NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT History Annotated Bibliography for Soviet Russia 1917–1953 [ADVANCED HIGHER] Faith Geddes Foreword Since the introduction of the policy of glasnost or ‘openness’ in 1985, a great deal of new evidence about the period 1917–1953 has emerged from Soviet archives. Many new works by Russian and Western historians and updated editions of older ones have been published. The emphasis in this bibliography is on recent works, and the list is far from exhaustive. There is no implication that the new evidence has rendered earlier works obsolete, or that works that have been omitted are of less value. Many of the works included have bibliographies on specific topics and attention has been drawn to some that are particularly useful. The bibliography in this booklet is divided into three parts: Section 1 lists basic texts and study guides suitable for students. Section 2 lists works more suitable for teachers or dissertation purposes. Section 3 covers other sources, such as periodicals, audio-visual and electronic media. First published 2000 Electronic version 2001 © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2000 This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland prov ided that no profit accrues at any stage. Acknow ledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefull y acknowledge this contribution to the Hi gher Still support programme for Histor y. ISBN 1 85955 875 5 Learning and Teaching Scotland Gardyne Road Dundee DD5 1NY CONTENTS Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Texts/study guides recommended for students General Leading figures Russia before the Revolution The revolutionary period 1917–1924 The Stalinist period Foreign policy 1 1 2 2 4 5 Works more suitable for teachers or dissertation purposes General Communism Leading figures Russia before the Revolution The revolutionary period 1917–1924: General 1917–1918 The Civil War Changing economic policy from War Communism to New Economic Policy Stalinism Industrialisation and collectivisation Purges/the Terror Policies towards national minorities Economic and social history Culture Religion Foreign policy: General World War Two Cold War Other sources Journals/periodicals Audio-visual The Internet Useful websites 7 9 10 14 14 18 19 21 22 23 25 25 26 30 30 33 33 HIST O RY iii iv HI ST O RY T EX T S/ S T UD Y GU I D E S R E CO M M END ED F O R ST UD E N T S SECTION 1 General Dukes, Paul, A History of Russia c.882 –1996, 3rd edn, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998 Clear introduction to the long view which sets out political, economic and cultural aspects and examines current interpretations. Hosking, Geoff rey, A History of the Soviet Union 1917 –1991, Londo n: Fontana, 1992 Useful introduction tracing evolution of the Soviet political system. Kenez, P, A History of the Soviet Union from the Beginning to the End, Cambridge: CUP, 1999 Concise examination of political, social and cultural developments from 1917 to 1991. Useful bibliography. McAuley, Mary, Sovi et Politics 1917 –1991, Oxf ord: OUP, 1992 Concise analysis of key political developments. McCauley, Martin, The Soviet Union 1917 –1991, 2nd edn, London: Longman, 1993 Riasnovsky, Nicholas V, A History of Russi a, 6th edn, New York: OUP, 2000 One-volume history from the origins of the Kievan state to the 1990s, drawing on primary sources and interpretative works by historians. Leading figures Laver, J, Lenin: Liberator or Oppressor? , London: Hodde r & Stoughton, 1994, ‘Personalities and Pow ers’ series A short thematic biography investigating the issues raised by his life, work and achievements, bringing together conflicting views by contemporaries and historians. Laver, J, Joseph Stal in. From Revolutionary to Despot , London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1993, ‘Personalities and Pow ers’ series A short thematic biography investigating the issues raised by his life, work and achievements, bringing together conflicting views by contemporaries and historians. HIST O RY 1 T EX T S/ S T UD Y GU I D E S R E CO M M END ED F O R ST UD E N T S Lynch, Michael, Trot sky: The Perm anent Revolutionary , London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1995, ‘Personalities and Pow ers’ series A short thematic biography investigating the issues raised by his life, work and achievements, bringing together conflicting vie ws by contemporaries and historians. Williams, Beryl, Lenin, London: Longman, 2000, ‘Prof iles in Pow er’ series A one-volume concise study of Lenin, his role in the Russian Revolution, and his years in power, 1917–24. Update evaluation of recent debate in Russia and the West, and use of new documents. Russia before the Revolution Hosking, Geoff rey, Russian People and Em pire 1552 –1917, London: HarperCollins, 1997 Standard text; good starting point on Russia under the Tsars. Hutchinson, J F, Late Im perial Russia, 1890 –1917, London: Longman, 1999, ‘Seminar Studies’ series Includes text, useful documents and bibliography. Wood, Alan, The Ori gins of the Russian Revolution 1861 –1917, 2nd edn, London and New York: Routledge, 1993, ‘Lancaster Pamphlets’ series A concise analysis, including an examination of the views of ‘orthodox’ and ‘revisionist’ historians. The revolutionary period 1917–1924 Daborn, John, Russia: Revolution and Counter -Revolution 1917 – 1924, Cambridge: CUP, 1995, ‘Topics in H istory’ series Includes selection of primary and secondary sources; narrative and analysis to place the sources in context; questions on skills in evaluating historical evidence. Darby, Graham, The Russian Revolution , London: Longman, 1998, ‘Longman Histo ry in Depth’ series Includes a basic narrative and a discussion of the issues. Figes, Orlando, A People’s Tragedy: The Russian Revolution, 1891 – 1924, London: Pimlico, 1997 Long but readable history of the revolutionary period. 2 HI ST O RY T EX T S/ S T UD Y GU I D E S R E CO M M END ED F O R ST UD E N T S Kow alski, R, The Russian Revolution, 1917 –1921, London: Routledge, 1997, ‘Sources in History’ seri es Includes a useful guide to latest debate and documentary material, with a selection of primary source material; addresses the key question of whether the Revolution was a Bolshevik coup, or a popular movement. Lynch, Michael, Reaction and Revolutions: Russia 1881 –1924, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1999, ‘Access to History’ series Includes narrative and analysis of the revolutionary period; introduces the key historical debates of the topic. The text is highlighted with primary sources. Study guide sections contain hints on note taking, essay writing, and source-based questions. No bibliography, but some suggestions for further reading included. McCauley, Martin (ed), The Russian Revolution and the Soviet State: 1917–1921, London: Macmillan, 1988 Useful documents. McColgan, Martin, Russia 1881–1921: From Tsarism to Comm unism , London: Longman, 1994 Revised Higher textbook with focus on