High-Level Design Documentation Together Everyone Achieves More 3-31-2004 Table of Contents Introduction 02 Glossary 02 Team “On Track” 02 Menu Page 03 Login Page 04 Preferences Page 05 Calendar Page 06 Recipe Signup Page 07 Recipe Search Page 08 Recipe Editor Page 10 Shopping List Page 12 Inventory Page 13 Error Page 14 Introduction Introduce the View component and how we plan to do it. Talk about how the input and output sections of this document are organized, and some plans on how we are coordinating with the model component Glossary Model View Input Output Selected the component of the RecipeWare system that makes sense out of a user’s input and gathers the data needed to respond to the user. the component of the RecipeWare system that displays the information gathered by the Model and displays it in an understandable and professional layout to the user. the data gathered by the Model and used to generate the View page. the data entered by the user into the View page to be sent to the Model. on some pages the user has the option to view details of a recipe, this would display the ingredients, procedures, etc. The last recipe to be viewed in this way is the selected recipe. Team “On Track” Team Leader Integration Liaison Customer Liaison Documentation Engineer Code Engineer David Gucwa Kon Skovorodin Kamakshi Chakravarti Justin May Juquan Wu Menu Page Input None Output None Login Page Input Vector (String) all registered usernames known to RecipeWare Output Login ACTION NAME “LOGIN” the username to log in as Preferences Page Input String String Vector (Pair) Boolean the name of the user logged into the RecipeWare system. the email of the user logged into the RecipeWare system sticky item names and their corresponding quantities a flag describing if the user is creating a new account or not Output Add Sticky Item Button ACTION “ADD_STICKY_ITEM” NAME the string entered in the NewStickyItem text field associated with the clicked button QTY the integer entered in the StickyItemQTY text field associated with the clicked button Confirm Button ACTION NAME EMAIL “CONFIRM_PREFERENCES_CHANGES” the string entered in the username text field the string entered in the email text field Calendar Page Input String String Vector (Vector) the shopping day the name of the user logged into the RecipeWare system for each day: date, user, and all recipes for that date Output Change Shopping Day ACTION “SET_SHOPPING_DAY” DAY day of the week to set the shopping day to Sign Up ACTION DATE “SIGN_UP” date to sign up for Print the Calendar ACTION "PRINT_CALENDAR" Recipe Signup Page Input Date String Vector (Pair) String Vector (Pair) Vector (String) the date of the day being signed up for the name of the user logged into the RecipeWare system recipe names and their corresponding serving scalar selected recipe name selected recipe’s ingredient names and their corresponding quantities Text of selected recipe’s procedures Output Add Recipe Button ACTION “ADD_RECIPE” Remove Recipe Button ACTION “REMOVE_RECIPE” NAME name of selected recipe View Recipe ACTION NAME “VIEW_RECIPE” name of recipe associated with the clicked view button Update Scalar Button ACTION NAME SCALE “UPDATE_RECIPE_SCALAR” name of recipe associated with the clicked update button the integer associated with the clicked update button Edit Recipe Button ACTION NAME RETURN “EDIT_RECIPE” name of recipe associated with the clicked edit button “RECIPE_EDITOR_PAGE” Confirm Button ACTION NAME “CONFIRM_RECIPE_CHANGES” the string entered in the RecipeName text field Print Button ACTION NAME RETURN “PRINT_RECIPE” the string entered in the RecipeName text field “RECIPE_SIGNUP_PAGE” Recipe Search Page Input String Vector String Vector (Pair) Vector (String) the default host URL to search names of ingredients returned by last search selected recipe name selected recipe’s ingredient names and their corresponding quantities Text of selected recipe’s procedures Output Search Button ACTION KEYWORD INGREDIENTS LOCAL HOST URL “RECIPE_SEARCH” the string entered in the KeywordSearch text field the string entered in the IngredientSearch text field true/false if searching the local machine true/false if searching a remote host machine the URL of the remote host machine to search, if applicable View Recipe ACTION NAME “VIEW_RECIPE” name of recipe associated with the clicked view button Edit Recipe Button ACTION NAME RETURN “EDIT_RECIPE” the name of the selected recipe “RECIPE_EDITOR_PAGE” Cook Recipe Button ACTION NAME “COOK_RECIPE” the name of the selected recipe Print Button ACTION NAME RETURN “PRINT_RECIPE” the name of the selected recipe “RECIPE_SEARCH_PAGE” Recipe Editor Page Input String Vector (Pair) Vector (String) Name of Recipe Ingredient names and their corresponding quantities Text of Procedures Output Ingredient Update Button ACTION “UPDATE_INGREDIENT” NAME the string entered in the RecipeName label associated with the clicked button QTY the integer entered in the IngredientQTY text field associated with the clicked button. Ingredient Add Button ACTION “ADD_INGREDIENT” NAME the string entered in the NewIngredient text field associated with the clicked button QTY the integer entered in the IngredientQTY text field associated with the clicked button Procedure Remove Button ACTION “REMOVE_PROCEDURE” INDEX the index of the clicked remove button Procedure Insert Button ACTION “INSERT_PROCEDURE” TEXT the string entered in the NewProcedure text box INDEX the index of the clicked insert button Confirm Button ACTION NAME Print Button “CONFIRM_RECIPE_CHANGES” the string entered in the RecipeName text field ACTION NAME RETURN “PRINT_RECIPE” the string entered in the RecipeName text field “RECIPE_EDITOR_PAGE” Shopping List Page Input Vector (Pair) Items and their quantities Output Add an Item ACTION ITEM QUANTITY "ADD_TO_SHOPPING_LIST” the item to add to the list the quantity of the item to be added Confirm the List ACTION LIST "CONFIRM_SHOPPING_LIST" a concatenated string containing all items and their quantities Print the List ACTION "PRINT_SHOPPING_LIST" Inventory Page Input Vector (Pair) Items and their quantities Output Add an Item ACTION ITEM QUANTITY "ADD_TO_INVENTORY” the item to add to the list the quantity of the item to be added Confirm the List ACTION LIST "CONFIRM_INVENTORY" a concatenated string containing all items and their quantities Error Page Input String Output None the error message to be displayed