A LAND SURFACE MODEL HIND-CAST FOR THE TERRESTRIAL ARCTIC DRAINAGE SYSTEM Mark C. Serreze, Martyn P. Clark and Andrew G. Slater Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado, Boulder Dennis Lettenmaier Department of Civil Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle Jeff Key (Steven A. Ackerman) Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison LAND SURFACE MODELS (LSMs) LSMs address interactions between the land surface, atmosphere and underlying surface. Typical Application Time series of basic variables (generally downwelling shortwave and longwave radiation, precipitation, surface winds, humidity and air temperature) represent model forcings. The model ingests these forcings and generates output state variables and fluxes, including soil moisture, soil temperature, snow water equivalent, latent and sensible heat fluxes, and upward shortwave and longwave radiation. An attraction of LSMs is that the derived variables typically are sparsely observed. Key Issue The outputs are only as good as the inputs and the model physics. OBJECTIVES 1) Assemble the highest possible quality surface forcing data sets over the Arctic land area (precipitation, surface air temperature, downward solar and longwave radiation, surface wind and relative humidity) sufficient to resolve the diurnal cycle over a 20 + year period. Use station data (temperature precipitation), satellite-derived radiation fluxes (from APP-x) and ERA-40 reanalysis (winds, low-level humidity). Get the diurnal cycle using ERA-40 as a "template" to assure the best possible physical consistency between fields. 2) Run a suite of "pre-qualified" LSMs to simulate a multi-model ensemble of land surface fluxes and state variables. Five different LSMs will be used, which have been tested for Arctic applications under the PILPS Experiment 2e. Start with a control run for each model, using the best estimates of the forcing variables. Then develop a set of ensemble inputs (e.g., 10) by randomly adding error to each of the LSM driving variables, and run each model with the perturbed inputs. By using ensemble input to drive multiple LSMs, the uncertainty in the driving fields as well as model physics will be captured as they influence the model outputs. The multi-model ensemble average for each output variable should be superior to the values provided by a single run with any one LSM. 3)Route the simulated runoff over all land areas draining to the Arctic Ocean and Hudson Bay, and diagnose interseasonal and interannual variability in the freshwater land fluxes 4) Using the multi-model ensemble approach, test sensitivity of runoff generation over a range of spatial scales, moisture recycling, and the dynamics of surface and subsurface moisture storage to changes in the climate forcings (especially precipitation and temperature), and land cover. "VALUE ADDED" OBJECTIVES 1) Extend the multi-model ensemble approach to include assimilation of snow cover properties. The goal is to develop a snow cover analysis scheme, adjusting the first guess LSM snow extent, water equivalent and albedo fields through assimilation of station observations and satellite data. 2) Migrate the approach to provide for real-time monitoring of the Arctic terrestrial drainage. LINKAGES The project links closely with RIMS and E-RIMS (e.g., uses the same basic land mask to foster intercomparisons). Both the model inputs and outputs should be valuable for other studies. SELECTED LSMs Community Land Model (CLM): Developed for application within the NCAR Community Climate System Model. CLM is, in some respects, the successor to the widely used Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS). The physics package includes a multi layer snow model and a 10-layer soil model with explicit frozen soil moisture and surface heterogeneity handled via a mosaic approach. CLM did not participate in PILPS-2e, however some PILPS-2e runs were made by NASAs Hydrological Sciences Branch at GSFC. Dr. Zong-Liang (University of Texas) has run CLM through the entire set of PILPS-2e experiments. Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS): Was designed with cold land processes in mind and was perhaps the first to incorporate a separate snow layer. Has been the target of an extensive development activity by the GEWEX MAGS group. It features a 3 layer soil model that explicitly represents soil freezing and surface ponding. VIC (Variable Infiltration Capacity Model): Developed to produce realistic runoff and streamflow via parameterizations of subgrid soil moisture variability and spatial variability in precipitation forcings and land cover variability. New parameterizations have been developed to represent processes such as sublimation and snow redistribution, lakes and wetlands, and ephemeral and permanent soil freezing. SELECTED LSMs (CONTINUED) CHASM: Contains options that allow it to utilize a range of hydrologic parameterizations and surface energy balance configurations. In it's simplest form, CHASM collapses to the BUCKET model, while in it's most complex mode it has a grouped mosaic structure with separate energy balance for each tile and with explicit treatment of transpiration, bare ground evaporation and canopy interception. ECMWF: A tiled (mosaic) version of the land surface scheme designed for operational use within the ECMWF forecast model (also the basis for ERA-40). The tiled version yielded a major improvement for the simulation of snow in boreal forest areas. We will utilize a modified version that includes: a) parameterizations of runoff dependence on subgrid soil moisture; b) surface roughness dependence on snow depth; c) modifications to the aging of snow albedo; d) modification of soil hydraulic equations.