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On the basis of Article 30, paragraph two and Article 70 of the Environmental Protection Act (Uradni
list Republike Slovenije / Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia – nos. 32/92 and 1/96) the
Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning hereby issues the
Article 1
These rules determine the obligatory practices and other conditions for tipping waste and the conditions
and measures in connection with the planning, construction, operation and closure of waste landfills, and
also following their closure.
For issues in connection with waste which is tipped, and with the general conditions for waste disposal
not specifically covered by these rules, the rules on waste management (Official Journal of the Republic
of Slovenia no. 84/98) shall apply.
Article 2
For the purposes of these rules the terms used shall have the following meaning:
1. Non-hazardous wastes are wastes that are not hazardous.
2. Inert waste is waste which physically, chemically or biologically does not essentially change, degrade,
burn or react in some other way chemically or physically, is not biodegradable and does not have a
harmful effect on other matter on contact with it in a way which increases the burden on the environment
or which is harmful to health. Total leaching and the content of pollution parameters in inert waste and
the ecotoxicity of effluent waters as the hazardous property H 14 from the waste management regulations
shall not endanger the quality of surface or groundwaters.
3. Municipal waste is waste from households and other waste which by its nature and composition is
similar to household waste.
4. Liquid waste is any waste in liquid aggregate state including waste waters, except mud or sludge.
5. Biodegradable waste is remnants of food, kitchen waste, waste from gardens or parks, paper, cardboard
or other waste which decomposes if it is exposed to anaerobic or aerobic processes of decomposition.
6. Construction waste is the mixture of materials produced in demolishing concrete, brick or stone
constructions, removal of asphalt and other construction or demolition works, and waste construction
material from masonry or minerals.
7. Waste of the same kind is waste of the same waste holder produced in a process without essential
change or disturbance, such that the physical, chemical or biochemical properties of the waste that are
significant for its disposal do not essentially change, and such waste is listed under the same group in
the waste classification list.
8. Waste consignment is the quantity of wastes of the same kind which a landfill operator receives in
one calendar day within the framework of one accompanying document on received waste.
9. Waste treatment is any physical, thermal, chemical or biological process, including sorting of waste,
whereby the properties of waste are altered with the intention of reducing their volume or hazardous
properties, easier handling of the waste or increasing the possibility of its recovery.
10. A representative sample of waste is a sample taken from a whole quantity of waste and having the
same properties as the average composition of the waste which is the subject of chemical analysis.
11. A landfill waste tipping site (hereinafter: landfill) is a facility or several facilities for tipping waste
into or onto the ground or underground. A landfill is also:
- a facility or part of a facility where the waste producer disposes of waste at the site of its production, and
- a permanent facility or part of a facility where waste is stored for more than one year.
A landfill is not:
- an appliance, facility or part of a facility where waste is unloaded in order to permit its preparation for
further transport for recovery, treatment or disposal, or
- a waste storage facility where waste is temporarily stored for a maximum of three years prior to recovery
or treatment or a maximum of one year prior to its disposal.
12. An existing landfill is a landfill which is already built or operating on the day these rules enter into
force, or a landfill for which prior to the entry into force of these rules a construction permit was obtained.
13. Reconstruction of a landfill is construction and other works whereby the capacity of the landfill is
increased or the type of landfill from Article 4 of these rules is changed.
14. Landfill operator is a legal or natural person that manages a landfill in compliance with regulations
during the time of its operation or after its closure.
15. Waste holder is a generator of waste or a legal or natural person that has waste in their possession.
16. Tipping permit is a permit for disposal from the waste management regulations.
17. The landfill body encompasses the entirety of all tipped waste and the system of sealing the landfill
bottom, covering the landfill surface, the systems for drainage of leachate and precipitation water from
the surface of the landfill, the system of gas removal and other technical appliances and the side and
retaining embankments and other technical constructions for ensuring the stability of the landfill body.
18. Sealing of the landfill is a technical system of appliances and measures for preventing the emission
of substances into the ground, comprising sealing of the landfill bottom and a system of removal of
leachate and waste waters. Combined sealing of a landfill is sealing composed of various sealants with
mutually enhancing properties. Mineral sealing is an artificial seal comprising single or multi-layered
condensed layers of mineral excavation material and necessary additional material.
19. Leachate is any liquid leaching out of the tipped waste or percolating through the body of the
landfill and which is drained or retained within the landfill.
20. Eluate is the solution obtained through a laboratory waste leaching test.
21. Landfill gas is any gas produced from tipped waste.
22. Gas removal systems are flues, tanks and installations, as well as regulatory appliances and other
technical facilities for the capturing and controlled flaring of landfill gas.
23. Active gas removal is the vacuum suction of landfill gas through artificially produced negative
Article 3
The provisions of these rules shall not apply to:
1. the placing of sludge from treatment facilities or cesspools and silt from riverbeds or lakes and
similar fertiliser into or onto the ground for the purposes of fertilisation or soil quality improvement,
2. the use of inert waste as a filler in establishing a new or replacing the former state of the
environment or in ensuring the stability of the landfill body, sanitary measures and other works in
reconstruction of landfills or in construction,
3. depositing of sludge on the banks of a watercourse, if it was taken from the bed or subsoil of the
watercourse and constitutes non-hazardous waste according to these rules,
4. depositing of materials produced in excavation of the ground for construction works, and
5. depositing of uncontaminated spoils or inert waste produced in prospecting, extraction,
beneficiation, processing and storage of mineral raw materials or in open-cast excavation works.
