Albalqa Applied University
Curriculum Vitae
Date : 7/12/2014
Home Phone: 5525485
Office Phone: 0795519311
Home address: Jordan Amman P.O.Box 961268
Current Academic Rank: Prof.
Primary Department: Faculty of engineering technology
Citizenship: Jordanian
Institutional (institution :Kiev Polytechnic institute ; degree: PhD in computer engineering; date conferred : 19/5/1986):
Academic (institutions: Jordan university, Israa university; rank/status : lecturer; dates 1990-1995):
Assistant Prof. from 1992- 2005. (Faculty of Engineering Technology).
Associate Prof. from 2005. (Faculty of Engineering Technology).
Professor from 10/12/2011
Dean Assistant for Consultation and Training (2000-2001)
Head of Computer Engineering Department (2002-2005).
Associate prof. Applied Science University (2006-2007)
Head of Computer Engineering Department (2008- 2010 ).
Vice dean for academic affairs 2011-2013
Alhusein B. Talal university. Sabbatical year 2013-2014
2014- Albalqa applied university, Head of computer engineering department.
Non-academic (employers :Ministry of education ; title : Engineer / programmer; responsibilities: Application programs design, system support ,
DBMS; dates : 1980-1982): (MOE: Consultant of computerization, General director of computer center responsibilities: Project design and management:
ECBL project, internet application project, networking project, interactive educational packages date: 1995-2001)
Technical consultant: employing IT in Jordan(2005-) (CCS company)
Books and monographs published:
More than 45 books in the fields of computer engineering and computer science published in
Jordan in both Arabic and English languages in the following fields:
Computer languages: Basic, Q-basic, Fortran, Cobol, Logo, Pascal, C++,
Assembly, Java, computer skills, object oriented programming.
Computer software: Operation research, Data structures and algorithms,
Operating systems, Database management system, Artificial intelligence and neural networks, System analysis and design.
Computer Hardware: Logic design, Computer architecture, Microprocessors,
Computer interfacing, Digital control, Computer networking.
1-Ziad AlQadi, Optimized parameters for adaptive noise level esitimation, International journal of information science and computer 2011, accepted.
2- Ziad AlQadi, A novel methodology for repairing a torn image, international journal on communications antenna and propagation, 2011, accepted.
3- Ziad A.A.Alqadi, Mohammed abu zalata,Performance of parallel matrix multiplication algorithms used in image processing, jour.inst.Maths. & computer science, vol. 18,no.1,(2007) 27-37.
4- Ziad AlQadi, Musbah Aqel, Ibrahim El Emary, Fingerprint Matching Algorithm based on ridge map,
Europian journal of scientific research, vol. 15, no. 3,(2006),344-351.
5- Ziad AlQadi, Musbah Aqel, Ibrahim El Emary, A new algorithm for locating tandem repeats in a DNA sequence, Europian journal of scientific research, vol. 15, no. 3,(2006),366-372.
6- Ziad AlQadi, Musbah Aqel, Ibrahim El Emary, Multiple skip multiple matching algorithm, IEENG international journal of computer science, (2007),34:2,IJCS_34_2_03
7- Musbah Aqel, Ziad Alqadi,Naser Halasa, Ibrahim El Emery,On the implementation of multiple skip multiple pattern matching algorithm using FPGA technology, Europian journal of scientific research, vol. 23, no. 2,(2008),378-384.
8- Ziad AlQadi, Musbah Aqel, Ibrahim El Emary, Performance analysis and evaluation of parallel matrix multiplication algorithms, World applied sciences journal, (208),5(2):211-214.
9- Mohammed Abu zalat, Ziad Alqadi, Optimized back-propagation algorithm for pattern recognition, Int'l conf. Genetic and evaolutionary methods, GEM'08,(2008),Lass Vegas, 265-277.
10- Musbah Aqel, Ziad AlQadi,Ibrahim El Emary, Analysis of stream cipher security algorithm, journal of information and computing science, (2007), vol. 2, no. 4, 288-298.
11- Akram Moustafa,, Ziad AlQadi,Majed Alduari, Saleh Alormar, Practical Approach to Genetic
Algorithm Cryptanalysis international review on computers and software(2009), vol. 4 n.6, 658-663.
12- Akram Moustafa,, Ziad AlQadi, A practical approach of selecting the edge detector parameters to achieve a good edge map of the gray image, journal of computer science,(2009),5(5):355-362.
13- Waheeb Abu Ulbeh, Akram Mustafa, Ziad AlQadi, Gray image reconstruction, Europian journal of scientific research,(2009), vol. 27,n.2,167-173.
14- Akram Mustafa, Ziad AlQadi, Gray image reconstruction using R'G'B' model, journal of computer science, (2009),5(4):250-254.
