Native American Resource Guide Prepared by Margaret Newberry Senior Student Assistant Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan Archives 1401 Presque Isle Ave. Marquette, MI 49855 Phone: (906) 227 – 1225 Fax: (906) 227 – 1333 This handout provides information on collections and University record series maintained by the Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives documenting the history of Native American culture and society in the central Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The entries include folder titles and location information. Please refer to this guide when making a reference query or a research visit to the Archives. I. Publications: 1. University Publications American Indian Dance Theatre, November 18, 1991 (L. 17-01-21 F.10 B.1) Circle of Fire: Three Native American Artists- Lois Beardslee, Frank Ettawageshik, Fritz Scholder, October 1997--Lee Hall Gallery (L. 17-01-26 F.3 B.1) Native American Based Teaching Activities Book 1:2 (L. 17-03-06 F.4, F.5 B.1) Native Art of North America, October- November 1995- Lee Hall Gallery (L.17-01-26 F.2 B.1) Anishnabe Passweweshin (L.17-01-11 F.5 B.1) Anishinabe Passweweshin- Native Echo (L.17-03-01 F.4 B.1) Anishinabe Passweweshin- Native Echo (L. 17-01-11 F.1 B.1) Anishinabe- Passweweshin- Native Echo, November 1996 (L.17-01-11 F.2 B.1) Native American Law Day Forum Itinerary and Descriptions (L. 17-01-11 F.8 B.1) Native American Student Association: Learning to Walk Together Pow-Wow (L.17-0111 F.9 B.1) Newsletter, Native Voices, Winter 2000 (L.17-01-11 F.7 B.1) Academic Programs- American Indian Program ca 1975 (L.15-03-06-05 F.2 B.1) Lakota Spirituality and Native Youth Empowerment Poster- 1999 (L.17-03-03 F.16 B.9) Anishinabe Passweweshin (Native Echo) (L.17-03-01 F.3 B.7) II. University Records Series: 1. McClellan, Robert Papers (University Series 1) Former professor of History, Bob McClellan had founded the North American Indian Club at NMU, and was an advisor to Indian and Black student groups. 1 Michigan Indian Education Advisory Council (L.4-1-1-6 F.8 B.5) 2. Lewis Peters Papers (University Series 21) Dr. Lewis E. Peters was a NMU Biology Department member. This collection documents his attempt to establish an Institute for Indian Education at Northern. American Indian (Native American) Education 1969 – 1974 (L.4-3-7-2 F.1 B.1) 3. Russell M. Magnaghi Papers (University Series 47) Dr. Magnaghi is a Professor and Head of the Department of History. He has a broad interest in the History of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This collection includes much of Dr. Magnaghi’ and other’s research on Native American history. "Accounts of Upper Peninsula Indians Procurement and Uses of the Black Bear," by Carolyn J. Kallery 1977 (L.4-5-1-5 F.3 B.16) Bishop Baraga 1984 (L.4-4-7-3 F.8 B.8) "Casino Gambling and the Chippewa Indians," Donald F. McLean (L.4-4-6-2 F.26 B.1) “Comparing the Traditional and Modern Indian; has he adapted?” by Jay Pysock 1977 (L.4-5-1-6 F.2 B.17) “Early Education of the Chippewa Indians at Sault St. Marie, Michigan," by Mari Ullenbrunch (HS498) 1984 (L.4-5-1-6 F.17 B.17) Fort Mackinac is Taken During Pontiac’s Rebellion (L. L.4-5-1-6 F. 35 B.17) "A History of the Treaty of 1854 at LaPointe," by Charles Montney (HS295) 1981 (L.4-5-2-1 F.17 B.18) “Hannahville Indian Community” by Laurie Pokladowski (L.4-5-1-6 F.47 B.17) “Henry R. Schoolcraft comes to Sault St. Marie.” By Paul M. Walker (L.4-5-2-1 F.5 B.18) History of the American Indian HS320 1973 (L.4-4-6-2 F.13 B.1) “Indian Fishing Rights” by Terri Doepker (L.4-5-2-1 F.27 B.18) “Indian