-Dec 31-Mar 10-Oct 17-Feb 15-Sep 27-Feb 11-Jun 23-Apr 7-Sep 9-Jul 23-Jun Jan-00 21-Jan 10-Mar 27-Jan 17-Feb 12-Feb 16-May 3-Feb 8-Oct 19-Aug 3-Nov 26-Aug 10-Mar 5-Apr 14-Dec 3-Aug 25-Feb 6-Feb 25-Jan 5-Mar 18-Jan 31-Mar 28-Feb 21-Oct -5- 1820 1866 1890 1885 1876 1819 1902 1831 1823 1891 1883 1874 1815 1823 1892 1940 1825 1826 1873 1851 1926 1846 1823 1883 1861 1868 1944 1867 1904 1890 1857 1969 1872 1862 1897 1901 1861 1864 1866 1832 1854 1853 1847 1873 1866 1840 1908 1863 1855 1921 Fairlamb Fairlamb Fairlamb, MD Fisher Ford Freeman Garrett Gill Good Graves Greenspun Greenspun Haines Harring Harschbarger Hartzell Herbeson Herron Hoopes Hoopes Hoopes Hoopes Hoopes Hoopes Hoopes Hoopes Hoopes Hoopes Hoopes Hoopes Hotson Howell, Jr Ingram Ingram James Jensen Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Keller Kennedy Kenney Kersey Kersey Kersey Kersey Kersey Joseph M. Susanna George Mary Margaret’s child Candace A. R. Chalkley Mary Ellen J. John A. Harold Jane Doris Samuel John Mary Fisher Elizabeth Child of James John Ella G. Franklin J. Jane B. Jeremiah B. Joseph D. Mary Mary E. Sallie D. Samuel Samuel Susan J. Townsend Child of William J. Gardner Child of John Child of John Child of Eber Lisa L. Deborah Elizabeth Martha Rebecca Rebecca Samuel Elizabeth Child of Thomas Phebe Ann Elizabeth Hannah Mary Rachel 3-Apr 23-Aug 11-Apr 29-Nov 26-Aug 12-Nov 3-Sep 4-Oct 29-Nov 13-Mar 1862 1834 1837 1845 1838 1987 1822 1816 1899 1864 13-Mar 8-Jan 1985 1851 1863 1974 1834 1861 1861 1855 1953 1843 1867 1958 1823, 24 or 25 1917 1921 22-Apr 16-Oct 25-Mar 20-Apr 10-Sep 16-Nov 21-Oct 17-Nov 7-Feb 7-May 3-Jul 11-Sep 15-Sep 112/30 14-Aug 9-Oct 5-Jan 4-Dec 26-Jun 14-Aug 9-Jun 3-Jan 1849 1916 1872 1837 1913 1832 1831 1826-27 1999 1826 1817 1814 25-Jan 29-Sep 8-Aug 19-Jul 29-Jul 20-Aug 13-Aug 26-Jan 30-Oct 13-Nov 1849 1826 1832 1834 1820 1820 1820 1814 1816 1815 -6- Kersey Keyser Knooks Lawrence Lightfoot Lindley Lindley Lindley Lindley Lindley Lindley Lindley Little Long ww Maggio Maggio Maggio Maitland Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Mason Mason Massey Massey Massey Mather Mathers Maule Maule Maule McCue McDowall McIlvain McIlvain McIlvain, Jr McQuail, Jr McQuail Meredith Meredith Meredith Mickel Miller Miller Miller Moore Moore Sarah John Henry Jonathan David David Elizabeth D. Hannah M. Jacob Jacob John Sarah Sarah D. Patrick 23-Sep 20-Jun Paul Richard Anthony Joan E. 9-Dec 17-May Benjamin Beulah Eliza Ann Elizabeth Hannah John Isaac John D. George George B. Susanna John Sarah Alexander Eliza M. Rachel S. Child of Patrick Ann Anne Stone Hugh Stone J. Gibson James A. Virginia