1. Enfermedad renal crónica en el adulto mayor Chronic renal disease in elder people Founding principle: Chronic renal insufficiency is defined as the kidney structural or functional damage, evidenced by markers of damage (urine, blood or images) for a period of three months or more. Between 8 and 10 % of the general adult population has some renal damage. Objective: To know the incidence and prevalence of the chronic renal disease in elder people, in the Teaching Clinic Surgical Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández. Methods. A retrospective descriptive longitudinal study was carried out. The sample was formed by 274 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria. The used variables were: age, sex, skin color, weight, personal pathological antecedents, entering cause, chronic renal disease´s progression factors, toxic habits and creatinine value. For organizing the obtained indicators we applied the descriptive statistic method, analyzing the information through frequency distribution tables, graphics resuming measures as average and mode for the quantitative variables, and absolute numbers and percentage for the qualitative variables. Results: high nosocomial prevalence of the chronic renal disease in elder people, more frequent in the female sex and white people; coexistence of many risk factors, predominating arterial hypertension, cardiopathies, diabetes mellitus, age and smoking. The most frequently found progression factors were de decompensated arterial hypertension, renal hypoperfusion and sepsis. Conclusions: There is high nosocomial prevalence of the chronic renal disease in elder people Palabras clave: enfermedad renal crónica, población geriátrica, epidemiología, incidencia, prevalencia, comorbilidad. Key words: Chronic renal disease, geriatric population, epidemiology, incidence, prevalence, co-morbidity. 2. Mortalidad adulta por tumores malignos en el municipio Jovellanos. 2009-2011 Adult mortality due to malignant tumors in the municipality of Jovellanos. 2009-2011 A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out to know the behavior of mortality caused by cancer in people elder than 18 years old due to malignant tumors in the municipality of Jovellanos in the period between 2009-2011. We considered those deceases whose main cause was cancer, according to the 10th Revision of the Disease International Classification. We calculate the mortality rate per age groups and sex, the proportional mortality ratio and potentially lost years. We found that the proportional mortality ratio was kept over 20 %, that the male sex was 1,5 times more at risk of dying by cancer, duplicated at the age range from 60 to 74 years old. 73,3 % of the deceases occurred after being 60 years old. The most common location of the malignant tumors was lung, trachea and bronchi, digestive tract, prostate, hemolymphopoietic. colon and rectum, mamma and Female sex showed the greatest quantity potentially lost life years, with 17,6 life years per 1000 women. We arrived to the conclusion that cancer is an important health problem for the population of the municipality of Jovellanos, with increasing mortality levels, may be becoming the main mortality cause. Palabras clave: neoplasia, mortalidad, adulto. Key words: neoplasia, mortality, adult. 3. Comportamiento de los pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular en el Servicio de Rehabilitación del Hospital Militar de Matanzas Behavior of the patients with cerebrovascular disease at the Rehabilitation Service of the Military Hospital of Matanzas The cerebrovascular disease is the third cause of death in the world and one of the main disability causes. A descriptive study was conducted in the Rehabilitation Service of the Military Hospital of Matanzas, with the objective of describing the behaviour of the patients with cerebrovascular diseases assisted there from January 2011 to June of 2012. encephalic vascular The variables used were: sex, age, type of accident, personal pathological history, complications in the rehabilitation, modalities of the rehabilitative treatment, time of evolution, grade of disability to carry out the daily life activities (Barthel Index). The cerebrovascular disease was predominant in the female sex; the average age was 68,6 years. A higher incidence of the ischemic encephalic vascular accidents was proved. The painful shoulder and spasticity were identified as the most frequent complications. The most used modalities of treatment were the kinesiotherapy and ambulation. The gain in the Barthel Index was bigger in patients with less than three months of evolution. Palabras clave: enfermedad cerebrovascular, discapacidad, descriptivo, comportamiento, adulto. Key words: cerebrovascular disease, disability, descriptive, behavior, adult. 