Maryland State Archives Lecture Series--SURVEY

RESULTS of 15 filled out surveys out of 15 in attendance
How did you learn about the lecture by Allison, Alex, and Tanner who presented on date May 18th on
the topic of Know Your Rights: Lost Slaves, Proving Freedom, and Earning Pensions in 19th Century
a) Maryland State Archives-website (5)
b) Maryland State Archives- flyer in building
c) Email Announcement from Dan Ramirez (1)
d) Marylib Listserv Announcement (1)
e) Promotion at Library/ Historical Society/Cultural Heritage Institution/Museum (Please state the name
of the institution if possible)
f) Annapolis Capitol Newspaper- PRINT edition
g) Annapolis Capitol Newspaper-Online Calendar edition
h) Patch.Com Online Calendar (Please state which Patch.Com Paper’s website you used)
i) Newspaper Ad- Please state the name of the paper (2)
j) Other- Please Comment and Explain (5)
-Emily and Jen on Facebook
-Washington Post, list of events
-Star Democrat , Easton, MD
-friend emailed information
-Capital News
-From announcement at earlier Archives lectures
-Walk-in for other research
rate your experience making a reservation for this lecture.
Excellent (9)
Good (4)
Other/Comments please explain (2)
rate your experience using the lecture room at the Maryland State Archives.
Excellent (9)
Good (4)
Other/Comments please explain
What motivated you to attend this particular lecture?
-General education on the topic
-my own work, ties into these topics
-Gain information on slave research
-Interested in the topic and connection to
Queen Anne's County
-I am doing African American research in
Talbot County
Please rate the presenter
a) Prepared (3)
b) Knowledgeable about the Topic (2)
c) Both a and b (11)
d) Not Prepared
e) Unfamiliar with the Topic
f) Both d and e
g) Other/Comments please explain
Turn over to page 2...
-Additional source of research
-To learn more about slavery in MD
-The need to know
-Saw an earlier version at Queen Anne's
County Library, interested in the topic
After attending the lecture please state the influence the talk had on you
Learned a Lot (12)
Learned a Little (3)
Learned Nothing New
Other/Comments Explain
What did you like about the lecture?
-Great visual effects, especially of Robert Riley
-These presenters know their stuff, It's a difficult topic
-Very informative
-Good research background
-Mentioned Descent and Petition for freedom Pension Packages
-Very impressed
-It was polished and interesting
-Knowledge of presenter
What did you not like about the lecture?
-Too short
-Speakers spoke too fast. Would love to have had a handout and bibliography
-Order of subjects (I was not interested in last presentation- I really understand)
Would you consider attending another lecture by this speaker?
a) Yes (15)
b) No
c) Comments
Would you recommend attending this speaker’s presentation to someone else?
a) Yes (15)
b) No
c) Comments -Is the powerpoint available at the website?
Given your overall experience attending the lecture here at the Maryland State Archives would you return
to attend another lecture by another speaker on a different topic?
a) Yes (15)
b) No
c) Comments Yes! Lecture on how to use the Archives resources more effectively
In the future it is possible that the Maryland State Archives may charge patrons fees to attend lectures.
The fees generated would allow the Maryland State Archives to pay its speakers honorariums to lecture. As
of now all speakers are donating their time. Under what circumstances would you be willing to pay fees to
attend a lecture?
Food would need to be provided
The speaker would have to be impressive (2)
The lecture would have to be longer than two hours
I would need a precise fee dollar amount to answer the question (5)
A combination of a, b, c, and d (5)
I am only interested in attending free lectures (1)
-I appreciate free-but if up to $10, if it related directly to my research
-The speaker would have to present something of interest
-lecture needs to be more in-depth
-I would be willing to pay the fee to attend other lectures
-Future topics I would like would be: Methods: Documentation on Naturalization and Immigrants,
and Solving "Brick Wall" problems in Genealogy