Compulsory methods of handling and other conditions for landfill tipping of waste
Article 4
Waste may be tipped only in landfills.
Types of landfill are:
1. hazardous waste landfill,
2. non-hazardous waste landfill, or
3. inert waste landfill.
Article 5
Only treated waste may be tipped.
Irrespective of the provision of the preceding paragraph, it shall be permissible without prior treatment
to tip inert waste, when its treatment is technically unfeasible, or other waste, if its treatment would not
reduce its quantity or the properties that would give rise to harmful impacts on the environment or
human health.
Article 6
Hazardous waste disposed of at hazardous waste landfills must fulfil the requirements for hazardous
waste set out in annex 1, which is a constituent part of these rules (hereinafter: annex 1).
The following may be tipped at non-hazardous waste landfills:
- municipal waste,
- other non-hazardous waste which fulfils the requirements for non-hazardous waste from annex 1, and
- solidified or vitrified hazardous waste which in respect of leachate fulfils the requirements for nonhazardous waste from annex 1, in landfill sites where biodegradable non-hazardous waste is not tipped.
The following may be tipped at inert waste landfills:
- inert waste which fulfils the requirements for inert waste from annex 1, and
- construction waste set out in annex 2, which is a constituent part of these rules.
Article 7
The total quantity of biodegradable municipal waste which may in an individual calendar year be
tipped at all landfills, is set out in annex 3, which is a constituent part of these rules.
A landfill operator may in an individual calendar year dispose of in the landfill municipal waste treated
such that the proportion of biodegradable waste in it is equal to the proportion specified in the permit
by the ministry competent for environmental protection (hereinafter: ministry).
In determining the proportion from the preceding paragraph the ministry shall take into account the
guidelines in connection with reducing the tipping of biodegradable municipal waste from the
environmental protection action programme in the area of waste management, and data on handling
biodegradable municipal waste from the waste handling plan, which in compliance with regulations is
enclosed by the landfill operator with the application for a tipping permit from Article 46 of these
Article 8
The ministry may determine for a landfill operator for an individual calendar year such a proportion of
biodegradable waste in tipped municipal waste that is equal at most to the proportion determined for
the entire annual quantity of tipped municipal waste in annex 3 to these rules.
The ministry may also permit a landfill operator to tip a greater proportion of biodegradable waste in
tipped municipal waste than is determined in the preceding paragraph, if on the basis of data on tipping
biodegradable municipal waste at other landfills it is possible to establish that the entire annual
quantity of biodegradable municipal waste disposed of at all landfills does not exceed the quantity
from the first paragraph of the preceding article.
Article 9
Disposal of the following in landfills shall be prohibited:
1. waste which does not fulfil the requirements from Article 6 of these rules,
2. liquid waste, except leachate water which is returned to the landfill in a closed cycle and for which
on the basis of the total water balance it is demonstrated that in the long term the landfill body cannot
become saturated with water,
3. waste which, in the conditions of landfill, has the hazardous property of explosive, corrosive,
oxidising, highly flammable or flammable waste, in compliance with the regulations on waste
management, or waste which promotes burning,
4. vessels filled with gas under pressure,
5. substances which react violently on contact with water,
6. waste produced by health care activities, and infectious material of animal origin from veterinary or
other activities, which has the hazardous property of infectious waste in compliance with the
regulations on waste management,
7. laboratory waste and other chemical substances which are generated in research and development
activities or in educational activities and which are not identified or are new and whose effects on
humans or the environment are not known,
8. whole or shredded used tyres, except if they are used as construction material at landfills or if this
involves tyres with an outside diameter greater than 1,400 mm or bicycle tyres, and
9. sludge, paste or fine-grained waste if in the conditions of landfill it may harm the functioning of the
system of draining leachate and precipitation water or the stability of the landfill body.
Article 10
The mixing of waste with other substances or waste for the purpose of fulfilling the tipping
requirements by dilution shall be prohibited.
Article 11
Disposing of waste in a landfill shall be permitted only if an assessment has been made of the
properties of the waste that are significant for tipping (hereinafter: waste assessment).
The waste assessment must contain:
- the designation, title and description of the waste and its properties,
- an assessment of permissibility of disposing of the waste in a landfill in compliance with the
provisions of Article 6 and Article 9 of these rules,
- an assessment of the anticipated consequences deriving from the properties of the tipped waste,
emphasising the impact on the stability of the landfill body where this involves sludge, paste or finegrained waste,
- a description of the prior or additional necessary treatment of waste or a justification for omitting its
prior treatment, and
- findings in connection with the hazardous properties of the waste as set out in the regulations on
waste management.
The waste assessment must be made in a form as set out in annex 4, which is a constituent part of these
rules and upon the tipping of waste must not be more than twelve months old.
The waste assessment must be made by the waste holder surrendering the waste for tipping.