Fishing Rights Go to Court , 1979," by Derrick J. Ebidon (HS295) (L.4-5-2-1 F.28 B.18) “The Indians in Marquette County Michigan," by Shirley Parr (L.4-5-2-1 F.29 B.18) “Indians of the Northport Region” by Mace Straubel (L.4-5-2-1 F.30 B.18) Indian Studies Program 1970 (L.4-4-6-5 F.6 B.4) “Indian Treaties of the Upper Peninsula 1785 - 1855," by Russell Magnaghi (L.4-4-63 F.3 B.2) "Indians: Upper Great Lakes: With Emphasis on the Ojibway of Northern Michigan and Wisconsin," by George. R. Croy 1969 (L.4-5-2-1 F.31 B.18) Judgment Plan Distribution Plan of the Original Bands of the Sault Ste. Marie Chippewa Indians (L.4-5-2-1 F.25 B.18) 2 “Michigan Indians 1850 - 1859” by Mike Oakwood (HS335) 1985 (L.4-5-2-2 F.16 B.19) "Michigan's Indian Factories at Detroit and Mackinac, 1802 - 1812," by Russell Magnaghi (L.4-4-6-3 F.10 B.2) Minutes- Native American Studies Minor Executive Committee Dec. 14, 1994 (L.55-3-6 F.2 B.21) Native Americans 1904 – 1979: 1980 – 1992 (L.4-5-1-2 F. 3:4 B.13) Origins of Pontiac’s War (L.4-5-2-2 F.29 B.19) Report on Native American Habitation in the Vicinity of Chicago on Lake Michigan, Including Recommendations," Submitted by Russell M. Magnaghi 1992 (L.4-4-6-3 F.13 B.2) “Treaty of La Pointe” by Jeff T. LaRoux 1980 ( L.4-5-2-3 F.21 B.20) “Treaty of Washington” by Sam Davis 1980 (L.4-5-2-3 F.22 B.20) “Treaty Rhetoric” by Ted Bays (HS490) 1978 (L.4-5-2-3 F.23 B.20) “Treaty with the Menominee, 1836” by Rosemary Miller (History of the Upper Peninsula) 1984 (L.4-5-2-3 F.24 B.20) “Treaty with the Ottawa and Chippewa 1820," by Lynne A. Janis 1980 (L.4-5-2-3 F.25 B.20) 4. James L. Carter Papers (University Series 81) Former News Director for NMU, Carter was active in the development of a Native American Studies program and served as advisor to the Nishnawbe News. American Indian Program 1971 -1972 (L.15-01-03-02 F.1) American Indian Program, 1970 (L.14-02-01 F.2 B.1) LaDonna Harris- Americans for Indian Opportunity 1971 – 1994 (L.14-02-01 F.3 B.2) Nishnawbe News Correspondence (L.14-02-01 F.12 B.2) Nishnawbe News Correspondence (L.14-02-01 F.13 B.2) Nishnawbe News- Misc. Materials (L.14-02-01 F.1 B.3) North American Indian Women’s Association Conference (L.14-02-01 F.3 B.3) 5. NMU Multi-Cultural Student Affairs Office Records (University Series 129) Records document Native American activity on campus and in the Upper Peninsula. o American Indian Program (AIP) Development 1970 – 1974 (L.14-01-04 F.3 B.1) o Correspondence- James L. Carter re. American Indian Programs (AIP) 1970 (L.14-01-04 F.11 B.1) o Correspondence- James L. Carter re. American Indian Programs (AIP) 1971 – 1972 (L.14-01-04 F.12 B.1) o Indian Leadership in American Society Conference 1984 (L.14-01-04 F.7 B.2) o Native American Art and Film Exhibits 1988 – 1992 (L.5-1-4-2 F.4 B.3) o Native American Awareness Week 1990 (L.5-1-4-2 F.5 B.3) 3 o o o o o o o o o o o Native American Enrollment Data 1978- 1989 (L.5-1-4-2 F.6 B.3) Native American Fellowship Program 1986 – 1988 (L.5-1-4-2 F.7 B.3) Native American Week (L.5-3-1-6 F.1 ) Native Americans of Marquette County 1985 – 1988 (L.5-1-4-2 F.8 B.3) Native Americans of Marquette County 1986 – 1989 (L.5-1-4-2 F.16 B.3) Native American Poster Contest (PHOTO) Newsletters- American Indian Programs (A.I.P.) 1982 – 1985 (L.05-01-04-02 F.10 B.3) Newsletters- Michigan Indian Quarterly 1988-1989 (L.05-01-04-02 F.13 B.3) Newsletters- Native American Notes (Mt. Pleasant, MI) 1988 – 1989 (L.5-1-4-2 F.15 B.3) Newsletters- Native Sun (North American Indian Association of Detroit, Inc.) 1988-1991 (L.05-01-04-02 F.9 B.3) Nishnaubaemo 1989 – 1990 (L. 5-1-4-2 B.3) 