Specifications of Optics table with linear stages A. Scope of Supply

Specifications of Optics table with linear stages
A. Scope of Supply
An optics table having degrees of freedom in three orthogonal axes is required for characterization of
micro optics. This table shall be installed in BL-07 beamline of Indus-2 synchrotron radiation source
located at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore. The supplier shall design,
fabricate, supply and install the optics table as shown in Figure 1 at BL-07 experimental hutch. The
necessary logistic (crane, utilities like gas, etc) support during installation shall be provided by the
Design of the optics table. The values mentioned in this document shall be taken for
actual design.
Solid and firm bottom support holding complete weight of working plate of optics table
and load of ~500kg.
The dimensions of working plate of the table shall be 2000 mm along z–axis (along
beam propagation) and 1200 along x –axis. There shall be three linear motion guides along z–
axis (length 2000mm) for linear movement of three Aluminum alloy base plates of size
1000mm (length) x 200mm (width) x 25mm (thickness) that having linear movement range of
On top of the above three Aluminum alloy plates three linear stages shall be fixed with
Aluminum alloy base plates of nominal size 300 x 200 mm that moves along x– axis (length
1000 mm) having linear movement of 700mm25mm. Total weight on the individual linear
motion stage shall be ~100 kg.
On the working plate of the table, there shall be one additional linear motion stage with
base plate of nominal size 150 x 150 mm along z –axis (length 2000 mm, for clarity it is called
z1 axis) having linear movement of 180025mm. Total weight on this linear motion stage shall
be ~50kg.
All above linear motion guides/stages shall have suitable ball screws and stepping
motor arrangement.
Total height of the optics table shall be adjustable ~1000-1200 mm (y-axis). The height
adjustment shall be through appropriate motorized lifting system.
B. Specification of the Optics Table
The schematic of the optics table is shown in Figure 1. The optics table consists of solid base (for rigid
support), working plate for mounting various linear stages and motorized lifting system for changing
the vertical height. The table 1 summarizes the required range, resolution and repeatability of the
required degrees of freedom of the optics table.
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Figure 1: Schematic of optics table with overall dimension of 2000 mm (length, z-axis) x 1200 mm
(width, x- axis) and 1200 mm (height, y-axis)[nomenclature is added].
Table 1: Various requirements (range, resolution, repeatability) of the optics table.
Range [mm]
Motor + Ball screw
700 2 5
Appropriate motorized  100 around 1
lifting system (jack)
central height
Motor + Ball screw
Motor + Ball screw
1400  25
1800  25
1. Base of the optics table
The base of optics table shall be made of high density cement composite (enclosed completely in
metallic housing with surface painted with non-corrosive material) or synthetic granite of size ~ 2000
mm (length) x 1300 (width) x 300 mm (thickness). The use of base is to provide rigidity to the overall
optics table and avoid any distortion. This base shall have provision of leveling to adjust level of the
base in y direction to compensate the floor unevenness.
2. Working plate of optics table
2.1 The working plate of the optics table shall be made from sub-harmonic vibratory stress relieved
gray cast iron material Grade FG-220 of IS: 210. The thickness and cross-section design of the base
plate is such that it shall carry the uniform distribution load (excluding its own weight) of ~500kgf
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with maximum bending or sagging limited to  50m. The surface shall be milled and its top surface
shall have provision of mounting LM guide ways and ball screws and other required accessories to
move and control the linear stages in x and z direction. Geometrical accuracies of LM guide ways
mounting surfaces shall be as per standard recommendations given in Ball Screws and LM guide ways
catalogues. The cast iron base plate shall be painted with epoxy paint on all non-machined surfaces
having Graphite Black shade equal to RAL Color Chart No. 9011. There shall have arrangement of
adjusting the leveling of working plate using Engineer’s level.
2.2 The above base plate (mentioned in 2.1) shall have the sufficient tapped holes for mounting the five
linear motion (LM) guides and ball screw mechanism as per the schematic design shown in figure 1.
The LM guides and ball screw considered in the optics shall be of reputed company make like
THK/HiWin etc. The length of three LM guides along z –axis shall be 2000 mm and linear movement
range is ~140025mm using ball screw actuated by the stepper motor. The straightness of the LM
guides shall be in the range of ~50 m in 2000mm length.
