March - University of Hartford

March 14, 2012, Woods Family Classroom – Mortensen Library – 1:00 pm
Nancy Fields, Kathleen Hayden, Holly Stevenson, Lindsay McKeegan, Barbara Dessureau,
Valerie Gilleran, Cindy Oppenheimer, Tina Berrien, Bonny Barsi, Connie Yoczik, Karen
Degrace, Mary Dowst, Jason Pomposelli, Carla Fuller, Jamie Harlow, Erik Pavesic, Cheryl
MacMath, Sharon Scorso, Nancy Clubb, and Jillian Holt.
MINUTES: Meeting minutes for the February 8th meeting were discussed. Holly Stevenson’s name
was inadvertently truncated to “Stevens” in item 2 of the New Business notes. Holly is
one of the volunteer members of the newly formed Communications Committee. The need
to correct Holly’s name to Stevenson was noted and it was determined that the minutes
would be approved in advance of the correction being made. The correction to the
February meeting minutes will be made and the corrected minutes will be posted.
Sharon Scorso reported that the Budget Advisory Team met on Thursday, March 1, 2012.
The spring 2012 Census Report was presented and briefly discussed noting a 2.5% total
change in headcount (including both undergraduate and graduate students). It is noted
that this percentage of change reflects December graduation. The updated 2012 budget
to actual was presented showing a very tight end of the year budget. Schools and
departments are encouraged to cut back on expenses as much as they can. Arosha stated
that we should all remember that “your budgets are not check books” and that “we do not
have to spend all monies by the end of the year.” Christine Pina provided a presentation
regarding Institutional Advancement’s changes and plans for the immediate future and
University campaign. A review followed regarding Foundation of the Future noting future
information sessions specific for program managers, Deans, Chairs, and Directors – the
next scheduled information session for Academics was March 14 th at 11 am and Friday,
March 30th at 1:30. The next Administrative information session is Tuesday, March 20 th
at 2:00 pm.
Jamie Harlow reported for Kathe Snow. Jamie encouraged all members of Pure Wellness
to go into the portal once each quarter to meet the requirements for participation
incentives. A webinar on nutrition will be held during lunch hour on March 20 th in GSU 331.
Anyone can come to watch the webinar even if they are not a member of Pure Wellness.
On March 31st and Biometrics Health Risk Assessment will be held. Jamie also mentioned
that the still have pedometers and phone apps available. About 30 people are very much
enjoying the cardio circuit being held in the North Cafeteria of GSU with a personal
trainer. The sessions were appropriate for all ranges of physical activity. Jamie reminded
everyone about the RAD classes (Rape, Aggression, and Defense) will be held on
March20th, and 22nd from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm in Gengras Student Union room 331. Kathe
is in the process of collecting healthy recipes and will eventually compile a healthy cook
book for the University. We have been trying to get another Weight Watchers on Campus
session to be made available during a 9:00 am time slot. HRD also wants to remind
everyone about the “Shift to Professional Paradise” seminar which will be presented by
Vickie Hess Friday, March 16th from 2:00 to 3:30 pm in Konover. The presentation is open
to all faculty and staff. The possibility of bringing back Yoga sessions is being
DeLois Lindsey was not present, so there was no report. However, Ann Costello is the
Staff Association guest speaker for this meeting. She will discuss the tier structure
applied to current employee contributions toward benefits and healthcare premiums at the
University. (See page 4 of these minutes for Guest Speaker notes.)
Foundations of the Future Evelyne Haldimann emailed a report to Vice Chair, Lynn Galvin, who read the
report as follows: “Administrative & Academic Taskforces have completed the templates
to be provided to ALL Programs on campus and they were distributed on Friday 3/2/12.
Both task forces are having two training/informational sessions within the next two weeks.
All Program directors for the administrative piece will learn how to complete their
templates and what aid they’d get from support office (Finance & HRD) as well as what
help they’d get from the Task Force members – I guess the same will occur for the
Academic side, however I’m not on their task force so cannot speak to it. Finance will
provide budgetary information; HRD will provide position descriptions (not names, just
positions) information. Monday 3/12 was the first of the two sessions; the next one is
next week, 3/20. Templates are due back no later than April 27th to the task force for
their review. Please email if you have questions concerning this
– No report.
WEB ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Barbara Dessureau reported. At our last meeting we talked about the
new features for web masters. One is a drop down arrow for view, edit, move/rename,
copy, publish and delete everything from the top menu. Before we had to go to the page
and now that step is eliminated.
The other is a much faster publishing process and the designers have separated publishing
of the library web site with the University web site. All of this is due to a CMS upgrade.
FACULTY SENATE – Ben Ide reported briefly by email. At the March 13th Faculty Senate President
Harrison, Provost Sharon Vasquez, and Arosha Jayakwickrema spoke to the Faculty Senate
about University finances, enrollment counts, and possible future plans. A more detailed
and in depth report for the Staff Association will be provided at a future meeting.
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE – Kathleen Hayden reported. This is a new committee of individuals
who hope to create one website that will link to any other web site containing University
forms for Purchasing, Financial Affairs, Computers, IDTs, etc. They hope to create an
alphabetical listing and a cross listing so anyone can find any form they need from one
location instead of what has become numerous web sites. All links should go to the
location of the most up-to-date forms. The committee hopes to survey staff to ask where
most people get the forms they need. They intend to create the ability to search for
forms by name and by category. They will create a specific website and email address for
staff to provide suggestions and report specific problems they are currently experiencing
with finding appropriate forms. (The suggested web address is:
TREASURER’S REPORT – Cheryl MacMath reported that there was no change since the February report.