ideology, identity and authority. Key issues are addressed. Marples, D, Leni n’s Revolution 1917 –21, London: Longman, 2000, ‘Seminar Studies’ series Includes text, useful documents and bibliography. Phillips, Steve, Lenin and the Russian Revolution , London: Heinemann, 2000, ‘Advanced Hi story’ series Section 1 includes narrative and explanation, with extra notes, biography boxes as well as definitions in the margin and summary boxes. Section 2 includes analysis and historians’ interpretations of the material covered. Advice is given on answering exam questions. Read, Christopher, From Tsar to Soviets: The Russian People and their Revolution 1917 –21, London: UCL Press, 1995 Useful basic introduction with clear discussions of the latest historiography. Service, Robert, The Russian Revolu tion 1900–1927, 3rd edn, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1999, ‘St udies in European History’ series Introduction to recent research in an integrated study covering political, social and economic factors. Information from both Western and Russian sources has been condensed. Key recurrent themes are emphasised. Guides to interpretations at start of chapters. HIST O RY 3 T EX T S/ S T UD Y GU I D E S R E CO M M END ED F O R ST UD E N T S Wood, Anthony, The Russian Revolution , London: Longman, 1999, ‘Seminar Studies i n History’ A concise history which sets the Revolution in context, examinin g the state under Nicholas II and the impact of the First World War. The core of the text covers the events of 1917 and their immediate consequences. The period up to 1921 is also examined. Useful section on documents. The Stalinist period Gill, Graeme, Stalini sm , 2nd edn, Basingst oke: Macmillan, 1990, ‘Studies in European History’ series Short introduction to recent research based on Soviet archives, providing a thematic account of the nature of Stalinism. It surveys the arguments about the origins of the Stalinist phenomenon and discusses the ways in which its economic, social, cultural and political faces changed over time. Grant, Jim, Stalin and the Soviet Union , London: Longman, 1998, ‘Longman History in Depth’ series Includes a basic narrative and a discussion of the issues. Lee, Stephen and Lang, Sean (eds), Stalin and the Soviet Union , London: Routledge, 1999, ‘Questions and Analysis in History’ series Offers new interpretations of recently uncovered archives, examining Stalin’s domestic and foreign policy. Guide to essay writing and document-based questions. Lynch, Michael, Stalin and Khruschev: The USSR 1924 –64, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1990, ‘ Access to Hist ory’ series Study guide with hints on note-taking, document study and essay writing. McCauley, Martin, St alin and Stalinism , London: Longman, 1995, ‘Seminar Studies i n History’ series A new edition, offering a concise assessment of the period. Includes a revised text, expanded documents section and useful updated bibliog raphy mainly on works published since 1980. Re-examines Stalinism in light of the latest research findings from Russian archives. Considers the debate between the ‘totalitarian’ interpretation of Stalinism and that of the ‘social’ historians in the 1980s. 4 HI ST O RY T EX T S/ S T UD Y GU I D E S R E CO M M END ED F O R ST UD E N T S Maw dsley, Evan, The Stalin Years: The Soviet Union, 1929 –1953, Manchester: MUP, 1998 Includes chapters on ideology, politics, economic development, social change, the nationalities, culture, external relations and the Great Terror; newly available documents; bibliography of recent publications. Stresses the connection between internal and external policy, and the influence of ideology on both. Phillips, Steve, Stalinist Russia , London: H einemann, 2000, ‘Advanced History’ series Section 1 includes narrative and explanation, with extra notes, biography boxes as well as definitions in the margin and summary boxes. Section 2 includes analysis and historians’ interpretations of the material covered. Advice given on answering exam questions. Thomas, David and McAndrew , Mark, Russia: Soviet Union 1917 – 45: From Tsar to Stal in , London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1997 Study guide to essays and source-based questions. Ward, Chris, Stalin’s Russia , 2nd edn, London: Edw ard Arnold, 1999 Comprehensive textbook survey covering the whole period. Lays out many of the debates and provides an evaluation of the key issues. Includes source references, end of chapter suggestions for further reading and a useful glossary. Wood, Alan, Stalin and Stalinism , London: Routledge, 1990, ‘Lancaster Pamphlet s’ series Concise analysis. Foreign policy Kennedy-Pipe, Caroline, Russia and the World, 1917 –1991, London: Edw ard Arnold, 1998 A general history survey of all the main phases of foreign policy, with attention given to major events such as the impact of World War Two on Russia, and the emergence of the Cold War. Highlights the importance of technological, strategic and domestic factors in the making of foreign policy. McCauley, Martin, The Origins of the Col d War 194 1–1949, 2nd edn, London: Longm an, 1995, ‘Seminar St udies in History’ seri es Revised and expanded text in the light of recent events. Explores key questions about who was responsible, and the attitude of Stalin. HIST O RY 5 T EX T S/ S T UD Y GU I D E S R E CO M M END ED F O R ST UD E N T S McCauley, Martin, Russia, Am erica and the C old War 1940–1991, London: Longman, 1998, ‘Seminar Studies in History’ series Follow-up volume to The Origins of the Cold War, which tracks US/Soviet relations throughout the Cold War. 6 HI ST O RY WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S SECTION 2 General Brow n, Archie (ed), Cam bridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the form er Soviet Union , Cambridge: CUP, 1994 Useful background work. Brow n, Archie (ed), The Soviet Union: A Biographical Dictionary , London: Weidenf eld & Nicolson, 1990 Carr, E H, The Russi an Revol ution From Lenin to Stalin, 1917 – 1929, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1979 Summarises his fourteen-volume A History of Soviet Russia. Channon, John, The Penguin Historical Atlas of Russia , London: Penguin, 1995 Christian, D, Im perial and Soviet Russia: Power, Privilege and the Challenge of Moderni ty , Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997 Readable text; useful source material. Cohen, S, Rethinking the Soviet Experience: Politics and History since 1917, New York and O xf ord: OUP, 1985 Davies, R W, Soviet History in the Gorbachev Revolution , Basingstoke: Macmi llan, 1989, and Soviet History in the Yeltsin Era, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997 Useful discussion of new material and re-interpretations from postglasnost Russia. Fitzpatrick, Sheila, The Russian Revolution , 2nd edn, O xf ord: OUP, 1994 Concise introduction to and analysis of the period 1917–37; clear account of key events of the Russian Revolutions; revised and updated to include impact of Stalinism; considers