Article 12
Irrespective of the provisions of the preceding article, a waste assessment does not need to be made for:
1. waste from the same holder, if its total tipped quantity in a period of four consecutive months does
not exceed 500 kg and if on the basis of available data on the waste and its visual inspection it is
possible to rule out its contamination by hazardous substances;
2. waste from the same holder, if its total tipped quantity in a period of one year does not exceed 15
tons, and prior to the start of waste delivery the holder has given written confirmation that this quantity
will not be exceeded in the permitted period and that the waste is not contaminated by hazardous
substances, where the type, source and place of production of each consignment must be entirely
known, and
3. treated municipal waste.
In cases from the preceding paragraph, the identification form must enclose a filled-in form B from
annex 4 to these rules, and it must be clear from this that the waste is not contaminated by hazardous
substances and has none of the hazardous properties set out in points 1.2 and 4 of this form.
Article 13
In the event of the waste holder surrendering consignments of the same kind of waste to the same
landfill for a long period of time, a waste assessment must be made prior to the tipping of the first
consignment surrendered, and for subsequent consignments of the same kind of waste at least once
every twelve months.
Article 14
Waste assessments must be based on a chemical analysis of the waste, except for:
separately collected fractions of municipal waste and similar waste from industry, craft
establishments and service activities from the waste classification list,
construction waste from annex 2 to these rules,
waste set out in annex 5, which is a constituent part of these rules, and
waste from which the taking of representative samples is not possible.
Article 15
The chemical analysis must cover all the parameters of waste contamination from form C in annex 4 to
these rules, except those contained in a quantity that has no significant effect on the reactive processes
at the landfill. Parameters which are not included in the chemical analysis must be cited separately.
In addition to the parameters from the preceding paragraph, the analysis must include other parameters
of waste contamination if they are significant for the reactive processes at the landfill. If as a result of
the source or location of production the waste is atypically contaminated by hazardous substances not
listed in annex 4 to these rules, this must be cited separately in the waste assessment.
A chemical analysis of waste may not be more than four years old.
Where the taking of a representative sample is not possible because of the non-homogeneous nature of
the waste, the waste assessment must be based on theoretical data and empirical values and
If the waste is chemical residues or unused chemicals or packaging contaminated by chemicals for
which a safety sheet has been made in compliance with regulations, instead of the results of chemical
analysis, data on the composition of the substance from the safety sheet may be used for making a
waste assessment.
Article 16
For taking samples of waste, leaching of waste, measuring the parameters of waste and the parameters
of eluate within the framework of chemical analysis from the preceding article, application shall be
made of procedures set out in annex 6, which is a constituent part of these rules, and test methods
determined by standards from annex 6 to these rules.
In the procedures from the preceding paragraph other test methods may also be used, if the results of
validation of these methods are the same as the results of validation of methods from the standards in
the preceding paragraph.
The standards from the first paragraph of this article with the designations SIST ISO, SIST EN and
DIN are available for inspection at the Slovenian national standardisation body, and other standards
from the first paragraph of this article at the ministry.
Article 17
Taking of samples from waste and the waste assessment must be done by persons authorised by the
ministry to do waste assessments.
In order to obtain authorisation, persons from the preceding paragraph must fulfil the following
1. that they are a commercial company, a public institution or independent private trader,
2. that they have workers trained to make waste assessments in compliance with regulations, and
3. that they are accredited by the national accreditation service for conducting chemical analysis of
waste according to methods from annex 6 to these rules for at least one of the organic and one of the
inorganic parameters of contamination.
Article 18
Persons from the first paragraph of the preceding article shall obtain authorisation on the basis of an
application to the ministry. Applications must enclose proof of fulfilment of the conditions from the
second paragraph of the preceding article.
Persons from the preceding paragraph may be issued with an authorisation for a maximum of six years.
The ministry may revoke authorisation prior to the expiry of its validity from persons from the first
paragraph of this article, if it determines that such persons no longer fulfil all the conditions from the
second paragraph of this article.
Article 19
For the needs of waste assessments being made for waste holders by other persons the ministry shall
keep a list of authorised persons from the first paragraph of the preceding article.
The ministry shall publish the list from the preceding paragraph once annually in the Official Journal
of the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 20
Prior to the tipping of waste into the landfill body the operator must ensure verification of all delivered
waste, including inspection of the prescribed waste documentation and establishing that the waste is
identical in terms of the type, quantity and properties.
The identity of the waste shall be determined by weighing and visual inspection, and by analysis of
representative samples of the waste.
For landfill operators that are at the same time the only producers of waste disposed of at their landfill,
the ministry may allow in the tipping permit a simplification of waste verification from the first
paragraph of this article, if the specified verification procedures are carried out at the location where
the waste is generated.
Article 21
In inspecting waste documentation landfill operators must verify in particular the completeness and
validity of such documentation, as well as its compliance with the requirements of these rules, and
must especially verify the results of waste assessment from Article 11 of these rules.
In the event of a waste assessment not containing the results of chemical analysis of the waste, the
operator must also verify whether this involves waste from Article 14 of these rules.
Article 22
The landfill operator must perform weighing of waste upon its receipt, and visual inspection of the
identity of the waste prior to final placement in the landfill body, such that it may still be removed if it
is not suitable for tipping.
Especially close visual inspection of the identity of waste and its contamination must be made for
waste that does not require a waste assessment, in compliance with articles 12 and 13 of these rules.