6. Stewart Kingsbury Papers (University Series 152) Dr. Kingsbury was a professor of English at NMU, 1961 – 1991. This collection documents his linguistic research of the Upper Peninsula. The American Indian Language and Indian Place Names of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (L.5-1-5-4 F.8 B.10) Articles: “Who really won… Indians or the DNR?” (L.5-1-5-3 F.10 B.8) Folklore – Schoolcraft Legends – Folder 1 of 4 (L.14-02-07 F.23 B.5) Folklore – Schoolcraft Legends – Folder 2 of 4 (L.14-02-07 F.24 B.5) Folklore – Schoolcraft Legends – Folder 3 of 4 (L.5-1-5-2 F.1 B.6) Folklore - Schoolcraft Legends - Folder 4 of 4 (L.5-1-5-2 F.2 B.6) Indian Legends (L.5-1-5-2 F.6 B.6) “My Name is Sioux,” by Charles Linck and Ernestine Sewell (L.5-1-4-7 F.9 B.3) Regional Language- Ojibway (L. L.5-1-4-7 F.15 B.3) Unboxed Reel: Reel #1- Donna Harris, Indian Awareness Week March 10, 1972 (L.14-02-12 F.1 B.36) 7. Diversity Student Services Records (0404-10) Diversity Student Services is responsible with coordinating and managing multi- cultural activities at NMU. 2nd annual “Learning to Walk Together” Pow- wow (1993) Anishinabe Club (1993 – 1994) (L.27-05-53 F.5 B.2) 3rd Annual “Learning to walk together” Pow-Wow (1994) (L.27-05-53 F.6) 4th Annual “Learning to Walk Together” Pow-Wow (1995) (L.27-05-53 F.7 B.2) 7th Annual “Learning to Walk Together” Pow-Wow (1999) (L.27-05-53 F.8 B.2) 8th Annual “Learning to Walk Together” Pow-Wow (2000) (L.27-05-53 F.9 B.2) 9th Annual “Learning to Walk Together” Pow-Wow (2001) (L.27-05-53 F.10 B.2) 4 10th Annual “Learning to Walk Together” Pow-Wow 2002 (L.27-05-54 F.6 B.3) This accession documents the activities of the Gateway Academic Program (GAP). GAP is an academic and personal support program specifically designed to help every student of color (African American, Latino, or Native American) succeed in college. The records include grant material, budget records, event records, grade reports, and surveys. (L.25-05-46:47 F.1 B.2) AICC Agendas (L.23-02-42 F.9 B.2) (AICC- American Indian Coordinating Council) AICC Correspondence (L.23-02-42 F.3) (AICC- American Indian Coordinating Council) AICC Evaluation (L.23-02-42 F.2 B.2) (AICC- American Indian Coordinating Council) AICC Goals and Objectives (L.23-02-42 F.4 B.2) (AICC- American Indian Coordinating Council) AICC Grant (L.23-02-42 F.7 B.2) (AICC- American Indian Coordinating Council) AICC Minutes (L.23-02-42 F.10 B.2) (AICC- American Indian Coordinating Council) AICC Mission Statement (L.23-02-42 F.5 B.2) (AICC- American Indian Coordinating Council) AICC Newsletter (L.23-02-42 F.8 B.2) (AICC- American Indian Coordinating Council) AICC Youth Drum Report (L.23-02-42 F.11 B.2) (AICC- American Indian Coordinating Council) AISES (L.23-02-41 F.75 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) AISES Conference and Fairs (L.23-02-41 F. 65 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) AISES Correspondence 1991 (L.23-02-41 F.79 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) AISES Correspondence 1992 (L.23-02-41 F.80 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) AISES Correspondence 1993 (L.23-02-41 F.81 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) AISES Correspondence 97 – 98 (L.23-02-41 F.82 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) AISES NET (L.23-02-41 F.72 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) AISES Student Chapter and Advisors (L.23-02-41 F.69 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) AISES Student Data L.