S. Elizabeth D. Jesse Richard J. Susanna Louisa D. Mary Elizabeth Samuel Cheryl A. Jane L. 6-Apr 28-Jun 28-Jun 5-Jul 17-Aug 13-Feb 25-Jan Sep-31 19-Feb 19-Dec 5-Apr 4-Mar 22-Jul 4-Oct 5-Feb 30-Jul 13-Feb 5-Jun 12-Feb 23-Aug 9-Oct 11-Sep 7-Sep 17-Oct 15-Dec 7-Mar 19-Aug 27-Feb 13-Aug 25-Nov 16-Apr 4-Dec 22-Oct 5-May 5-Mar 28-Aug 23-Jan 16-Sep -7- 1814 1876 1870 1823-25 1832 1887 1887 1844 1862 1874 1850 1838 1862 1818-19 1968 1987 2007 1833 1867 1864 1905 1840 1902 1878 1826 1849 1848 1833 1821 1821 1823, 24 or 25 1825 1825 1836 1841 1996 1997 1995 1989 2010 1914 1851 1855 1817 1915 1883 1872 2007 2008 Mullestein Mullestein Mullestein Murray Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Page Page Page Page Page Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke Parke, Jr Parke, MD Parke, MD Pillard Preston Preston, MD Price Read Reese Reese Reese Reese Richardson Ringwalt Ringwalt Roberts Hulda Lehmann Louise P. William E. David Child of Caroline Elizabeth M. Mary Ann William Albert Emily Downing George Jane Alison Martha Abiah Abiah Ann Anne B. Caroline Hoopes Charles Deborah Jacob E. John E. Jonathan Jonathan Malica Mary Bacon Mary E. Meribah Willits Ruth Jones Ruthanna Thomas Thomas A. William William Bacon John E. Thomas Thomas E. Gary Jane Jonas Child of Dr. Price George W. Ann Fannie E. Morgan S. Sarah E. Deborah Ella B. Thomas A. P. Adaline 7-Feb 7-Mar 20-Apr 21-Sep 7-Apr 20-Apr 14-Aug 23-Sep 23-Jan 13-May 19-Apr 23-Apr 14-Jan 21-Aug 13-Dec 18-Apr 28-Jan 12-Jun 19-Mar 22-Apr 4-Jan 16-Apr 11-May 11-Nov 28-Nov 12-Nov 6-Jun 17-Mar 2-Jun 28-May 21-Jan 19-Feb 7-Sep 4-Jun 5-Mar 18-Oct 15-Dec 30-Jan 12-Jan 24-Jun 10-Jan 1-Mar 27-Feb 26-Oct 6-Aug 3-Dec 16-Apr 24-Sep 25-Feb -8- 1964 1998 2005 1836 1831 1831 1835 1831 1911 1922 1904 1957 1916 1850 1857 1850 1890 1999 1834 1851 1866 1887 1870 1841 1832 1927 1888 1882 1817 1817 1893 1841 1816 1902 1882 1965 1913 1987 1864 1867 1831 2004 1870 1919 1868 1923 1855 1846 1841 1879 Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Russel Russel Rutter Rutter Rutter Rutter Scott Scott Seltzer Sharpless Sharpless Sharpless Sharpless Sharpless Sharpless Sharpless Sharpless Sharpless Sharpless Sharpless Sharpless Sharpless Sharpless, MD Shoemaker Shoemaker Anna E. Elizabeth Elizabeth G. Elizabeth T. Ella M. Emily J. Harriet George A. Harriet Isaac Ellis Jehu John John (son of Jehu) Jehu Jehu John F. Phebe Phebe J. Rebecca J. Samuel Susan F. T. R. Thamazine A. Thomas B. W.R. Richard’s child Richard’s child Agnes Scrivener Clement Elizabeth Ashbridge Morris S. Ann Eliza D. Thomas Marian H. Isaac John Clempson Joseph D. Joshua B. Lydia Mary