For waste from points 1 and 2 of the first paragraph of Article 12 of these rules the landfill operator
must also ensure verification of the total quantity of surrendered waste in the period when its tipping is
permitted without a waste assessment.
Article 23
Landfill operators may not tip waste if:
1. disposal of such waste at a landfill is not permitted, especially if this derives from the waste
2. the prescribed waste assessment has not been done,
3. the reciprocal effects with already tipped waste would significantly increase the possibility of
burdening the environment,
4. the content of the waste assessment is incomplete or inadequate and the results are not sufficiently
5. the prescribed period of validity for the waste assessment has expired,
6. they doubt the identity of the waste or the content of hazardous substances in it, or
7. the geotechnical properties of the waste and the conditions of its disposal in the landfill body would
not ensure the necessary stability of the landfill body.
Article 24
If a landfill operator refuses the tipping of delivered waste in compliance with the provisions of points
4, 5, 6 or 7 of the preceding article, he may allow the waste holder to temporarily store the waste in the
area of the landfill for a period not exceeding four months, in order for the waste assessment to be
supplemented or done again.
The start of temporary storage from the preceding paragraph must be entered in the daily operating log
of the landfill.
Article 25
If a landfill operator establishes that delivered waste does not conform to the data in the enclosed waste
assessment, or if on the basis of points 4 or 6 of Article 23 of these rules the operator refuses receipt of
the waste or the holder takes it back, the operator must provide notice of this to the inspectors
competent for environmental protection.
In addition to data on the waste holder, the notice from the preceding paragraph must contain data on
the person that made the waste assessment.
Article 26
Upon receipt of waste, landfill operators must ensure the taking of representative samples from
randomly selected waste received, in order to verify its identity through chemical analysis.
Article 27
Chemical analysis checking of representative samples from the preceding article must be effected for at
least 2% of delivered waste consignments where the taking of representative samples is possible.
Analytical checking must be carried out more frequently for consignments of waste from point 2 of the
first paragraph of Article 12 of these rules and from Article 13 of these rules, and for consignments of
waste from those holders whose delivered waste has in the past at least once not conformed to data in
the enclosed waste assessment.
As part of the chemical analysis checking of a representative sample, verification shall be effected in
particular of those parameters of waste and parameters of waste eluate on the basis of which the
identity of the delivered waste may be determined in relation to the data on it in the documentation,
along with the typical or probable content of hazardous substances within it.
The taking of representative samples and chemical analysis checking must be carried out with the test
methods from Article 16 of these rules, and must be carried out by a person accredited by the national
accreditation service for conducting chemical analysis of waste according to the methods from annex 6
to these rules for at least one of the organic and one of the inorganic parameters of contamination.
Article 28
For every 1,000 tons of received waste for which chemical analysis checking from the preceding article
has not been carried out, the landfill operator must ensure the taking of at least one representative
sample from selected waste for which a waste assessment has been made in compliance with articles
11 or 13 of these rules.
Representative samples must be taken in the way set out in the fourth paragraph of the preceding article
and must be kept for at least two years.
If in verifying the identity of waste through visual inspection or chemical analysis checking of waste
from the preceding article a landfill operator establishes that the holder of delivered waste has made an
incorrect declaration, the operator must effect the chemical analysis of all kept spare samples from the
preceding paragraph taken from previously delivered consignments of waste from the same holder.
Analysis of the spare samples shall verify in particular the parameters which, even taking account of
possible chemical changes to the sample, will allow the determining of the identity of the waste with
its documentation.
Article 29
The properties of an individual type of waste which is tipped, and the manner and method of tipping
the waste into the landfill body must ensure the safety of the landfill personnel and may not threaten
the system of sealing of the landfill bottom or other technical facilities and appliances of the landfill
and their operation.
The geotechnical properties of an individual type of waste which is tipped, and the manner and method
of tipping the waste into the landfill body must ensure that the stability of the landfill body is
maintained. It shall be necessary through compaction of waste prior to or during tipping into the
landfill body, while taking account of the properties of the waste, to ensure that in the long term only
insignificant deformations of the landfill body are possible.
Through the technical procedure of tipping waste into the landfill body, covering tipped waste and
through other preventive measures, the emission of dust and odours into the air during tipping and the
gathering of insects, birds or vermin must be reduced.
Planning and constructing a landfill
Article 30
A landfill may not be located in:
1. a water protection area determined according to water regulations,
2. a protected area for sources of thermal mineral water, determined according to water regulations,
3. a flood zone, determined according to water regulations,
4. an area threatened by avalanches, subsidence, settling or other movements of earth mass, if such
threat cannot be controlled through technical measures,
5. an area of unequal geotechnical properties on the surface and in the subsoil such that threaten the
landfill, if such threat cannot be controlled through technical measures,
6. a site outside a flood zone according to point 3 of this article, if there is a return period of 500 years
in the flood water zone, if protection from flood water cannot be provided through technical measures,
7. a site with a seriously fissured rock base and good water permeability and indeterminable
underground watercourses and
8. a site with freely flowing groundwater, if the level of the highest anticipated surface of the
groundwater, and taking into account the possibility of settling, is less than 1 metre under the base of
the landfill and this distance cannot be ensured through technical measures.
