Noise in op-amp (or any analogue) circuit/system Interference Noise (external) electric (capacitive), magnetic (inductive), conducted or radiated EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference) periodic, intermittent or random reduce by filtering, decoupling, guarding, shielding, etc Inherent Noise (internal) random resistors semiconductors Need to be able to detect the signal in the presence of noise (whatever the source) SNR signal-to-noise ratio SNR 20 log10 Vsignal rms Vnoise rms Becomes very important when dealing with lowlevel signals or with high resolution ADC or DAC Due to the random nature of noise, we deal with noise statistically The rms value of noise voltage en(t): 1 En T 2 en (t )dt t0 t0 T 1 2 Similarly, for noise current in(t), its rms value is In 2 2 E n and I n are the mean square values and may be regarded as the average noise power dissipated by the corresponding noise signal in a 1 resistor In some cases, we need to consider peak values E peak Define: Crest factor = En Epeak is statistically distributed but often it has a Gaussian or normal distribution in which case the crest factor is commonly regarded as 3 times the rms value or the peak-to-peak noise is 6 times the rms value Useful rule of thumb for estimating rms of noise from ‘scope display When combining noise voltage sources in series or noise current sources in parallel we ADD THE NOISE POWERS (provided they are uncorrelated) Noise spectra With any noise source, the (noise) power is spread over the whole frequency spectrum. Hence, it should be represented as en2 ( t,f ) and in2 ( t,f ) . Therefore: 1 En ( f ) T 2 e ( t , f ) dt n t0 t0 T 1 2 In general, one is only interested in the noise power over some frequency band It will depend on the width of the band and the position of the band within the whole spectrum The rate of change of noise power with frequency is known as noise power density en2 ( f dEn2 ( f ) ) df in2 ( f ) dI n2 ( f ) V2Hz1 and A2Hz1 df The quantities en ( f ) and in ( f ) are called voltage and current noise spectral densities [V/Hz and A/Hz ] Thus: 2 En [ f L , f H ] en ( f ) df fL fH 2 I n [ f L , f H ] in ( f ) df fL fH 1 1 2 2 rms White noise is noise that is evenly spread over the whole spectrum en (f) = constant, enw for white noise voltage in (f) = constant, inw for white noise current En enw I n inw fH fL fH fL Obviously, noise power is proportional to bandwidth of concern (or of measurement) 1/f Noise Power density varies as f 1 Kv2 e (f) f 2 n Ki2 i (f) f 2 n On log-log paper, the plots decrease @ 0.5 decade/decade rms noise voltage / current f En Kv ln H fL f I n Ki ln H fL 1 1 2 2 This noise is independent of the position in the frequency spectrum It depends only on the upper and lower frequencies in the bandwidth of interest Thus, it is the same for 1 Hz to 10 Hz as for 200 Hz to 2 kHz Also, the rms noise voltage for 400 Hz to 400 kHz (3 decades) is 3 times the rms noise voltage for, say, 50 Hz to 500 Hz (1 decade) Integrated Circuit (IC) Noise Mixture of white (predominant at HIGH Frequencies) and 1/f noise (predominant at LOW Frequencies) en Plotted on log-log paper Slope = 0.5 dec/dec (asymptote) enw fce Same type of graph for in f corner freq = fci en2 ( f ) 2 f ce enw 1 f 2 f ci in2 ( f ) inw 1 f f En enw f ce ln H f H f L fL f I n inw f ci ln H f H f L fL Noise Any Electonic/Electrical System 1 1 2 2 How much noise? We generally work (analytically and practically) in the frequency domain. eni (f) eno (f) G (jf) G (f) is any transfer function (e.g. Noise gain of amplifier, An (jf); or Filter: Z (jf) or Y (jf) ) and One could show noise current density in either I/P or O/P eno (f) = G (jf) eni (f) Total rms output noise (voltage) for an amplifier, say, over some band of interest (fL to fH) is: 2 2 Eno [ f L , f H ] An ( jf ) eni ( f )df fL fH 1 2 For example, white noise into an op-amp in Non-Inverting configuration with resistive feedback components: An ( jf ) Ano