Circulation in harbours and embayments Jüri Elken Tallinn University of Educational Sciences, Chair of Geophysics Estonian Marine Institute, Department of Marine Physics Contents Introduction Basic forces and dynamical balances Coriolis force Hydrostatic balance Geostrophic balance Forcing from the open sea Shelf conditions Water level Wind waves Estuaries Types of estuaries Water and salt budget Stratification of estuaries and fjords Estuarine circulation Barotropic response of a semienclosed basin (harbour resonance) Nearshore processes Transformation of waves in the nearshore zone Some applied examples Practical tips Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 1 Introduction Hydrodynamics follow the Second Newton Law: momentum change local change (time derivative) advective change Coriolis acceleration = sum of applied forces gravity pressure gradient force frictional forces Mass conservation leads to coninuity of velocity field Temperature, salinity and other constituents follow advection-diffusion equation. Water density depends on temperature and salinity. It forms horizontal pressure gradients together with sea level. Turbulence is formed by irregular eddies that act like viscous friction and diffusion In general, forcing of circulation is done by wind pressure gradients in water that come from sea level density due to differential heating due to fluxes of freshwater and saline water Coastal embayments have restricted connection to the open sea. This allows to develop their own internal circulation that is still greatly affected by open sea conditions. Forcing of embayment circulation is also done by freshwater discharge and adjacent sea water salinity water level oscillations transformation of wind waves Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 2 Coriolis force becomes evident due to Earth rotation deflects motion to the right in the Northern Hemisphere allows geostrophic balance causes inertial oscillations It is expressed by Coriolis parameter f 2 sin , - angular velocity of Earth, - geographic latitude Momentum equations for inertial oscillations u fv 0 t v fu 0 t u A sin ft, v A cos ft that has solution This means that current vector rotates clockwise with a period Tf 2 f =14 h at latitude 600 N Inertial period T f is frequently dominating in current observations in the interior of large basins Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 3 Hydrostatic balance Hydrostatic balance holds for motions with time scale > hour vertical pressure gradient = gravity force per unit volume p g z Pressure at depth z (counted here downwards from undisturbed surface) is calculated by integrating hydrostatic equation from sea level elevation (positive upwards) z p pa g x, y, z, t dz g 0 x, y, t 0 Horizontal pressure gradient at a given depth depends on the gradients of water density and sea level . If density is constant, then p g z and pressure gradient p g is determined by sea level gradient x x . Barotropic motions have no horizontal density gradient (vertical density gradient is allowed) and all the pressure gradient comes from sea level Baroclinic motions have both the density and sea level contribution to the pressure gradient Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 4 Geostrophic balance In geostrophic motions horizontal pressure gradient force is balanced by Coriolis force fv 1 p x fu 1 p y Geostrophic flow is along the lines of constant pressure. In the Northern Hemisphere the flow is to the right from the pressure gradient (from high to low pressure). p 1 y mp mp v v H p2 mp L v p2 >p1 x Typical cross-section of sea level and density in oceanic eddies: cyclone (left) and anticyclone (right) z 0 ξ ρ zR With increasing depth, density gradient works usually against the sea level gradient that deep waters are in "no motion". In the ocean the level of "no motion" z R is taken frequently 1500 m. Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 5 Shelf conditions Steady frictional drift currents form in the upper layer Ekman transport that is deflected by 900 to the right from wind direction on the Northern Hemisphere under the influence of Coriolis force. Along-shore wind may blow the surface water offshore. Near the coast deeper waters below the pycnocline (density jump layer) rise to the surface to replace the offshore transported surface waters. This process is called upwelling. Upwelling is a time-dependent phenomenon. It modifies the temperature, salinity, nutrients and other water properties that are transported to the coastal embayments. Largest changes in the nearshore water take place when the pycnocline outcrops to the surface. Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 6 Water level Equations Small water level oscillations are well described by simplified shallow water equations u~ x bx fv~ g t x H v~ y by fu~ g t y H ~ ~ Hu Hv 0 t x y momentum balance x momentum balance y mass balance (continuity) 0 0 1 ~ v dz are depth-averaged currents, is water level, u dz v Here u~ , H H H x , y bx , by are the wind and bottom stress components, both due to friction. Free oscillations in a narrow channel of constant depth are governed by equations u~ u~ g H t x , t x Eliminating water level we obtain hyperbolic wave equation 2 u~ 2 u~ gH 2 0 t 2 x which solution is u~ u~0 exp ikx t u~01 coskx t u~02 coskx t , where 2 2 is wave frequency, T - period, k - wavenumber, - wavelength. T Long non-rotational gravity waves have dispersion relation gH k , with phase speed Lecture notes by Jüri Elken c gH Page 7 Seiches The channel closed at two end sets up the boundary conditions u~0, t u~L, t 0 that are satisfied if the specific solution is u~ u~0 cos t sin k n x n , n 1, 2... and the wavenumber has discrete values k n L In the result we will get discrete modes of standing waves or seiches. Along-channel velocity modes Water level modes 1 3 3 1 2 The longest period of seiche is 2 T1 2L gH . Variable wind is inducing motions that have resonance at seiche periods. Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 8 Kelvin waves For 2D transient gravitational long waves Coriolis force becomes 2 2 2 2 important. Dispersion relation is f gH k l . If the long waves are periodic in both directions, that is k 2 0; l 2 0; k 2 l 2 0 then minimum frequency is f . For lower frequencies or longer wave periods T T f there must 2 2 be k l 0 . It is possible for Kelvin waves that have exponential profile in one direction, having maximum wave displacement at the coast. In a channel Kelvin waves propagate with gH k and c k gH . The wave decay across the channel is dependent on the barotropic Rossby deformation radius Rde gH f . Kelvin wave in a channel. The wall of maximum wave displacement depends on the wave direction c x z y H L Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 9 Tides, amphidromic systems Tides are generated by periodically acting gravitational forces by Sun and Moon. Dominating tide periods are around 12 h and 24 h. At periods longer than the inertial period, the excited waves form amphidromic systems, both for seiches and tides. The phase of Kelvin wave progresses anticlockwise along the coast of the basin as given by co-tidal lines. The value of highest or lowest water level deviation is given by co-range lines. The range for the Kelvin wave is highest near the coast, but may vary from one coast position to another. Co-tidal lines converge at amphidromic points, where the wave amplitude vanishes. Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 10 Surface Waves Equations For rapid processes like wind waves we have to use non-hydrostatic equations 3 momentum components u 1 p t x v 1 p t y w 1 p g t z continuity u v w 0 x y z we consider deviations from hydrostatic pressure p pa g z px, y, z, t Boundary conditions at the surface are w z 0 kinematic t p g dynamic p pa z or Introducing the velocity potential v ; u x ; v y ; w z z we reach the Laplace equation 2 2 2 0 x 2 y 2 z 2 with boundary conditions z H 0 z 2 g 0 z t 2 Lecture notes by Jüri Elken z 0 Page 11 Wave properties The wave solution gives dispersion relation gk tanh kH phase speed c k g tanh kH k Wave properties have two extreme cases: 1) short wave limit kH 1 then tanh kH 1 gk , c g k g 2 short waves are dispersive = phase speed depends on wavelength 2) long wave limit kH 1 then tanh kH kH gH k , c gH long waves are non-dispersive the expressions are the same as derived from shallow water equations Water particles perform in the wave field orbital motions which amplitude decreases by depth Large depth / short wave Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Small depth / long wave Page 12 Wave superposition, group speed Actual waves may be described as a superposition (sum) of elementary waves Superposition of two waves which wavenumber and frequency are slightly different is mathematically given as x dk t d x dk t d cos kx t 2 2 x, t a coskx t cosk dk x d t 2a cos The wave is modulated by Ax, t 2a cos x dk t d . 2 Resulting wave packet moves with the group speed c g d dk A superposition of 5 elementary waves at two different time instances 1 c Group speed of surface waves: g 2 g 2kH tanh kH 1 k sinh 2 kH Group speed of short waves is half of the phase speed Long waves have the same group speed as phase speed they are non-dispersive Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 13 Excitation of wind waves Wave growth is limited by wind energy input. Mechanisms for steady wave regimes are: moderate winds - energy input by wind gets minimal, wave speed gets equal to wind speed by increasing the wavelength stronger winds - wind energy is lost into turbulent mixing by breaking waves Studies like JONSWAP have shown, that wind-generated wave properties depend on wind speed VW and fetch F , the angle-average length the wind is blowing over the water. F h 0 . 