Ringwood Activities Area Residential Parking Permit Policy

The aim of the Ringwood Activities Area Parking Permit Policy is to provide guidance for the
implementation of a resident and visitor parking permit scheme, and for guidance on who is
entitled to a parking permit, in what areas and under what provision.
In accordance with the Road Management Act 2004, Council has the power to manage the
use of roads having regard to the principle that the primary purpose of a road is to be used
by members of the public and that other uses are to be managed in a manner which
minimises any adverse effect on the safe and efficient operation of the road and on the
In August 2004, the Victorian Government designated Ringwood as a priority Transit City.
Subsequently, in December 2008 the Premier and Minister for Planning in Victoria released
the Melbourne @ 5 Million report which provides policy initiatives that are complementary to
the directions of Melbourne 2030 and builds on the achievements of the Transit Cities
The scale of growth now anticipated in Melbourne suggests a need for six designated
Principle Activity Centres to be reclassified as Central Activities Areas (previously known as
Central Activities Districts). Ringwood, which was previously part of the Transit Cities
Program, has now been designated as one of six Central Activities Areas.
The supply and management of parking within the Ringwood Activities Area has an important
role to play in providing significant opportunities for housing redevelopment in and around the
Ringwood Activities Area and nurturing a strong and diverse retail sector.
Parking cannot be viewed as a stand-alone issue but needs to become a key aspect of both
transport and land use planning for the Ringwood Activities Area. This integrated approach
will ensure Maroondah City Council can promote and support:
Lifestyles that are less car dependent;
Transport provision that is more socially inclusive;
Development that is more sustainable in terms of energy and pollution; and
Settlements that are more attractive and user-friendly.
The Maroondah City Council Ringwood CAD Parking Strategy (2009) was undertaken with a
view to formulating a range of policies and actions that would address the future parking
needs of residents and visitors to Ringwood Activities Area.
The development of the Ringwood Activities Area will see an increase in the density, an
expansion of the built environment and an intensification in the level of activity through the
area in general. With more people living and working in central Ringwood there is likely to be
a resulting increase in parking demand both within the Ringwood Activities Area boundary
and surrounding residential environs.
As Ringwood develops, the Activities Area will progressively incorporate higher density
development in land abutting the road network which will likely result in an increase in
demand for on-street parking. Furthermore, the adoption of Central Activities Areas style
parking rates will see developments supply less onsite parking within the Ringwood Activities
Area than other areas, in order to encourage alternative modes of transport in line with the
principles of the Central Activities Area, further increasing demand for on-street parking.
As an example of the expected parking pressures, within the northwestern residential
precinct of the Ringwood Activities Area there are approximately 150 on-street car spaces
available. Future growth modelling of the northwestern residential area, based on current
typical parking generation rates indicates a total demand for parking of approximately 2,000
spaces. Residential development is expected to cater for approximately 1,500 of these
parking spaces, whilst there is on-street provision for approximately 150 spaces. This leaves
a shortfall of approximately 350 parking spaces within the northwestern residential area.
This shortfall needs to be managed with appropriate controls that encourage the use of
alternative modes of transport and lower car dependency.
As such, in residential streets that are shown to be impacted from overspill parking Council
will ensure that residents in single house dwellings and visitors are provided with priority
parking in line with the principles of Central Activities Areas.
This policy will facilitate the implementation of a resident and visitor parking permit scheme,
and provide guidance on who is entitled to a parking permit, in what areas and under what
The Ringwood Activities Area features a diverse mixture of retail, office and residential land
uses as shown in Figure 1 below. The Ringwood Activities Area is irregular in shape and
bounded by the Ringwood Bypass to the north, Eastlink to the west and Maroondah Highway
to the south and east.
Figure 1 – Ringwood Activities Area
Additionally, residential streets surrounding the Ringwood Activities Area that currently
experience overspill parking from Ringwood Activities Area generated non-residential uses
will have access to parking permits schemes. These residential streets are not shown
included Figure 1, however they include:
James Street, Ringwood;
Kendall Street, Ringwood;
Pitt Street, Ringwood;
Wilana Street, Ringwood;
Greenwood Avenue, Ringwood;
Thanet Court, Ringwood;
Albert Street, Ringwood;
Hillcrest Avenue, Ringwood; and
Mary Street, Ringwood.
