Full paper preparation guidelines

Full paper preparation guidelines
Full paper submission for the Second Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Limnology
It is desired that the authors submit full papers, which will be published as the
proceedings of the symposium in 2005. The paper must be prepared in clear and concise
English. Authors who are not fluent in English must seek the assistance of a colleague
who is a native English speaker and is familiar with their field of work. The proceedings
will be published as a CD-ROM diskette an electronic journal, but each paper should be
limited to 6 printed pages, including figures and tables. It is desired that the paper is
prepared in a PDF file, and please submit a manuscript by E-mail to
shin@agr.ehime-u.ac.jp. Deadline for full paper submission is 30 September 2005.
Review procedure: Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by two authorized referees, and
the Editor-in-Chief of Associate Editors will subsequently notify the corresponding
author of the acceptance, rejection, or need for revision of the paper.
Acceptance: The acceptance for publication of a manuscript will be informed to the first
or corresponding author by the Editor-in-Chief. After the acceptance, the author will be
requested to prepare the manuscript as a final form for publication as a PDF file and to
send it to the Editor-in-Chief.
Text: Manuscripts must be double-spaced. Pages should be numbered consecutively and
arranged in the following order:
- Title page (including title of paper; names and affiliations of all authors; total text
pages; numbers of tables and figures; address of corresponding author, including
E-mail address, telephone, and fax number)
- Abstract (approximately 200 words)
- Three to five Key words.
- Text, including the following sections, if appropriate: Introduction, Methods,
Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References. Figures with legends and tables
with short, informative titles should be included at appropriate places in the text.
Tables and figures must be mentioned in the text and should be numbered
consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). Titles should be placed at the top
of tables. Color illustrations will be accepted.
There is a sample manuscript for the authors’ consideration. Please find the file named
References: References should be cited in the text by the author and year. The reference
list at the end of the paper should include only works cited in the text and should be
arranged alphabetically by the name of the first author. Unpublished results or papers
“in preparation” may be mentioned in the text but must not be included in the reference
References should be cited as follows: journal papers – names and initials of all authors,
year in parentheses, full title, journal as abbreviated in accordance with international
practice, volume number, first and last page numbers; books – names and initials of all
authors, year, chapter title, names and initials of all editors, full title, edition, publisher,
place of publication. Titles of publications written in languages other than English must
be translated; the original language should be indicated in parentheses at the end of the
Sample references
Journal paper:
Yoshimura S, Miyadi D (1936) Limnological observation of two crater lakes of Miyake
Island, western North Pacific. Jpn J Geol Geogr 13:339–352
Journal paper in languages other than English:
Sugawara K (1936) Studies on the freshly precipitated deposits in Lake Takasuka-numa
(in Japanese). Jpn J Limnol 6:102–115
Andersen T (1997) Pelagic nutrient cycles: herbivores as sources and sinks. Springer,
Chapter in a book:
Allen GP, Sauzay G, Castaing P, Jouanneau JM (1975) Transport and depositions of
suspended sediment in the Gironde estuary, France. In: Wiley ML (ed) Circulation,
sediments, and transfer of material in the estuary. Academic, New York, pp 63–81
(Estuarine processes, vol 2)
The author is solely responsible for the accuracy of the bibliographic data.
Units: The International System of Units (SI) should be used, but Celsius is
recommended for temperature.