the social dimension; emphasises new documents from recently opened archives. Glenny, M and Stone, N, The Other Russia: The Experience i n Exile, London: Faber & Faber, 1991 Oral history from three generations of emigres. HIST O RY 7 WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Gooding, J, Rulers and Subjects: Governm ent and People in Russia 1801–1991, London: Edw ard Arnold, 1996 Heller, Mikhail and Nekrich, Aleksandr, Utopia in Power: The History of the Soviet Union from 1917 to the Present , New York: Simon & Schuster, 1986 Documented anti-Soviet views of the Soviet system from the inside. Hosking, Geoff rey and Service, Robert (eds), Reinterpreting Russia , London: Edw ard Arnold, 1999 Hough, J F and Fainsod, M, How Russia is Ruled , Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1953 Still a valuable account of the Soviet political system. Kochan, Lionel and Keep, John, The Making of Modern Russia. From Kiev Rus’ to the collapse of the Soviet Union , 3rd edn, London: Penguin, 1997 Concentrates on the modern period. A straightforward introduction which gives weight to economic, geographical and cultural as well as political and military factors. McCauley, Martin, The Longm an Com panion to Russia since 1914 , London: Longman, 1998 Mow bray, Stephen A de, Key Facts in Soviet History , Vol. 1, 1917 to 22 June 1941 , London: Pinter Publishers, 1990 Reese, R, The Soviet Military Experience: A His tory of the Soviet Arm y 1917–1991, London and New York: Routledge, 2000 Clear narrative using recent disclosures from Soviet archives. Places the Soviet army into social, political and international contexts. Includes discussion of the origins of the Red Army, the Civil War, effects of collectivisation and industrialisation and the Second World War. Rigby, T H, Comm unist Party Mem bership in the USSR 1917 –67, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1968 Useful for understanding the character of the Soviet Communist Party. Sakaw a, Richard, The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, 1917 –1991, London: Routledge, 1999, ‘Sources in Hist ory’ series Comprehensive overview drawing on a wide range of sources including eye-witness accounts, official documents and newly available materials. 8 HI ST O RY WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Schapiro, Leonard, The Com m unist Party of the Soviet Union , 2nd edn, London: Eyre & Spottisw oode, 1970 Still a valuable history of the Soviet Union. Service, Robert, A Hi story of Twentieth -Century Russia , London: Penguin, 1998 General survey using material that has become available in documentary collections, memoirs and archives in the 1990s. Treats 1917 to 1991 as a single period, with analysis of political, economic and social factors. Suny, R G, The Soviet Experim e nt. Russia, the USSR and t he Successor States , O xford: OUP, 1998 Communism Bukharin, N and Preobrazhensky, E, The ABC of Comm unism , Harmondsw orth: Penguin, 1969 The 1919 party programme with explanation and introduction by E H Carr, including Lenin’s speeches and letters. Daniels, Robert V (ed), A Docum entary History of Comm unism , Vol. 1, Com m unism in Russia , revised edn, Hanover and London: University Press of New England, 1984 Elster, John, Karl Marx: a reader , Cambri dge: CUP, 1986 Harding, Nei l, Lenini sm , Basingstoke and London: Macmillan, 1996 Contains an excellent guide to the contents of each volume of Lenin’s Collected Works. Hunt, R, The Theory and Practice of Com munism , London: Penguin, 1969 Kolakow ski, L, Main Currents of Marxism , Vols. 1 and 2, O xf ord: OUP, 1981 McLellan, David, Karl Marx. A Biography , 3rd edn, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996 McLellan, David, Marxism after Marx. An Introduction , 3rd edn, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998 Updated version of a classic account of twentie th-century Marxism. Mills, C Wright, The Marxists, Harmondsworth: Pelican, 1977 Summary of the Marxist background with useful documents by leading theorists and rulers, including Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and Khrushchev. HIST O RY 9 WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Leading figures General McCauley, Martin, Who’s Who in Russia since 1900 , London: Routledge, 1997 A reference guide which examines leading personalities from 1900 to the 1990s. Volkogonov, D, The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Em pire: Political leaders from Lenin to Gorbachev , London: HarperCollins, 1999 Use of archive material. Wolf e, Beertram D, Three Who Made A Revolution: A Biographical History, Harmondsw orth: Penguin, 1984 On Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin. Bukhari n Cohen, Stephen F, Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography 1880 –1938, O xf ord: OUP, 1980 Kerensky Abraham, Richard, Alexander Kerensky , London: Sidgw ick & Jackson, 1987 Comprehensive analysis. Lenin Appignanesi, Richard and Zarate, Oscar, Lenin for Beginners , Cambridge: Icon, 1994 A useful starting point for Lenin’s life and political thought. Clark, Ronald W, Lenin. The Man Behind the Mask , London: Faber, 1988 Insight into Lenin as a human being rather than his political career. Cliff , Tony, Lenin. Vol. 1 Building the party , London: Pluto, 1975; Vol. 2 All power to the Soviets , 1976; Vol. 3 Revolution beseiged , 1978; Vol. 4 The Bolsheviks and world revolution , 1979 Davies, R W, Soviet History in the Yeltsin Era , Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997 Includes a discussion of recent works by post -Soviet Russian historians on Lenin. Deutscher, Isaac, Lenin’s Childhood , London: OUP, 1970 Fischer, Ernst, Lenin in his own words , London: Allen Lane, 1969 10 HI ST O RY WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Katkov, G and Shukman, H, Lenin’s Path to Power , London: Macdonald, 1971 A short, critical study. Krupskaya, Nadezhda, Mem oirs of Lenin , London: Panther, 1970 Lenin, V I, Collected Works , 45 vols, Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1960–1970 The period 1917–1923 is covered in volumes 24 to 45. Lenin, V I, Selected Works , London: Law rence & Wishart, 196 9 A one-volume selection of Lenin’s writings including ‘What is to be Done?’, ‘Two tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution’, ‘Imperialism’, ‘Tasks of the Proletariat’, ‘State and Revolution’, ‘Marxism and Insurrection’, ‘The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky’ and ‘Our Revolution’. Pipes, Richard (ed), The Unknown Lenin: From the Secret Archi ve , New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1996 New insight into Lenin’s darker side. Contains documents from the Soviet archives. Attempts to correct the myth and revise the image. Rice, Christopher, Lenin: Portrait of a Professional Revolutionary , London: Cassell, 1990 On the private man and public politician. Schapiro, Leonard and Reddaw ay, Peter, Lenin, the Man, the Theorist, the Leader: A reappraisal , London: Pall Mall Press, 1967 Service, R, Lenin: A Political Life , 3 vols, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1985, 1991, 1995 A standard work. Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, Lenin in Zurich , London: Bodley Head, 1976 Ulam, Adam B, Lenin and the Bolshe viks: The intellectual and political history of the trium ph of comm unism in Russia , new edn, Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard UP , 1998 Volkogonov, D, Lenin: Life & Legacy , London: HarperCollins, 1995 Translated and edited by Harold Shukman Based on unpublished documents in Russian archives. Weber, Gerda and H ermann, Lenin: life and works , London: Macmillan, 1980 ‘Chronology Series’ of reference books using Lenin’s own words from public and private writings. HIST O RY 11 WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Trotsky Cliff , Tony, Trotsky: towards October 1879 –1917, London: Bookmarks, 1989; Trotsky: the Sword of t he Revolution 1917 –23, 1990; Fighting the rising Stalinist bureaucracy 1923 –27; The darker the night the brighter the star 1927 –1940, 1993 Deutscher, Isaac, Prophet arm ed: Leon Trotsky, 1879 –1921, London: OUP, 1987; Prophet unarm ed: Leon Trotsky, 1921 –29, 1987; Prophet outcast : Leon Trotsky, 1929 –40, 1979. Long but readable three-volume biography. King, David, Trotsky: a Photographic Biography , O xf ord: Basil Blackw ell, 1986 Knei Paz, B, The Soci al and Political Thought of Leon Trotsky , Oxf ord: OUP, 1978 Trotsky, Leon, My Li fe: An Attem pt at an Autobiography , New York: Pathf inder, 1994 Classic historical document. Volkogonov, Dmitri, Trotsky, The Eternal Revolutionary , London: HarperCollins, 1996 Major biography based on unpublished documents in Russian archives. Stalin Alliluyeva, Svetlana, Twenty Letters to a Friend , New York: Harper, 1967 Bullock, Alan, Hitler and Stalin: parallel lives , 2nd edn, London: HarperCollins, 1998 Conquest, R, Stalin: Breaker of Nations , London: Wei denf eld & Nicolson, 1991 Biography which puts the Stalinist phenomenon into a historical perspective. De Jonge, Alex, Stalin and t he shaping of t he Soviet Union , London: Collins, 1986 Readable biography based on Russian and emigre sources. Deutscher, Isaac, Stalin: a Political Biography , Harmondsw orth: Penguin, 1972 Djilas, Milovan, Conversations with Stalin , New York: Harcourt Brace, 1962 Important record of a few brief penetrations of Stalin’s behavio ur. 12 HI ST O RY WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Laqueur, Walter, Stalin: The Glasnost Revelations , London: Unwin Hyman, 1990 Contains material published in the Soviet Union from 1986 to 1989. Lew is, Jonathan and Whitehead, Peter, St alin: A Tim e for Judgem ent, London: Thames Mandarin, 1991 Lih, L, et al (eds), St alin’s Letters to Molotov, 1925 –1936, New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1995 Interesting material with a long, thought -provoking introduction. McNeal, Robert H, Stalin: Man and Ruler , New York: NYUP, 1990 Radzinskii, Edw ard, translated by H T Wi lletts, Stalin, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1997 In-depth biography based on documents from Russia’s secret archives. Richardson, Rosamond, The Long Shadow: Inside Stalin’s Fam ily , London: Flamingo, 1993 Shukman, Harold, St alin, Stroud: Sutton, 1999 ‘Pocket biography’ series Slusser, Robert M, St alin in October: The Man Who Missed the Revolution, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins UP, 1987 Useful on Stalin’s role in the Revolution. Stalin, J, Problem s of Leninism , Moscow : Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1953 Handy version of Stalin’s writings. Stalin, J, Works, London: Law rence & Wishart, 1955 Trotsky, Leon, Stalin: An Appraisal of t he Man and his Influence , translated by C Malaluth, London: Hollis & Carter, 1947 Tucker, R, Stalin as Revolutio nary, 1879–1929: A Study i n History and Personality , London: Chatto & Windus, 1974 Useful on Stalin’s rise to power. Tucker, R, Stalin in Power: The Revolution from Above, 1928/9 – 1941, New York: Norton, 1990 Ulam, Adam B, Stalin: The Man and his Era , 2nd edn, Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1989 HIST O RY 13 WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Volkogonov, Dmitri, Stalin: Trium ph and Tragedy , London: Weidenf eld & Nicolson, 1991 Edited and translated by Harold Shukman Glasnost-era ‘official’ biography, drawing on archival sources on Stalin’s rise to power. Russia before the Revolution Geif man, Anna (ed), Russia under the Last Tsar. Opposition and Subversion 1894 –1917, Oxf ord: Blackw ell, 1999 A collection of essays providing an overview of the issues, events and personalities of the two decades before t he 1917 Revolution. Lieven, D, Nicholas II, Em peror of all the Russias , London: Pimlico, 1993 Readable biography of the last Tsar. Paxton, J, The Longm an Com panion to Im perial Russia , London: Longman, 1996 Pipes, Richard, Russia under the Old Regi m e , 2nd edn, London: Penguin, 1990 An analysis of the Russian state, showing the Russian roots of Soviet communism. The revolutionary period 1917–1924 General Acton, E, Rethinking the Russian Revol ution , London: Edw ard Arnold, 1990 Analysis of the historiography of the Revolution. Broido, Vera, Leni n and the Mensheviks: The Persecution of Socialists under Bolshevism , Aldershot: Gow er, 1987 Buchanan, George, My Mission to Russia and Other Diplom atic Mem ories, 2 vols, London: Cassell, 1923 Carr, E H, The Bolshevik Revolution 1917 –23, 3 vols, New York: Macmillan 1951 –53; The Interregnum 1923 –24, 1954 Chamberlin, W H, The Russian Revolution 1917 –1921, 2 vols, London: Macmillan, 1935 Still an important narrative history of the Revolution. 14 HI ST O RY WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Clements, B E, Bolshevik Wom en, Cambridge: CUP, 1998 Frame, Murray, The Russian Revolution 1905 –1921: A Bibliographic Guide t o Works in English , Westport, CT: Greenw ood Press, 1995 Useful list of books and journal articles. Kochan, Lionel, Russia in Revolution , Aylesbury: Paladin, 1970 Comprehensive analysis of the economic, social and ideological factors. Lincoln, W B, Passage Through Arm ageddon: The Russians in War and Revolution , 1914 –1918, New York and Oxf ord: OUP, 1994 Lockhart, R H Bruce, Mem oirs of a British Agent, London: Macmillan, 1985 Personal account of travels and official mission to Moscow in 1918. Pipes, R, A Concise History of the Russian Revolution , London: Harvill, 1995 Pipes, R, The Russian Revolution, 1899 –1919, London: Fontana Press, 1992 Comprehensive coverage of the political and military struggle for power. Useful bibliography. Pipes, R, Three ‘Whys’ of the Revolution , London: Pimlico, 1998 Pipes, R, Russia under the Bolshevik Regim e, 1919 –24, London: Fontana Press, 1995 The Bolsheviks’ attempt to expand their authority throughout Russia and outside. Useful bibliography. Shukman, Harold (ed), Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Russian Revolution, rev. edn, Oxf ord: Blackw ell, 