to full prospectus.

TEL: 020 8648 0869
St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
“To Love and To Serve”
Academic Year 2010/2011
Dear Parents
Thank you for your interest in St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School.
I hope you will find this information helpful in giving you some insight into the
education we seek to provide for our children.
Our extensive building and refurbishment programme has resulted in excellent
facilities for all children. The Early Years Unit is purpose built and designed to fulfil
the recommendations of the Foundation curriculum; it provides a wonderful
environment for Nursery and Reception classes.
A committed and talented team of staff strives to make our school a happy, interesting
and stimulating place where all our children can know, love and serve God and where
each one can develop to his or her full potential.
We aim to build on the foundations that you as parents have begun, to meet the
physical, intellectual, spiritual and creative needs of your child by providing a high
quality education.
Prospective parents are always welcome to make an appointment to talk to the
headteacher and view the school.
Mr D Feasey
Our School’s Mission Statement
The school’s educational programme is intentionally directed at the growth of the
whole person: to develop pupils who can accept responsibility, whose lives reflect
Christian values and who recognise knowledge is important but its chief value is in
giving service to others. We aim to create a Christian Community in our school
whose values are communicated through love and sincere relationships between all its
members, a community in which each person can develop his or her human potential
as fully as possible with a view to a personal commitment to Christ. The school
recognises that it can achieve its aims only in partnership with parents who are the
first and foremost educators of the child.
To make prayer, worship and liturgy real education experiences and to
contribute successfully to the development of the Faith of each individual in
the school community.
To create an active school community which values the individual but
promotes respect for others and provides through links with home-parishschool preparation for the pupils’ entry into the wider community.
To ensure that the curriculum provides a Catholic setting in which the pupils
have an entitlement to grow in understanding and an entitlement to the
acquisition of skills, attitudes and values.
To ensure that all the pupils in the school experience a caring community
which promotes the importance of Christian principles in relationships.
To show concern in a school that looks to Christ for the basis of its existence,
for all those outside the school regardless of colour, class or creed.
To encourage pupils to critically evaluate standards and values in society to
enable them to strengthen their own beliefs.
Our Vision for the School
A school where Gospel values are known and lived, where individuals are valued and
recognized; where people feel safe, secure and happy; where learning is exciting and
teaching is rewarding; where success is celebrated and excellence occurs every day as
we answer the call to love and serve.
Foundation Stage (Nursery)
White Polo Shirt
Official Blue School Sweatshirt
Plain Navy Tracksuit Trousers
White or Grey Socks
Black Shoes
Plain Navy Coat, Hat, Gloves
White Polo Shirt
Official Blue School Sweatshirt or Cardigan
Plain Navy Tracksuit
Trousers or Plain Navy Skirt
White Socks or Navy Tights
Black Shoes
Plain Navy Coat, Hat, Gloves
Summer Uniform
Navy or Grey Shorts
Blue and White Checked Dresses
Foundation Stage (Reception)
White Polo Shirt
Plain Navy Trousers
Official Blue School Sweatshirt
White or Grey Socks
Black Shoes
Plain Navy Coat, Hat, Gloves
White Polo Shirt
Plain Navy Skirt
Official Blue School Sweatshirt or Cardigan
White Socks or Navy Tights
Black Shoes
Plain Navy Coat, Hat, Gloves
Summer Uniform
Navy or Grey Shorts
Blue and White Checked Dresses
PE Kit for Boys and Girls
White Polo Shirt
Navy Shorts
Plain Navy Tracksuit Trousers for cold weather
Sweatshirts and cardigans with the school logo may be bought from:
Unit 12 Menin Works
Bond Road
Telephone: 020 8646 1144
Additional Information
Boys’ hair should be short and tidy (but no shorter than a number 3).
Girls’ hair should be neat and tidy and preferably tied back if it is long. No jewellery is allowed in school,
including earrings. Parents will appreciate that this is in the interests of safety.
We appreciate the support of parents in maintaining our dress code.
Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)
White Polo Shirt
Grey School Trousers
Official Blue School V-Neck Jumper
White or Grey Socks
Black Shoes
Plain Navy Coat, Hat, Gloves
White Polo Shirt
Plain Navy Skirt
Official Blue School V-Neck Jumper or Cardigan
White Socks or Navy Tights
Black Shoes
Plain Navy Coat, Hat, Gloves
Summer Uniform
Grey School Shorts or Trousers
Blue & White Checked Dresses
PE Kit for Boys and Girls
White Polo Shirt
Navy Shorts
Plain Navy Tracksuit Trousers for Cold Weather
Sweatshirts and cardigans with the school logo may be bought from:
Unit 12 Menin Works
Bond Road
Telephone: 020 8646 1144
Additional Information
Boys’ hair should be short and tidy (but no shorter than a number 3).
Girls’ hair should be neat and tidy and preferably tied back if it is long. No
jewellery is allowed in school, including earrings. Parents will appreciate that this is in the
interests of safety.
We appreciate the support of parents in maintaining our dress code.
Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5, 6)
White School Shirt
School Tie
Official Blue School Sweatshirt
Grey School Trousers
White or Grey Socks
Black Shoes
Plain Navy Coat, Hat, Gloves
White School Blouse
School Tie
Official Blue School Sweatshirt or Cardigan
Plain Navy School Skirt
White Socks or Navy Tights
Plain Navy Coat, Hat, Gloves
Black Shoes
Summer Uniform
Grey School Shorts
Blue & White Checked Dresses
Games/PE Kit
Plain White T-Shirt, plain Navy Shorts, plain Navy Tracksuit Trousers, Trainers
Sweatshirts and cardigans with the school logo may be bought from:
Unit 12 Menin Works
Bond Road
Telephone: 020 8646 1144
Additional Information
Boys’ hair should be short and tidy (but no shorter than a number 3).
Girls’ hair should be neat and tidy and preferably tied back if it is long.
No jewellery is allowed in school, including earrings. Parents will appreciate
that this is in the interests of safety.
We appreciate the support of parents in maintaining our dress code.
The Core Subjects
Our general aim is to develop children’s skills of communication in speaking, listening,
reading and writing. We aim to create a lively, stimulating atmosphere throughout the school
environment to encourage a wide range of language use. We endeavour to develop children’s
use of language across all subject areas.
Our Literacy lessons prove to be highly stimulating for our children. They consist of five
daily highly focused sessions which aim to teach children the range of skills required to
become competent and confident readers.
In addition to being taught to read and write, children are taught to read “between the lines”
and analyse texts, they are able to develop their grammar and punctuation skills.
The simple model of reading presented by the primary framework and delivered through
Literacy lessons is then used to stimulate successful writing.
Throughout the school, we place great emphasis on writing. Children have wonderful
imaginations and we aim to nurture this by engaging them in story writing, poetry, producing
newspaper reports on the computer and writing for a range of purposes and audiences. Much
of our early writing is developed though drama and role play. At all times, the children are
taught the conventions of writing, ie: punctuation, grammar and spelling. We employ a range
of teaching methods to help all our children.
We value all our children’s work and much of it is on display in the classroom and other parts
of the school.
All children are encouraged to read a wide range of books including fiction and non-fiction.
In conclusion, our purpose is to help children not only to enjoy and appreciate literature, but
to regard reading and writing as essential tools for life.
The daily Maths lesson involves the class being taught together for a high proportion of the
time, with oral and mental work featuring strongly in each lesson. Children throughout the
school are taught and supported in Guided Maths Groups according to their individual needs.
The overall aim is to produce in our children a proficiency with numbers and measures, and
an ability to undertake a range of problem-solving tasks in a variety of contexts.
Much of the work in the Key Stage 1 classes is of a practical nature. The children explore
new mathematical concepts through concrete experiences.
The teaching of Science helps children to understand and investigate aspects of the natural
and physical world. It actively encourages a child’s natural curiosity for discovery and
provides every opportunity for the testing of and experimentation with ideas.
Foundation Subjects
Young children begin to learn about History by looking at their own lives and
comparing them to their parents’ and grandparents’ lives. To further their
investigations, books, photos and artefacts from earlier times are examined and
comparisons made. Historic stories, legends and folk tales add to their knowledge.
