churches together in henley

No. 3/2011.
October, 2011.
Welcome to this issue of CTH News for 2011, bringing you news of CTiH, as well as of recent
and forthcoming events. The purpose of this Newsletter is to act as a channel of
communication between the Churches in Henley and as a source of information on prayer
needs. It is good to have contributions from individuals in the various churches, so if you
would like to report on anything, please send any contributions for future issues of this
Newsletter to:
Mike Hails, 42, Blandy Road, Henley on Thames RG9 1QB, or alternatively, by e-mail, to
The latest meeting of the Forum took place in the Day Chapel of Sacred Heart Church on 6th
September. Russell Martin, new Assistant Pastor at Henley Baptist Church gave a short
talk about his life and experience. He grew up in Croydon, studied Physics at Oxford
University, and stayed on for further training at King's Theological College, which is attached
to The King's Centre. He has led the student work at the King's Centre for 4 years. In addition,
he has been teaching part-time at Kings School in Witney. He now comes to Henley as
Assistant Pastor and as Centre Leader.
In addition, we had a report from Maggie Atkinson about The Filling Station, which is now
meeting in the Henley Rugby Club on the Marlow Road, and an update from Liz Smith about
the Good Neighbours Scheme and its forthcoming launch on 7th October (see below for
further information on both).
St Mary's Church. Fr Martyn was on sabbatical leave until the end of September, and we
hope to hear more from him in the course of the next few months about his experiences
during that time. In addition to his walk from the source of the Thames to Henley there have
been a number of other fund-raising events, and more are planned. The Regatta teas proved
popular again, raising much-needed funds for the Children's Society. An Emmaus course
started on Friday 30th September at 10.15 a.m., repeated on the following Wednesday
evening at 7.30 p.m.
Sacred Heart. A concert by the Aliquando choir, directed by Anne Evans, took place on
Saturday 24th September in St Mary's Church in aid of the Air Ambulance, and a further
concert entitled 'In Memoriam', will take place in Sacred Heart Church on Friday 11th
November. The congregation of Sacred Heart raised £8600 for the African Famine Appeal. A
Colombarium is to be developed in the church basement. An autumn Fair will be held on 16th
October. A start has been made on Operation Christmas Child. The Liturgy has been revised
and came into use on Sunday 1st September.
Holy Trinity. As the new term started, Trinity School was expecting a visit from Ofsted.
Christian input at the school has been very good. The church has relaunched its Mini-Chimes
mums and toddlers group following the return from Australia of the previous leader, Charlotte
Miles-Kingston. There was a link with the school for the Harvest Festival, and, following the
successful street party to celebrate the Royal Wedding in April, local residents have asked to
be involved in the harvest events.
Christ Church. Revd Glyn Millington was inducted as the new Minister on Saturday 10th
September. Redevelopment of the Kempster Hall is taking place, adding new rooms, and
providing disabled access.
St Margaret's, Harpsden. Revd Paul Bradish is making all sorts of differences in the
benefice. With 3 churches in the Benefice it has been necessary to change times of services
in order to cover them all. During August, one main service was held on each Sunday, which
went down very well. Paul will be leading 5 teaching sessions in October and November.
Peppard Congregational Church. Now known as Springwater, the church has been without
a Minister for 4 years. A number of initiatives have come from the congregation, including
Alpha courses, a Dad's and Toddlers group called 'Who let the Dads out?', which meets on
Saturday mornings, a youth group and contemplative worship. The church is actively seeking
a new Minister. Liaison with health visitors is also an important part of the church activity.
The house-to-house collection in May raised £7699.79, to which an estimated £915.69 in
Gift Aid can be added, to make £8615.48, an increase of £762.94 on 2010. The next
fund-raising event is a Quiz Evening on Thursday 20th October in Sacred Heart Parish
Christian Renewal at the Henley Rugby Club, Marlow Road.
