Department of English – courses for exchange students Code KAJ/EFONE KAJ/EPRJ1 KAJ/EPRJ2 KAJ/EPRJ3 KAJ/EPRJ4 KAJ/EPRJ5 Title Phonetics Language Practice 1 Language Practice 2 Language Practice 3 Language Practice 4 Language Practice 5 Completion exam exam exam exam exam exam Credits 5 5 5 5 5 5 Semester winter winter summer winter summer winter KAJ/EMORF KAJ/ESYN1 KAJ/ESYN2 KAJ/ELEXI KAJ/EHI1 KAJ/EHI2 KAJ/ECOMP KAJ/EDIDA KAJ/EREAL KAJ/EBRLI KAJ/EAMLI KAJ/EFICL KAJ/EJAZ Morphology Syntax 1 Syntax 2 Lexicology British History American History ICT for ELT ELT Methodology Background Studies British Literature American Literature Film Club Language Skills exam exam exam exam exam exam exam exam exam exam exam credit credit 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 summer winter summer winter winter summer winter /summer winter /summer winter /summer winter /summer winter /summer winter /summer winter /summer Other courses available upon consultation. Phonetics (KAJ/EFONE) The aim of the course is a basic understanding of the segmental and suprasegmental features of English pronunciation and acquisition of comprehensible English pronunciation. Practice-oriented seminars correspond with the subject matter introduced in more theory-oriented sessions. The aim of these seminars is the application of all aspects of pronunciation so that the students are able to improve their pronunciation gradually and use electronic and paper resource materials efficiently when practising and (self-) evaluating their pronunciation Language Practice 1 (KAJ/EPRJ1) The first semester of the language practice course concentrates on the consolidation of previously acquired language knowledge (grammar, vocabulary) and language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) at the B2.2 level. An additional aim of this course is to help students realize the strong and weak points of their language competence and motivate them to develop their competence gradually to reach the C1.1 language proficiency level. The first three units of CAE Result, which will be used in the three years of the bachelor study programme, will be covered. Apart from following the coursebook, extra materials and extra activities will be introduced by the teacher according to the needs of the particular class. Language Practice 2 (KAJ/EPRJ2) Following the previous semester, students cover the next three units of CAE Result, which further develop their communicative competence in all four language skills. Language Practice 3 (KAJ/EPRJ3) In this semester, students cover another two units of CAE Result, which further develop their communicative competence in all four language skills, with special attention to listening and speaking. Language Practice 4 (KAJ/EPRJ4) In this semester, students cover another two units of CAE Result, which further develop their communicative competence in all four language skills. Language Practice 5 (KAJ/EPRJ5) In the final semester of the language practice course, students finish the coursebook, covering the last three units. The course ends with a language exam which tests both written and oral production at the C1.2 proficiency level. Morphology (KAJ/EMORF) The basic terminology of this linguistic discipline, e.g. morpheme, word, word classes, etc. will be explained in lectures. The definitions of morphemes and words (including basic types of word formation) will be followed by detailed information on word classes and their grammatical categories, with emphasis on those which are specific to the English language or are expressed in a different way in English and Czech. The theoretical knowledge will be practised in seminars. Syntax 1 (KAJ/ESYN1) The aims of the course are to introduce one of the linguistic disciplines - syntax - and its basic terminology, to make students understand the structure of the sentence as a basic unit of communication, and help them identify its parts and their relations; to introduce the relations within the complex noun phrase, to introduce negation and Czech one-element sentences and their English equivalents. Syntax 2 (KAJ/ESYN2) This follow-up course concentrates on complex and compound sentences, types of subordinate clauses, ellipsis, highlighting structures and the role of sentence condensers, functional sentence perspective and punctuation. Emphasis is put on basic structural differences between the English and Czech languages. Lexicology (KAJ/ELEXI) Understanding the main issues of Lexicology, such as word meaning, word formation, lexical relations, etymological survey, register, etc. Familiarization with all possible types of dictionaries (printed and on CDROM as well as on-line) and the British National Corpus. Brititsh History (KAJ/EHI1) An overview of the most important moments of British history and their relationships to the present-day situation. As this is a seminar, students are expected to study the topics for the class beforehand to be able to analyse primary sources and discuss matters. The teacher's presentations deal with selected issues only, using PowerPoint presentations, CD-ROM encyclopaedias, and video, as well as a rich variety of printed material. The online support material for the course contains questions, more links, pictures, maps, videos, interactive exercises and quizzes, tests, homework, online forums and much more. In seminars we work with new books and DVDs bought thanks to the Inkultus grant. Some of the topics are: Prehistory. Celtic and Roman Britain. Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Norman conquest and feudalism. Medieval England. The Parliament. Scottish wars of independence. The Wars of Roses. Tudor England. Elizabethan period. The Stuarts and the Civil War. The British Empire and the Industrial Revolution. Victorian England. World War I and II and what followed. End of the Empire. Modern Britain and its problems arising from history. American History (KAJ/EHI2) An overview of the most important moments of American history and their relationships to the present-day situation. As this is a seminar, students are expected to study the topics for the class beforehand to be able to analyse primary sources and discuss matters. The teacher's presentations deal with selected issues only, using PowerPoint presentations, CD-ROM encyclopaedias, and video, as well as a rich variety of printed material. The online support material for the course contains questions, more links, pictures, maps, videos, interactive exercises and quizzes, tests, homework, online forums and much more. ICT for ELT (KAJ/ECOMP) The intention of this course is to create an awareness of what computer-based resources are available to develop language knowledge and ability (interactive exercises, online presentation software and much more). After the introductory lesson students will work from home, using the online tutorials in LMS Unifor. They will place the products of their effort in the class Wiki. ELT Methodology (KAJ/EDIDA) This is an introductory methodology course, which is aimed at 3rd-year students. It should provide them with the basic methodology concepts of teaching English even if students might decide not to go on to Magister studies to become teachers of English. It might help them, however, to decide whether to become a teacher or not. It deals with both theoretical and practical issues related to teaching English such as being a good teacher and learner, managing and describing teaching and learning, and some principles of teaching language systems and language skills. Background Studies (KAJ/EREAL) This is not a course dealing with facts only. It is rather a discussion on different topics, based on studying different sources of materials and students presentations. In the first part of the course we will define culture, national identity and its symbols. We will start with Czech identity, then proceed to British and American identities. We will explore stereotypes and prejudices. Geography will play an important part in our course, we will discuss the role of geographical conditions in influencing historical events and helping to form national identities. Other topics of interest will be minorities, multicultural society, education, art, architecture, politics and problems in history as well as present time. Students should negotiate with their teacher their choice of topicy for their Power-Point presentations. Their presentations will be handed in to the teacher one week before the lesson in which students will deliver their talks to the group. This course is equipped with online study material containing further reading with interesting articles that become the basis of discussions in online forums and short pieces of writing sent to the teacher. There are also interactive exercises, quizzes, tests, visuals and videos. More material may be added during the term. British Literature (KAJ/EBRLI) The aim of the course is to provide a concise survey of the development of British literature. The seminars focus on analysis of works. Beside shorter literary texts (poems, short stories and extracts), students are requested to read one drama and 3 novels, which will be interpreted in the seminars. American Literature (KAJ/EAMLI) This course is designed to provide a survey of American literature. The goal of this class is to enhance students´ ability to read critically and to place literary works into cultural and historical contexts. Film Club (KAJ/EFICL) There will be screened films on literature, history, arts and background of the English speaking countries which are supposed to develop students´ knowledge not only of the topics mentioned above, but also their language skills. At the end of the term students will write short reviews on chosen films. Language Skills (KAJ/EJAZ) The course deals with developing language skills and concentrates on various styles and genres of written and spoken language, both formal and informal. Spoken vs. Written Language. Types of Written Language; Style, Register and Formality. Reading Comprehension. Aspects of text. Cohesion in Writing. Curriculum Vitae. Letter of Application. Punctuation. Connectors in Writing. Writing a Summary. Looking Back, Looking Forward: Course Evaluation.