The language of passing time is an important feature in their studies.
The children in Key Stage 2 study defined periods of history, as laid down in the
National Curriculum. There is much emphasis on developing investigative skills and
understanding change. Source materials are examined through loans from, and visits
to, libraries and museums.
Our children are given the opportunity to learn about their local environment and how
it affects people’s lives. They learn how to communicate information using pictures,
drawings, simple diagrams and maps. They develop an awareness of seasons and
changes in weather, conditions of plant growth, animals’ lives and people’s activities.
They study aspects of life in their local area; another area of Britain, and a defined
area abroad. They use a variety of maps, including large-scale local maps and aerial
photos of the region and learn the techniques of map interpretation. Above all, we
encourage them to consider people’s lives and experiences in different groups,
cultures and areas and to think carefully about our responsibilities to the world we live
We also have a trampoline coach who comes into school.
Physical Education
The children enjoy a range of indoor and outdoor games, athletics, gymnastics and
Year 4 children take part in swimming lessons at the Canons Leisure Centre.
We endeavour to provide each child with a sense of achievement, enjoyment,
exercise, and an awareness of others. The children will learn the importance of
exercise and learn to work as a team while participating in games with a framework of
We have excellent Music facilities with a wide range of instruments.
Our school aims to ensure that our pupils are all given the opportunity to engage in
various musical activities, which involve performing, listening, appreciating and
composing, in line with the National Curriculum.
Music gives children the opportunity to come together socially and to develop an
awareness and sensitivity to each other when practising and performing together.
Young children clearly delight in expressing their ideas and observations through art.
We aim to enrich this innate ability by fostering in children an understanding of the
various forms of art through different cultures, contexts and times; by enabling the
children to work practically and imaginatively with a range of appropriately selected
materials and tools in both 2 and 3D; by encouraging them to review and modify their
work as it progresses, and by enabling them to observe and record, form ideas and
develop themes, through direct experience, observation and imagination. The visual
awareness that this work stimulates provides an invaluable opportunity for all children
to observe critically the work around them, and to develop keen aesthetic awareness.
Children quickly develop ICT capability and use computers as part of their learning.
Keyboard skills, word processing, data handling, graphics, control technology and
simulations are all introduced.
Each class has weekly access to our ICT Suite for ICT skills sessions, and the facility
is also available for cross-curricular work. All the computers in our suite have
protected internet access. Additionally, computers are being introduced into
classrooms, along with a wide range of software, resources and Integrated Learning
Through technology, children learn a process of developing ideas, planning, making
and evaluating their work, which can be applied to all areas of the curriculum.
A wide range of materials, such as textiles, paint, paper & card, plastic, wood, clay
and food can be used during this process.
Technology skills are applied during practical tasks which often have a crosscurricular theme.
Religious Education
We aim to provide a caring, Christian community in which each pupil may come to a deeper
knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith and the way in which it seeks to express the
significance of human life. In partnership with the home and parish, we strive to accompany our pupils
as they travel on their faith journey. We believe that the relationship with God should be deepened
simply and naturally through the elements of prayer and worship which should be woven into the life
of the class, the whole school and the community. God reveals Himself in the whole of His creation.
Therefore, we believe that He not only reveals Himself in the religious programme of our school but
acknowledge that He is revealed through the whole curriculum.
We follow the religious programme for primary schools ‘Here I am’. Central to the programme are
three basic human questions and three Christian beliefs that are the Church’s response in faith.
Life – Creation
Dignity – Incarnation
Purpose – Redemption
Where do I come from?
Who am I?
Why am I here?
A sevenfold process helps the children come to know and understand the teaching and tradition of the
Recognising, Reflecting, Respecting
Children explore their life experience to
discover value and significance.
They hear and gradually come to
understand the Christian message.
They celebrate their understanding
They bring it to mind and express it in a formal way.
They reinforce and record it
Our school approach requires the whole school to explore each topic at the same time following a four
year cycle, A-D. In the Autumn Term and in either the Spring or Summer Term, whichever is the
longer, two weeks are given to the exploration of two other faiths.