The Filling Station is a monthly midweek meeting from which to draw inspiration and
spiritual nourishment. It seeks to breathe new life into our communities, supporting
churches as they work together to make a difference across our town and surrounding
Wednesday Nov. 2nd - 'What Jesus said About the Future'. David Pawson International Bible teacher and author of over 30 books.
Wednesday Dec. 7th - Rev'd Paul Bradish, Rector of Shiplake, Harpsden and Dunsden
'Come for a TOP-UP'
7.30 good coffee and cake, 8pm start - 9.30.
The scheme was launched on 7th October. Liz Smith, the coordinator of this scheme, has
reported that she has been given a Start-up Grant of £3500, and has 15 volunteers who
have all been CRB checked. The Volunteer Bureau have been very helpful and are
providing office facilities. The launch was aimed at identifying people who need
befriending or who need help in various ways.
On 11th November this year - the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year
of this century - there is to be a charity concert in the Sacred Heart Church at Henley-onThames, starting at 7.30 pm, in aid of the Royal British Legion. It will be given by
Aliquando Choir.
The concert will be called 'In Memoriam 11.11.11' and it will consist of appropriate music
and readings. Refreshments will be served afterwards. Details are in the attachment.
Aliquando Choir was formed recently in Henley to assist local charities to raise muchneeded funds. It consists of a group of some thirty professional and semi-professional
Peter Blaker President, Henley Branch, The Royal British Legion
The Emmaus course has started at St Mary’s, helping us to encourage
one another in our Christian discipleship. Fr Martyn and Dr John Ogden
are leading the groups on Friday mornings in the Chantry House from
10.15am (coffee at 10.00am) and on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm. The
first group of four sessions is about ‘Living Images’ and will be
followed by ‘Called into Life’, ‘Being Church’, ‘Growing in prayer’,
‘Growing in worship’, ‘Growing in the scriptures’, ‘Life, death and
Christian hope’. Everyone is welcome to attend.
There seem to a number of these in our churches in the next couple of months. Here are
details about a few of them.
(a) Christ Church URC. Saturday 15th October. Christ Church Centre, Reading Road.
(b) Sacred Heart Church Hall, Sunday 16th October, 11.30 am to 3 pm. A fun packed
afternoon for all the family! Pork Roast, teas, coffees. Activities for the children. Craft,
home produce and plant stalls and much, much more. Admission free.
(c) Holy Trinity Church. Saturday 26th November.
Saturday 15th.
(a) Autumn Fair. Christ Church Centre.
(b) Bring and Sing Haydn's Creation. Henley Choral Society workshop and performance.
Registration 11 a.m., Performance 5 p.m. All welcome. Tickets £10 for singers, £5 for
audience. St Mary's Church, Hart Street.
Sunday 16th. Autumn Fair, Sacred Heart Church Hall, 11.30 am to 3 pm
Friday 28th. Enabling Group. D:two, 4 p.m.
Sunday 30th. All Souls-tide service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving. Holy Trinity Church,
3 p.m.
Saturday 5th. Civic Opening of d:two, 4 p.m. Speaker Frank Payne.
Sunday 6th. Celebration Service for opening of d:two. 4 p.m. Speaker Jeremy Bray. On both
days, the opening will be followed by a buffet tea, and tours of the building.
Friday 11th.
(a) Act of Remembrance at Town Hall, 11 a.m.
(b) In Memoriam. Concert by Aliquando Choir in aid of Royal British Legion. Sacred
Heart Church, 7.30 p.m.
Sunday 13th.
(a) Remembrance Service outside Town Hall. 10.45 a.m.
(b) Henley Symphony Orchestra concert. Bearwood College. 4 p.m.
Thursday 17th. Churches together Forum, d:two. 7.45 for 8 p.m.
Saturday 26th.
(a) Winter Fair. Holy Trinity Church.
(b) Henley Choral Society concert. St Mary's Church. 7.30 p.m.
Sunday 27th. Advent Carol Service. St Mary's Church. 6.30 p.m.
Sunday 11th. Early Songs of Praise-type Carol Service for all the churches. St Mary's Church.
2.30 p.m.