2.3 Three Aluminum alloy base plate of cross-section 1000 mm (length), 200 mm (width) and 25 mm
(thickness) shall be fixed on three LM guides through suitable fixtures/fasteners.
2.4 Three linear translation stages (along x-axis) with base plate (made of Aluminum alloy) of nominal
size 300 mm x 200 mm shall be fixed on the above three Al base plate. The linear movement of the
individual stage shall be of 70025mm actuated by stepper motor. The top surface of linear stages shall
have M6 tapped holes in a linear bi-direction grid of nominal 25 mm to facilitate mounting of various
vertical stages and the optical objects. All Aluminum alloy components shall be black / dark brown
anodized. The straightness of the LM guides shall be in the range of ~30 m in 1000mm length.
2.5 One linear stage (along z1-axis) with base plate of nominal size 150 mm x 150 mm shall be fixed
on working plate of optics table. The linear movement of the stage shall be of 180025mm actuated by
stepper motor. The top surface of linear stage shall have M6 tapped holes in a linear bi-direction grid of
nominal 25 mm to facilitate mounting of various vertical stages and the optical objects. The working
height of stage shall be matched to the working height of other three linear stages (along x-axis)
mentioned in 2.4.
3. Lifting system for Optics table
3.1 The overall height of optics table (distance between top working surface and the floor) is to be
minimum ~1000 mm and adjustable upto 1200 mm using suitable hydraulic system or using screw jack
lifting system with guide post. The height adjustment shall be through motorized operated hydraulic
pump or through motorized operated screw jack system (of reputed company make like Nosen or duff
Norton or Thomson etc.).
3.2 The lifting system shall be sturdy and shall able to handle the load of entire working plate and
objects load thereof (total weight of ~2000 kg).
3.3 There shall be mechanical lockable screws to hold the table at its adjusted/desired height.
3.4 Supplier shall evaluate the requirement of guide mechanism for movement (adjusting the height) of
working plate in vertical direction.
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3.5 While height adjustment, the maximum tilt (height difference from highest point to the lowest point
of the table) allowed is 0.3 mm in the entire height adjustment.
4. General requirements
4.1 The base and the working plate of the optics table shall have provision to level accurately (0.025
mm/meter) at RRCAT installation site. For this purpose integral cross base for locating precision
Engineer’s level shall be provided.
4.2 The optics table having seven numbers of linear motion stages shall be linearly moved by
independent stepping motor actuator through precision ground ball screw. The linear movements shall
have accuracy within 30 microns. The lead of all ball screws shall be identical. Details of the bought
out components (like ground ball screws, LM guides, couplings), make, part no, etc should be supplied
with quotation.
4.3 Each stage shall have steel scale with zero pointers to set / locate each stage independently as and
when required. The least count shall be  1.00 mm. On longer length (z-axis), two scales shall be fixed
on either side.
4.4 All seven stages shall have ends of travel limit switches (NONC type) and also mechanical soft
stoppers in case limit switch overrides fails.
4.5 All stages having working plate shall have M6 tapped hole in a linear bi-direction grid of nominal
25 mm to facilitate mounting of various components. All tapped holes on Al or Al alloy
plates/structures shall be fitted with SS inserts of suitable length.
4.6 All required actuators based on ball screw/linear motion guides shall be through stepping motors.
The suitable torque motor (double side shaft) shall be selected by the supplier of reputed company
make (only Schneider or Sanyo Denki or Oriental). The stepper motor shall have inbuilt driver
electronics and controlled remotely through communication cable (RS232/RS485). The motor shall
have suitable step size to achieve the resolution/repeatability and sufficient torque for each linear
stages. The supplier shall mention the make/model/step size and current rating of the individual motor
in offered quotation. Supplier shall supply the zip-open type low noise cable drag chain to route the
signal cables to each stage conveniently. The opening section of cable drag chain could be around 30
mm x 30 mm or similar and can be finalized during design phase. The controller and the control
software are not under scope of supply.