Prayer and Worship
We seek to make prayer, worship and liturgy real educational experiences and to contribute
successfully to the development of the Faith of each individual in the school community.
Whole school assemblies are held twice weekly, when we meet as a school to celebrate achievements
and events, pray together and reflect on aspects of our faith journey. Each Key Stage has a weekly
assembly which usually centres around the topics being studied in “Here I Am”. A short, class based
act of worship is held daily.
The liturgical seasons are marked by appropriate Services and Masses are held in school on special
occasions. Each Year Group is responsible for celebrating a themed Mass at St Peter and St Paul
Church. Parents are welcome to join us for Mass on those days.
Our Priests
We are fortunate to have the support of our parish priests.
Rev Fr Lucas Rodrigues
Rev Fr John Mulligan
Rev Fr Jan Bak
Rev Fr John McGrory
St Peter and St Paul’s
St Teresa’s
St Michael’s
St Joseph’s
Our priests assist us in our work with the pupils in many ways. They celebrate mass with us, visit the
pupils in class, participate in Lenten and Advent Services and Reconciliation Events.
The school currently offers French throughout Key Stage 2.
A foreign language is a foundation subject of the National Curriculum and early
immersion in French is an enjoyable, stimulating experience for our pupils. It
provides a sound foundation for future learning.
We adopt a communicative and active approach. Pupils learn to communicate in
French by being given a range of tasks with a real purpose. In addition to developing
the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, pupils are encouraged to develop
the following: language learning skills and language awareness, cultural awareness
and personal skills which increase their self-confidence and ability to work with
The emphasis is firmly on oral work and practical activities which make the learning
of French fun and accessible to all our pupils. Language games, mimes, role plays,
music and song are some of the activities with which we motivate and challenge our
young pupils. Successful language learning can greatly contribute to a pupil’s selfesteem and improved confidence often transfers to other areas of the curriculum.
Le francais……………………..c’est super!
Children with Special Educational Needs
When a child enters the school parents can discuss any difficulties, special needs or
anxieties with the Headteacher. Every child’s progress and development is monitored
to ensure that those having difficulties in any area of learning are catered for as early
as possible and in the most appropriate manner.
The school aims to help those children who have not achieved their full potential and
to stretch and extend the development of those who are capable of greater
achievement. Some of this work takes place in smaller groups and sometimes on a
one to one basis.
Parent/Teacher Consultation
We hold parent/teacher consultations each term. The meeting in the Autumn term
aims to discuss how your child has settled in to his/her new class, the Spring term
meeting gives you the opportunity to discuss your child’s work and progress and in
the Summer Term you will be given the opportunity to consult with the teacher
regarding the end of year report. These consultations offer you timed appointments to
speak privately with your child’s class teacher. If you have any concerns at any time
you are welcome to make an appointment to see the class teacher.
Careful records are kept of children’s progress including samples of work. These are
used to monitor and evaluate progress across the curriculum. Parents will be
informed of their child’s progress according to the National Curriculum guidelines.
Each child has a written report in the Summer Term.
School Dinners
Dinner monies must be paid to the School Office on Monday morning; alternatively
dinner money may be paid termly or half termly if preferred. Money should be in a
sealed envelope clearly marked with the child’s name, class and the amount enclosed.
Healthy Eating
In line with our healthy eating policy, only fruit is permitted as a breaktime snack.
Crisps, biscuits, sweets and chocolate are not allowed. Chewing gum is strictly
forbidden and should not be brought into school at any time.
Accidents & First Aid
Parents are contacted when children are unwell and need to be picked up or have head
injuries. Please ensure that we have up to date emergency contact numbers. If a child
is suffering from diarrhoea or sickness, please keep him/her at home for 48 hours after
the symptoms have cleared to minimise risk of infection to others.
We are not permitted to administer medicines.
Children are not allowed to bring money, toys or valuables (including mobile phones)
into school.
Parental Contributions – Voluntary Aided schools
As a voluntary aided school, we are financially responsible for part of the cost of
maintaining the school. This means that in common with all Catholic schools, we are
required to ask parents for a contribution towards this. At St Thomas of Canterbury
we ask for an annual contribution of £10.00 per family, payable in the Autumn Term.