1920s Culture PowerPoint Assignment

1920s American Culture – PowerPoint Project
Honors U.S. History
You will be working with a partner to create a PowerPoint presentation and study guide on one of the topics on American
culture during the 1920s. You will be required to present the material using PowerPoint and will create a study guide for
the class to use to study for the assessment on the 1920s. The primary source for the study guide will be your textbook but
outside research is required for the PowerPoint presentation.
PowerPoint Requirements
 Your presentation must contain 10-12 slides, including a cover slide with names and topic and a final slide that
has works cited.
o Print out your slides (6 per page) to turn in on the day of your presentation.
 At least 8 slides must have an image imported from the Internet that is relevant to the topic of the slide.
 You must insert at least one video clip or one audio file into the presentation that is relevant to that slide
 Use transitions between the slides. They should add to and not detract from the presentation
 The presentation should contain highlights of your research.
 The information should include all relevant terms and people from Unit 3 Terms & People
 Each slide (other than introduction & works cited) should contain at least 3 bullet points of key facts NOT
paragraphs and use at least 24 point font so the information can be read clearly.
o Your content is key to your grade.
 Proofread slides for spelling and grammar – they count.
Presentation Requirements
 Each group will present their PowerPoint project in class beginning on Tuesday, December 2nd.
 The presentations should be between 5-7 minutes in length.
 ALL group members must participate in the presentation.
 The presentation should not simply reread the material on the slides but add information for the audience
 You may use note cards but should be familiar enough with the material that you do not need to read from a script
 Speak loudly and clearly and slowly so the class can follow you using the study guide you created.
 The PowerPoint is due in the teacher in box by the start of class on December 2 nd or it is late and the
PowerPoint grade is reduced 20% for every day it is late.
Study Guide Requirements – Due Tuesday, November 25th
 You are to create a study guide that answers the key question asked AND include other key terms/people from
your reading of Chapter 12.
 The study guide may be in any format you choose so long as it is clearly organized
 The study guide should be useful to the audience while you present the information and useful as they read
Chapter 12.
 Examples for study guides: open ended questions, fill in the blank with key information, graphic organizers
The presentation goes on whether all members are present or not.
If you are absent for the day of your presentation you must type a two page essay that uses all of your outside
research and the text book, citing to those sources, that addresses your topic and essential questions.
IF a group member is NOT doing their fair share you are to notify me immediately.
Otherwise, the group receives the same grade.
1920s American Culture – PowerPoint Project
Honors U.S. History
Technical Requirements – 2 points for each element
 10-12 slide
 One audio or video slides
 Use of transitions b/w slides
 Font size (24 point)
Content - 3 points for each element
 Addresses topic’s key question
 Thoroughly researched using outside sources
 Use of relevant People & Terms
 Organization of information
o 3 bullet slides
 Grammar & spelling
PRESENTATION QUALITY – 3 points for each element
 5-7 minutes length
 Preparedness/well rehearsed/not rereading slides
 All group members participated
 Spoke loudly and clearly
 Allowed audience to follow along/pace
STUDY GUIDE – 3 points for each element
 Content addresses key question
 Covers the entire section
 Easily followed/understood – follows your presentation
 Grammar and spelling
1920s American Culture – PowerPoint Project
Honors U.S. History
America Hits the Road
a. Key question to answer: How did the growth of the automobile industry impact other aspects of
the American economy?
b. Other topics to cover:
i. Car culture in America
ii. The other industries impacted by growth in auto industry
iii. Ford’s Model T and other models.
Selling America
a. Key question to answer: How did advertising change in the 1920s?
b. Other topics to cover:
i. How Americans viewed buying on credit
ii. Chain stores, mass media
Youth Sets The Scene
a. Key question to answer: how did fashion and new ideas of beauty influence the new freedom for
b. Other key topics to cover:
i. Fads and fashions of the 1920s
ii. Flappers
iii. Schools in the 1920s
New Rhythms in the Air
a. Key question to answer: how did jazz spread to cities in the north?
b. Other topics to cover:
i. What is jazz?
ii. What are the blues?
iii. Cities where jazz flourished
iv. Famous jazz and blues artists
At the Movies
a. Key question to answer: how did movies impact American popular culture in the 1920s?
b. Other topics to cover:
i. Silent movies (later talking)
ii. Well known actors and films
iii. Gossip columnists & movie studios
New American Heroes
a. Key question to answer: how did sports impact American culture of the 1920s?
b. Other topics to cover:
i. Sports that became popular in 1920s
ii. Sports stars of the 1920s
iii. Charles Lindbergh
The Lost Generation
a. Key question to answer: who was “the lost generation” and what did they believed in?
b. Other topics to cover:
i. Other writers and artists who criticized American society during the 1920s
The Harlem Renaissance
1920s American Culture – PowerPoint Project
Honors U.S. History
Key question to answer: what was the Harlem Renaissance and how did it impact American
Other topics to cover:
i. Well-known authors of the Harlem Renaissance
ii. How did American culture change because of this artistic movement?
The Growth of Religion & Scopes Trial
a. Key questions to answer: what was fundamentalism and what did fundamentalists believe? What
was the Scopes Trial and what was its impact on American culture?
b. Other topics to cover:
i. Explain the events of the Scopes Trial
ii. Who were evangelists and why did they grow in popularity in the 1920s?
10. The Failure of Prohibition
a. Key question to answer: why did prohibition fail?
b. Other topics to cover:
i. Why was prohibition so difficult to enforce?
ii. Who were bootleggers?
iii. What were speakeasies?
iv. How did crime change as a result of prohibition?
11. Crosses in the Night
a. Key question to answer: what were the beliefs of the KKK and why did it see a resurgence in the
i. How and where did the KKK grow in the 1920s?
ii. What were the beliefs the Klan tried to spread?
iii. How did the Klan try to influence national politics?
iv. Why did the Klan finally sink back to obscurity?