EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN The aim of this document is to collate key information into a simple format for use by field project staff, participants and on-call staff in the event of an incident. Prompts have been added and should be self explanatory, however if you have any concerns please contact your Programme Manager. Earthwatch PM/Managing Office: PM Name and Managing Office EWE / EWUS, etc. Date Last Updated: to be entered by your Programme Manager (day-Month-year, e.g. 5 June 2014) Project: Title Country: PI: Co-PI: Group size: Min: Max: Project Staff First Aid Certified/Certification: Please complete for all certified /qualified staff on site. Include details of qualification (for example: First Aid, CPR, nursing/medical/life saving skills, water based rescue skills, SCUBA Rescue Certification, O2 administration) and if they are current. Time Zone, offset from GMT: e.g.: GMT+4 Country International Dial Out Code: e.g: 00 Is Daylight Savings observed? Teams: Earthwatch 24hr On-Call Duty Officer: + 1 978 461 0081 / +44 7900 895 752 Location 1 Accommodation / research area. If locations vary from team to team, or within teams please indicate which dates apply to each location here Accommodation Site Project Management Plan To the right is a generic process for emergency response. Please make each step specific to your project and add additional steps where required. For boat projects: please include instructions for first call to coastguard with position and situation. Chain of Command ADDRESS (including GPS location or coordinates, and MMSI where appropriate) TELEPHONE (including country code) GPS location or coordinates : DD MM SS Include landline, SAT phone, (i.e.: 39 54 32 W) radio, on site (PI’s) mobile phone, MMSI: Boat and Coastguard (i.e.: PIN numbers, PUK numbers. 002320001) 1) Assess situation and decide whether the incident is a crisis (threatens serious damage to human welfare) or non-crisis situation 2) Ensure rest of the team is safe 3) Administer first aid 4) Contact additional specialised help (Healix) if required 5) If required accompany casualty to a medical centre, making sure that remaining team members have adequate supervision 6) Contact Earthwatch 7) Ensure someone is keeping a record of incident events 8) Complete Incident Report; send to Program Manager as soon as possible Primary: For example PI Secondary: For example Co-PI Page 1 Creation date: Transport Please provide the most efficient method of transport available in relation to scale of emergency and conditions If weather or national holidays/ religious days affect transport options please note these details: For example, tropical storms, blizzards, high winds, local festivities. Routes Please provide a road map of area and routes to local medical, emergency facilities and evacuation locations. If weather affects route options please note these details: For example, blizzards, high wind, tropical storms (leading to high probability of mud/landslide) Other: For example other staff members and nominated volunteer(s) DAY: For example project site vehicle/s, ambulance, air rescue, coastguard, field staff motorised transport, taxi. Primary: Secondary: Other: NIGHT (only in emergency situations if possible) Primary: Secondary: Other: DAY Primary: Secondary: Other: NIGHT Primary: Secondary: Other: Include MAP Accident and Emergency Service ADDRESS (including GPS location or coordinates, and MMSI where appropriate) Type of Emergency Services Available: Example 1. Ambulance 2. Fire 3. Police 4. Coastguard Nearest Medical Centre Please include address, GPS, distance (km/miles) and time taken to drive to medical centre or doctor from location, and opening times. Nearest Fully Equipped Hospital Please include address, GPS, distance (km/miles) and time taken to drive to Page 2 TELEPHONE (including country code) National Emergency Services Example 1: 193 2: 192 3: 191 4: Creation date: hospital from location Nearest Airport Please include address, GPS, distance (km/miles) and time taken to drive to airport from location *Nearest Helicopter Landing Pad Please include address, GPS, distance (km/miles ) and time taken to drive to site from location *Nearest Military Base/Runway Please include address, GPS, distance (km/miles) and time taken to drive to site from location * Sea plane availability If yes, enter details *De-Compression Chamber Location Please include address, GPS and distance (km/miles) from location *Coastguard Please include address * Local Emergency Evacuation Service (ex. Flying Doctors, Medical Assistance Service, local ISOS clinic) Please include address Nearest Pharmacy Please include address and opening times Police Please include address of nearest police station and opening times Fire Please include address of nearest fire station. Location 2 ADDRESS (including GPS location or coordinates, and MMSI where appropriate) Accommodation / research area. If Call Healix International first (below) – they will organize an evacuation. TELEPHONE (including country code) locations vary from team to team, or within teams please indicate which dates apply to each location here Research Site Project Management Plan To the right is a generic process for emergency response. GPS location or coordinates : DD MM SS Include landline, SAT phone, (i.e.: 39 54 32 W) radio, on site (PI’s) mobile phone, MMSI: Boat and Coastguard (i.e.: PIN numbers, PUK numbers. 