Review "Social Intelligence" Essay Samples. Look for evidence of a

Review "Social Intelligence" Essay Samples. Look for evidence of
1. a strong thesis
2. strong supporting evidence
3. persuasive rhetorical devices
Social Intelligence Essay (500 Words)
Write a persuasive essay that either qualifies, agrees with, or disagrees
with these social scientists' assertion.
Many behavioral scientists and psychologists have come to believe that
success in school, in the workplace, on the playing field, and elsewhere
in life is not so much determined by intellect but by social intelligence the ability to work with others, lead and motivate others, and inspire
team spirit.
Sample A
Many behavioral scientists and psychologists have come to believe that success in school,
in the workplace, on the playing field, and elsewhere in life is not so much determined by
intellect but by social intelligence which, is the ability to work with others, lead and
motivate others, and inspire team spirit. From my interpretation, this holds true. In every
situation, you will have to work with people regardless. You have to accept the fact that
people are everywhere. When trying to succeed, you will see other people around you,
trying to do the same exact thing.
One who is willing to succeed in school, is a person who is willing to deal with the
struggles that come along with it. When trying to overcome a struggle and succeed in
school, you will have to learn how to deal with different forms of people, especially in
today’s world. One example is at Robert F. Kennedy High School, an enormous
educational facility, located in Los Angeles, California. The school consists of a unique
mixture of students from all around the world. No one will ever know what they are
going to approach because there are many different forms of religions, genders and ethnic
groups in which, create all of the diversities. The only way to deal with the different
ethnic groups is to become the opposite of an outcast, and make friends. The key is to
make friends with different nationalities, and stay focused in school at all times and to
never fall off because education is the key to success.
The way to get in the work force is to first, have an education. Education is the short
cut and the legal way to getting into a great job. A way to succeed in the work force is to
become flexible and approachable because when people don’t succeed, they get weak
jobs and when they get jobs they do not necessarily want, they tend to have social
problems. This is why great jobs are better. From my perspective, a great job means
lesser problems than when working in a low-paying, or minimum wage job. When you
get paid more, you tend to be happier and you are more passive when it comes to
struggling with social issues. In the end, having a great job and no social problems is
ultimately better.
From my point-of-view, social intelligence can also hinder one’s success as well.
There are things in which, people have to commit to, in order to succeed. Achieving goals
are not things that just come natural. Working toward success is something that a person
works hard toward reaching. There are many procedures that lead to success. Also, there
are many struggles that people go through, which lead them to succeeding in life as they
go on.
In conclusion, the behavioral scientists and psychologists theory holds true because
many people have succeeded from making contact with others. Having social intelligence
– the ability to work with others, can help one to inspire others as well as himself, to
achieve goals. When one accepts the fact that people are everywhere and are trying to
succeed simultaneously, then he/she has social intelligence. People come and go in
different shape and sizes. Social intellect can create brilliant futures, therefore it is very
essential to having a better life.
Sample B
Today, social scientists have beliefs that success in any kind of field such as work,
school, or sports field is not determined by intellect but by social intelligence. They
believe that anything is possible if you are working with others because you can
lead, motivate, and get work done. In my opinion I would stay neutral to this
statement as both have a huge effect on production on any field. I decide to stay
neutral because being alone is a positive, being in a group is a positive, and both can
be negatives,
I do believe that doing any kind of work alone can bring you great success.
When you work alone you come up with your own idea and no one can judge it. You
are the mastermind of your own creation and you add on to it as you please. You are
pleasing no one but yourself. Working alone means you have no interference and
you do things your way. You are in a dictatorship in which you do the stuff you want
and no one can speak up to you. You would feel a huge confidence when working
alone because you know you can do great things and get the job done the way you
like it.
Besides having success alone you can also have it in a group. When you are in
a group means that you have plenty of brains thinking of ideas as you contribute to
one another. Everyone’s creativity is put into one masterpiece and looks amazing.
Being in a group means that more ideas come up and the imagination level is off the
roof. You can be satisfied by the work that is done by a group because they all have
to agree on the looks of the field and submit it. Another demonstration a team puts
in work is in soccer in which TEAMS win championships not individuals. There’s a
huge chemistry between everyone and the ball gets shared until the goal is scored.
Things get achieved faster and better within a group.
Not only can success come but also failure in both intellect and social
intelligence. There comes a time where the brain goes through a brain fart and
doesn’t work so you come up with no ideas. Sometimes one isn’t satisfied with the
work they have done and stress themselves out. With teams there will be a time
where there’s a person who wants to be in charge and becomes the dictator of the
group. They ignore everyone and do what they want. And there are times in which
the work you turn in isn’t right and you fail.
In conclusion I remain neutral to work done in groups and alone. I really
don’t mind both as I have experienced them both. I like them both and I am always
satisfied by the work done. I love the feeling of success and I feel like I can get them
off both evenly then taking a side on being alone or in a group.
Sample C
One does not simply achieve success in life but has to work for it. Many
behavioral scientists and psychologists believe that success in life is determined by social
intelligence and not just pure intelligence. The ability to work with others, lead and
motivate others, and inspire team spirit is all part of social intelligence. I agree with this
belief because people need to talk and work with each other to accomplish common
Social intellgience is very important because it helps people get along in their jobs
and do their work. At work, you need to communicate with fellow workers to get the job
done and know what is going on. For example doctors need to work with other colleges
like nurses to take care of their patients and try to cure them. Surgeons need to work with
a group of people to make their surgery a success. If people do not communicate with
each other they would not know what role to play in their job and what work is to be
Leading and motivating others is also another very important skill needed in life
to achieve success. If people did not have a leader in life, there would be chaos. People
would not know what to do and would completely lost. In the military, these skills are
very important because they can either determine the success or failure of missions and
keep order. Squad leaders have to be strong and confident in leading their groups so they
can accomplish their missions. They are the ones who direct the groups into doing tasks
that are part of their goals. If the leaders were not confident in themselves and in leading
their followers, the whole thing would collapse since the military is mostly based in
leading and motivating others to cooperate with each other.
Another example that can be applied to show the importantance social
intelligence is how the government functions. The president is the top head of the
government and directs those below what to do. Government officials do their best to
follow orders that will improve our lives. Since we have a democratic type of
government, we have our share of opinions with the officials through communication or
voting. In congress, the senates talk with each other over policies that should either be
ratified or not. If they did not talk with each other, their opinions would not be heard and
no laws would be ratified that will help the country.
I agree that social intelligence does indeed have a big impact in the chance of
success because it is a big part of our lives. We daily talk with other people either at work
or at school or any other place. When we have work to do, we talk with each other to find
a way to solve the problem we may have. Pure intellgicence might get you somewhere in
life but either way you will have to talk and cooperate with other people in your job.
Working together as a team will get you farther than by yourself.