Article 31
In planning a landfill it shall be necessary to ensure that the landfill is located an adequate distance
from areas intended for settlement and recreation, public parks, health and convalescent resorts,
agricultural surfaces intended for cultivation, watercourses and other water bodies.
In planning a landfill it shall be necessary to ensure that the body of the landfill is not within the field
of vision of windows, balconies and entrance doors, up to 600 m from the landfill’s external boundary,
of residential buildings, buildings where educational, care, health care and similar activities are carried
out, and other buildings in which through work or rest people remain often or for long periods, and that
the distance in a straight line from the external boundary of the landfill and such buildings is no less
than 300 m.
Article 32
The subsoil of the landfill must be, at least in the area of the landfill body, geologically and
hydrologically uniform and of such geological composition as to ensure the safety of the soil and
groundwater and surface waters from pollution.
The average water permeability of the ground in the area of the landfill body must be less than:
- 1.10 -9 m/s in a soil thickness of at least 5 metres for hazardous waste landfills,
- 1.10 -9 m/s in a soil thickness of at least 1 metre for non-hazardous waste landfills, and
- 1.10 -7 m/s in a soil thickness of at least 1 metre for inert waste landfills.
Fulfilment of the conditions from the preceding paragraphs may also be ensured by lining the base of
the landfill with clay material in the manner set out in annex 7, which is a constituent part of these
rules (hereinafter: annex 7).
Article 33
Landfills must be provided with the unimpeded drainage of leachate water such that the water drains
freely and solely by the effect of gravitation.
If the drainage of leachate water is not possible by natural means, it shall be necessary to ensure the
collection of leachate water in easily accessible collectors placed outside the body of the landfill.
Article 34
The body of the landfill and its subsoil must be stable in the long term, such that possible deformations
would not have a negative effect, particularly on the sealing of the landfill bottom, drainage of leachate
and precipitation water or gas removal.
In planning the geotechnical properties from the preceding paragraph it shall also be necessary to take
into consideration the weight and properties of the tipped waste, the ageing of the materials and
meteorological effects.
The scope and content of research and calculations in connection with securing the geotechnical
properties from the first paragraph of this article are set out in annex 7.
The research and calculations from the preceding paragraph shall use methods determined by the
standards from annex 7 to these rules, and may also use other methods if the results of validation of
these methods are the same as the results of validation of methods from the standards from annex 7.
Standards from the preceding paragraph with the designation SIST ISO, SIST EN and DIN are
available for inspection at the Slovenian national standardisation body, and other standards from the
preceding paragraph at the ministry.
Article 35
At landfills it shall be necessary to arrange the foundation soil, where in respect of the wear and
elasticity of the foundation soil the solutions from annex 7 must be considered.
In arranging the foundation soil it shall be necessary to take account of the incline required for sealing
the landfill bottom and drainage of leachate water, and to ensure the necessary level surface of the
foundation soil.
Article 36
On the foundation soil of the landfill and inclined sides of the foundation soil it shall be necessary to
ensure sealing, which together with the system of drainage of leachate water will prevent the
penetration of leachate water into the subsoil.
The type, structure, methods and technical procedure for sealing from the preceding paragraph shall be
selected in a manner set out in annex 7.
For mineral sealing of the landfill bottom other methods and technical procedures may be used than
those set out in the preceding paragraph, if they achieve the same sealing as is provided under point 2.2
of annex 7 to these rules.
Article 37
In order to provide for the uninterrupted collection and removal of leachate water, in compliance with
annex 7 it shall be necessary at landfills to arrange a system of leachate water drainage, comprising a
drainage layer and collection pipes placed within this layer for draining leachate water.
Through the installation of a protective layer over the drainage layer and through the dispersed placing
of waste in the landfill body the penetration of waste into the drainage layer must be prevented.
In order to provide for maintenance and control of the collection pipes for drainage of leachate water it
shall be necessary to construct an adequate number of shafts and tunnels, which must be stable and on
stable subsoil.
For temporary retention of leachate water which is drained from the landfill body, it shall be necessary
in the area of the landfill but outside the area of the waste to set up a suitably large collector for
leachate water. The collector must be resistant to the chemical effects of leachate water and safe from
explosion, and in the case of leachate water with a strong odour it must also be closed.
Article 38
The surface of filled parts of the landfill body must be covered and surface sealing must be ensured
with the installation of a system of surface drainage of precipitation water and gas removal.
The type, structure, methods and technical procedure for covering the landfill body from the preceding
paragraph shall be selected in the manner set out in annex 7.
For surface sealing in covering the landfill body, other methods and technical procedures may be used
than those set out in the preceding paragraph, if they achieve the same sealing as is provided by sealing
from point 4.3 of annex 7 to these rules.
Article 39
At landfills it shall be necessary to ensure that surface surrounding water and groundwater from
surfaces or from the area outside the landfill does not come into contact with the landfill body.
Leachate water from the landfill, precipitation water drained from covered surfaces in the area of the
landfill, and technological waste water from appliances for the treatment of landfill gas must be
collected and removed separately from other waste water which appears in the area of the landfill and
which is not contaminated.
In the event of there being different types of landfill from the second paragraph of Article 4 of these
rules in the same location, their leachate and precipitation water drained from covered surfaces in the
area of an individual landfill may not be mixed with each other prior to treatment.