f 1 j fA and Ano 1 R2 R1 Without loss of generality, let Ano = 1 {Note: A passive Low Pass Filter (LPF) has Ao = 1} Total rms output noise (voltage) over entire spectrum is: 1 E no enw 2 df 0 f 1 f A 1 2 enw 157 . fA Compare with Eno enw f H for white noise without attenuation from fL ( = 0 ) to fH So the 1st order system behaves like an ideal “filter” with an equivalent bandwidth 1.57fA Known as: (white) Noise equivalent bandwidth : NEB Sources of Noise Thermal or Johnson Noise (in passive resistors): This is due to random thermal agitation in resistive material. This is present even when the resistor is unconnected Form of white noise Real resistor: R Model: eR R R (ideal, noiseless) The noise voltage/current source has power density: eR2 ( f ) 4kTR V2Hz1 4 kT or A2Hz1 R where k is Boltzmann’s constant and T is absolute temperature (K). R in iR2 ( f ) iR Shot noise Due to random nature of charges crossing potential barriers in diodes or transistors Form of white noise Modelled as a noise current source with power density: in2 ( f ) 2qI A2Hz1 where q is the electronic charge and I is the dc current through the barrier Flicker or 1/f noise: Ia K f Noise in Transistors: Number of junctions and bulk regions involved e.g. BJT C en Tr (ideal, noiseless) B in Real transistor E 1 en2 ( f ) 4 kT rb 2 gm I Ba IC i ( f ) 2q I B K1 2 f ( jf ) 2 n {These are given for illustration only} Similar models for JFETs and MOSFETs Noise in op-amps Model: Noiseless Op-amp inn en inp noise voltage generator of spectral density en 2 noise current generators of spectral densities inn and inp [uncorrelated but have the same form/expression] Example of calculation: The idea is to convert all noise sources into a single noise voltage source with a spectral density eni referred to an input. iR1 iR2 R1 R2 inn en inp iR3 R3 Must sum the mean squares (i.e. the spectral power densities) 2 en en iR3 and inp flow through R3 producing noise voltage with power density: 2 2 R32 inp i R2 3 R32inp 4 kTR3 Eno Similarly iR1 , iR2 and inp flow through R1 //R2 producing noise voltage with power density: 2 2 2 i R2 1 i R2 2 R1 / / R2 inn 4kT R1 / / R2 R1 / / R2 2 inn Manufacturer quotes in = inn = inp R1 or R3 or both will include resistances of input signal sources Define R = R1 //R2 and R+ = R3 eni en2 R2 2 R2 in2 4 kT R R 1 2 en is due to internal devices (I.C. noise) in is due to flow of bias currents (I.C. noise) 2 f ce 2 f ci en2 ( f ) enw 1 and in2 ( f ) inw 1 f f The term 4kT R R is resistive thermal noise. So the output is then: R2 eno An jf eni 1 R1 1 1 f fA 2 eni Now must calculate rms value: 2 2 E no [ f L , f H ] An ( jf ) eno ( f )df f L fH 1 2 Not easy !!! However, in general fA >> fci > fce en enw Plotted on log-log paper f fce in inw fci f An Ano fA f So for fH < fA we get, as before: E n2 R2 Eno 1 R1 4 kT ( R R )( f f ) H L where R2 R2 I n2 fH En enw f ce ln fH f L fL fH I n inw f ci ln fH f L fL 1 1 1 2 2 2 If total noise above a certain frequency is being observed (i.e. fH ) then use the NEB (= 1.57 fA) instead of fH in the expression above Total rms input noise = Eni = Eno /A Input SNR = 20 log10 Vi rms Eni Example from text: configuration): 741 op-amp (Inverting R1 = 100 k enw = 20 nV/Hz R2 = 200 k fce = 200 Hz R3 = 68 k inw = 0.5 pA/Hz GBP = fc =1 MHz fci = 2 kHz 4kT=1.6810-20 Find total output noise above 0.1 Hz (10 s of measurement): Solution: R2 GBP 10 6 Ao 1 3 f A 333kHz R1 3 3 1.57 f A E n e nw f ce ln 1.57 f A f L fL 1 2 1.57 333 10 3 20 10 200 ln 1.57 333 10 3 0.1 0.1 14.5 V rms 9 1.57 f A I n i nw f ci ln 1.57 f A f L fL 1 2 0.5 10 12 2000 ln 5.23 10 6 5.23 10 5 372 pA rms R = R1 //R2 = 100// 200 k = 67 k R+ = R3 = 68 k E no E n2 R2 1 R1 4 kT ( R R )( f f ) H L R2 R2 14.5 10 3 2 3 68 10 67 103 20 3 168 . 10 135 10 1 2 6 2 I n2 3 2.1 10 10 12.6 10 372 10 5.23 10 10 2 119 . 10 = 155 V rms Need to decrease the resistances !!! 12 5 10 1 2 2 V 1 2 Peak-to-peak output noise over same range is: 6 155 V = 0.93 mV