Museum Pieces and Archived Finds


Museum Pieces and Archived Finds

Stone Axe-Hammer

Stored in the British Museum is a stone axe-hammer found in Southrey.

Bronze Age Palstave

A damaged and incomplete cast copper alloy axe dating from the end of early Bronze Age (c. 1700-

1600 BC) was found on Southrey Fen. The blade, with a shield pattern, is 123cm (5”) long. It is stored at Lincoln Museum.

Roman Coins

A badly worn Roman coin was found in a Southrey garden in 1961. It is thought to be from the period when Trajan or Hadrian was Emperor of the Roman Empire (98 – 138 AD). The coin is now in

Lincoln Museum.

Another Roman coin was found close to Southrey Woods, in 1975. This was from the period of

Constantine 1 (306 – 337 AD).

13 th to 16 th Century Pottery

Eight shards of 13 th to 16 th century pottery were unearthed during excavation work at ‘The Thatched

Cottage’, in 2005.

Medieval Tiles

Two sherds of medieval tile came to light in 2005, again during the renovation of ‘The Thatched


Medieval Key

There appears to be no local mention of this find, but it is listed as being found at ‘Southrey’,

Lincolnshire, by the British Museum. The elaborate locking key is made of copper alloy.

Sources: o o

Created: April 2013