Article 40
If landfill gas is generated at a landfill for non-hazardous or hazardous waste, its collection and flaring
must be ensured with the installation of appliances which are adequately large for the estimated
quantities of gas generated, as well as being durable and safe from explosion.
If collected landfill gas cannot be used to generate energy, it must be flared in the area of the landfill.
Article 41
The entrance area of a landfill must be furnished with a sign giving the name of the landfill operator,
the type of landfill according to Article 4 of these rules and the operating times of the landfill.
The entire area of the landfill must be sealed with a fence at least 2 metres high, unless it is secured by
a natural barrier such that access by people and wild animals is rendered impossible.
In the area of the landfill there must be sufficiently large spaces for carrying out the procedures of
receiving and checking delivered waste and for parking and turning of delivery vehicles.
A weigh station for waste must be situated in the entrance area of the landfill. Weighing of the waste
may also be conducted at weigh stations outside the landfill or on scales mounted on waste transport
The landfill must be furnished with appliances for preventing the transport of dust and mud on
transport vehicles from the landfill onto public roads.
In the area of the landfill storage space must be arranged for the temporary disposal of waste from
Article 24 of these rules.
Article 42
For landfill operators who are at the same time the sole producers of waste which is tipped at their
landfill, the ministry may in the tipping permit determine concessions regarding the fulfilment of
requirements from the second, third and sixth paragraphs of the preceding article.
Article 43
In order to obtain an environmental encroachment permit a new or reconstructed landfill must fulfil the
following conditions:
- emission of substances and energy into waters, the air or ground may not exceed the prescribed limit
- procedures and methods of tipping waste may not cause excessive burdening of the environment and
negative impacts on the landscape,
- construction and other requirements set out in these rules must be fulfilled,
- protective measures must be ensured against uncontrolled events and for the event of ecological
accidents and
- a programme of prescribed measures must be ensured for closing the landfill after cessation of its
Article 44
For landfills from the preceding article for which environmental protection consent must be obtained,
fulfilment of the conditions from the preceding article shall be determined in the procedure for issuing
such consent.
For landfills from the preceding article for which it is not necessary to obtain environmental consent, in
the request for an environmental encroachment permit the investor must include with the basic
information on the purpose and capacity of the facility a professional assessment of the types and
quantity of waste which will be tipped, and of the envisaged environmental protection measures during
operation and on closure of the landfill.
The professional assessment from the preceding paragraph must be made by a legal or natural person
authorised to make environmental impact assessments.
Operation of landfills
Article 45
The waste management plan, which in compliance with the regulation on waste management must be
enclosed with the application for a tipping permit, must include data on:
- the type and quantity of biodegradable waste which will be tipped and on the envisaged methods of
reducing the quantity of tipped biodegradable waste,
- the method of closing the landfill and the measures for prevention of harmful environmental impacts
following its closure.
If in the case of the preceding paragraph this involves waste management which in compliance with the
law is an obligatory national or local commercial public service, the waste management plan must
clearly indicate that the methods of reducing the quantity of tipped biodegradable waste and the
method of closure of the landfill are determined in compliance with the provisions of the state or local
community regulation governing the method of performing such commercial public service.
Applications from the first paragraph of this article must also enclose a programme of monitoring
groundwater, drafted in compliance with the regulation governing the monitoring of contamination of
groundwater by hazardous substances.
Article 46
The tipping permit shall determine:
- the type of landfill in compliance with Article 4 of these rules,
- the type of waste which may be tipped and the total quantity of waste tipped in the landfill,
- the quantity of biodegradable waste which may be tipped in an individual calendar year,
- the manner of receiving waste and the verification of its identity and other conditions of operation,
- the performance of operational monitoring and other forms of control of environmental burdening,
- cautionary changes to indicative parameters of groundwater in compliance with the regulation
governing monitoring of groundwater contamination by hazardous substances,
- requirements in connection with the closure of the landfill and measures for prevention of harmful
environmental impacts following its closure, and
- the period of time in which following closure of the landfill the operator must ensure the performance
of the prescribed obligations from Article 55 of these rules, which is at least 10 years for hazardous or
non-hazardous waste landfills.
Article 47
Landfill operators must determine a person who is responsible for carrying out procedures of verifying
waste from articles 20 and 26 of these rules, and that person’s deputy, and communicate the data on
these two persons to the inspectorate competent for environmental protection.
The two responsible persons from the preceding paragraph must have appropriate professional training
and have appropriate experience so as to ensure the reliable performance of prescribed procedures of
waste verification from the preceding paragraph.
At the time of receival of waste the responsible person or his deputy from the first paragraph of this
article must be present at the landfill.
Landfill operators must ensure appropriate professional training of landfill personnel regarding the
latest proven technology which is available on the market, such that the verification of waste, keeping
of the daily operating log, procedures of placing and covering waste in the landfill and other
procedures at the landfill are carried out reliably and in compliance with regulations.
Article 48
Landfill operators must have rules of procedure for operating their landfills.