D. Nathan Nathan J. Rachel Robert B. Ruthanna E. Sophia Susanna Jacob Mary Mary S. 5-May 17-Jan 12-May 21-Feb 13-May 3-Mar 5-Aug 21-Nov 20-Aug 13-Apr 5-Jan 31-Jan 7-Feb 24-Apr 1-Sep 27-Feb 6-Dec 4-Jan 26-Sep 3-Jan 2-Feb 17-Apr 29-Nov 31-Jul 29-Oct 9-Jul 29-Apr 7-Oct 7-Nov 8-Jul 18-Dec 24-Sep 30-Jul 29-Jul 24-Feb 2-May 6-Mar 12-Jan 2-Jun 17-Feb 17-Oct 19-Nov 24-Jan 21-Feb 7-Jan 26-Jan -9- 1926 1826 1841 1956 1931 1913 1859 1912 1948 1928 1818 1941 1871 1889 1823 1890 1813 1932 1936 1895 1826 1892 1916 1892 1883 1838 1837 1948 1929 1957 1907 1892 1879 1991 1822 1902 1855 1866 1922 1875 1837 1893 1826 1822 1899 1861 1836 1863 1876 1897 Shoemaker Shoemaker Singley Smith Smith Smith Snow Sower Springer Springer Springer Springer Springer Springer Springer Springer Springer Springer Springer Springer Springer Springer Steward Stewardson Stewart Story Taylor Taylor Templin Templin Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Sarah E. Thomas Rebecca Ellizabeth Downing Mary D. Robert W. Anna R. Dolly Brinton Emmaline D. George B. Joshua Joshua Margaret Margaret Mary Phebe Rosalie Sarah Slater Thomas William Samuel Sarah J. S. Swain Child of Margaret Gideon M. Harriet Elizabeth D. Richard Child of Richard A. Alfred Anna Anna M. Charles T. Eliza M . Elizabeth Elizabeth B. Elizabeth D. Elizabeth D. Emily B. George Georgiana Gaugle Grace A. Griffith Hannah J. A. Isabel G. J. Preston Jane John 31-Dec 27-Apr 3-Dec 5-Mar 11-Jan 3-May 2-May 1913 1856 1851 1985 1868 2007 1950 13-May 29-Jul 12-Sep 16-Jul 23-Dec 7-Sep 24-Oct 13-Feb 8-Oct 22-Nov 12-Apr 20-Dec 10-Aug 16-Aug 16-Apr 14-Nov 9-Apr 21-Aug 3-Mar 19-Feb 28-Nov 2-Jan 24-Jul 13-May 11-Aug 1-Oct 4-Aug 26-Dec 31-Aug 5-Oct 15-Sep 3-Nov 19-Feb 22-Feb 22-Nov 27-Nov 14-Jul 16-Jan 6-Nov 23-Nov 11-Dec 1866 1887 1865 1886 1875 1881 1847 1865 1858 1867 1833 1830 1845 1839 1817 1883 1898 1830 1854 1865 1831 1843 1835 1908 1860 1909 1948 1871 1860 1931 1856 1879 1901 1926 1892 1929 1854 1914 1946 1905 1875 1823 - 10 - Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas, MD Thompson Thompson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson Thomson, Jr Thornbury Thornbury Thornbury Trewhitt Trimble Trimble Trimble Trimble Trimble John R. John R. John R. Lydia Martha F. Martha N. Mary T. Mercy Oscar S. Phebe Rebecca M. Richard Richard J. Richard M. Samuel D. Sarah Sarah Susan S. . Templin R. Theressa Thomazin D. Thomazine D. William R. Zebulan George Child of John Ann Ann Eliza W. Isaac C. Jesse H. John John R. Joshua S. Lewis Luis J. Margaret Morris Phebe Rebecca Ann Morris J. Elizabeth M. Evans Susan Nathaniel Abram V. Ann Anna Mary Ann William 