Curriculum vitae - Irish Business Club

Hannu Väinö Tapani Lehtonen
Date and place of birth: July 1, 1950, Helsinki, Finland
Present position: Professor of fishery science, University of Helsinki, Department of
Biological and Environmental Sciences
Student examination, Maunulan yhteiskoulu
May 30,1969
M.Sc. University of Helsinki (zoology)
March 22, 1973
Lic. Phil. University of Helsinki (zoology)
May 19, 1977
Dissertation University of Helsinki (zoology)
June 4, 1981
Ph.D. degree, University of Helsinki (Biology and stock
assessments of coregonids by the Baltic coast of Finland)
September 17, 1981
Previous professional appointments:
Research Scientist, Helsinki City Water Conservation Laboratory 1.5.1972-11.11 1973.
Research Scientist, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute 12.11.1973-31.5.1983
Senior Research Scientist, Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute 1.6.198331.7.1995
Docent of Fishery Science, University of Helsinki, Department of Limnology and
Environmental Protection 1983-1995
Acting professor of Fishery Sciences, University of Helsinki, Department of Limnology
Acting director of Fisheries Division of the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research
Institute 21.11.1991-31.12.1991
Head of the Department of Limnology and Environmental Protection 1998-2003
Vice-head of the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences 2004-2006
Scientific expert positions of trust
Supervised 7 doctoral theses
Opponent for 9 doctoral disserations in 5 universities (three times in a foreign university)
Pre-examiner of 8 doctoral theses
Examiner of 12 licentiate theses
External referee for docent competence 12 times
External referee for Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (1996, filling of a
professor-level research director position)
External referee for evaluation of scientific competence and merits of candidates to posts
of section leaders and senior scientists in the Estonian Marine Institute (1994)
External referee for evaluation of scientific competence and merits of professorship in
environmental assessment with reference to fish biology (University of Uppsala).
External referee for evaluation of scientific competence and merits of candidates for the
professorship in fish biology and fishery science (University of Jyväskylä).
External referee for evaluation of scientific competence and merits of candidates for the
professorship in fish biology and fishery science (University of Tartu).
External referee for evaluation of scientific competence and merits of candidates for the
university lector position in the game animal science (University of Helsinki)
Evaluator of applications to the Academy of Finland (1994-1999)
Evaluator of applications to the Finnish Foundation of Natural Resources (1998-2001)
Chairperson of the evaluation team of Estonian Aquatic Research (2000)
Editor of the Reports of the Water Conservation Laboratory (1972-1973)
Editor of the Finnish Fisheries Research (1979-1995)
Member of the editorial board of Aqua Fennica (1983-1995, chairman of the editorial
board 1993-1995)
Member of the editorial board of Nordic Journal of Freshwater Research (since 1987)
Editor-In-Chief of Boral Environment Research (1996-1997)
Member of editorial board of the Bulletin of the Sea Fisheries Institute (Gdynia) (2002-)
Fisheries working group of the Gulf of Finland Committee 1977-1992 (chairman in 19881992)
The scientific cooperation body for fish in the Gulf of Bothnia 1983- (chairman of the
Finnish part)
ICES Working Group on the Effects of Marine Aggregate Extraction on Fisheries 19861995
EIFAC Working Party on Ageing of Coarse Fish 1987-92
Steering committee of the International Symposium on Biology and Management of
Coregonid fishes 1985-87 (chairman)
Invited member of Session "Estuaries" in Symposium on Management Schemes of Inland
Fisheries (EIFAC) 1988
Steering Committee of the 1990 International Symposium on Biology and Management
of Coregonid fishes 1988-90
Nordic scientific contact body for activities in the cooling water areas 1988-1995
Gulf of Bothnia year 1991, member of executive committee 1987-94
Steering committee of the Nordic/east European fisheries congress 1991 (chairman)
Steering committee of the 1995 International percid fish symposium (PERCIS II) 1994(chairman)
Organizing committee of the Climate change and waters in the boreal zone- symposium
International review group of the research programme proposal ”Sustainable coastal zone
management”, Sweden, 1995-1996
EIFAC working group "Methodologies for rehabilitation of Lakes and Reservoirs" 1998(chairman)
National committee for the protection of fishes (1996-1997)
Member of the leading group of the post graduate schools ”Fish biology and fishery
science” (1995-1997) and ”Biological interactions” (1998-)
Steering committee of the 2003 International Percid fish symposium (PERCIS II) 1994(member)
79 peer reviewed scientific articles
11 articles in international scientific compilation works and international scientific
conference proceedings with referee practice
57 articles in Finnish scientific journals with referee practice
34 scientific monographs
69 other scientific publications
240 popular articles in magazines about fishes and fisheries
211 textbooks or articles in textbooks