15- Akram Mustafa, Ziad AlQadi, Reconstructed color image processing, Proceeding of the world congress on engineering and computer science,(2009), vol II, WCECS 2009,October 20-22,San Fransisco, USA.
16- Majed Al-Dwari, Ziad AlQadi, Low-cost multilevel modulation formats for 100 Gbps transmission with direct detection, international review of physics,(2009), vol. 3, n. 5, 289-292.
17- Ziad AlQadi, Musbah aqel, Luis Montenegro, Separating low pass and high pass frequencies in the image without loosing information, journal of computer science,(2006), 4(10):857-863.
18- Majed Aldwairi, Ziad AlQadi, Evaluation of alamouti space-time coding with virtual antenna arrays,
World applied science journal,(2010), 11(2):127-131.
19- Majed Aldwairi, Ziad AlQadi, Optimized true color image processing, World applied sciences journal
(2010), 8(10):1175-1182.
20- Ziad AlQadi, Akram Mustafa, True color image enhancement using morphological operations,
International review on computers and software,(2009),vol. 4 n.5,557-562.
21-Improving cache memory performance, Jour.Inst.Math and computer science,vol. 14 no 2 2003,107-129.
22- Performance of parallel matrix multiplication algorithms used in image processing Jour.Inst.Math and computer science,vol 18,no 1 2007.
23- Fingewr print matching algorithm based on ridge path map, Eur. Jour. Of scientific research,vol 15,no
24- A new algorithm for tandem location in DNA sequence, Eur> jour. For scientific research vol.15,no
25-New search algorithm for associative memory, jour. Inst. Math and computer science,vol 8 n0 1 1997,45-
26- On line recognition of Arabic numerals,Bulletin of the faculty of enginnering,Assiut university,vol 25 no
27- Analysis of image smoothing algorithms,jour of engineering,vol 13,no 3,2003,125-131.
28- An easy tool for converting an existing WEB sites to WAP sites.jour inst. Math and computer science vol. 4 no. 1 2004.
29- Enhanced finger print proceesing and matching algorithm, jour inst. Math and computer science vol.
12,no. 2,2004.
30- Comparison of LZW,Huffman and HLZ algorithms of data compression. Jour. Of engineering,vol.
14,no. 3,2004,181-190.
31- Analysis of program methods used in optimizing matrix multiplication. Jour. Of engineering vol. 15,no.
32- Investigation and analysis of matlab models used to solve second order linear ODE,
IRENA,v(2) 1-5,2014.
33- Speech fingerprint to identify isolated word-person.WAS,v31(10) 1767-1771,2014
34 Improving matrix multiplication using parallel computing, I.RE.I.T,1(6) 346-349.2013.
35- A novel digital filter for enhancing dark grey images, E.J.S.R, 122(1) 100-106,2014.
36- Analysis of matrix multiplication computational methods, E.J.S.R, 121(2) 259-266,2014.
37- Experimental investigation of training algorithms used in back propagation artificial neural networks to apply curve fitting, E.J.S.R, 121(4) 329-335,2014.
38- Investigation and analysis of ANN parameters, E.J.S.R, 121(2) 217-225,2014.
39- Connectivity-based data gathering with path-constrained mobile sink in wireless sensor networks, Wireless sensor network, v6 118-128,2014.
Workshops, seminars, and training courses:
Hardware maintenance of optical mark reader : WH Company USA
HP9000 support and maintenance : WH company USA 1982
System design and analysis : NCR , USA, 1980
Project management : NCR , USA , 1980
Creating a new ICT Spirit in Jordan Through Education. Workshop,
Amir Program , Amman , 2000.
Optimizing opportunities for ICT human resource development in the
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan : Workshop , TUDEFT University,
Netherlands, 2000.
Computer networks and security : Workshop and seminar, Japan,
Mitsoi, 1996.
E-lab and virtual learning : Italy 1999.
6 workshops in UK (England ) during 1995-2000: ICT, ECBL,
Interactive educational software, utilizing internet in education, distant learning.
Teaching Specialization (courses taught):
Logic design, microprocessors, computer interfacing, digital control, computer architecture, data structures and algorithms, operating systems, DBMS, computer networks, software engineering, Computer languages ( assembly, C++, Object oriented programming, Fortran,
Basic, Cobol, Pascal), System analysis and design, Operation research, Artificial intelligence, image processing and neural networks.
Thesis and Dissertation Advising/Master degree student supervision (18 students, field :IT ).
Graduation projects ( software and hardware engineering) supervision: more than 150 projects
University Committee and Administrative Responsibilities: Several technical, educational , supervision committees in Albalqa applied university
Higher committee of school computerization (Ministry of education)
Higher committee of computer projects planning (Ministry of planning)
Higher committee of scientific research and industry (Ministry of high education and ministry of economics).
Community Activities: several technical and advisory committees.