SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Decline in top predator body size and changing climate alter trophic structure in an oceanic ecosystem Nancy L. Shackell 1*, Kenneth T. Frank1, Jonathan A. D. Fisher1,2, Brian Petrie1 and William C. Leggett2 1 Ocean Sciences Division, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, PO Box 1006, Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4A2, Canada 2 Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada * To whom correspondence should be addressed E-mail: Data Supplement Files in this Data Supplement: (a) Research Vessel Survey Sampling Methodology, (b) CPR survey, (c) Top Predator Size Methodology, (d) Table S1 provides the common and scientific name of fish species within functional groups and their associated % contributions to total biomass from 1970-2008, (e) Table S2 provides summary of final models exploring the effect of lagging predictors and (f) Effect of size on burst speed swimming. Figure S1 shows the study area. Figure S2 shows time series of standardized anomalies of the response and independent variables. Figure S3 shows the diagnostic plots of model summarized in Table 1 of main text. Figure S4 shows the annual cumulative commercial catch at length for NAFO Div. 4X haddock (black line) versus the cumulative summer RV survey catch at length for selected years. 1 (a) Research Vessel Survey Sampling Methodology The RV survey uses a stratified random sampling design comprised of forty-eight strata, defined by geographic location and depth. Samples (tows) are allocated to each stratum in proportion to area. Each set consists of the deployment of a standard, Western IIA bottom trawl with a 19 mm cod-end liner, towed at a constant speed of 3.5 knots for approximately 30 minutes. The swept area of one set is equal to 0.04 km2. The survey is conducted around the clock, randomly within strata and among years. Our analysis is restricted to offshore shelf waters of the western Scotian Shelf in NAFO (Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization) Division 4X (figure S1). Thirteen RV survey strata were pooled within this area for the analyses. This area includes the primary spawning and nursery area for the majority of the groundfish species evaluated in this study (Shackell & Frank 2000) and it has been the principal location of mobile gear fishing (and associated landings) in the region. (b) CPR survey The Continuous Plankton Recorder survey has been conducted by ships of opportunity at a nominal sampling interval of 1 month since 1961 and uses a high-speed plankton net to sample the surface abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton ( We used data from the geographic area overlapping the western Scotian Shelf as provided to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada. The available data are not continuous, and there is a gap from 1974 to 1990. All data from the CPR were processed to account for seasonality and expressed as counts per sample. We omitted years when less than 5 months had been sampled. For those years with a sufficient minimum number of months (>5), we used the average of the preceding and 2 following months, following Head & Sameoto (2007) to impute missing values. In the event of two adjacent missing months, we used the long-term monthly average. We calculated an annual index by taking the average of all months within a year. Thus, the annual signals were comparable across years. (c) Top Predator Size To build a community-level indicator of fish size, we used several sources of information (i) mean mass and mean length were derived from weight-at-length-frequency distributions, and (ii) growth rate as indexed by length and mass at age 6 were derived from length-at age distributions. To create a composite index, we calculated average anomalies, weighted by species biomass, within functional groups for all size indices and then calculated the annual average anomaly of all size indices as an index of annual top predator size. The average anomaly of top predator size represents the aggregate, community-level variability