The Campfire ashes Legend has it that Lord Baden-Powell would always take a small amount of ashes from the campfire and spread these ashes into the next campfire. The main purpose of these ashes is to bring to all Scouts and Scouters the International aspect of the world brotherhood of Scouting. Ashes taken from a campfire are sprinkled into the flames of next one. The next morning, when the ashes are cold, they are stirred and each Scout takes some with to mix with the next campfire. If more than one Scout brings ashes to the same fire, the lists are pooled – the dates and places of the campfire are recorded and passed on. Man sagt, dass BiPi immer etwas Asche von einem Lagerfeuer ins nächste gegeben hat. Dies soll allen Pfadis auf der ganzen Welt die Gemeinschaft zeigen. Asche von einem Lagerfeuer wird in die Flammen des nächsten Feuers gegeben. Am nächsten Morgen wird die kalte Asche an alle Pfadis verteilt und alle Pfadis streuen sie wieder in ihr nächstes Lagerfeuer. Wenn mehr als ein Pfadi verschiedene Asche ins selbe Feuer streut, wird die Liste zusammengeführt – die Daten und Orte der Lagerfeuer werden nachgetragen 1949 1950 1952 1957 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 World Conference, Camp Edith Macy, New York, USA Roundup, USA Regional Roundup, USA Regional Roundup, USA National Roundup, Colorado, USA Roundup, Minot AFB, Senior Troop 98, North Dakota, USA Colorado National Roundup Kelowna B.C. Girl Guide Camp, Canada Roundup, Colorado, USA Vermont Roundup, USA Roundup, Vermont, USA Our Chalet, Adelboden, Switzerland All State Campout, Arizona, USA Ledgewood, Ohio, Mariner Scout Campout, USA All State Arizona Project, USA Senior Troop Camp, North Dakota, USA Shadow Ridge Camp, North Dakota Cadette Troop Camp, North Dakota All State Campout, USA All States Arizona Project, USA Final Campfire, Camp Mary White, New Mexico, USA Senior Campout, Arizona, USA Cadette Campout, Arizona, USA Tierra del Oro/Kelowna, B.C., Gyspy Tour, Canada. (Fire reportedly lit by Lady Baden-Powell) Cadette Troop Camp, Tierra del Oro, Canada Final Campfire, Camp Mary White, New Mexico, USA Roswell G.S. Camp, New Mexico, USA Cadette Troop 70 Campout Holland Girl Guides Senior Troop Camping, Peace Gardens Cadette Campout, Arizona Girl Guides & Troops of Foreign Service, Germany Kalyani Jamboree, India Jungle Survival Training, Taiwan Established Camp, Camp McCauley, Taiwan Ouachita (Washitaw) Ramble, Arkansas, USA Jungle Survival Camp, Taiwan, China National Center West, Wyoming, Rendezvous, USA Leaders Training for Outdoors, Tompkins Barracks, Schwetzingen Forest, Germany 1970 1971 1972 1973 Senior Troop Camp, Peace Gardens, USA Candles to Capsules, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA Senior Leadership Development Class, USA Diamond Jubilee Camp, Hulton Park, Bolton, Lancashire, England Senior Troop 90, 50.Mile Appalachian Trial, Virginia, USA Maharas Thra Jamboree, India Action ’70 Weekend, USA German Guide Campout, Petershof, Erback, Germany PSG Promise Ceremony, Petershof, Erback, Germany Leaders Training Overnight, La Fresnaye, Belgium Junior Campout, Fresnaye, Belgium Junior Campout, Domaine de Mozet, Namue, Belgium International Whitsun Camp, Dwingeloo, Netherlands Garmisch Conference, Germany Shenandoah Virginia District Winter Conference, USA Camp Timberlake CIT Graduation, Fort Worth, Texas Senior Troops 80 & 90, Appalachian Troop Hike (50 miles) USA Dig Mankind, National Center West, Sessions I & II, USA Santa Clara Co. G.S. Council Senior Troop 300 Canoe Trip, USA Senior Troop 300 Canoe Trip Neighborhood Chairmen Retreat, Santa Clara Co. G.S. Council National Camping Day, Doe Lake, Ontario, Canada Senior-Cadette Troop Camping, Veron, New York Illionois P.R.P’s and Q’s North Atlantic G.S. Conference, Garmisch, Germany Sr. Troop 90 50-Mile Hike Appalachia Trail, Virginia, USA Training Camp, Cheivres, Belgium Camp Juliette, Rhein Main, Germany Junior Camp, Domaine de Mozet, Namur, Belgium Camp Lachenwald, Germany Cadette Troop 655 Snow Trip, Long Barn, California Camp