1994 Useful reference book and introduction. Suny, R G and Adam s, A E (eds), The Russian Revolution and Bolshevik Victory , Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1990 D C Heath documents series. Trotsky, Leon, History of the Russian Revolution , London: Gollancz, 1965 White, J D, The Russi an Revol ution 1917 –21: A Short History, London: Edw ard Arnold, 1994 Wolf e, Bertram D, An Ideology in Power: Reflections on the Russian Revolution, London: Allen & Unw in, 1969 HIST O RY 15 WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S 1917–1918 Akhapkin, Yuri, First Decrees of Soviet Power , Law rence & Wishart, 1970 Text of Soviet laws from October 1917 to mid 1918, including the 1918 Constitution. Bone, Ann (trans), The Bolsheviks and the October Revolution: Minutes of the Central Comm ittee of the Russian Social -Dem ocratic Labour Party August 1917 –February 1918 , London: Pluto Press, 1974 Daniels, R V, Red Oct ober: The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 , New York: Scribner, 1967 Hasegaw a, T, The February Revolution: Petrograd 1917 , Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1981 Standard account. Katkov, George, Russia 1917, London: Longman , 1967 Interesting account of the February 1917 Revolution. Kerensky, Alexander, The Kerensky Mem oirs , London: Cassell, 1966 McDermid, J and Hil lyer, A, Midwives of t he Revolution: Fem ale Bolsheviks and Wom en Workers in 1917 , London: UCL Press, 1999 Examines the contribution made by women in 1917 and their importance in the formative years of communism. Mohrenschildt, Dmitri von, The Russian Revolution of 1917 , Oxf ord: OUP, 1971 A collection of the memoirs of twenty-three participants. Price, Morgan Philips, Dispatches from the Revolution: Russia 1916–18, Tania Rose (ed.), London: Pluto Press, 1997 Rabinow itch, A, The Bolsheviks Com e to Power: The Revol ution of 1917 in Petrograd , New York: Norton, 1976 Still a standard account. Reed, John, Ten Days That Shook the Worl d , Harmondsw orth: Penguin, 1977 Eye-witness account of the Bolshevik Revolution by American journalist. Contains verbatim reports of speeches by leaders and comments by bystanders. Introduction by A J P Taylor. Robien, Lew is de, The Diary of a Diplom at in Russia 1917 –1918, London: Michael Joseph, 1969 16 HI ST O RY WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Smith, S, Red Petrograd: Revolution in the Factories, 1917 –1918, Cambridge: CUP, 1983 Sukhanov, N N, The Russian Revolution 1917: A Personal Record , Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1 984 Narrative history of the revolution by a Menshevik. Wheeler-Bennett, J W, Brest-Litovsk: The Forgotten Peace , London: Macmillan, 1938 The Civil War Brovkin, V N, Behi nd the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political Parties and Social Movem ents in R ussia, 1918–1922, Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1994 Contains new and differing interpretations of the Civil War period. Butt, V P; Murphy, A B; Myshov, N A; Swain, Geoff rey (eds), The Russian Civil War. Docum ents from the Soviet Archives , Basingstoke: Ma cmillan, 1996 Dune, Eduard M, Notes of a Red Guard . Edited and translated by Diane Koenker and S A Smith, Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1993 Figes, Orlando, Peasant Russia, Civil War: The Volga Countrysi de in Revolution 1917 –1921, O xf ord: OUP, 1989 Repercussions of the Civil War in rural areas. Maw dsley, Evan, The Russian Civil War , London: Allen & Unw in, 1987 Covers military and political factors in the Bolshevik struggle to survive after 1917. Sw ain, Geoff rey, The Origins of the Russian Civil War , London: Longman, 1996 An account and interpretation of the complex developments that preceded the Civil War, concentrating in particular on February 1917 to November 1918. Ullman, Richard H, Anglo-Soviet Relations 1917 –1921, Princeton, NJ: PUP, 1968 HIST O RY 17 WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Changi ng econom ic policy from War Communism to New Econom ic Policy See also section on Economic and social history. Carr, E H, The Bolshevik Revolution , Vol. 2, New York: Macmillan, 1952 Davies, R D (ed), From Tsarism to New Econom ic Policy: Continuity and Change in the Econom y of the USSR , London: Macmillan, 1990 Pethybridge, Roger, One Step Backwards, Two Steps Forward: Soviet Society and Pol itics under the New Econom ic Policy , Oxf ord: OUP, 1990 Implementation of the NEP at a local level. Stalinism Brovkin, V, Russia af ter Lenin: Politics, Culture and Society, 1921 – 29, London: Routledge, 1998 A portrait of the 1920s and the rise of Stalinism. Daniels, R V (ed), The Stalin Revol ution , B oston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1990 D C Heath documents series. Dunmore, T, Soviet Politics 1945 –1953, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1984 Post-war Soviet politics with studies on major policy areas of industry, agriculture, foreign affairs and culture. Fitzpatrick, Sheila (ed), Stalinsim : New Di rect ions, London: Routledge, 2000, ‘Rew riting Histories’ series A reassessment of the Stalinist period which draws on the ‘totalitarian’ and ‘revisionist’ arguments, and also on new work by Russian, American and European scholars. Gill, Graeme, The Origins of the Stalinist Political System , Cambridge: CUP, 1990 General analysis. Hahn, W G, Post-war Soviet Politics: The Fall of Zhdanov and the Defeat of Moderation 1946 –53, Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1982 Keep, John, Last of Em pires: A History of the Soviet Un ion 1945 – 1991, O xf ord: OUP, 1996 Examines the central currents of political, cultural, social and economic developments after 1945. Part 1 covers Stalin’s last years. 18 HI ST O RY WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Kershaw , Nazism, St alinism and Dictatorship , Cambridge: CUP , 1997 Khrushchev, N S, Khrushchev Rem em bers , trans. S Talbott, London: Book Club, 1971 Medvedev, Roy A, Let History Judge: The Origins and Consequences of Stalinism , rev. edn, Oxf ord: OUP, 1989 Expanded edition of analysis based on access to archives and new sources by the Soviet historian. Medvedev, Roy A, On Stalin and Stalinism , trans E de Kadt, Oxf ord: OUP, 1979 Nove, Alec, Stalinism and after: The road t o Gorbachev , Boston, MA, and London: Unwin Hyman, 1989 Nove, A (ed) , The Stalin Phenom enon , London: Weidenf eld & Nicolson, 1993 Collections of essay partly based on new historical material. Rigby, T H (ed), The Stalin Dictatorship: Khrushchev’s ‘ Secret Speech’ and other Docum ents , Sydney: Sydney UP, 1968 Schecter, Jerrold L with Luchkon, Vyacheslav V (trans and ed), Khrushchev Rem em bers, The Glasnost Tapes , Boston, MA: Little, Brow n, 1990 Tucker, R C, Stalinism : Essays in Historical Interpretation , New York: Norton, 1977 Industrialisation and collectivisation See also section on Economic and social history. Andrle, V, Workers i n Stalin’s Russia: Industrialisation and Social Change in a Planned Econom y , Hemel Hempstead: Harvester/Wheatsheaf , 1988 Carr, E H, Socialism in One Country, 1924 –26, 2 vols, London: Macmillan, 1958 –59; Foundations of a Planned Econom y, 192 6–29, 3 vols; Vol. 1 parts 1 and 2 w ith R W Davi es, London: Macmillan, 1969–78 Conquest, R, A Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivisation and the Terror-Fam ine, New York: OUP, 1990 Impact of collectivisation on the Ukraine and other areas. HIST O RY 19 WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Davies, R W, The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia , Vol. 1, The Socialist Offensive: The Collectivisation of Soviet Agriculture, 1929 – 30, London: Macmillan, 1980; Vol. 2 , The Soviet Collective Farm , 1929–30, London: Macmillan, 1981; Vol. 3, The Soviet Econom y in Turm oil, 1929–30, London: Macmillan, 1989; Vol. 4, Crisis and Progress in the Soviet Econom y, 1931 –33, B asingstoke: Macmillan, 1996; Vol. 5, w ith S Wheatcrof t, The Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture and the Fam ine, 1931 –33 Five volumes on collectivisation and industrialisation with important studies of the critical period of the late 1920s and early 1930s, now based on archival sources. Fitzpatrick, Sheila, Everyday Stalinism . Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Tim es: Soviet Russia i n the 1930s , New York: OUP , 1999 Focuses on day-to-day life in urban areas. Based on research in Soviet archives. Fitzpatrick, Sheila, Stalin’s Peasants. Resi stance and Survival i n the Russian Village af ter Collectivisation , New York: OUP, 1994 Overview of history of collectivisation. Kotkin, S, Magnetic Mountain. Stalinism as Civilization , Berkeley, CA: University of Calif ornia Press, 1995 A case study based on the city of Magnitogorsk. Kuromiya, H, Stalin’ s Industrial Revolution: Politics and Workers 1928–1932, Cambri dge: CUP, 1988 Lew in, Moshe, Russian Peasants and Soviet Power: A St udy of Collectivisation, London: Allen & Unw in, 1968 Still an important study of collectivisation. Rosenberg W and Siegelbaum, L H (eds), The Social Dim ensions of Soviet Industrialisa tion, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1993 Useful collection of essays. Siegelbaum, L H, Stakhanovism and the Politics of Productivity in the USSR, 1935 –41, Cambridge: CUP, 1990 A social history of the movement within Stalinist politics , planning and industrialisation. Viola, Lynne, The Best Sons of t he Fat herland: Workers in the Vanguard of Soviet Collectivisation , New York and O xf ord: OUP, 1987 20 HI ST O RY WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Purges/the Terror Bacon, Edw in, The Gulag at War: Stalin’s forced Labour System in the Light of the Archive , Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996 Repression after 1938, in particular data on prisoner numbers, conditions in the camps and the contribution of the labour camp system to the Soviet war economy. Based on new archival revelations. Bardach, Janusz, Man is Wolf to Man: surviving Stalin’s gulag , London: Scribner, 1999 Boterbloem, Kees, Life and Death under Stalin. Kalinin Province 1945–1953, Montreal: McGill -Queens University Press, 1999 First Western scholar to have access to the records of the Kalinin province, supplementing archival documentation with interviews of survivors. Covering industry, agriculture, party affairs, repression and education, it looks at the relationships between the political elite of the Communist Party, its rank and file members, and the Russian population. Conquest, Robert, Inside Stalin’s Secret Police: NKVD Politics, 1936–39, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1985 Conquest, Robert, The Great Terror: A Reassessm ent , London: Pimlico, 1992 Revised and updated edition of standard ‘totalitarian’ account of the significance of the Terror. Conquest, Robert, St alin and the Kirov Murder , London: Hutchinson, 1989 Davies, S, Popular Opinion in Stalin’s Russia. Terror, Propaganda and Dissent, 1931 –1957, Cambridge: CUP, 1998 New study using NKVD materials. Getty, J Arch, Origi ns of the Great Purges. The Soviet Com m unist Party Reconsidered, 1933 –1938, Cambridge: CUP, 1986 A ‘revisionist’ reinterpretation of the Terror. Getty, J Arch, and Manning, R T (eds), St alinist Ter ror: New Perspectives, Cambridge, CUP, 1993 Contains important ‘revisionist’ case studies. Ginzburg, Eugenia, Into the Whirlwind , London: Collins Harvill, 1989 Memoir of a victim of the purges. HIST O RY 21 WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Knight, Amy, Beria: Stalin’s First Lieutenant , Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993 Kuromiya, H, Freedom and Terror in the Donbas: A Ukranian Russian Borderland 1870s –1990s , Cambridge: CUP, 1999 Rapoport, I A L, Stal in’s War against the Jews: The Doctors’ Plot and the Soviet Solution , London: Fourt h Estate, 1991 Well documented work. Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich , London: Harvill Press, 1991 Classic novel of life in the Gulag. Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, The Gulag Archi pelago (1918 –56), London: Harvill Press, 1999 Abridged single volume from original three volumes. Based on the testimony of over 200 survivors and his own recollections of labour camps and internal exile. Thurston, Robert W, Life and Terror in Stalin’s Russia, 1934 –1941, New Haven, CT, and Lon don: Yale UP, 1996 Appraisal of the Stalinist regime and its interaction with Russian society during the terror of the 1930s. Uses material from newly opened archives. Example of the ‘revisionalist’ school and its ongoing debate. Zarod, Kazimierez, I nside Stalin’s Gulag: A true story of survival , Lew es: Book Guild, 1990 Policies towards national minorities Conquest, Robert, The Nation Killers. The Soviet Deportation of Nationalities, London: Macmillan, 1970 Standard work. Kaiser, Robert, The Geography of Nationalism in Russia and the USSR, Princeton, NJ: PUP, 1994 Kochan, Lionel (ed), The Jews in Soviet Russia since 1917 , O xf ord: OUP, 1978 22 HI ST O RY WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Nahaylo, Bohdan and Sw oboda, Victor, Soviet Disunion: A History of the Nationalities Problem in the USSR , London: Hamish Hamilton, 1990 Draws on a wide range of documentary evidence, including Soviet and Western sources, writings and testimony of exiled dissidents. Pipes, R, The Form ation of the Soviet Union: Com m unism and Nationalism 1917 –1923, Cambri dge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1984 Reid, Anna, Borderland. A Journey through the History of the Ukraine, London: Phoenix, 1978 Author combines historical research and own experiences. Simon, G, Nationalism and Policy towards the Nationalities in the Soviet Union: From Totalitarian Dictatorship to Post -Stalinist Society, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1991 Smith G, Nationalities of the Form er Soviet Union , London: Longman, 1991 Smith, G, The Nationalities Question in the USSR , 1990 Essays provide useful background