of size and growth. (i) Mean length and mean mass: Body size data were derived from RV survey annual abundance at length frequency distributions. Length frequency distributions, and weight/length relationships were available for most fish species, but not for plankton or macroinvertebrates. Body size of small benthivores was not estimated. Abundances in each length class (>18cm) were converted to weight by using species-specific annual weight/length regression coefficients, estimated from the RV survey data. When annual species-specific estimates of the weight/length coefficients were missing, the average value for adjacent years was used. For each functional group, species weights (or numbers) were pooled into length classes to create functional group weight-at-length or numbers–at-length frequency distributions. Annual average mean weight was calculated 3 as the biomass-weighted average mean weight of all length classes. Annual average mean length was calculated as biomass-weighted average mean length of all length classes. (ii) Growth: Gadus morhua (cod), Melanogrammus aeglefinus (haddock), Pollachius virens (pollock) and Merluccius bilinearis (silver hake) have been consistently aged each year of the RV survey, enabling growth rate (size-at-age) to be calculated. References 1. Shackell, N. L. & Frank, K. T. 2000 Larval fish diversity on the Scotian Shelf. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 57, 1747–1760. 2. Head, E. J. H. & Sameoto, D. D. 2007 Inter-decadal variability in zooplankton and phytoplankton abundance on the Newfoundland and Scotian shelves. DeepSea Res. II 54, 2686-2701. (d) Table S1. Common and scientific name of fish species within six functional groups and their % contributions to functional group biomass and total finfish biomass from 1970-2008. Values less than 0.009 % depicted as 0.00. Common name Scientific name % of %of Group Total biomass biomass Large Benthivore haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus 86.35 20.53 thorny skate Amblyraja radiata 4.64 1.10 American plaice Hippoglossoides platessoides 3.68 0.87 4 Atlantic wolffish Anarhichas lupus 3.37 0.80 winter skate Leucoraja ocellata 0.95 0.23 barndoor skate Dipturus laevis 0.80 0.19 ocean pout Zoarces americanus 0.11 0.03 Northern hagfish Myxine glutinosa 0.08 0.02 wrymouth Cryptacanthodes maculatus 0.03 0.01 witch flounder Glyptocephalus cynoglossus 29.62 0.47 winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus 25.83 0.41 yellowtail flounder Limanda ferruginea 25.56 0.40 little skate Leucoraja erinacea 11.04 0.17 smooth skate Malacoraja senta 7.96 0.13 spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias 42.39 15.56 pollock Pollachius virens 30.73 11.28 cod Gadus morhua 13.80 5.07 white hake Urophycis tenuis 5.91 2.17 cusk Brosme brosme 2.83 1.04 monkfish Lophius americanus 2.42 0.89 halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus 1.39 0.51 sea raven Hemitripterus americanus 0.51 0.19 turbot Reinhardtius hippoglossoides 0.02 0.01 Medium Benthivore Piscivore Zoopiscivore redfish Sebastes sp. 80.66 25.28 silver hake Merluccius bilinearis 17.15 5.38 Red hake Urophycis chuss 1.76 0.55 long-fin hake Phycis chesteri 0.22 0.07 offshore hake Merluccius albidus 0.21 0.06 Planktivore 5 Atlantic herring Clupea harengus 64.08 3.87 Atlantic argentine Argentina silus 30.95 1.87 Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus 4.70 0.28 alewife Alosa pseudoharengus 0.12 0.01 butterfish Peprilus triacanthus 0.09 0.01 Northern sand lance Ammodytes dubius 0.05 0.00 Atlantic saury Scomberesox saurus 0.00 0.00 Small Benthivore longhorn sculpin Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus 47.07 0.26 blackbelly rosefish Helicolenus dactylopterus 27.81 0.15 lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus 15.41 0.09 American shad Alosa sapidissima 4.23 0.02 fourspot flounder Hippoglossina oblonga 3.82 0.02 marlin-spike grenadier Nezumia bairdii 0.84 0.00 mailed sculpin Triglops murrayi 0.43 0.00 fourbeard rockling Enchelyopus cimbrius 0.18 0.00 longnose greeneye Parasudis truculenta 0.14 0.00 Gulf stream