Introduction to Oceanography

Introduction to Oceanography
Dr. Bob Griffin
Test 4
For each of the questions below, choose the one BEST answer from the choices provided.
1. The organisms that produce food are called:
a. primary consumers
b. primary producers
c. heterotrophs
d. secondary consumers
e. secondary producers
2. The organisms that consume autotrophs are called:
a. primary producers.
b. heterotrophs.
c. secondary producers.
d. secondary consumers.
e. top carnivores.
3. The conversion of solar energy into chemical energy occurs in
a. photosynthesis.
b. food chains.
c. chemosynthesis.
d. heterotrophic organisms.
e. food webs.
4. Chemosynthesis could utilize _____ as an energy source.
a. sunlight
b. carbon dioxide
c. hydrogen sulfide
d. heat generated by radioactive decay in the Earth’s core
e. oxygen
5. Complex feeding patterns for consumers in an ecosystem are called
a. food webs.
b. food chains.
c. trophic levels.
d. pyramids of energy.
e. trophic chains.
6. The shorter the food chain the
a. smaller the loss of usable energy.
b. fewer the number of organisms supported.
c. lower the net primary productivity.
d. smaller the gross primary productivity.
e. all of these answers.
7. The amount of energy transferred from an organism on one trophic level to the next trophic level is about
a. 1%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 25%
e. 50%
8. Coastal waters that are highly productive tend to be:
a. brown in color
b colorless
c. deep blue in color
d. green in color
e. light blue in color
9. An important marine autotroph that has SiO2 incorporated in the cell walls are:
a. coccolithophorids
b. cyanobacteria
c. diatoms
d. dinoflagellates
e. radiolarians
10. From the surface of the ocean to the deepest areas, what is the proper sequence of terms to describe
light levels?
a. aphotic, disphotic, euphotic
b. euphotic, aphotic, disphotic
c. disphotic, aphotic, euphotic
d. euphotic, disphotic, aphotic
11. Though it is difficult to generalize for the ocean as a whole, the bottom of the euphotic zone is typically
____ meters (feet) in mid-latitudes.
a. 20 meters (66 feet)
b. 40 meters (130 feet)
c. 70 meters (230 feet)
d. 500 meters (1650 feet)
e. 1000 meters (3300 feet)
12. The open ocean environment, in general.
a. pelagic
b. benthic
c. neritic
d. oceanic
e. hadal
13. Refers to the bottom, in general.
a. pelagic
b. benthic
c. neritic
d. oceanic
e. hadal
14. The open ocean environment, over the continental shelves.
a. pelagic
b. benthic
c. neritic
d. oceanic
e. hadal
15. In the open ocean, what is the correct order of pelagic zones from surface to bottom?
a. mesopelagic, bathypelagic, abyssopelagic, epipelagic
b. abyssopelagic, bathypelagic, mesopelagic, epipelagic
c. epipelagic, mesopelagic, abyssopelagic, bathypelagic
d. epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic, abyssopelagic
e. abyssopelagic, bathypelagic, mesopelagic, epipelagic
16. Which of the following organisms are expected to show the highest concentrations of DDT and other
chlorinated hydrocarbons in its tissues?
a. fish that each fish
b. fish that eat plankton
c. phytoplankton
d. top predators
e. zooplankton
17. How far out does a nation's territory extend?
a. 12 nm
b. 50 nm
c. 100 nm
d. 200 nm
e. to the continental slope
18. You are studying four species of whales. Each of them eats a different type of food, as described
below. Which of these food types would result in higher levels of PCBs and DDT in the blubber of a
species of whale?
a. fish that eat only phytoplankton
b. fish that eat only fish
c. zooplankton
d. bottlenose dolphins that each fish that eat fish
e. Humpback whale that eats fish that eat phytoplankton
19. Which of the following word pairs correctly link a descriptor with the way in which the organism lives
in the ocean?