4.7 Controller and software: Supplier will prepare the controller with driver for all stepper motors
along with suitable GUI based control software. All signal cables, end lugs and connections thereof
shall be arranged by supplier as per system requirement and industry standards. The entire wiring
diagram and the cable layout shall be supplied to the purchaser. Supplier should quote separately for
the controller electronics and the control software.
4.8 All technical documents and schematic design for the optics table shall be provided with quotation
in order to evaluate the performance of the system and also to assess the capabilities of the supplier.
4.9 The supplier shall give the warranty for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning and
final acceptance.
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4.10 The successful bidder shall supply the detailed engineering design including bills of materials to
the purchaser and shall obtain the approval from purchaser prior to start the fabrication process.
4.11 The optics table shall be supplied, installed and commissioned by the supplier at RRCAT site. If
supplier required any site preparation then it shall be clearly mentioned in the quotation with cost if
4.12 All engineering drawings/data taken during factory testing/raw files etc shall be supplied to the
4.13 The purchaser reserves the rights to assess/evaluate the capability of the bidder by visiting their
facilities if it is located in India.
C. Manufacturing and test plan
After awarding the contract, supplier shall submit detailed design, manufacturing and test plan
for different stages of fabrication prior to the fabrication activities and list of methods that will be used
for measurements of mechanical (movements of all axes and rigidity) test. The purchaser will review
and approve the supplier’s manufacturing and test plan. The detailed design report and raw files of
tests should be submitted to the purchaser. Any changes and deviation from plan should be intimated
by supplier to purchaser and should take necessary approval from the purchaser.
All engineering drawings of optics table including different sub-assemblies shall be provided in
soft and hard copy. All the technical documentation, user instructions, drawings, handling instructions,
troubleshooting, etc. should be provided in English. The purchaser will review the drawings and other
documentation provided by the supplier and will inform to supplier of any discrepancies or errors or
modifications. Supplier will take the approval on all the engineering drawings prior to fabrication of
optics table. Also, any changes or corrections in the drawings/documents shall be submitted to
purchaser for approval.
The supplier will submit the design report of the optics table along with list of all standard
items which will be used for fabrication of optics table. The supplier will arrange the presentation for
design review at RRCAT once the design is completed. Vibrations if any produced during the
movement shall be damped to 1m in 1 minute. The optics table during entire in its motion should not
be deflected by more than 0.3mm. The working plate of the table should not deflect more than 0.3 mm
if a 10kg force is applied sidewise (along z and x axes).
The final assembly of the optics table shall be done in clean enclosed area isolated from manufacturing
area. Supplier will assemble the all linear stages on the working plate and submit the test report as per
acceptance criteria. The repeatability test of all the axes movements shall per international traceable
standards, ISO 230, Part2. Supplier shall show the list components purchased for construction of table
during the factory inspection with invoice.
D. Acceptance criterion
The acceptance criterion of the optics table is defined on the basis of satisfactorily performance of
detailed specifications mentioned in section B (serial no 1-4). Before dispatch of equipment, the
purchaser shall visit the factory site for inspection of the table. The supplier shall show the alignment
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of base and working plate using engineer’s precision leveler. The vertical height and tilt adjustment of
working plate shall be demonstrated using motorized lifting system in full (dummy) load condition.
The motorized movement of all linear stages (7 numbers) shall be demonstrated in full load condition.
The supplier will demonstrate motorized movement range, resolution and repeatability of all linear
stages in front of purchaser’s representative. The supplier shall arrange suitable characterization tools
for these measurements at his works and at RRCAT for acceptance. The resolution and repeatability of
all linear stages shall be demonstrated using the linear module of laser interferometer system. The
supplier shall also ensure the testing of motorized stages at RRCAT site during installation is done
with laser interferometer system having the same accuracy. The endurance test of all the movement
shall also be performed by moving the stages in continuous operation at least ~50 cycles. After PDI
clearance, supplier shall ship the material to RRCAT, Indore.
The supplier shall install the optics table and demonstrate the above mentioned criterion at RRCAT
installation site. The results obtained during the factory acceptance test and during installation time
shall be compared for final acceptance of the table.
End of specifications
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