(23-02-41 F.66 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) 5 AISES Tips on Fundraising (L.23-02-41 F.71 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) AISES Questionnaire on AISES admin. Programs (L.23-02-41 F.70 B.1) (AISESAmerican Indian Science and Engineering Society) Anishnabe Club (L.21-05-10 F.1 B.1) Anishinabe Club 1994 – 1995 (L.21-05-39 F.3 B.1) Career Expo 95, 96 (Saginaw, Chippewa) (L.23-02-41 F.43 B.1) Career Expo 95,96 (Sault Tribe) (L.23-02-41 F.44 B.1) Career Expo 96 (Hannahville) (L.23-02-41 F.42 B.1) CLD Grants, Office of Minority Equity and GAP Program, CLD Grants (L.18-0404 F.24 B.1) (GAP- Gateway Academic Program) Correspondence - Native 94 – 95 (L.23-02-42 F.34 B.2) GAP 4 – 5, ’94 – ‘95 (L.23-02-42 F.17 B.2) (GAP- Gateway Academic Program) GAP GPA’s 1995 – 1996 program year (L.18-04-04 F.21 B.1) (GAP- Gateway Academic Program) GAP Program: 1994 Grant Proposal (L.18-04-04 F.27 B.1) (GAP- Gateway Academic Program) GAP Program Correspondence (L.18-04-04 F.28 B.1) (GAP- Gateway Academic Program) GAP Program: Grant 1995 – 1996 (L.18-04-04 F.4 B.1) (GAP- Gateway Academic Program) GAP Staff Meeting Agendas (L.18-04-04 F.47 B.1) (GAP- Gateway Academic Program) GAP Tracking (L.18-04-04 F.17 B.1) (GAP- Gateway Academic Program) GPA Data 1993 – 1994 (Native Students) (L.23-02-42 F.38 B.2) (GAP- Gateway Academic Program) Grant Observations- GAP Gazette (L.18-04-06 F.13 B.2) (GAP- Gateway Academic Program) Indian Educators Conference 11/12/04 (L.26-05-01 F.8 B.1) Indian Studies Material (L.21-05-10 F.5 B.1) Membership Applications- AISES (L.23-02-41 F.67 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) Minutes- AISES (L.23-02-41 F.68 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) MITW (L.23-02-41 F.14 B.1) (MITW- Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver) Multicultural Certificates Native Students (L.23-02-41 F.17 B.1) Native American Act Info- Michigan (L.23-02-42 F.25 B.2) Native American Awareness Month (L.21-05-42 F.6 B.4) Native American Demographic Data (L.23-02-42 F.19 B.2) Native American Education Contacts (L.23-02-41 F.10 B.1) Native American Heritage Month 1999 (L.27-05-54 F.2 B.3) Native American Heritage Month 2000 (L.27-05-54 F.3 B.3) Native American Heritage Week 1991 (L.27-05-54 F.1 B.3) Native American Higher Education Info (L.23-02-42 F.21 B.2) 6 Native American Leadership Program 2005 (L.26-05-01 F.1 B.1) Native American Poster Contest (L.21-05-40 F.2 B.2) Native American Recruitment (L.27-05-52 F.2 B.1) Native American Student Association 2001 (L.27-05-54 F.4 B.3) Native American Year End Banquet (L.21-05-39 F.1 B.1) Native Cultures- Reference Materials (L.23-02-41 F.15 B.1) Native Cultures/ Value (L.23-02-41 F.32 B.1) Native Mentoring Program L.23-02-42 F.43 B.2) Native Publications (L.23-02-41 F.25 B.1) Native Studies ’94 – ‘95 (L.23-02-41 F.2 B.1) Pow-Wow (L.21-05-41 F.2 B.3) Pow-Wow Funding (L.21-05-40 F.1 B.2) Proposal for a Native American Studies Minor (L.21-05-10 F.8 B.1) Student Association (L.27-05-53 F.3 B.2) Student Association (L.27-05-53 F.4 B.2) Tuition Waiver Tribal Grants (L.23-02-41 F.24 B.1) Various NASA and Anishnabe Club Stuff (L.27-05-54 F.5 B.3) (NASA- Native American Student Association) Verification of Native American Status (L.23-02-41 F.26 B.1) Wildcat Getaway Pow-Wow Weekend (L.26-05-01 F.12b B.1) 8. Student Activities and Leadership Program Records (0404-17) This is a collection of Student Organization Records. AISES (L.23-06-33 F.13 B.1) (AISES- American Indian Science and Engineering Society) American Indian Science and Engineering Society (L.23-06-33 F.33 B.1) Native American Survival Association (L.23-06-36 F.60 B.4) Native Student Organization (L.23-06-36 F.61 B.4) 9. Communications and Marketing Office News Releases Indian Affairs (L.17-07-07 F.11 B.3) Indian Awareness Week (L.17-07-07 F.12 B.3 ) Indian Awareness Week- 1974 (L.17-07-07 F.13 B.3) Indian Life Study (L.17-07-08 F.66 B.4) Indian Women’s Conference (L.17-07-07 F.10 B.3) NASA (L.17-07-07 F.57 B.3) (NASA- Native American Student Association) Nishnawbe News (L.17-07-07 F.61 B.3) 10. Student Research Papers (3300-01) This collection consists of undergraduate student research papers. 