churches together in henley

No. 3/2012.
September, 2012.
Welcome to this latest issue of CTH News for 2012, bringing you news of CTiH, as well as of recent
and forthcoming events. The purpose of this Newsletter is to act as a channel of communication
between the Churches in Henley and as a source of information on prayer needs. It is good to have
contributions from individuals in the various churches, so if you would like to report on anything,
please send any contributions for future issues of this Newsletter to:
Mike Hails, 42, Blandy Road, Henley on Thames RG9 1QB, or alternatively, by e-mail, to
The latest meeting of the Forum took place at d:two on Wednesday 12th September. It was
disappointing that there were only nine people there to enjoy the barbecue to which we had been
invited, and our main speakers, Maryanne and Emanuel from Malawi had not been able to obtain
visas and so have not been able to leave Malawi. As you know, Maryanne is from Henley, and she
and Emanuel have spoken at a CTH meeting in the past about the work they do in Malawi. They are
also supported by the Baptist Church. This was the first meeting of the Forum since our AGM in April,
so it was good to be able to exchange news and start things going again, even though there were so
few of us.
The next meeting of the Forum will be held on Tuesday November 13th. In the Crypt Room of Sacred
Heart Church.
Christian Aid Quiz Evening and Fish and Chip Supper, Tuesday October 9th. Sacred Heart Hall
6.45 – 10 pm. Tickets £12 available from your Christian Aid rep.
Sponsored Bike Ride in aid of Malawi drought fund. Saturday October 13th. Details later.
All Souls Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance, Sunday November 4th, d:two, 3 p.m.
Remembrance Sunday. Sunday November 11th. Service at Town Hall, 10.45 a.m.
Churches Together Forum. Tuesday 13th November, 7.45 for 8 p.m. Sacred Heart Church, Crypt
Late night Christmas shopping, Friday November 30th. The Ministers have suggested that a group
of singers be recruited from the churches to sing carols at a few sites in town.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2013. January 18-25, 2013. (see below)
Henley Quakers will be having an exhibition entitled 'Quakers and Money' at the Meeting House,
Northfield End, with activities for young and old in the garden (weather permitting) and in the Meeting
House, from 2 to 4 pm on Saturday, 13 October.
Also a special shorter than usual 'taster' Meeting for Worship on Sunday 14th starting at 10.45 a.m. both open to all! There will also be an exhibition on the theme of Quakers and Money in Henley
library from 28 September to Friday 12 October.
The theme for the week (18-25 January 25, 2013) will be “What does God require of us”, based on
Micah 6: 6-8. “…what does God require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly
with God.” This theme originated from the Student Christian Movement of India, who decided that in
the context of the great injustice to Dalits in India and in the Church, the search for visible unity cannot
be disassociated from the dismantling of casteism and the contribution to unity by the poorest of the
poor. This will be an opportunity to explore in ecumenical fellowship what it means to do justice, to
love kindness and to walk humbly with God, symbolically walking with the Dalits, and with all who
yearn for justice, towards both liberation and Christian unity.
In Henley, there will be a short service on each morning, starting at 9.30 a.m., as follows:
Monday 21st: d:two
Tuesday 22nd: St Mary’s
Wednesday 23rd: Christ Church
Thursday 24th: Holy Trinity
Friday 25th: Sacred Heart.
More details about the Week of Prayer can be found online at
Fairtrade Fortnight Feb 25 - March 10 2013
Jeanne Stone of Christ Church URC has submitted the following note:
_I am now a Traidcraft Fair Trader and have started selling groceries and some other items at Christ
Church. I am intending to hold a Traidcraft stall on some days during the Fairtrade Fortnight at the
Christ Church Centre so that those using our Centre are made aware of Fairtrade and may hopefully
buy some goods. We will sell Fairtrade coffee and tea and may even bake some cakes or biscuits
using Fairtrade ingredients. It seems a long way off at the moment but if anyone from the other
Henley Churches would like to help please contact me and we can meet to discuss this nearer the
Jeanne Stone 0118 9844345
(a) Sacred Heart. Fr Colin from Australia had been locum priest during August. The Justice and
Peace Group are having a Quiz Night in aid of a community in Africa on September 29 th. Charles
Whittaker has written a book on the history of Sacred Heart Church, which is available from the
(b) Christ Church. Jeanne Stone is now a Traidcraft Fair Trader and is planning to have a Traidcraft
stall in Christ Church during Fairtrade Fortnight in 2013. She hopes that other churches might wish to
be involved.
(c) St Mary’s. The monthly breakfasts continue, as does the Emmaus Course. The team that runs the
Regatta lunches and teas is finding it to be too much for them, and would like to involve the other
churches. Brian Brent has offered to coordinate a team from the churches.
(d) Holy Trinity. The church’s involvement with Trinity School has been a major aspect in recent
years. Roger Grant, Headteacher, spoke at a recent meeting of the PCC about the school and its
achievements. He will be leaving at the end of this academic year. Revd Duncan Carter and Mike
Willoughby have been collaborating on a study of people mentioned on the various war memorials in
the town, and plan to put on a display in Holy Trinity Church on 9-11 November, showing something
of the stories of various people and the numbers of people from Henley who died in the various wars.
(e) St Margaret’s, Harpsden. Revd Bradish now has the support of two retired priests, Michael Farrar
and Pam Gordon. Revd Bradish is to run an Alpha course based at Badgemore Golf Club starting on
October 4th.
(f) Henley Baptists. The café is running well and being well used. More groups are starting to use
the building. Roger Cole is delighted to have an Assistant Pastor, Russell Martin, who runs the centre,
helps to lead worship and provides great support. Roger Cole and Russell are off to Poland next
week. David Freeman has been appointed as manager of the children’s centre. NOMAD held a
special meeting last Monday to demonstrate some of the work being done by them. A Year Team of
five people, two being from Poland, will be joining the church soon to help with training, theology,
helping in the café and children’s centre.
(g) YMCA. Mike Ray reported that their accommodation is always full. They cater for people between
the ages of 18 and 25, and a small number of younger people.
(h) Christian Aid. Joy Stubbs reports that the total collected during Christian Aid Week in 2012 was
£7231.38, plus £53 from the Bring and Buy sale at d:two. The estimate for Gift Aid was £973, making
an estimated total of £8258.