a. benthos - drift
b. benthos - swim
c. nekton - bottom-dwelling
d. nekton - swim
e. plankton - bottom-dwelling
20. With respect to their marine environment, these organisms can be referred to as:
a. benthos
b. heterotrophs
c. nekton
d. plankton
e. predators
21. All of the following are adaptive solutions employed by marine organisms to prevent sinking except:
building a flotation mechanism such as an air bladder
a. decreasing density
b. decreasing cellular fat content
c. increasing drag in the water
d. increasing the surface area to volume ratio
22. The area of the ocean that produces the largest standing stock of commercial fish is in the:
a. coastal areas
b. epipelagic zone
c. mesopelagic zone
d. tropical areas
e. upwelling areas
23. The term by-catch refers to:
a. krill and other shellfish
b. non-target species that are caught along with commercial species
c. species caught as part of traditional fisheries
d. species harvested for industrial purposes
e. species raised in aquaculture settings
24. Where are large areas of consistent upwelling found in the oceans?
a. around the Hawaiian islands
b. on the east side of continents
c. on the west side of continents
d. around Antarctica
e. in the central oceans
25-31: Match the organism with the correct taxonomic classification. Use each choice once, more than
once, or not at all.
25. blue whale
A, Order Carnivora
26. bottlenose dolphin
B. Order Cetacea, Suborder Mysticeti
27. manatee
C. Order Cetacea, Suborder Odontoceti
28. fur seal
D. Order Pinnipedia
29. sperm whale
E. Order Sirenia
30. walrus
31. polar bear
32. Which of the following is a member of the Phylum Cnidaria?
a. copepod
b. jellyfish
c. nautilus
d. sea cucumber
33. The shape of a caudal fin of a shark is referred to as:
a. forked
b. heterocercal
c. lunate
d. homocercal
e. truncate
34. The humpback whale and other baleen whales migrate every year to:
a. feed in the Arctic and Antarctic regions during the winter
b. feed in the tropics during the summer
c. feed in the tropics during the winter
d. mate and give birth in the Arctic and Antarctic regions during the summer
e. mate and give birth in the tropics during the winter
35. What is the name of the muscles that most fish use to swim?
a. pelvic
b. anal
c. operculum
d. myomeres
e. caudal
36. Which of the following is NOT an adaptation whales have for spending great times at depth?
a. smooth skin to reduce turbulence and increase hydrodynamics
b. lungs more efficient at removal of oxygen than in land mammals
c. muscles can operate well under high levels of CO2
d. circulatory system supplies vital organs when diving; reduced flow to non-vital systems
37. Which group of marine animals have baleen plates to filter food out of the water?
a. pinnipeds
b. dugongs
c. odontocetes
d. mysticetes
e. humans
38. In which of the selections below are all of the structures used by dolphins in producing signals for
a. lower jaw, melon, blowhole
b. lower jaw, melon, tongue
c. frontal surface of skull, lower jaw, melon
d. frontal surface of skull, ears, melon
e. melon, blowhole, frontal surface of skull
39. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of schooling in fish?
a. capture of individual less like when in a large group
b. group leaders can educate young fish
c. coordinated movement makes capture difficult
d. greater likelihood of finding mates
e. school may appear as a large unit
40. The world’s marine catch is not expected to increase significantly. The factor least responsible for this
trend is
a. increased population growth.
b. global warming.
c. overfishing.
d. water pollution.
e. decline for a few years and then a rebound.
41. Sustainable yield is difficult to estimate because
a. counting aquatic populations isn’t easy.
b. pollution levels change.
c. harvesting one species’ surplus may affect another species’ food supply.
d. all of these answers.
e. none of these answers.
42, Which of the following is NOT a source of food for life on the deep ocean floor?
a. decaying epipelagic life
b. fecal pellets
c. whale carcasses
d. Photosynthesizing algae
e. marine snow
43. Where is the greatest concentration of benthic life found?
a. around hydrothermal vents
b. on the continental shelf in areas of high primary productivity
c. on the abyssal plain
d. on the continental shelf in areas of low primary productivity
44. On the commercial fishing methods figure, choose the method that may be used to encircle and trap
45. On the commercial fishing methods figure, choose the method that uses hundreds or thousands of hooks
on a fishing line.
46. On the commercial fishing methods figure, choose the letter that represents a large net pulled behind a
47. On the commercial fishing methods figure, choose the method that uses a net and is the most dangerous
for sea turtles.
48. On the commercial fishing methods figure, choose the letter that represents the long strings that pull a
net behind a boat.