7 “Bishop Fredric Baraga and Reverend John H Pitezel: the men, their mission, and their legacies” by James E Seelye Jr. (L.5-3-6-6 F.2 B.3) Christianizing the Indian by Nick Mauthe (L.5-3-6-5 F.18 B.2) Ojibway, Michigan by Robert Kaikkonen (L.5-3-6-4 F.20 B.1) 11. Archives Photographic File (3301-01) Cities and Towns--Gaastra, Michigan: Pentoga Park--Indian Burial Grounds, Dedication Monument (L.5-2-1-1 F.8 B.1) Conferences, Workshops, seminars, etc. – Native American (1 of 2) (L.5-2-4-6 F.2 B.24) Conferences, Workshops, seminars, etc. – Native American (2 of 2) (L.5-2-4-6 F.3 B.24) Native Americans Pow-Wow (L.5-2-6-4 F.1 B.34) Nishnawbe News (L.5-2-6-4 F.2 B.34) Publications- Nishnawbe News (Drawer 12 F.7) Schoolcraft (5-2-4-2 F.13 B.20) Student Life- Indian Awareness Week 1972 – 1999 (Drawer 10 F.43) 12. NMU and Regional Oral History Collection (3301-02) This record series is a collection of audio recordings and transcripts of NMU events, staff, and faculty. Indian Conference 1/15/71 (1 of 2) (L.18-03-06 F.16 B.2) Indian Conference 1/15/71 (2 of 2) (L.18-03-06 F.17 B.2) Transcript- Garfield Hood, Tribal Judicial System (L.18-02-18 F.19 B.28) Transcript- Leo Lassard, Chippewa and French Canadian Life in Orphanage (L.18-02-18 F.20 B.28) AAUP- Ladonna Harris Interview- from GAP tapes ca 1970 (L.18-03-08 F.22 B.4) Garfield Hood, Tribal Judicial System (L.18-02-05 F.23 B.19) Leo Lassard; Native American Chippewa Life in orphanage 6/28/2001 (L. 18-0205 F.24 B.19) Margaret White, French Canadian/ Native American White Life vs. Indian Life 3/28/1997 (L.18-02-05 F.26 B.19) William Boda, Education System on Native American Reservations 5/21/1999 (L.18-02-05 F.21 B.19) Indians in Colonial America (L.18-03-15 F.18 B.11 ) Indian Slavery in Spanish Texas (L.18-03-15 F.19 B.11) Faculty Interview--Don Chosa, Native American Studies Dept. Language; 1/28/2002 (L.18-03-16 F.10 B.12) Faculty Interview- Lilian Heldrith; Native American Studies 4/8/02 (L.18-03-17 F.6 B.13) 8 Faculty Interview- Shirley Brozzo, Native American Studies; 4/5/02 (L.18-03-16 F.6 B.12) Faculty Interview Transcript- Melissa Hearn, Native American Studies (L.18-0219 F.25 B.29) Keweenaw Bay Indian Reservation (L.18-02-05 F.22 B.19) Keweenaw Bay Indian Reservation: Transcript-Area (Lindahl) (L. 18-02-18 F.21 B.28 ) Keweenaw Indian Bay Reservation: Transcript-Area (Elizabeth Galer) (L. 18-0218 F.18 B.28) Lecture--History--Vine Deloria--Guest Lecturer--Native American History (L.1803-15 F.7 B.11) Life on Indian Reservation (L.18-02-05 F.25 B.19) Alvin Josephy- American Indian Historian; 1995 (L.18-03-12 F.35 B.9) 13. Eugene Whitehouse Papers (9007-12) Eugene Whitehouse was a professor in the Department of History and chair of the Committee for Undergraduate Programs. Discussions over OJ 101/102/103 and Native American Studies Minor 90 – 94 (L.25-04-27 F.2 B.3) 14. Center for Native American Studies Records (9017/TBA) This collection contains general information on the Native American Studies program at NMU. o Academic Program/ Course General Informational Correspondence (L.23-06-14 B.1) o AIBL (L.20-06-50 F.4 B.2) (AIBL- American