PROJECT BG051PO001-7.0.07-0164-C0001 “Technologies for Independent Living and Social Inclusion" The project is realized with financialsupport of Operative Program “Development of Human Resources“, Co-financed from European Social Fund of European Union Invest in Your future! I N V I T A T I O N to participate in THIRD NATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION "ROBOTICS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING AND SOCIAL INCLUSION 2013" Organized in the frame of Activity 6-th "CONFERENCES AND EXHIBITIONS" of the project "TECHNOLOGIES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING AND SOCIAL INCLUSION" № BG051PO001-7.0.07-0164-C0001 November 29, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria Main Building of BAS - "15 November " str. № 1 T O P I C S: ♦ Technology for independent living and social inclusion ♦ Service Robots; ♦ Education Robots; ♦ Mobile Robots; ♦ Personal Robots; ♦ Recreational and Hobby Robotics; ♦ Control of robots; ♦ System Engineering; ♦ Sensors; ♦ Mechatronics; ♦ Bioengineering; ♦ Energy Systems and Devices; ♦ Alternative Energy; ♦ Information and Communication Technologies. WORK SCHEDULE: 10:00 to 10:30 Opening Of The Third National Conference On Robotics And Intelligent Systems For Independent Living And Social Inclusion 10:30 to 11:00 Presentation of the project № BG051PO001-7.0.07-0164-C0001 "Technologies For Independent Living And Social Inclusion" Plenary Paper: Academician Chavdar Rumenin, Project Manager and Director of ISER-BAS 11:00 to 11:30 Opening of the Exhibition on Robotics and Intelligent Systems 11:30 to 12:00 Service Robots Robco, Assisting The Elderly And Persons With Disabilities - Plenary paper: Assoc. Prof. Nayden Chivarov, project’s expert 12:00 to 12:30 Status of Technical Aids that Are Available to People with Disabilities in Bulgaria Plenary paper: CJI 13:30 to 17:30 Scientific Papers (planned printing of conference papers) • Deadline for registration of participants: • Registration: • Opening of the conference: November 1st, 2013 November 29th, 2013 from 09:00 am November 29th, 2013 at 10:00 am PARTICIPATION IN CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITIONS IS FREE OF CHARGE! More information about the conference can be found at: Contact: Assoc. Prof. Nayden Chivarov, ISER-BAS;; Third National Conference "ROBOTICS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING AND SOCIAL INCLUSION 2013" is organized within the European Robotics Week. BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF SYSTEM ENGENERING AND ROBOTICS Bulgaria, Sofia 1113, ПК 79, “Acad.Georgi Bonchev”, bl.2 Теl: (+3592) 8732 614, (+3592) 8723 571, Fаx: (+3592) 8703361 PROJECT BG051PO001-7.0.07-0164-C0001 “Technologies for Independent Living and Social Inclusion" The project is realized with financialsupport of Operative Program “Development of Human Resources“, Co-financed from European Social Fund of European Union Invest in Your future! THIRD NATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION "ROBOTICS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING AND SOCIAL INCLUSION 2013" Organized in the frame of Activity 6-th "CONFERENCES AND EXHIBITIONS" of the project "TECHNOLOGIES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING AND SOCIAL INCLUSION" № BG051PO001-7.0.07-0164-C0001 November 29, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria Main Building of BAS - "15 November" str. № 1 CHAIR OF THE PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Acad. Chavdar Rumenin - Project Manager BG051PO001-7.0.07-0164-C0001 "Technology for independent living and social inclusion" and Director of ISER-BAS PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Prof. Sia Lozanova, project’s expert and Scientific Secretary of the ISER-BAS Prof. Maya Ignatova project’s expert and Vice- Director of ISER-BAS Assoc.Prof. Roman Zachariev, project’s expert and Vice-Director of ISER-BAS Assoc.Prof. Nedko Chivarov Specialist "Internal monitoring and evaluation of the project", ISER-BAS Dimitar Tsvetkov, project’s expert CIL Vanya Pandiev, project’s expert CIL CHAIR OF THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Assoc.Prof. Nayden Chivarov, expert project № BG051PO001-7.0.07-0164-C0001, ISER-BAS PARTICIPANTS PROJECT № BG051PO001-7.0.07-0164-C0001: Mag. Iveta Tsvetanova - Accountant of the project and ISER-BAS Mag. Antoaneta Nikolova – project’s coordinator, ISER-BAS Assoc.Prof. Velislava Lyubenova, project’s expert ISER-BAS Assoc.Prof. Ivan Chavdarov, project’s expert ISER-BAS Ch. Prof. August Ivanov, project’s expert ISER-BAS Dr. Nina Valchkova, Coordinator on the project, ISER-BAS Nina Zhisheva, project’s expert CIL Third National Conference "ROBOTICS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING AND SOCIAL INCLUSION 2013" is organized within the European "Week of Robotics." BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF SYSTEM ENGENERING AND ROBOTICS Bulgaria, Sofia 1113, ПК 79, “Acad.Georgi Bonchev”, bl.2 Теl: (+3592) 8732 614, (+3592) 8723 571, Fаx: (+3592) 8703361