PEDIATRICS TEMPLATES: Newborn: PedNew VITALS: Weight. Height ?? . HC??. GENERAL: Vigorous, healthy infant. HEAD: Normocephalic. Ant. fontanelle soft and flat. EYES: Conj. not injected. Bilateral red reflex present. EOMs appropriate for age. PERL. ENT: Helices well formed, ears in nl position. TMs normal. Oropharynx and nares w/o deformity. NECK: Supple, w/o masses. Thyroid nl. CHEST: Symmetrical. NL breast tissue. Clavicle intact. RESP: No grunting, flaring or retractions. Chest clear to auscultation. CV: Regular sinus rate and rhythm. Normal S1 and S2. No murmurs. Femoral pulses full and symmetric. ABD: Soft, nontender. No HSM or abd masses. Umbilicus healing normally. GU: ??(female) NL external genitalia. *OR* ?? (male) NL phallus with both testicles descended. LYMPH: Cervical and inguinal nodes nl for age. MSK: Five digits per extremity. NL palmar creases. NL and symmetric strength and tone. No hip click or subluxation. SKIN: No rashes, jaundice or induration. NEURO: NL suck, grasp and motor reflexes. ATTACHMENT: Parent/infant bond appropriate. Birth to one year: PEDO VITALS: Weight ??. Height ??. HC??. GENERAL: Alert, interactive and appropriate. HEAD: Normocephalic with nl anterior fontanelle. EYES: Conj. not injected. Bilateral red reflex present. EOMs intact, w/o strabismus. PERL. ENT: TMs clear, oropharynx and nares nl. NECK: Supple w/o masses. Thyroid nl. CHEST: Symmetrical. NL prepubertal breast tissue. RESP: Breathing not labored. Chest clear to auscultation. CV: Regular sinus rate and rhythm. Normal S1 and S2. No murmurs. Femoral pulses full and symmetric. ABD: Soft, nontender. No HSM or abd masses. GU: ??(female) NL external genitalia. *OR* ?? (male) NL phallus with both testicles descended. LYMPH: Cervical and inguinal nodes nl for age. MSK: Spine straight w/o scoliosis. NL and symmetric strength and tone. Hips nl. SKIN: No rashes or induration. NEURO: Appropriate for age. One year to Prepubertal: PED1 VITALS: Weight ??. Height ??. HC??. BP ?? (4 yo and older) GENERAL: Alert, interactive and appropriate. HEAD: Normocephalic. EYES: Conj. not injected. Bilateral red reflex present. EOMs intact, w/o strabismus. PERL. ENT: TMs clear, oropharynx and nares nl. NECK: Supple w/o masses. Thyroid nl. CHEST: Symmetrical. NL prepubertal breast tissue. RESP: Breathing not labored. Chest clear to auscultation. CV: Regular sinus rate and rhythm. Normal S1 and S2. No murmurs. No edema. ABD: Soft, nontender. No HSM or abd masses. GU: ??(female) NL external genitalia. *OR* ?? (male) NL phallus with both testicles descended. LYMPH: Cervical and inguinal nodes nl for age. MSK: Spine straight w/o scoliosis. NL posture. Gait appropriate for age. NL muscle tone. SKIN: No rashes or induration, or cyanosis. NEURO: Appropriate for age. PSYCH: Affect nl. Pubertal Male: PM VITALS: ?? Weight ??. Height ??. BP ?? GENERAL: Well developed and nourished. HEAD: Normocephalic. EYES: Conj. not injected. Bilateral red reflex present. EOMs intact, w/o strabismus. PERL. ENT: TMs clear, oropharynx and nares nl. NECK: Supple w/o masses. Thyroid nl. CHEST: Chest wall symmetric w/o breast enlargement RESP: Breathing not labored. Chest clear to auscultation. CV: Regular sinus rate and rhythm. Normal S1 and S2. No murmurs. No edema. ABD: Soft, nontender. No HSM or abd masses. GU: Tanner stage ??. NL phallus with both testicles descended. LYMPH: Cervical and inguinal nodes nl for age. MSK: Spine w/o scoliosis. NL posture. Gait appropriate for age. NL muscle tone. SKIN: No rashes or induration, or cyanosis. NEURO: Appropriate for age. PSYCH: Affect nl. Pubertal Female: PF VITALS: ?? Weight ??. Height ??. BP ?? GENERAL: Well developed and nourished. HEAD: Normocephalic. EYES: Conj. not injected. Bilateral red reflex present. EOMs intact, w/o strabismus. PERL: ENT: TMs clear, oropharynx and nares nl. NECK: Supple w/o masses. Thyroid nl. CHEST: Chest wall symmetric. Breasts Tanner Stage ?? RESP: Breathing not labored. Chest clear to auscultation. CV: Regular sinus rate and rhythm. Normal S1 and S2. No murmurs. No edema. ABD: Soft, nontender. No HSM or abd masses. GU: Tanner stage ??. LYMPH: Cervical and inguinal nodes nl for age. MSK: Spine w/o scoliosis. NL posture. Gait appropriate for age. NL muscle tone. SKIN: No rashes or induration, or cyanosis. NEURO: Appropriate for age. PSYCH: Affect nl.