Other residential streets may be considered as required under the Ringwood Activities Area
Residential Parking Permit Policy, if they experience related parking overspill.
“Parking permit” – a sticker or voucher issued by Maroondah Council to be placed inside the
car entitling the vehicle to park in accordance with the road rules in a time restricted area
longer than the parking time restriction sign otherwise permits
“Resident” – one who resides in a particular place permanently or for an extended period of
time, i.e. greater than 6 months
“Visitor” – one who visits a particular place where he/she does not reside permanently
“Authorised Officer” - means a person appointed by Council to be an Authorised Officer
under Section 224 of the Local Government Act 1989
“Council” - means Maroondah City Council
“Local Law” - means a local law of Maroondah City Council
“CPI” – means Consumer Price Index
“Single dwelling” – A residential address that includes only one dwelling on the property (this
does not include units, townhouses, apartments etc) i.e. has not been subdivided
Road Management Plan (2009)
Maroondah City Council Ringwood CAD Parking Strategy Report (2009)
Maroondah City Council Ringwood CAD Parking Study (2009)
Maroondah Integrated Transport Strategy (2006)
Maroondah City Council Local Law No. 11 – General Local Law
Parking permits provide exemption from Parking Restrictions which apply on local Council
Roads for which they are issued, but do not provide exemption from restrictions that limit
parking to one hour or less, to ‘No Stopping’ or other such prohibited parking spaces or
areas, including clearways and other areas in which parking of vehicles is prohibited under
the Victorian Road Traffic Regulations.
Parking permits will be linked to specific areas surrounding the property for where the
parking permit is issued. The parking permit will contain specific area or street information
corresponding to information provided on parking signage giving guidance to where vehicles
with parking permits can park.
Subject to car ownership and the availability of onsite parking, resident parking permits will
only be available to residents residing at single house dwellings within the Ringwood
Activities Area (as shown in Figure 1), or in residential streets surrounding the area as
previously outlined. All residents within the Ringwood Activities Area will be entitled to
purchase visitor parking permits. Residents must provide proof of both permanent residency
within the Ringwood Activities Area and proof of vehicle ownership, as outlined below:
Proof of residency
The scheme’s proof of residency requirements ensures that resident parking permits
are only issued to those eligible residents that reside in the area.
Proof of vehicle ownership
The scheme’s proof of vehicle ownership requirements ensures that resident parking
permits are only issued to those eligible residents that own or use a vehicle that is
attached to a residential property within the Ringwood Activities Area.
Resident parking permits will be renewable in the month of June each year, and a letter will
be automatically sent to residents asking them to confirm if they still require a parking permit.
Visitor permit voucher booklets, consisting of eighteen (18) vouchers, will be available for
purchase by all residents within the Ringwood Activities Area. The visitor voucher booklets
will consist of 12 x 4-hour and 6 x daily parking permit vouchers. A maximum of 1 voucher
booklet will be issued per property per month. The vouchers will not feature an expiry date.
The Ringwood Activities Area Parking Permit Policy will be only applicable to Council streets
within the Ringwood Activities Area, and surrounding residential streets that experience
overflow as previously detailed.
The number of resident parking permits (maximum of 3), that a property may be eligible for is
related to the deficiency of onsite car parking, i.e. number of car spaces available within a
property versus the number of vehicles permanently associated to the property. This can be
determined by filling out the Ringwood Activities Area Resident Parking Permit Application
Form. The types of vehicles and car spaces to be included within the Parking Permit
Application Form are detailed below:
Availability of on-site parking within the specified property
This includes all constructed parking areas such as garages, car ports and driveways
within the property boundary regardless of use.
Number of vehicles attached to the property
Include all vehicles that are permanently associated to the property. Do not include
weekend visitors or carers.
The cost of a yearly resident parking permit will be based on a sliding scale. The sliding
price scale is designed to discourage the take-up of parking permits where not absolutely
necessary in recognition of the principles of Central Activities Areas, encouraging the use of
alternative modes of transport to and from Ringwood Activities Area resulting in overall lower
car dependency. This fee structure is consistent with other Melbourne Metropolitan
Municipalities that have a resident parking permit scheme.