The budget balance is $3,138.75.
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR’S REPORT – Nancy Clubb reported that as of March 6th, 2012 there were
169 Staff Association Members. Nancy continues to make contact with all newly hired
OFFICE STAFF COMMITTEE – The next quarterly meeting to be held with President Harrison, Provost
Vasquez, HRD Director Lisa Belanger, and Vice President of Finance and Administration,
Arosaha Jayakwickrema, will be held Monday, April 9, 2012.
OLD BUSINESS – Lynn regarding recent Eboard activities.
1. Mandatory break requirement for more than 5 consecutive hours – This will be
discussed at the next quarterly Eboard meeting with University Administration.
2. Flex schedule minimum length – This will be discussed at the next quarterly Eboard
meeting with University Administration.
3. Appointing a University of Hartford Staff Association Grievance Office – A new
position description has been created for the Grievance Officer position. We are
asking members for permission to update the Bylaws with the following description:
“The primary responsibility of the grievance officer is to support and guide an
employee through the University of Hartford grievance process.”
4. Marketing the Staff Association – The Eboard is looking at ways to better market the
Association to the staff community and increase Community Representative
involvement. Efforts to date include:
A. A one-page document has posted on the Staff Association website which
outlines the Staff Association mission and provides contact information for
Executive Board members and Community Representatives, (The “one-pager”
will be provided to all new staff employees by HRD and will be distributed to
Employees at each presentation of the Extended Staff Orientation.)
B. The Eboard met with Community Representatives at two separate meetings.
Community Representatives were polled for their thoughts on what they see as
their main functions and what Association marketing events and/or techniques
would be most useful for increasing Association awareness and participation. A
meeting summary was provided to attendees at the general Staff Association
meeting (March 14th). A draft of a new job description for Community
Representatives will be created and provided to representatives for their
input. We will ask for the new description to be included in the Bylaws.
5. Fundraising and Social Events Committees – We need volunteers to head these two new
committees. Association members are asked to email Lynn Galvin
( if they are interested in heading one of these committees. She
is willing to help reinstitute Staff Association support of the 1877 Club Thanksgiving
6. Some Association members and Community Representatives have asked that the
meeting time for general Staff Association meetings be moved from the 12:00 pm
lunch time schedule. A survey to all Staff Association members was emailed to poll
members as to what the most desired meeting time might be. The survey was emailed
on March 12th and will remain open until March 21st. Once the most requested meeting
time is established it will be reported to members and the Eboard will ask University
Administration to consider encouraging all departments to allow staff to attend as a
regular professional development opportunity (i.e., not as connected to a “personal
time” requirement).
NEW BUSINESS – The Eboard is looking for a volunteer to be the Staff Association “Webmaster”.
Please contact Evelyne Haldimann at if you would like to help with
this position.
GUEST SPEAKER – Ann Costello, Associate Professor Barney Economics/Finance/Insurance, addressed
members regarding the current Insurance Tier Structure of the University. The issue of particular
interest to members is that the current incremental schedule of increased employee contribution to
health benefit premiums relative to gross salary/wage can cause some individuals to take a big jump
backwards in net income when they reach a certain earned income mark. Ann gave background on how the
Benefits Task Force operates and provided history of how the current tier structure was created. She
reminded everyone that change can be a slow process at the University and that it took approximately 13
years to ensure that staff have the same disability coverage as faculty have. Ann was on the original
committee that was able to first institute the tier structure into the benefits package. Members of the
Benefits Task Force work very hard all through the year. Ann is a consulting member, but is not a
University representative. Ann reminded everyone that the University of Hartford has very good health
care coverage and the main concern for such coverage is to prevent catastrophic loss. The Benefits Task
Force was provided with a survey of about 19 other universities regarding what they pay for health care
coverage as institutions and how their employees contribute to premiums. We are the only institution
that uses only income to calculate contribution responsibility and we are the only one that has so many
incremental tiers in the payment structure.
She opened the floor to questions and discussion. Some people have observed that individuals in some of
the tiers pay a very large percentage of their base pay as their contribution to the insurance premiums,
while individuals in other tiers pay a much smaller percentage of their pay for their employee premium
contribution. Individuals cresting the $30,000.00 annual salary mark end up making such a large jump in
their percentage of contribution, that they basically end up losing (in some cases 7 to 10 years) of raises.
In other words, many office support staff end up losing money for longevity of service and excellent work
product. Members were questioning if there could be more tiers incorporated into the existing structure
to help smooth the financial transition from one tier to the next. Ann listened to comments and questions
and will review some documentation provided to her so she can better understand how the current
benefits tier structure and current job grade/pay grade classifications coincide. It is possible that not
all members of the Benefits Task Force are aware that staff salaries are categorized into strict pay
bands relative to job classifications and that some employees are severely impacted by the tier structure
as it currently exists. Some members offered to help crunch numbers and provide reports with
suggested tier structure changes.
Respectfully submitted by
Nancy Fields, Secretary