10-Apr 11-Aug 8-Dec 26-Jan 29-Jun 2-Dec 21-Feb 14-Jun 27-Jul 6-Jun 11-Mar 7-Feb 25-Feb 8-Aug 6-Dec 22-Feb 29-Sep 27-Feb 11-Jan 5-Aug 15-Jun 8-Aug 6-Mar 29-Jan 30-Sep 13-Jun 26-Aug 14-Nov 9-Apr 4-Dec 23-Sep 16-Sep 11-Mar 3-Mar 1-Apr 21-Jul 13-Jul 26-Apr 18-Oct 21-Mar 21-Feb 7-Apr 25-Feb 17-Jan 16-Jan 3-Apr 28-May 5-Apr 24-Sep - 11 - 1856 1851 1964 1870 1942 1816 1859 1850 1844 1856 1875 1830 1937 1877 1833 1840 1826 1912 1904 1941 1881 1907 1909 1866 1887 1830 1832 1838 1914 1848 1892 1865 1893 1863 1867 1898 1852 1894 1846 1864 1880 1890 1862 1838 1846 1877 1840 1904 1869 1891 Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walton Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Whelan Whelen Whelen White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Whiteside Wiggins Wiggins Wiggins Wiggins Wiggins Alfred Ann Anna Elizabeth Annie Augustus Child of John Abel Ann Elizabeth Davis Henry C. Hester D. Isaac John Joseph D. Joseph M. Mary Mary E. Mary S. Richard Richard Samuel B. Samuel D. Sarah Sarah D. Sarah E. Thomas Thomas Isreal Mary Susan Elizabeth George Washington H. A. Hannah P. James T. Jane Joseph Lewis Lindley R. Mary Mary A Mary Jane Rebecca Rebecca Robert P. Mary Child of Joseph Ann John Jonathan William 26-Aug 30-Oct 3-Oct 4-Apr 30-Aug 30-Dec 8-Apr 8-Aug 19-Feb 23-Feb 23-Feb 29-Mar 6-Feb 23-Jan 19-Sep 16-Mar 8-May 28-Mar 7-Oct 19-Jul 10-Jan 18-Apr 11-Jan 7-Apr 23-Jun 21-Nov 10-Jun 17-Feb 2-May 26-Oct 27-Sep 31-Oct 8-May 17-Jul 25-Nov 22-Apr 13-Nov 24-Sep 12-Oct 23-Jul 17-Jul 6-Mar 3-Nov 3-Jun 4-May 9-Jul 13-Mar 19-Jan - 12 - 1867 1876 1873 1862 1857 1843 1850 1846 1864 1916 1884 1883 1855 1901 1887 1918 1913 1916 1870 1889 1889 1858 1871 1890 1877 1854 1827 1831 1822 1876 1874 1847 1902 1882 1871 1857 1883 1856 1856 1897 1872 1916 1878 1897 1882 1835 1851 1817 1823 1832 Wiley Wiley Wiley Wiley Wilkinson Wilkinson Williams Witherill Woodward Woodward Woodward Woodward Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Zook Hannah John F. Child of John Child of John Child of John Sophia Child of George Joanna Child of Joseph Jane Joseph Mary Elizabeth Anne Bertha B.R. Christian Elhanan Elhanan Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Frances E. Isaac M. Isiah M. Jacob M. John Mary A. Rachel B. A. Rebecca A. Sarah T. 5-Nov 14-Dec 7-Apr 3-Aug 10-Feb 17-Oct 6-Feb 15-Oct 1-Aug 21-Dec 12-Oct 7-Nov 29-Jun 21-Aug 22-Nov 31-Jan 3-Oct 9-Aug 9-Sep 11-Sep 1-Oct 13-Jul 16-Jul 16-Dec 27-Jun 19-Mar 23-Dec 21-Dec 22-Oct - 13 - 1876 1893 1857 1851 1837 1850 1831 1829 1836 1871 1853 1853 1940 1928 1881 1911 1875 1865 1864 1938 1904 1896 1891 1868 1867 1891 1861 1898