A book of eighteen (18) visitor permit vouchers can be purchased when required.
The cost of both the resident parking permits and the visitor permit vouchers booklet are
detailed on the resident parking permit and visitor parking vouchers application forms which
are available on Council’s website.
The cost of all parking permits have been set in order to cover the additional administration
costs involved with introducing and managing a precinct-wide parking permit system. These
costs will be reviewed annually and increased as required with consideration to CPI.
It is anticipated that the parking permit scheme will be self-sufficient, drawing on little
additional resources through the implementation of a parking permit software application to
manage parking permit applications and mail outs. The cost of parking permits can be
increased yearly as required in order to cover any additional costs.
However, in accordance with the endorsed principles of the Ringwood CAD Parking Strategy
(2009), Council will monitor resources with a view to ensuring that appropriate levels of
enforcement are undertaken. Council will also consider the expansion of the Ringwood
Activities Area Parking Permit Scheme to surrounding residential streets which are shown to
experience over-spill parking from Ringwood Activities Area related developments.
Where parking permits are used contrary to any of the terms and conditions a parking
infringement notice may be issued and the parking permit may be cancelled.
Continued misuse of parking permits may also result in all parking permit privileges
for a residence being revoked;
Resident parking permits will only be available to residents occupying single house
dwellings within the Ringwood Activities Area;
Any parking permit that is obtained as the result of providing false or misleading
information will be cancelled and the parking permit holder will be ineligible to obtain
a parking permit for a period of 12 months. Any vehicle (s) for which the parking
permit is issued will also be ineligible for a parking permit for a period of 12 months;
Failure to display the parking permit on the vehicle so that all inscriptions are clearly
visible from the outside of the vehicle may result in a parking infringement notice
being issued;
Resident parking permits will expire at the end of the financial year as shown on the
parking permit. The parking permit is issued for a maximum of 12 months;
Visitor voucher parking permits will not expire;
Unregistered vehicles displaying a valid Maroondah City Council parking permit may
still be towed under Maroondah City Council’s current Local Law;
The issue of a parking permit will not guarantee the availability of a parking space to
the holder;
Resident parking permits, unless with written consent of an authorised Council officer,
may not be used for business or commercial purposes at any time;
Resident parking permits will only be available to residents residing at single house
dwellings, unless with written consent of both the Manager of Resident Services and
Manger Engineering & Infrastructure Services;
Resident parking permits are not available for trailers, boats or caravans;
Resident parking permits will not be issued to vehicles over 1.5 tonne and / or 7
metres in length
The loss of a resident parking permit must be reported to the Maroondah Council
Local Laws Unit as soon as practicably possible following the realisation of such loss;
If a resident parking permit holder changes the registration number of their vehicle,
Maroondah Council must be notified by filling out the ‘Change of Details Form’ and
including a copy of the new vehicle registration details;
If a resident parking permit holder moves out of the Ringwood Activities Area,
Maroondah Council must be notified in writing and the parking permit destroyed. If
the parking permit holder moves, but remains within the Ringwood Activities Area, the
parking permit holder must please fill out a ‘Change of Detail’s Form’ to update details
and verify continued eligibility for the Ringwood Activities Area parking permit
Resident parking permits must not be transferred or sold to another person;
Parking permits must not be duplicated in any way;
Once a parking permit is issued, the parking permit holder is not eligible for either a
full or partial refund;
Council reserves the right to withdraw Resident and Visitor Parking Permits at any
Maroondah Council will endeavour to process all parking permit applications within 10
working days of having been received;
Visitor parking vouchers will not be replaced if lost, misplaced or damaged;
If visitor parking vouchers are found to have been altered, reproduced or sold, the
residential property associated with the visitor parking voucher shall be excluded from
both the resident and visitor parking permit scheme for 12 months;
For the visitor parking vouchers to be valid, the date, time and vehicle registration
must be written in pen or permanent marker before the individual parking permit is
placed on the vehicle;
Council reserves the right to alter the parking permit fee for all parking permits;
The number and location of parking spaces may be varied by authorised Council
Officers or Victoria Police.
Manager Engineering & Infrastructure Services
Manager Resident Services
July 2012