
English IV Pacing Guide
Week One – Unit One
Introduction to course
Intro. to Semester Project
The Anglo-Saxon Period
Epic and epic hero
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Two – Unit Two
The Middle Ages
Ballads – “Sir Patrick,” “Get
Up,” “Lord,” & “Bonny”
Prologue: The Canterbury Tales
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Three – Unit Two
Prologue: TCT cont.
Exemplum, irony, & symbolism
TCT: The Pardoner’s Tale
Chaucer’s Challenge
Frame story
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Four – Unit Two
TCT: Wife of Bath’s Tale
A Knight’s Tale/First Knight
Anglo-Saxon & Middle Ages test
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Five – Unit Three
The Renaissance
Sonnets & pastoral poetry
“Passionate” & “Nymph’s”
William Shakespeare
Sonnets 29, 30, 73, 116, & 130
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Six – Unit Three
Macbeth background
“The Curse”
Macbeth Acts I, II, & III
RAFT Activity
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Seven – Unit Three
Macbeth Acts IV & V
Other Shakespearean play
(Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s
Dream, The Taming of the
Shrew, etc.)
Trading cards
Memorization assignment
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Eight – Unit Three/Four
Cavalier poets
“To the Vigins” & “To His Coy”
Carpe diem – Dead Poet’s Soc
Renaissance test
The Restoration & 18th Century
A Journal
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Nine – Unit Four
“A Modest Proposal”
Satire and verbal irony
Proposal Brochure
Gulliver’s Travels
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Ten – Unit Four/Five
Gulliver’s Travels cont.
Restoration & 18th Century test
The Romantic Period
John Keats
“When I Have Fears” & last letter
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Eleven – Unit Five
Mary Shelley
“Introduction to Frankenstein”
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Twelve – Unit Five/Six
Romantic Period test
Victorian Period
“My Last Duchess” & “Porphria”
“To An Athlete Dying Young”
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Thirteen – Unit Six
“The Man He Killed”
“Ah, Are You Digging”
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
Novella activities
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Fourteen – Unit Six
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
Novella activities
Victorian Period test
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Fifteen – Unit Seven
The Modern World
“Empty Seat” & “Not Waving”
“Musee” & “Telephone Con.”
One Human to Another
“Marriage is a Private Affair”
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Sixteen – Unit Seven
“Once Upon a Time”
The Modern World test
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Seventeen – Unit Seven
Contemporary literature
Class evaluation
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
Week Eighteen – Unit Seven
Contemporary literature
Vocabulary, grammar, & writing
*Selections may be added to or omitted from this list as the teacher deems necessary.*