and include Great Russian nationalism. Smith, Jeremy, The Bolsheviks and t he National Question 1917 –23, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1999 Explores Bolshevik attempts to promote the development of minority nationalities in the Soviet context through a combination of political, cultural and educational measures. Looks at the disputes surrounding the creation of the Soviet Union, using new material from Soviet archives. Suny, R G, The Revenge of the Past: Nationalism , Revolution, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union , Stanf ord, CA: Stanf ord University Press, 1993 Overview. Economic and social history Andrle, V, A Social History of Twentieth -Century Russia, London: Edw ard Arnold, 1994 Good coverage of debates. Channon, J, The Russian a nd Soviet Peasantry 1880 –1991, London: Longman Cooper, M Perrie and Rees, E A (eds) , Soviet History 1917 –45, Basingstoke: Macmillan HIST O RY 23 WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Davies, R W, Soviet Econom ic Developm ent from Lenin to Khrushchev, Cambridge: CUP, 1998 Davies, R W; Harrison M and Wheatc rof t S (eds), The Econom ic Transform ation of the Soviet Union 1913 –45, Cambri dge: CUP, 1994 Excellent overview with useful articles. Dunmore, T, The Stal inist Comm and Econom y: The Soviet State Apparatus and Economic Policy , 1945–53, London: Macmillan, 1 980 Edmondson, L and Waldron P (eds), Econom y and Society in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1860 –1930, Basingst oke and London: Macmillan, 1992 Essays. Eklof , B, School and Society in Tsarist and Soviet Russia , Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1993 Farnsw orth, B an d Viola, L (eds), Russian Peasant Wom en , New York and O xf ord: O UP, 1992 Goldman, W, Wom en, the State and Revolut ion: Fam ily Policy and Social Life, 1917 –1936, Cambri dge: CUP, 1993 Gregory, P, Before Comm and: An Econom ic History of Russia from Em ancipation to the First Five -Year Plan, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995 Ilic, M, Wom en Workers in the Soviet Inter -war Econom y, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1999 Examines changes in official Soviet policy towards the labour protection of women workers from 1917 to 1941. Lew in, M, The Making of the Soviet System: Essays in t he Social History of Interwar Russia , London: Methuen, 1985 General interpretation. Moon, D, The Russian Peasantry 1600 –1930. The World the Peasants Made, London: Longman, 1999 Nove, A, An Econom ic History of the USSR, 1917 –1991, 3rd edn, New York: Penguin, 1992 Still the standard work, beginning with an analysis of the economy of imperial Russia. 24 HI ST O RY WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Rees, E A, Decision-Making in the Stalini st Comm and Econom y, 1932–37, Basingst oke: Macmillan, 1997 Culture Brooks, Jef f rey, Thank you Com rade Stalin. Soviet Public Culture from Revolution to Cold War , Princeton, NJ: PUP, 2000 Brow n, M, Art under Stalin , O xf ord: Phaidon, 1991 Fitzpatrick, Sheila, Education and Social Mobility in the Soviet Union, 1921 –1934, Cambridge: CUP, 1979 Fitzpatrick, Sheila, The Cultural Front: Power and Culture in Revolutionary Russia , Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992 Geldern, J von and Stites, R (eds), Mass Culture in Soviet Russi a , Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1995 Anthology with a good introduction. Gunther, H, The Culture of the Stalin Peri od , Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1990 Useful articles; sections on popular culture and everyday life, art, literature, architecture and film. Stites, R, Russian Popular Culture: Entert ainm ent and Society since 1900, Cambridge: CUP, 1992 Terras, V, A History of Russian Literature , New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1991 Up-to-date survey. Religion Curtiss, J S, The Russian Church and the Soviet S tate, 1917–1950, Boston, MA: Little, Brow n, 1953 Fletcher, W C, The Russian Ort hodox Church Underground 1917 – 70, London: OUP, 1971 Kolarz, W, Religion in the Soviet Union , London: Macmillan, 1961 Ware, T, The Russian Orthodox Church , Harmondsw orth: Peng uin, 1963 HIST O RY 25 WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Foreign policy General Debo, R K, Survival and Consolidation: the Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia, 1918–1921, Montreal: McGill –Queen’s University Press, 1992 Ellman, B A, Diplom acy and Deception. The Secret History of Soviet Diplom atic Relatio ns 1917–1997, M E Sharpe, 1998 Gorodetsky, G (ed), Soviet Foreign Policy 1917 –1991: A Retrospective, London: Frank Cass, 1994 Collection of articles. Harrison, M, Soviet Planning in Peace and War 1938 –45, Cambridge: CUP, 1985 Haslam, J, Soviet Foreign Policy 1930–33: The Im pact of the Great Depression, London: Macmillan, 1982; The Soviet Union and the Struggle for Collective Security in Europe, 1933 –39, 1984 Standard works on the pre-war period. McDermott, K and Agnew , J, The Com intern: A History o f International Comm unism from Lenin to Stalin , London: Macmillan, 1996 General survey. Roberts, Geof f rey, The Soviet Union and t he Origins of the Second World War, London: Macmillan, 1995 Incorporates new material. Samuelson, Lennart, Plans for Stal in’s War Machine. Tukhachevskii and Military-Econom ic Planning, 1925 –1941, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1999 Analysis of military dimensions of Soviet long -term economic and military reconstruction plans, with a framework for estimating the Soviet war economic preparedness. Based on recently opened archives. Tolstoy, Nikolai, Stalin’s Secret War , London: Cape, 1981 Examines the mainsprings of Soviet policy, both internal and external, between 1938 and 1945. Ulam, Adam, Expansi on and Coexistence: Soviet Fo reign Policy 1917–1973, 2nd edn, New York: Praeger, 1974 Slightly dated standard book. 26 HI ST O RY WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S World War Two Barber, J D and Harrison, M, The Soviet Hom e Front 1941 –45: a Social and Econom ic History of the USSR i n World War II , London: Longman, 1991 A concise introduction which summarises recent research. Beevor, Anthony, Stalingrad, London: Penguin, 1999 A new narrative history. Collier, Richard, The War that Stalin Won: Tehran – Berlin, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1983 Erikson, John and Di lks, D (eds), Barbarossa: the Axis and the Allies, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1994 Collection of post-glasnost articles. Erickson, John, Stali n’s War with Germ any: The Road to Stalingrad , 1993; The Road to Berlin , 1983, London: Weidenf eld & Nicolson Detailed accounts of the whole military history. Glant z, D M and House, J, When Titans Cl ashed: How the Red Arm y Stopped Hitler, Law rence, KA: Kansas University Press, 1995 Useful short account of the war. Gorodetsky, Gabriel, Grand Delusion: Stal in and the Germ an Invasion of Russia, New Haven, CT, and London: Yale Universi