The rules of procedure from the preceding paragraph shall encompass:
1. the official name of the landfill operator and the type of landfill,
2. a list of the types and quantities of waste which may be tipped in compliance with the permit,
3. data on the operation of the landfill:
a) landfill operating times,
b) a description of the manner of receiving and verifying waste,
c) a description of the manner and methods of tipping the waste into the landfill body,
d) a description of the management of leachate and precipitation water and landfill gas,
4. instructions for carrying out procedures of verifying waste,
5. instructions for managing waste in temporary storage in the area of the landfill,
6. instructions for maintenance works at the landfill,
7. instructions for regular inspection of the stability of the landfill body and technical facilities and
8. instructions for monitoring and measures in connection with prevention and reduction of
environmental burdens,
9. instructions for measures in the event of an ecological accident and
10. instructions for making entries in and keeping the daily operating log.
The rules of procedure from the first paragraph of this article shall have the following appendices:
- the project of works carried out for the landfill and on the basis of which the landfill operating permit
has been issued,
- a plan of works in the area of the landfill body which has already been filled with tipped waste,
- a programme of operational monitoring, and
- a waste management plan on the basis of which the landfill permit has been issued.
Article 49
Operators of hazardous or non-hazardous waste landfills must ensure the performance of operational
monitoring involving:
- measurement of meteorological parameters,
- measurement and calculation of emission of substances into the air from the landfill,
- measurement of emission of substances in the draining of leachate water and contaminated
precipitation water from the surface of the landfill, and
- measurement of parameters of contamination of groundwater by hazardous substances, if it is in the
impact area of the landfill.
Operational monitoring from the preceding paragraph shall be carried out in the extent and manner set
out in annex 8, which is a constituent part of these rules.
Measurement of meteorological parameters from the first paragraph of this article does not need to be
carried out if for the location of the landfill the operator obtains valid meteorological data from the
national meteorological office.
Article 50
Landfill operators must inform the inspectorate competent for environmental protection of any major
change in the impacts from their landfill on the environment which they have discovered as part of
their operational monitoring from the preceding article.
If in the course of operational monitoring a landfill operator discovers that a cautionary change has
taken place in any indicative parameter whatsoever of groundwater, as set out in the permit from
Article 46 of these rules, he must provide the inspectorate with information on this and on the
intervention measures taken to reduce the harmful impact on groundwater in seven days at the latest
from the discovery of such change.
Article 51
Landfill operators must ensure regular inspection of the landfill body and functioning of technical
facilities and appliances at the landfill, and in particular:
- the height and form of the mass of tipped waste in respect of possible settling or other changes which
would affect the stability of the landfill,
- carrying out covering and recultivation on the covered area of the landfill body or parts thereof,
- changes in the position, height or shape of the landfill body or parts thereof,
- appliances for collecting and treating leachate water from the landfill and landfill gas, and
- the system for drainage of precipitation and surface water.
For every calendar year landfill operators must produce a report on findings in connection with
inspections from the preceding paragraph, and together with the prescribed reports on operational
monitoring, submit this to the ministry.
Article 52
Landfill operators must ensure the keeping of records prescribed in the regulation on waste
management in the form of a daily operating log.
Data on the following shall be entered on a daily basis in the daily operating log from the preceding
- the quantity, type and holder of received waste,
- performance of the procedures of waste checking from the first paragraph of Article 18 of these rules,
- the point of tipping of the received waste in the area of the landfill body,
- findings on lacking or erroneous documentation or dubious identity of waste,
- temporary storage or rejection of specific waste,
- maintenance works carried out at the landfill,
- regular inspection of the landfill body and facilities and appliances at the landfill, and
- extraordinary and other significant events in connection with the operation of the landfill.
The daily operating log must be kept in the form of a bound book with numbered pages, and must be
kept until complete closure of the landfill.
Landfill closure and measures following landfill closure
Article 53
For closure of a landfill the surfaces of the landfill body must be suitably covered and must have
proper surface sealing and surface drainage of precipitation waste water and gas removal in the manner
set out in annex 7.
Article 54
Irrespective of whether the landfill is being closed because the tipping permit has expired, the
conditions for closure in the permit have been fulfilled, or the landfill owner or the inspectorate
competent for environmental protection so requests, or for some other reason, the landfill operator
must submit to the ministry :
- data on the person designated as the operator of the closed landfill,
- a report on prescribed measures carried out for closure of the landfill,
- a programme of conducting measurements from Article 55 of these rules and
- a copy of the distribution of tipped waste in the landfill body.
A landfill may be closed when the ministry determines the closed landfill operator and, on the basis of
a report from the inspectorate competent for environmental protection, when it establishes that all the
prescribed requirements in connection with closure of landfills have been fulfilled.
Article 55
In the period of time provided in the permit from Article 46 of these rules, the closed landfill operator
must ensure:
- maintenance and protection of the closed landfill,
- the conducting of permanent or occasional measurements in the manner and extent provided for
operational monitoring of landfills in Article 49 of these rules,
- regular inspection of the state of the closed landfill body in the extent provided for monitoring of the
landfill body in Article 51 of these rules, and
- the drafting of a report on the state of the landfill and prescribed measurements conducted for
individual calendar years.
The report from the preceding paragraph must be submitted by the closed landfill operator to the
ministry at the latest by 31 March for the preceding calendar year and to the competent services of the
local community in the area where the landfill is located.
