Absence, Health and Productivity Services Manufacturing Successes Situation How Zurich Helped Results A manufacturer of large earth Our Absence, Health and Productivity Since the inception of the program, moving and mining equipment had team helped the customer implement they have experienced a significant 12 an on-site occupational health and administer a successful return to percent drop in severity of workers department which evaluated injuries work program that included compensation claims. and referred employees for components for pre-injury, injury appropriate treatment. Their management, safety initiatives and approach to accommodate return to work. Zurich assisted in this employees in the past had not been effort by developing the RTW policy consistent. The risk engineer asked and communication materials. Zurich Absence, Health and Productivity also assisted in the RTW program Management to help them establish implementation and training. This a successful and consistent program has been broadly accepted program. and is now part of their corporate culture. Situation How Zurich Helped Results Zurich identified an opportunity to Zurich assisted the customer by The success resulted in a 32 percent work with a manufacturer and developing a customized return to work drop in lost time claims from the time supplies company with building program and assisted in the successful the return to work program was materials. The company wanted to implementation and training of the implemented as well as a 30 percent establish a formal return to work program. Communication materials drop in net incurred lost time claims. program due to inconsistencies in were developed and a communications their current return to work process plan was developed. Zurich also and how it was administered. developed job descriptions with physical job demands for this customer. Situation How Zurich Helped Results A valve manufacturing company The team collaborated with the broker The introduction, development, and operates autonomously from and customer to target and develop risk implementation of these programs for location to location. The customer reduction strategies. They developed a this customer helped contribute to a requested assistance from Zurich formal absence management program 60 percent decrease in claim with implementing an effective including a customized stretching frequency and nearly a 70 percent absence management program to program to implement at the targeted reduction in severity at this location include a customized stretching location. The team also provided over a two-year period. program and a wellness program. consulting to the customer and assisted One location in particular them in understanding and developing experienced the highest frequency an overall strategy to address and severity compared to all other employee wellness. locations. As a result, this location was the focus for immediate service from the Absence, Health and Productivity team. Situation How Zurich Helped Results A large distributorship providing The Absence, Management and After implementation of a formal diesel engine repair and parts had a Productivity team worked with the program, claim frequency was return to work program in practice, customer to develop a customized reduced by 55 percent within one but was lacking a formal return to return to work program to help year. Medical costs decreased by 39 work and injury management compliment the company's current percent within one year as well. In program. practices. The team also worked addition, there was a reduction in lost closely with the customer to develop work day claims during that same transitional work assignments in key period. areas. Situation How Zurich Helped Results A manufacturer of precast concrete Zurich's Absence, Health and As a result, claim frequency and and related fabricated steel products Productivity team helped the customer severity are both trending downward needed guidance in developing a develop and implement a formal return for this customer, and they have been company return to work program. to work program. Zurich also introduced to tools and resources to The customer did not have a formal developed formal job descriptions with help them better manage their return injury management/return to work physical job demands that were used to to work process. program policy in place, and return better communicate job information of to work issues were becoming too injured employees to health care timely and overwhelming for one providers. Zurich also introduced the person to manage. customer to eZ Transition, a Zurich etool provided to workers' compensation customers that allows them to assess and develop return to work tools and resources for their company. Situation How Zurich Helped Results A unionized steel manufacturer Zurich worked with the customer to The customer's program was initially implemented a return to work create a cross-functional team that successfully re-implemented with program but eventually stopped the understood and supported a formal support from a collaborative team program due to lack of support. As return to work process. The team including the customer's senior a result the company observed a created a formal return to work management, the broker and the dramatic increase of OSHA process, job descriptions with physical Zurich team. These efforts resulted in recordables, workers' compensation demands, transitional work a decrease in claims of over 20 costs and lost time injuries. Due to assignments, and a comprehensive percent, a decrease in cost per claims this concern by senior management, training and implementation process. of over 60 percent and a drop in lost the company asked for Zurich's The company then reintroduced the days over 10 percent. assistance in formalizing and re- program companywide. implementing the return to work and injury management program. This is intended as a general description of certain types of risk engineering services available to qualified customers through Zurich Services Corporation. Zurich Services Corporation does not guarantee particular outcomes and there may be conditions on your premises or within your organization which may not be apparent to us. You are in the best position to understand your business and your organization and to take steps to minimize risk, and we wish to assist you by providing the information and tools to assess your changing risk environment.