0016 V s W Significant wave height g Wave period (spectral pike) V F T 0.286 W 2 g 1 3 Besides the dominating wave period, also other periods are excited close to the spectral pike. Spectra of wind waves at different wind speeds Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 14 Other wave properties may be calculated from the linear wave theory, for example: Wavelength derived from the period by the dispersion relation gT 2 2H tanh 2 Maximum orbital speed of wave motions near the bottom u max 2 hs 2H T sinh Fetch (km) for given wind direction in the Gulf of Riga Frequency (%) during a year that near-bottom wave velocity exceeds 10 cm/s Wind Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 15 Types of estuaries Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 16 Water and salt budget Knudsen formula for steady state water exchange Water budget: Q R Q B QS Salt budget: S R QR S B QB S S QS inflow (volume transport) from the open sea QB Q R S S S R SB SS Knudsen formulae works well, if salinity of the basin is clearly different from the adjacent sea water all the variables are steady or slowly changing inflow and outflow are well separated Residence time (flushing time) for water, basin volume V TR V QS Resolving the Knudsen budgets on a monthly scale, changes of volume and total salt amount have to be added. Changes in salt amount are in many cases statistically rather uncertain. Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 17 Stratification of estuaries and fjords It is necessary to resolve budget equations for salt and heat rate of change of total amount = advective fluxes + mixing fluxes model types: bulk (Knudsen) integrated over basin fixed layers/boxes integrated over boxes 1D vertical resolution horizontally integrated Ai Si t z Ai K iV 3D resolution Si z z Ai wi Si qi½ Si½ qi½ Si½ full differential equation S S S S S S S u v w s s s t x y z x x y y z z advection/currents are calculated from hydrodynamics, mixing is parameterised (= effect is expressed by model state variables) Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 18 Estuarine circulation Fujiwara et al. (1997) have studied residual circulation in a gulf type ROFI that’s width is larger than internal Rossby deformation radius Upward entrainment produces flow divergence in the upper layer Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 19 Total circulation (right) is composed from 1) anticyclonic flow that assumes no divergence but only vorticity of the flow (right) 2) estuarine flow of the narrow basin that assumes no vorticity but only divergence (centre) Resulting flow is anticyclonic near the river mouth and seaward sheared flow further on. These two flow regimes are separated by stagnation point (dot). Pycnocline slope is in a geostrophic balance with the sheared seaward flow. Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 20 An example of anticyclonic circulation near the river mouth is given from the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea (Elken and Raudsepp). a) Salinity, May 1993 b) Currents, May 1993 58.6 58.6 58.4 58.4 58.2 58.2 58.0 58.0 57.8 57.8 57.6 57.6 57.4 57.4 57.2 57.2 57.0 57.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 c) Salinity, November 1993 21.5 58.6 58.4 58.4 58.2 58.2 58.0 58.0 57.8 57.8 57.6 57.6 57.4 57.4 57.2 57.2 57.0 57.0 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 10 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 d) Currents, November 1993 58.6 21.5 cm/s 24.0 24.5 21.5 cm/s 20 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 Observed surface salinity distribution (a,c) and modelled monthly mean surface currents superimposed on depth contours (b,d) during May (a,b) and November (c,d) 1993. Mean wind stress has been (0.074;-0.035) dyn/cm2 in May and (-0.56; 0.63) dyn/cm2 in November. Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 21 Barotropic response of a semienclosed basin (harbour resonance) Helmoltz or pumping mode of water level oscillations (zero mode in term of seiches of the closed basin) where the sea level executes spatially uniform oscillation becomes evident in short and relatively deep harbours, embayments and estuaries which are connected to the open sea by a narrow channel. Consider a basin of constant depth with an area A that is connected to the open sea by a channel with depth H and width B . If the flow speed in channel is u , then basin water level i is subject to mass d i uHB 0 conservation (continuity) A dt i e du g ru The momentum equation dt L is derived from u g ru t x by integrating along the channel of length L , with e being the water level on the open sea side of the channel and r the linear friction coefficient. Resulting equation for water level is d 2 i d i gHB gHB r e i dt AL AL dt 2 that is exactly equal to forced oscillations of frictional pendulum. If the external water level forcing is absent e 0 then embayment water level performs damped oscillations 2 r gHB r i i 0 exp t cos t 4 2 AL If the external water level is periodic then amplification of interior embayment water level oscillations takes place near resonant frequency Lecture notes by Jüri Elken gHB r 2 AL 4 Page 