Report for City Council September 10, 2008

Bylaw 15015
A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 14380 –
Arterial Roads for Development
regarding the Southeast Area
Structure Plan
To reflect amendments to the Southeast
Area Structure Plan proposed under
Bylaw 14979.
Bylaw 15015 is ready for three readings
after the public hearing has been held.
If Council wishes to give three readings
during a single meeting, then prior to
moving third reading, Council must
unanimously agree “That Bylaw 15015
be considered for third reading.”
necessary to ensure the Southeast
Arterial Roadway Assessment
catchment boundary and the schedule
of roadway improvements remain
consistent with the boundary of the
Southeast Area Structure Plan proposed
under Bylaw 14979.
Amendments to the Southeast Arterial
Roadway Assessment Basin propose to:
1) Add land area east of 50 Street
S.W. between Ellerslie Road and the
Transportation Utility Corridor as
proposed under Bylaw 14979.
2) Replace Schedule “T” with
Schedule “T”. This will include
additional construction components
as identified in Attachment 2 and in
the replacement Schedule “T”.
1. Bylaw 15015
2. Summary of Proposed Amendments
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the
Edmonton Journal on Friday, August 22,
2008, and Sunday, August 31, 2008.
The Bylaw can be signed and thereby
passed following third reading.
Position of Administration
Administration supports this Bylaw.
Report Summary
Bylaw 15015 amends Bylaw 14830 –
Arterial Roads for Development, such
that the proposed land area added to
the Southeast Area Structure Plan is
included within the Southeast Arterial
Roadway Assessment catchment
An amendment to Bylaw 14380 –
Arterial Roads for Development is
ROUTING – City Council Public Hearing | DELEGATION – A. Jones
WRITTEN BY – J. Hancock | August 19, 2008 – Transportation Department 2008TD0819
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Attachment 2
Summary of Proposed Amendments
Bylaw 15015 proposes the following amendments to Schedule “T” of Bylaw 14380 –
Arterial Roads for Development:
1. Amend the Arterial roadway construction components to add an additional
lane of construction along 50 Street S.W. between Ellerslie Road and the
Transportation Utility Corridor. The proposed amendment will now include
100% of the costs for two lanes of 50 Street S.W. between Ellerslie Road and
the Transportation Utility Corridor. The currently approved requirement is a
50%/ 50% cost share of two lanes between the Southeast Arterial Roadway
Assessment Catchment basin and the future and adjacent catchment basin.
2. Amend the Arterial roadway construction components to add an additional
25% of the intersection construction costs at Ellerslie Road and 50 Street
S.W. The proposed amendment will now include 75% of the intersection
costs to be within the Southeast Arterial Roadway Assessment Catchment
basin and 25% of the intersection costs to be included in the future and
adjacent catchment. The currently approved requirement is a 50%/ 50% cost
share between the Southeast Arterial Roadway Assessment Catchment basin
and the future and adjacent catchment basin.
3. Amend the Southeast Arterial Roadway Catchment basin boundary to include
the area being added to the Southeast Area Structure Plan as proposed for
the Southeast Area Structure Plan amendment, Bylaw 14979.
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Report: 2008TD0819 Attachment 2