PVM Fee Structure - Association for Challenge Course Technology

PVM Applicant Fee Structure
Association for Challenge Course Technology
PO Box 47 Deerfield, IL 60015, USA
Phone: 800-991-0286 | Fax: 800-991-0287
The following policy is hereby adopted for the PVM accreditation process. This policy and time line
also applies to PVM’s accredited as Installation & Inspection Only; Training Only; or Training &
Certification Only vendors seeking accreditation for additional service areas (e.g. Installation &
Inspection; Training; or Certification).
1. Preliminary Application: $200 (12 month expiration from date of receipt)
The preliminary will be available on-line for no cost. Preliminary Application fees are due
once the application is received by the PSM.
2. PVM Application – issue: $200 (12 month expiration from date of issue)
Once the preliminary application has been approved, the company will be notified they
are eligible for the “official” PVM Application. The application will be sent upon receipt of
a $200 payment to ACCT. The applicant has a maximum of 12 months to submit their
completed application to the Review Committee before expiration. When the
application is turned into the PSM an additional fee (per service area) will be required.
3. PVM Application – submission / document review: $300 per service area* (12 month expiration
from date of receipt)
When the application is submitted to the Review Committee, applicants will include
processing fees under the following structure:
o Installation & Inspection Only = $300.00
o Training Only = $300.00
o Full Service (Installation, Inspection & Training) = $600.00
4. PVM Application - site visit: Once the application has been reviewed and accepted by the
Review Committee, they will assign a Review Team to conduct a site visit of the applicant.
The applicant will be notified that they have 12 months to schedule and complete the
site visit. Prior to scheduling the site visit, applicants will be required to submit a site visit
payment to ACCT under the following fee structure:
o $1500 One-day (plus travel & expenses)
o $ 2700 Two-day “Full Service” (plus travel & expenses)
5. Certification Application Fee: $200 per level ($600 for all levels)
 PVM’s accredited for Training services may apply within one year of receiving their initial
accreditation for Certification services. When the application is submitted to the Review
Committee, applicants will include processing fees under the following structure:
o Level 1 = $200.00
PVM Applicant Fee Structure
Association for Challenge Course Technology
PO Box 47 Deerfield, IL 60015, USA
Phone: 800-991-0286 | Fax: 800-991-0287
o Level 2 = $200.00
o CCM = $200.00
6. Certification – site visit: PVM’s are not assessed site visit fees (outside of review team travel
expenses) for re-review or initial certification site visits.
* Certification may not be applied for until training has been accredited.