ty Press, 1999 Draws on new documentation of Soviet archives. Kershaw , I and Lew in, M, Stalinism and Nazism , 1997 Linz, S, The Im pact of World War II on the Soviet Union , Totow a, NJ: Row man & Allanheld, 19 85 Moskkof f , W, The Bread of Affliction : The Food Supply in the USSR During World War II , Cambridge: CUP, 1990 On wartime food supply, hunger and suffering. Nation, R C, Black Earth, Red Star: A History of Soviet Security Policy 1917–91, Ithaca, NY: Co rnell University Press, 1992 Overy, Richard, Russia’s War , London: Penguin, 1998 Overview of the Soviet Union’s struggle against Germany as regards the political and military situation and social and economic aspects of the conquest. Includes sections on 1917–37 and 1937–41. Summary of present state of debate. Bibliography. HIST O RY 27 WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Read, Ant hony, The Deadly Em brace: Hitler, Stalin and the Nazi Soviet Pact, 1939 –41, London: Michael Joseph, 1988 Rees, Law rence, War of the century: When Hitler fought Stalin , London: BBC, 1999 Shukman, Harold (ed), Stalin’s Generals , London: Weidenf eld & Nicolson, 1993 Collection of new biographies. Suvorov, V, Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War? , London: Hamish Hamilton, 1990 Zhukov, G K, Marshal Zhukov’s Greatest Battles, London: Sphere, 1971 Zhukov, G.K, Mem oirs, London: Cape, 1971 Cold War Edmonds, Robin, The Big Three: Churchill , Roosevelt and Stalin in Peace and War, London: Penguin, 1992 Gaddis, J L, We Now Know: Rethinki ng Cold War History , Oxf ord: OUP, 1997 Gori, Francesca and Pons, S (eds), The Soviet Union and Europe in the Cold War 1943 -53, London: Macmillan, 1996 Hollow ay, D, Stalin and the Bom b: The Soviet Union and Atom ic Energy 1939–1956, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1994 Kennedy-Pipe, Caroline, Stalin’s Cold War; Soviet Strategies in Europe 1943-1956, Manchester: MUP, 1995. Narrative and analysis of the start of the Cold War from a Soviet viewpoint. Based on access to new sources. Bibliography. Leff er, M P and Painter, D S (eds ), Origins of the Cold War: An International History , London and New York: Routledge, 1994 Mastny, Vojtech, The Cold War and Soviet Insecurity , New York: OUP, 1997 Nogee, J and Donaldson, R, Soviet Foreign Policy Since World War II, 1992 Clear background survey of the whole period. 28 HI ST O RY WO R K S M O R E SU I T A B L E FO R T EA CH ER S O R D I SS E R TA T IO N PUR PO S E S Pearson, Raymond, The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Em pire , Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997 Describes and explains the creation, maintenance and demise of the Soviet regime across post-1945 Eastern Europe. Raack, R C, Stalin’s Drive to the West 1938 –45: The Origins of the Cold War, Stanf ord, CA: Stanf ord UP, 1995 Roberts, Geof f rey, The Soviet Union i n World Politics , London: Routledge, 1999 Short survey of Soviet foreign policy and international relations from 1945 to the end of the Cold War and the break up of the USSR. Summarises historical and political controversies about foreign policy and brings the latest research to bear on these debates. Guide to further reading and research. Zubok, V and Pleshakov, C, Inside the Kr emlin’s Cold War , Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996 New Russian research based on archives and documentary publications. HIST O RY 29 O TH E R SO U RC E S SECTION 3 Journals/periodicals Modern History Review , O xf ord: Philip Allan New Perspective , Bedf ord: Sempringham Has an on-line version On twentieth-century Russian history: Cold War International History Project Bul letin Europe- Asia Studies , Abington: Carf ax Has an on-line version. Formerly Soviet Studies, Oxford: Blackwell Journal of Slavic Military Studies , London: Frank Cass Revolutionary Russia , London: Frank Cass Specialises in articles on the revolutionary period. Russian Review In North America. Russian Studies in Hi story (f ormerly Soviet Studies in History) Work by Russian scholars appears in translation. Slavic Review An American journal, with an on-line version. Slavonic and East European Review ( SEER), London: University of London School of Slavonic and East European Studies Audio-visual Clearvue PC/ Apple CD -ROM, The Ideas of Karl Mar x Traces his life and ideas. REM Win + Mac CD- ROM, Perspectives: The Cold War Eyewitness account as told by correspondents from The Times and Sunday Times. Includes contemporary newspaper articles, photographs and illustrations. 30 HI ST O RY O TH E R SO U RC E S BLP, Operation Barbaro ssa Investigates the background and build up of the attack as well as the invasion itself. 52 minutes. BLP, Germ any 1945 –1961 Documentary about the birth of the Cold War. 51 minutes. Castlevision, The Russian Revolution Rare film of the 1917 Revolution and events which led to the rise of Lenin and the fall of the Tsars. Cromw ell Productions Ltd, The Russian Front 1941 –45 A four-part series telling the story of the war on the Eastern Front, with historical analysis, archive footage and illustrative grap hics. 4 x 48 minutes. Granada Learning, Russia: Revolution and Em pire Traces the fall of the Tsars to the rise of Gorbachev, using archive film, eye-witness accounts and location filming. 45 minutes. Granada Learning, Red Em pire: The History of the Soviet Union TV history of the Soviet Union, tracing its development from the fall of the Tsars to the rise of Gorbachev. Includes eyewitness accounts and location filming. Includes a comprehensive ‘fact file’. Seven programmes of 51 minutes. IBP Films in London in association w ith Victory Series in Russi a. ‘Russia’s War’, a series of ten 52 -minute documentaries All aspects of the war are covered, using new materials made available from film sources and archive records in the former Soviet Union and testimony from survivors. REM, Zhukov Looks at the career of Zhukov with particular reference to the Battle of Berlin. Sussex videos: Warw ick History Series: The Decline of Tsarism Stalin: Terror and Transformation Approximately 30 minutes each, with teacher notes. HIST O RY 31 O TH E R SO U RC E S The Internet The amount of information available via the internet is vast but should be used selectively. Much of the material on the net consists of digital diarrhoea. Time should therefore be taken to go through what is there. This is particularly true of a topic such as Soviet Russia. One method of ‘surfing’ is to use a search engine such as ‘Hotbot’ and then examine what students come up with on their menu. Alternatively call up various university websites. Useful search engines 1. 2. 3. 4. Yahoo = Hotbot = Clearinghouse = http:/ /www Alta Vista = http://www Useful websites The following sites are particularly helpful for aspects of the period on Soviet Russia. A useful chronology of Russian and Soviet history with links to other relevant sites. A site with Trotsky’s works. Interesting material on the Bolsheviks and the workers’ movement. 32 HI ST O RY