Friendship, Santa Clara Co., G.S. Council, California Opportunity Tryout, Camp Low Echo, Oregon, USA North Atlantic G.S. Training Camp, Olympiade, Wolfetsreid, Germany Mission Full of Magic, Santa Barbara, California New Mexico Mystique, Cloudcroft, New Mexico, USA Junior Troop 688, Skylark Ranch, California Junior Troop 961, Hidden Falls, California North Atlantic G.S. Training, Camping Workshop, Garmisch, Germany Camp Timberlake CIT Graduation, Fort Worth, Texas Junior Troop 88 Training Camp, Mannheim, Germany Boy Scouts of America Adult Leader training Camp, Germany German-American Guide/Scout Campout, Mannheim, Germany Senior Troop 1599 Camping, Camp Ruth Wiegand, Ohio Weidlingsbach, Junior Campout, Austria Redwoods to the Sea, Region VI, Skylark, CA Mountain Magic – Wider Opportunity Camp Zorus, Germany SEC Campout at Camp Innisfree, MI Resident Leadership Training Camp, Idenheim, Germany Training Camp, Friendship Acres, Ger. Training Camp, Abbaye de Maredsous, Belgium Camp Friendship, Santa Clara Co. G.S. Council, California Junior Troop 961, Hidden Falls, CA Our Daisy World, Senior Weekend, Central New York G.S. Council, NY Good Turn Weekend, Camp Henry F. Koch, Raintree G.S. Council, Indiana Flint River Seniors, Our Cabana, Mexico Camp Lachenwald, Germany Belgian Girl Guide Camp, La Fresnaye, Belgium Folk Art Patrol Special, Camp Rockwood, Maryland, USA Senior Service Weekend, Camp Glangarra, Camden, NY A Working Conference on Services to Troops, Macy Nat’l Center, Pleasantville, New York, USA Decker District Junior Event, Heidelberg, Germany TOFS International Friendship Award Ceremony with Pathfinder, St. George Program Aid Training, Camp H.F. Koch, Raintree Council, Indiana LIT & Aides Overnight, Camp Three Lakes, Raintree Council, Indiana 1974 1975 1976 Trails West, Session I, National Center West, Ten Sleep, Wyoming, USA Opportunities Knocking, Ft. Rucker, Alabama Sacajawea POW WOW ’73, Moingona G.S. Council, Boone, Iowa, USA Aides to the Mentally Retarded Girls, Last Campfire, Texarcana, Arkansas Belgium Guide Olympique, La Fresnaye/La Sachemeire, Belgium Service Weekend, Cadette Primitive campouts, Camden, New York, USA Leader’s Retreat, Santa Clara Co. G.S. Council, California Camp Friendship, also SCCGSC, CA Trinity Diamond Jubilee Camp, Trinidad and Tobago Edith Macy National Center, USA Ohio Valley Camping Festival Trainers Training, Heidelberg, Germany Girl-Adult Conference, Oxfordshire, England Spandahlem Neighborhood Happening, Dierscheid, Germany Outdoor Training, Abbaye de Maredsous, Belgium Outdoor Training, Vianden, Luxembourg Senior Campout, Dierscheid, Germany Partners-in Training, Songs, Athens, Greece Camp Lachenwald, Germany Camp Freundschaft, Germany Camp Edelburg, Germany U.K. Leaders Conference, London, England Chattooga Challenge, Old Ninety-six G.S. Council, Greenville, S.C. No One Is An Island, Senior Weekend, Central New York G.S. Council Our Cabana, Mexico Conference on Working with Handicapped Persons, U. of Pittsburgh, PA Sportlight, Camp Archibald, PA Stuttgart Cadette Encampment, District Hilltip Day Camp, Germany Junior Pow Wow, Mountain Dew, NC Earth and Us #I, Philadelphia, PA Aides to Mentally Retarded Girls, Conifer Council Wider Opp., last campfire, Arkansas Leadership Training, Camp Ledgewood, Peninsula, Ohio, USA Junior Primitive Campout, Camp Hidden Hollow, Ohio, USA Cadette Primitive Campout, Camp Jessie Mae Fageol, Ravenna, Ohio, USA Combined Cadette Campout, Camp Hidden Hollow, Ohio, USA Leader’s Retreat, Santa Clara Co. G.S. Council, California Camp Friendship, SCCGSC, CA Troop 368 Overnight, Hidden Falls Sierra Nevada Senior Conference, Fallen Leaf Lake Becky Thatcher Beckons, Hannibal, Missouri, USA Two Sentinels G.S. Camp, CA Sembach Cadette Encampment, Ger. Camp Lachenwald, Germany Pirates Island Play Day, Sembach, Germany First Annual Cadette-Seniors Opryland Jamboree, Nashville, Tenn. Alabama State Seniors Conference, Cahaba Council, Camp Sumatagua, Birmingham, Alabama Earth & Us #II, Philadelphia, Penn. Colonial Capers, Heritage Council of