22 Otsmann, Suursaar and Kullas (1999) have constructed the system of Helmoltz resonators for the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea that is connected to the open sea by a system of straits and buffering Väinameri basin Hari St. Baltic ESTONIA Proper Väinameri Ristna Suur St. Soela St. 58ºN Gulf of Riga Irbe St. LATVIA 40 km 23ºE Daugava River Configuration of the model as a system of Helmoltz resonators Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 23 The Helmoltz resonator model gives very good results compared to the current observations in a narrow strait where the flow is oscillating but at any time moment is uni-directional. Forcing functions of the model are: 1) water level in the open sea 2) winds above the channels 3) constant river discharge Measured and calculated velocities in the Suur Strait, January-March 1995 u (cm/s) 120 (a) calculated +60cm/s 80 40 0 -40 measured -80 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 Time (days) days Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 24 Nearshore processes Transformation of incident wind waves induces residual wave currents. Wave action is mathematically expressed as wave stress that enters as a forcing term (similar to wind stress) into the circulation model. Waves approaching the coast by an angle induce longshore current. Rip currents transport water seaward Waves approaching the coast elevate the water level that supports longshore transport Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 25 Transformation of waves in the nearshore zone Reflection and diffraction at vertical walls Ideal wave reflection follows the rules of reflected light. Diffraction will spread the wave around the corner of wall (cape, quay etc). It acts as secondary wave point source from where the waves propagate in circular wave patterns with smaller amplitude. Refraction takes place at variable bottom depth that controls the phase speed of waves. Curvilinear bottom contours act as positive or negative lenses for the light, focusing or defocusing the wave rays Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 26 When waves propagate to smaller depths, wave steepness increases and they will break In realistic basins and structures the wave transformation can be calculated by a model based on Boussinesq wave equations that 1) calculates 2D time-dependent behaviour of water level and horizontal velocity components that are expressed by the velocity potential 2) accounts for dispersive effects on variable depth, i.e. dependence of wave phase speed on wavelength (dispersion is not accounted in traditional shallow water circulation models) 3) accounts for non-linear wave effects like increase of steepness by increase of wave height, accounts the effects of wave breaking 4) allows calculation of wave stress that is forcing the residual currents Currents also modify the waves. Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 27 Some applied examples Wave transformation near the harbour entrance of Ruhnu, Estonia. Calculations by Uno Liiv with the model MIKE 21BW (DHI) . The model grid step is 2m. Incident waves are prescribed from the JONSWAP spectrum. Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 28 Coastal structures modify wave-induced transport considerably From Aelbrecht and Denot, 1999. Numerical simulation of the laboratory experiments on the effects of L-shaped breakwater. From Pan et al., 1999. Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 29 Influence of circulation and sediment flow by land reclamation in the Rotterdam harbour area. From de Kok et al., 1999. Regulating the residual current loops that trap cohesive sediments by Current Deflection Wall. From Crowder et al., 1999 Tidal river Tidal river Current Deflection Wall Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 30 Practical tips Try Knudsen budget for estimating the steady water exchange if the salinity of the embayment is clearly different from the adjacent sea Try Helmholtz resonator model for water-level induced in- and outflows When negotiating with professional modellers, remember: There is optimum complexity of the model, too complex models are very difficult to be "tuned" If the embayment is vertically well mixed, 2D shallow water equations are usually enough adequate. Otherwise use 3D model but it is much more costly for setup, calibration and computation time wave-induced currents are important in the nearshore zone Suggested reading: Waves, tides and shallow-water processes. G.Bearman (editor), Pergamon Press, 1989. (easy reading with few equations) Fluid Mechanics for Marine Ecologists. S.R.Massel. Springer, 1999. (textbook) Hydrodynamics and transport for water quality modeling. J.L.Martin and S.C.McCutcheon, Lewis Publishers, 1998. (textbook, handbook of available models) Coastal Engineering and Marina Developments. C.A.Brebbia and P.Anagnostopoulus (editors). WIT Press, 1999. (state-of-the-art collection of papers) Lecture notes by Jüri Elken Page 31