Indian Business Leaders) o Anishnaabe Club Statements (L.20-06-50 F.6 B.2) o Center for Native American Studies ( -General Correspondence Files) (L.23-0615 B.1) o Center for Native American Studies ( -General Correspondence Files) (L.23-0616 B.2) o Center for Native American Studies ( -General Correspondence Files) (L.23-0617 B.3) o Moccasin Blessing (L.20-06-50 F.13 B.2 ) o NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES (creator) (L.20-06-49 B.1) o NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES (creator) (L.20-06-50 B.2) o Sault College –Anishnaabe (L.20-06-50 F.7 B.2) o Three photograph scrapbooks documenting Native American (Indian) studies programs, including Nishnawbe News, personalities (Floyd Westerman), PowWow, and conferences. (L.19-04-12 Drawer 3) o Tribal Charter School (L.20-06-49 F.3 B.1) o Waabno Gimaak (L.20-06-49 F.2 B.1) 9 o Waabno Gimaak Tribal School (L.20-06-49 F.6 B.1) III. Historical Manuscript Collections: These collections are the records of organizations and the papers of individuals who had an important role in documenting the history of Native American culture and society in the central Upper Peninsula of Michigan. 1. Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan Records (MSS-31) Correspondence, Memoranda, Reports, and Studies from the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan records also include church youth and community activities. Indian Affairs (L.12-4-4-2 F.26 B.8) 2. The Henry D. Schoolcraft Papers This collection consists of microfilm reproductions of the Schoolcraft papers maintained by the Library of Congress. The papers span the years 1788 – 1906, with the bulk of the material dated between 1820 and 1856. The collection documents Schoolcraft’s career an explorer and Indian agent in the Upper Great Lakes region. 3. Pat Gagliardi Papers (MSS-60) Pat Gagliardi was a democratic member of the Michigan House of Representatives. This collection includes work on many of his committees such as Conservation and Environment, Appropriations, Education, and more from 1982 – 1998. a. b. c. d. e. Bay Mills Indian Community Health Center (L.16-06-06 F.7 B.6) Compensation Indian Accord (L.16-06-08 F.4 B.8) Fisheries Indian Fishing Rights 1984 – 1987 (L.16-06-02 F.8 B.2) Fisheries, Indian Fishing Agreement 1985 (L.16-06-02 F.8 B.2) LSSU Native American Center (L.16-06-06 F.22 B.6) (LSSU- Lake Superior State University) f. Native American Fishing Agreement (L.16-06-03 F.18 B.3) g. Sister Tribe Project/ Vincente Montmayor visit 1996 – 1997 (L.16-06-04 F.11 B.4) 3. Dominic Jacobetti Papers (MSS-78) Dominic Jacobetti was a longtime member of the Michigan House of Representatives (1954-1994). He was very interested in Native American issues in the Upper Peninsula. Appropriations- Baraga County- Keweenaw Bay Tribal Community 1971(L.1003-05 F.25 B.22) 10 Baraga County- Mayer Clinic- Keweenaw Bay Indian Community 1985-1987 (L.10-02-02 F.7 B.28) Environment- Fishermen- U.P (Upper Peninsula- Commercial Fishing; Native American) (L.10-02-04 F.12 B.32) Indian Affairs- Education (L.10-02-06 F.8 B.36) Indian Affairs- Education Herman E. Cameron Memorial Foundation; Land Trust; etc. [Native American] 1974-1992 (L.10-02-06 F.8 B.36) Issues- Indian Stereotyping --"Michigan Civil Rights Commission Report on Use of Nicknames, Logos, and Mascots Depicting Native American People in Michigan” (L.14-03-03 F.24 B.15) 4. Bay Mills News: Gnoozhekaaning Bidajimowin (MSS-132) Bay Mills News: Gnoozhekaaning Bidajimowin is a bi-weekly publication reflecting life of the Bay Mills Indian Community. The collection begins with Vol. 