Article 56
If on the basis of measurements or regular inspection of the landfill body from the preceding article a
closed landfill operator discovers that there have been excessive environmental impacts or significant
changes to the landfill body, he must inform the inspectorate competent for environmental protection
in seven days at the latest of the situation and of the measures he intends to take in order to eliminate
the fault.
Monitoring and control
Article 57
Monitoring and control over the implementation of these rules shall be performed by inspectors
competent for environmental protection.
Transitional and final provisions
Article 58
The provisions of the first paragraph of Article 5 of these rules shall start to apply on 1 January 2002.
The provisions of the first paragraph of Article 6 of these rules shall start to apply on 1 January 2003,
while the provisions of the second and third paragraphs of Article 6 of these rules shall start to apply
on 1 January 2002.
The provisions of point 8 of Article 9 of these rules shall start to apply for whole used tyres four years,
and for shredded used tyres seven years after the entry into force of these rules.
Article 59
The provisions of these rules relating to waste assessment shall start to apply on 1 January 2001.
Up until 31 December 2003 waste assessments from Article 11 of these rules may be based on a
chemical analysis of waste that has not been made in compliance with these rules, if such analysis
employed proven methods whose validation results are equal to the validation results of the methods
from Article 15 of these rules.
Article 60
Irrespective of the provision of the second paragraph of Article 17 of these rules, up until 31 December
2003 authorisation from the first paragraph of Article 17 of these rules may also be obtained by persons
who fulfil the following conditions:
1. that they are a commercial company, public institution or independent private trader,
2. that they have workers trained to make waste assessments in compliance with regulations and
3. that they have installed a system for ensuring and verifying the quality of measurements and
analysis and in the period of the last three years prior to the issuing of authorisation they have at
least once attained positive results in inter-laboratory comparative analysis for performing chemical
analysis of waste.
Article 61
Irrespective of the provision of the third paragraph of Article 27 of these rules, up until 31 December
2003 the taking of representative samples and chemical analysis checking of waste may also be
performed by persons who have installed a system for ensuring and verifying the quality of
measurements and analysis and who in the period of the last three years prior to the issuing of
authorisation have at least once attained positive results in inter-laboratory comparative analysis for
performing chemical analysis of waste.
Article 62
Existing landfills shall be categorised as:
- hazardous waste landfills, if on the day of entry into force of these rules only hazardous waste is
being tipped in them,
- non-hazardous waste landfills, if on the day of entry into force of these rules municipal waste or only
non-hazardous waste is being tipped in them, and
- inert waste landfills, if on the day of entry into force of these rules only inert or construction waste is
being tipped in them.
The provisions of Article 9 of these rules shall start to apply for existing hazardous waste landfills on 1
January 2003.
Article 63
Operators of existing waste landfills must:
- affix a sign from the first paragraph of Article 41 of these rules by 1 July 2000,
- ensure the inspection of documentation on waste and establishing of the identity of waste through
visual inspection by 1 July 2000,
- ensure the establishing of identity of waste through weighing by 1 July 2000,
- determine the responsible persons from the first paragraph of Article 47 of these rules and
communicate the data on them by 31 December 2000,
- have rules of procedure from Article 48 of these rules by 31 December 2000,
- ensure the establishing of identity of waste through chemical analysis checking by 31 December
- ensure measures from Article 41 by 31 December 2001,
- ensure the keeping of a daily operating log from Article 52 of these rules by 31 December 2001,
- ensure the performance of operational monitoring from Article 49 of these rules by 31 December
2001 and
- ensure regular inspection of the landfill body from Article 51 of these rules by 31 December 2001.
The two reports from the second paragraph of Article 51 of these rules must first be submitted for the
year 2002.
Article 64
Operators of existing landfills which will cease operating by 31 December 2003, must communicate
this to the ministry by 31 December 2000.
Operators from the preceding paragraph must submit to the ministry the data, copy, report and
programme from the first paragraph of Article 54 of these rules by 31 June 2003.
Operators from the first paragraph of this article do not need to obtain a permit from Article 46 of these
Article 65
Operators of existing landfills which will be operating after 1 January 2004 must by 31 December 2003
prepare and submit to the ministry a programme for adapting landfills to the requirements of these
Article 66
Existing landfills which will cease operating by 31 December 2008 must in order to obtain a permit
from Article 46 of these rules be adapted to meet the requirements:
regarding leachate waters from articles 33 and 39 of these rules by 31 December 2004,
regarding covering the surfaces of filled parts of the landfill body from Article 38 of these rules by
31 December 2004 and
regarding measures in connection with landfill gases from Article 40 of these rules by 31 December
For existing landfills which will operate after 1 January 2009, in order to obtain a tipping permit from
Article 46 of these rules the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply, and regarding the other
requirements for the issuing of such permit, except for the requirements from articles 30 and 31 of
these rules, the deadline for adaptation is 31 December 2008.
Article 67
The ministry shall confirm the programme of adaptation from Article 65 of these rules in a decision, in
which it shall also determine the quantity of biodegradable municipal waste from the second paragraph
of Article 7 of these rules, if this involves a site where municipal waste is tipped.
Article 68
These rules shall enter into force on the fifteenth day after their publication in the Official Journal of
the Republic of Slovenia.
No.: 354-11-41/99
Ljubljana, 13 December 1999
of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Dr Pavel Gantar