002320001) 1) Assess situation and decide whether the incident is a crisis (threatens serious damage to human welfare) or non-crisis situation 2) Ensure rest of the team is safe 3) Administer first aid 4) Contact additional specialised help (Healix) if required Page 3 Creation date: Please make each step specific to your project and add additional steps where required. For boat projects: please include instructions for first call to coastguard with position and situation. Chain of Command Transport Please provide the most efficient method of transport available in relation to scale of emergency and conditions If weather or national holidays/ religious days affect transport options please note these details: For example, tropical storms, blizzards, high winds, local festivities. Routes Please provide a road map of area and routes to local medical, emergency facilities and evacuation locations. If weather affects route options please note these details: For example, blizzards, high wind, tropical storms (leading to high probability of mud/landslide) 5) If required accompany casualty to a medical centre, making sure that remaining team members have adequate supervision 6) Contact Earthwatch 7) Ensure someone is keeping a record of incident events 8) Complete Incident Report; send to Program Manager as soon as possible Primary: For example PI Secondary: For example Co-PI Other: For example other staff members and nominated volunteer(s) DAY For example project site vehicle/s, ambulance, air rescue, coastguard, field staff motorised transport, taxi. Primary: Secondary: Other: NIGHT Primary: Secondary: Other: DAY Primary: Secondary: Other: NIGHT Primary: Secondary: Other: Include MAP Accident and ADDRESS (including GPS location or coordinates, and MMSI where appropriate) Emergency Services Available: Example 1. Ambulance 2. Fire 3. Police Page 4 TELEPHONE (including country code) National Emergency Services: Example 1: 193 2: 192 3: 191 Creation date: Emergency Service 4. Coastguard 4: Nearest Medical Centre Please include address, GPS, distance (km/miles) and time taken to drive to medical centre or doctor from location, and opening times. Nearest Fully Equipped Hospital Please include address, GPS, distance (km/miles) and time taken to drive to hospital from location Nearest Airport Please include address, GPS, distance (km/miles) and time taken to drive to airport from location *Nearest Helicopter Landing Pad Please include address, GPS, distance (km/miles) and time taken to drive to site from location *Nearest Military Base/Runway Please include address, GPS, distance (km/miles) and time taken to drive to site from location * Sea plane availability If yes, enter details *De-Compression Chamber Location Please include address, GPS and distance (km/miles) from location *Coastguard Please include address * Local Emergency Evacuation Service (ex. Flying Doctors, Medical Assistance Service, local ISOS clinic) Please include address Nearest Pharmacy Please include address and opening times Police Please include address of nearest police station and opening times Fire Please include address of nearest fire station. Key Contacts Call Healix International first (below) – they will organize an evacuation. Name Page 5 Telephone Number(s) (incl. country code) and Email Addresses Note if mobiles can receive international texts Creation date: Time of Operation Earthwatch 24hr OnCall Duty Officer Programme Manager + 1 978 461 0081 / or +44 (0)7900 895 752 Work Mobile 24hrs 9:00 – 5:00 (US/UK Time zone) 24 hrs PI Co – PI *Field Assistant *Driver *Warden *Local Doctor *Cooperating Organisation *Local Partner *Other Please include any other useful contact details relevant to your project and/or project location Support Embassy Please include the address and any contact names/position held and numbers of both USA and UK embassies 24-Hour Emergency Medical & Security Evacuation Assistance USA: UK: Healix International In the event of a medical or security emergency, call: The Healix 24-hour hotline: +44 20 3667 8991 You may call this number collect or reverse charges. Or call/email: US Toll Free: 1 877 759 3917 UK Free Phone: 0800 197 51 80 Email: earthwatch@healix.com Be prepared to give as much information as possible about the situation. Healix will begin monitoring and coordinating the next steps and will evacuate if Page 6 Creation date: necessary. They will also coordinate with security assistance provider Northcott Global Solutions. Then call Earthwatch’s 24 hour On-Call Duty Officer as soon as possible. Evacuation location details and /or gathering point First Aid Kit location(s) *Other For example, local translators, local social/children’s services, key words in local language (who are/where are/need help), location of emergency vehicle keys. In case of fire/hurricane/tropical storm/tidal surge etc * Please delete as appropriate Page 7 Creation date: GeoData for GoogleEarth map generation: Project ID #### Category add rows if needed PI last name Loc_Name e.g. Rapid City Regional Hospital Country e.g. USA Latitude decimal degree Longitude decimal degree Loc_Num ERP Year research site # 2011 Project Location Rendezvous Point Accommodation Research Site Nearest Medical Center Nearest Fully Equipped Hospital Airport Military Runway HeliPad Pharmacy Police Fire Station Evac Service Coast Guard Embassy-US Embassy-UK Other (specify) Page 8 Creation date: Notes e.g. obtained from google earth, GPS