Virginia, Williamsburg, VA Fantastic Senior Special, Camp Rockwood, Potomac, Maryland, USA Our Chalet, Switzerland Edith Macy National Center, Pleasantville, New York, USA Conifer Council’s Aides to Mentally Retarded Girls, Arkansas Roundup ’75 Cadette-Senior Camping, Jamestown, Pennsylvania Poplar Bluffs Day Camp, Missouri Missouri Boothill Kicks Junior Campout, Camp Ledgewood, Peninsula, Ohio, USA Advanced AGA Training Overnight, Camp Ledgewood Peninsula, Ohio, USA Leader-Daughter Training, Camp Ledgewood, Peninsula, Ohio, USA Junior 918 Campout, Camp Rolling Hills, Dayton, Ohio, USA AGA Tripcrafter Backpack Trip, Pennsylvania, USA Foxlease Girl Guide Leadership Training, England Camp Sugar Pine, San Francisco Bay & Novato G.S. Councils, CA Neighborhood Galaxy 25 Camporee, Santa Clara Co. G.S. Council, CA Leaders’s Retreat, Skylark, CA Arizona Camp Dedication 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1983 1985 2006 2008 Troop 368 Camporee, Hidden Falls, CA Vancouver Ranger Gathering, Canada Kelowna B.C. Ranger, Senior Ceremony, Canada Wilderness ’76, Cranberry Back Country, West Virginia, USA Adult Adventure Session II, Nuestra Cabana, Mexico Junior Campout, Camp Martha Johnson Flames for Freedom Celebration, Robin AFB, Georgia 2nd Annual Cadette-Senior Opryland Jamboree, Nashville, Tennesee Troop 868, Rainey Fall Campout Edith Macy N’tl Center 50th Anniversary Fire, Pleasantville, NY, USA Intercontinental Congress, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Your Heritage Began Here, Licking Valley Councilk, Campbell Mt. G.S. Camp, Covington, Kentucky Aides to Mentally Retarded Girls, Conifer Council, Arkansas Cadette-Senior Overnight opening, campfire, dedication of new camp, Emlenton, Pennsylvania Shenango Valley Day Camp Closing Fire Lakeview Day Camp, Sandy Lake, Penn. Leader’s Retreat, Skylark, CA Senior Jamboree, Hidden Falls, CA Our Cabana, Mexico, Santa Clara Co. G.S. Council, California Camp Friendship, also SCCGSC, CA Tote ‘N Trek, Nü’tl Center West, WY Senior Kickoff, Widening Circles, Peach Creek Ranch, New Caney, Texas Nuestra Cabana, International Program Workshop, Cuernavaca, Mexico Cadette-Senior Friends Around the World, Ketchikan, Alaska, USA Region V Campers G.S. Convention, Noingona Council, Boone, Tenn. Senior Weekend, also Camp Welcome 3rd Annual Opryland Jamboree, Nashiville, Tennessee, USA Aides to Mentally Retarded Girls, Conifer Council, Arkansas, USA Camp Edith Macy/Andree Clark Worlds to Explore, New York, USA Neigborhood 11 Canporee, Santa Clara Co. G.S. Councile, California Cadette – Senior Spring Fling, also SCCGSC, California Scouts on Survival, Garden Island, MI Michigan Capitol G.S Councile, USA Aide Training, Waterford, California Aides to Mentally Retarded Girls, 7th year, Conifer G.S. Councile, Arkansas Who am ? Catholic Reftreat, Detroit, Michigan Tri-Hoga Leader-Daughter Weekend, Camp Ledgewood, Ohio, USA Camp Serendipity, California Senior Executive Comitee Weekend, Camp Innisfree, Detroit, Michigan Troop Camper Training, Camp Innisfree, Detroit, Michigan Tri-Hoga Leader-Daughter Weekend, Camp Ledgewood, Ohio, USA Advanced AGA Training, Camp Ledgewood, Peninsula, Ohio, USA Cadette 101 Campout, Camp Butterworth, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA AGA Reunion, Camp Jessie May Fageol, Ravenna, Ohio, USA Juliet Low’s birthday, Waterworks Park, Cuyaboga Falls, Ohio, USA USA Leader Retreat, Twain Harte GSA Gold Tree, Twain Harte Session 2, Hi – A – Wake, Meadow Mountain Ranch, Mountain Prairie G.S Councile, Greeley, Colorado, USA Tri-Hoga Leader-Daughter Weekend, Camp Ledgewood, Ohio, USA Troop Adventure Camp, Camp Ledgewood, Peninsula, Ohio, USA Hi-A-Wat-A III, Meadow Mountain, Colorado, USA The Crusoe Caper, Garden Island, Mi Michigan Capitol G.S. Council, USA German-Finnish Camp, Essen, Heisingen, Germany Swiss Training Camp, Cauco, Val Calanca, Switzerland Miilu ’85, Jämijärvi, Finland Basic-course, Scout, Langenthal, Switzerland Basic-course, Scout, Uetendorf, Switzerland, mixed with Gilwell ashes from 2002, Sori, Italy