Hello fellow American Patriots - American Patriots Against

Hello fellow American Patriots:
I am sure I am not the only one in our “group of overtaxed and ignored voters”
that is wondering if there are any tropical islands for sale. It seems almost easier right
now to just pack up and move – taking our constitution with us, because we all know that
many in our government do not really know what it is because they sure are not using it.
We have a number of activities being planned and would welcome your
participation in planning or participation.
Thursday April 15th 5 – 6 PM
We will be having a rally at Flag Park across from
the Court House. At this time of day, parking should not be a major problem as there are
a number of parking lots in the area that should not be used during this short duration of
time. We are meeting on Saturday April 10th at 6 PM to finalize plans at Tom Bowers
home (2951 E. State St). If anyone is interested in being involved or has any ideas please
call 419-332-3259 or e-mail fremontteaparty@live.com. We welcome your input and
Primary Election May 4th If you have not registered to vote, do it now. Your only
voice today appears to be the ballot and we do need to show our desire for true
conservative candidates.
Saturday July 3rd (time to be decided)
We have received permission to hold our 4th
of July Rally at the Fremont Fairgrounds Parking Lot. It was decided to have it on
Saturday July 3rd, as we do not want to prevent anyone from being able to attend the
church of their choice on Sunday the 4th, to pray for our nation. We will have lots of
room for parking and hope that with the location and date that we can have a really large
turnout. It will be held in the morning, but time has not been determined yet. We will
also need help with planning, registration and parking, so if you can help, plan on joining
us on the 10th or at an upcoming meeting. We still need to keep our voices raised out
August 27 & 28
Bus Trip to Lincoln Memorial Washington DC for Glenn Beck
Restoring Honor Rally $65 per person for the bus plus the hotel We have finalized
the plans for our trip. One bus has been reserved for our group that will hold 56 people.
Current plans are that the bus will leave from Fremont on Friday Aug 27th in the morning.
We will stop for lunch, arriving in Alexandria VA near the supper hour. 25 rooms have
been blocked for our group at the Hampton Inn & Suites Alexandria Old Town Area
South. We have received a group rate of $99 + tax for each room. This is a great rate.
We will be picked up on Saturday morning, bussed in to the rally site and then picked up
that evening. We will stop for supper on the way home arriving back to Fremont early
Sunday morning. Times are not firmed up yet. If you are interested in joining us on this
trip, please contact us by calling 419-332-3259 or e-mail fremontteaparty@live.com.
We can give you the information at that time on how to call the hotel directly and get a
room from our block at the special price. (Normal price is $129 plus tax) We are
asking that you send a $20 deposit per person, when you make your reservation for the
bus, with the balance due by the 4th of August. This will be a tremendous opportunity to
share in the historic activities that are taking place in our country today. Ask anyone
who attended the 9-12 Rally in DC and they will tell you of their chance to be in history
making events. If you are interested in joining us on this historic rally, please contact us
as soon as possible, so we know if we have to contract for a 2nd bus and look for
additional motel rooms. This trip is open to anyone interested in being involved.
You will begin seeing some new things on our website. Please check out the
calendar for the events that will be taking place. Our calendar will be updated on a
regular basis and items will be posted that we feel you may be interested in looking at.
Stop in frequently and educate yourself about what is happening.
I remember in typing class having to type, “Now is the time for all good men to
come to aid of their country”. The time is NOW!! We must all stand and raise our
voices. Educate yourself on what is happening in our county, state and federal
governments today. Our group has been donating pocket Constitutions to any area
schools wishing to have them. Clyde Schools have received 750 copies. Our agenda is
education and we are making every effort to do that. Consider joining us for the 5,000
Year Leap Book Study. A third study has just started in the Port Clinton area.
Information on time and place will be on the website. We have copies of the book as
well as MP 3 CDs available for purchase. We have 3’x 5’ “Don’t Tread on US flags”
available for purchase. Also available are free bumper stickers “Don’t Tread on Us” and
“United We Stand”. Feel free to stop in and pick some up. As Glenn Beck and Rush
Limbaugh recently said, “The battle on health care was lost, but the war is not over”.
Join our group to make our voices louder. Bumper Stickers will be available at all of
our rallies.
American Patriots Against Government Excess
Marion Bower