flounder Citharichthys arctifrons 0.07 0.00 alligatorfish Aspidophoroides monopterygius 0.00 0.00 arctic hookear sculpin Artediellus uncinatus 0.00 0.00 Atlantic spiny lumpsucker Eumicrotremus spinosus 0.00 0.00 snake blenny Lumpenus lampretaeformis 0.00 0.00 shortnose greeneye Chlorophthalmus agassizi 0.00 0.00 radiated shanny Ulvaria subbifurcata 0.00 0.00 Atlantic soft pout Melanostigma atlanticum 0.00 0.00 Atlantic hookear sculpin Artediellus atlanticus 0.00 0.00 (e) Table S2. Results of final lagged models of changes in aggregate prey biomass as a function of lagged predator biomass, predator size, SST and stratification linear regressions. Final 6 models were selected by examining the marginal sums-of -squares (SS) and the use of Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC ) in stepwise regressions as a guide to which variables could be dropped from the model. Predator biomass and SST were dropped from each model. Predictors, slopes, slope standard errors (SE), probability of slope not =0 (Prob), and adjusted R2 values are indicated. The Marginal Sums of Squares (SS) reflect the SS accounted for by each independent variable after all other terms have been accounted for. The variance inflation factor (VIF) reflects how the magnitude of variance is inflated due to correlated independent variables; The Corr of errors refers to the temporal correlation of residuals from the model at lag 1, and the Durbin Watson statistic (D-W) represents a test of whether that autocorrelation significantly different from 0. The boot-stapped probability-value is in parentheses. Lag Predictor 0 1 2 3 4 Intercept TopPredSize Stratification Residual SE/SS DF Intercept TopPredSize Stratification Residual SE/SS on df Intercept TopPredSize Stratification Residual SE/SS DF Intercept TopPredSize Stratification Residual SE/SS DF Intercept TopPredSize Stratification Slope -0.16 -0.84 0.39 0.59 Marginal SS SE 0.10 0.14 0.10 12.90 5.26 12.02 Pr 1.03E-01 5.25E-07 3.99E-04 Adj.R2 VIF Corr of Errors Lag1 D-W (Pr) 0.65 1.08 0.27 1.40 (0.04) 0.12 1.73(0.31) 0.35 1.12(0.002) 0.36 1.18(0.002) 35 -0.12 -0.81 0.37 0.66 0.11 0.16 0.11 10.99 4.66 14.73 2.86E-01 1.54E-05 2.41E-03 0.57 1.09 34 -0.11 -0.84 0.46 0.64 0.11 0.18 0.14 9.05 4.28 13.64 3.01E-01 4.72E-05 2.89E-03 0.60 1.21 33 -0.05 -0.77 0.51 0.64 0.11 0.19 0.17 6.55 3.69 13.01 6.74E-01 3.37E-04 5.05E-03 0.58 1.34 32 0.00 -0.73 0.54 0.12 0.22 0.21 4.87 2.73 9.77E-01 2.20E-03 1.80E-02 0.54 1.51 7 Residual SE/SS on df 0.66 31 13.55 0.37 1.19(0.002) (f) Effect of size on burst speed swimming To examine the effect of size reduction on predator abilities, we used information compiled on FishBase ( the_swimming_and_speed_tables.htm). From their Fig. 53, we estimated the relationship between burst swimming speed (swimming that could be maintained for a few seconds only but important for capturing prey) and body length. Using the size range applicable to our data set (18cm-112cm), the linear equation was Log (Burst Speed cm/s) = 1.68*Log (Length (cm)) +0.84; R2=0.53. Supplementary Figure Legend Figure S1. Scotian Shelf, Northwest Atlantic. Shaded area outlines the western Scotian Shelf study area. Figure S2. Time series of standardized anomalies of Prey biomass (Prey_BM), Predator size (Pred_Size), Stratification, Sea surface temperature (SST) and Predator biomass (Pred_BM). Lines are 3-yr running means. Plots are presented in 2 panels for clarity. Legends are inset. Figure S3. Diagnostic plots of model described in Table 1 (main text). Figure S4. Annual cumulative commercial catch at length for NAFO Div. 4X haddock (line on left) versus the cumulative summer RV survey catch at length (line on right) for selected years. The difference between the curves illustrates the difference between what is caught by the fishing industry and by the RV survey. Before 1990, the fishery caught 8 fish that were up to 8 cm larger than what was available, this value rose to 25 cm in 1995. Note how the shape of the curve of the RV survey changes over time, reflecting a proportional loss of larger fish. Fig S1 9 Fig S2 10 Fig S3 11 Fig S4 12