9, No.1 through Vol. 10, No. 1, but is not inclusive. However, there are occasional enclosures of "Preserving the Resources for the Seventh Generation." Additional issues are expected. Bay Mill News = Gnoozhekoaning Bidajimowin (Oversized Box 1) Tribal Fishing (Oversized Box 1) Preserving the Resource: for the Seventh Generation (Oversized Box 1) 5. Sault Tribe News (MSS-133) Newspaper put out by the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Sault St. Marie, Michigan. The Sault Tribe News (2000 – Ongoing) (Row 1, Oversized F.1 B.1) The Sault Tribe News (July 2000 – Ongoing) (Row 1, Oversized F.1 B.2 ) Win Awenen Nisitotung = He who Understands Win Awenen Nisitotung- Sault Tribe News 6. Win Awenen Nisitotung [Sault Tribe News] (MSS-134) Win Awenen Nisitotung was the predecssor of The Sault Tribe News, also published 17 times a year. The paper documents the life and activities of the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians. Win Awenen Nisitotung (July 1994, Jan 1996 – June 19, 2000) (not inclusive) (Row 1, Oversized F.1 B.1) 7. Northern Michigan University Archives Microfilm Collection This collection contains microfilm reproductions of the federal government records maintained at the United States National Archives. 11 Bay Mills School (Chippewa Indians), 1909- 1911, 1913- 1915 Birch Cooley Agency (Mdewakanton, Sioux Indians), 1891- 1893, 1895- 1898 Bishop Agency (Paiute and Other Indians) 1916- 1926 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.1) Chippewa Indians 1910- 1927 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.15) Consolidated Chippewa, 1923 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.5) Consolidated Chippewa, 1924 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.6) Consolidated Chippewa, 1925 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.7) Consolidated Chippewa, 1926 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.8) Consolidated Chippewa, 1927 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.9) Consolidated Chippewa, 1928 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.10) Consolidated Chippewa (Bois Forte (Nett Lake) Cass and Winnigigoshish, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech Lake, Mille Lac and White Oak Point Reservations) 1930 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.14) Consolidated Chippewa (Fon du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech Lake, and Nett Lake (Bois Forte) Subagencies) 1929 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.12) Consolidated Chippewa (White Earth Reservation) (1930) (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.13) Consolidated Chippewa (White Earth Subagency), 1929 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.11) Great Lakes (Chippewa and Potawatomi Indians) 1936, 1937 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.2) Great Lakes (Chippewa and Potawatomi Indians) 1938- 1940 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.3) Lac du Flambeau, Bad River, La Courte Oreilles and Red Cliff Chippewa Indians and Potawatomi Indians 1933- 1935 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.18) Lac du Flambeau, Bad River and Red Cliff Chippewa Indians and Potawatomi Indians 1928- 1930 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.16) Lac du Flambeau, Bad River and Red Cliff Chippewa Indians and Potawatomi Indians 1931- 1932 (with birth and death rolls, 1924- 1932) (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.17) Mackinac (Chippewa Indians) 1902, 1903, 1910, 1915- 1927 (Cabinet 3 Drawer 4 R.4) Masinaigan (Drawer 3, Cabinet 3; rolls 3 – 5) 12