4. Sistema de acciones para la prevención de la neurotoxoplasmosis en personas con VIH y SIDA System of actions to prevent neurotoxoplasmosis in persons with HIV and AIDS Neurotoxoplasmosis expresses mainly is in associated persons to with immunodeficiency HIV and AIDS; it and is it the opportunistic infection that more frequently affects the nervous system in inmunodepressed persons so any approach to its prevention from the methodology of pairs allows decreasing risks and damages. We developed a system of actions for preventing neurotoxoplasmosis in persons with HIV and AIDS. We describe the capacitation of trainers which began with the diagnosis of attitudes based in knowledge and practices indicating the risk perception of the Toxoplasma gondii infection. Persons with HIV formed as trainers have positive attitudes for recognizing the risk of neurotoxoplasmosis as opportunistic disease and being ready to multiply knowledge because they acted as pair educators. The implementation of the three first stages of the action system by volunteers professionalized in the theme facilitates the health professionals’ actions in the way for the secondary and tertiary prevention. The purpose of developing a system of actions for the neurotoxoplasmosis primary prevention, early detection and opportune treatment in persons with HIV and AIDS was achieved through representers of the mutual help teams of the country. Identifying attitudes toward neurotoxoplasmosis as opportunistic disease in persons with HIV and AIDS was of great value, as it makes easy the way to the secondary prevention through the specific therapeutic. Palabras claves: neurotoxoplasmosis, sistema de acciones, capacitación de capacitadores. Key words: neurotoxoplasmosis, system of actions, capacitation of the trainers 5. Diagnóstico ambiental para agroecosistemas con probables riesgos a la salud por presencia de contaminación por metales pesados Environmental diagnosis for agroecosystems with probably health risks due to the presence of heavy metal contamination The environmental management was assessed in 17 agroecosystems with probable health risks due to the presence of heavy metal pollution, by selecting variables and supporting on the qualitative analysis tool support. The development of the environmental analysis allowed determining the main problems in the studied areas. It was concluded that the management performed in these agroecosystems is inefficient. There it was evident the deterioration of the natural resources inserted in the productive dynamic, and also the incidence of the transmissible and non-transmissible diseases keeping a close relationship with environmental problems. We made the proposal of measures to mitigate the main problems identified in the studied area. Palabras clave: gestión ambiental, metales pesados, agroecosistemas, riesgos, salud. Key words: environmental management, heavy metals, agroecosystems, risks, health. 6. Caracterización clínico epidemiológica de pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio no trombolizados en el Hospital General Orlando Pantoja Tamayo, municipio Contramaestre Clinical-epidemiologic characterization of non thrombolyzed patients Hospital with acute Orlando myocardium Tamayo infarct Pantoja, at the General municipality of Contramaestre The ischemic cardiopathy has a high morbimortality all around the world. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out with the objective of clinically and epidemiologically characterizing 43 patients diagnosed with acute myocardial infarct who did not received thrombolytic treatment in the General Hospital Orlando Pantoja Tamayo of the municipality of Contramaestre, from January to December 2012, with a predominance of the male sex and the age group from 61 to 70 years old, with 2 or more coronary risk facts, being significant dyslipidemia, obesity and arterial hypertension. The arrival time delayed more than 12 hours was the main cause disqualifying thrombolysis application, mainly caused by the ignorance of the alarm signs motivating the visit to the doctor from the part of the patient. There was a predominance of the lower side infarct and an average hospital staying of more than 12 days. Palabras clave: cardiopatía isquémica, infarto agudo del miocardio, trombolisis. Key words: ischemic cardiopathy, acute myocardial infarction, thrombolysis. 7. Evaluación de calidad en la colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica en el Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández Quality assessment of the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography at the Teaching Clinical surgical Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández. Fundament: It is responsibility of the endoscopists to guarantee carrying out quality procedures, based on the parameters defined by the different endoscopic societies around the world. Objective: To evaluate the quality of health care of patients to whom an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography was carried out in the Hospital Faustino Pérez Hernández. Methods: A research evaluating the quality of the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography was carried out, describing the results of the procedures performed in patients whom it was indicated in the Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, of Matanzas, in the period from February 23th 2010 to February 23th 2012. Applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the studied population was formed by 159 patients. As variables we analyzed quality indicators: procedure indications, frequency of cannulation in intact papilla, technical success in extracting prosthesis calculi, and prostheses. technical success in putting distal and proximal Results: the main procedure indication was based on clinical, enzymatic and imaging criteria. It was achieved an effectiveness of the desired duct cannulation of 93, 71 %. The therapeutic effectiveness in extraction choledocian lithiasis was 80,76 % in the first attempt. The biliary duct through prosthesis in distal stenosis was achieved in 90.9 % of the patient and in 40 % of the proximal stenosis cases. There were complications in 7.45 % of the cases and mortality was 1.8 %. Conclusions: During the studied period the patients received health care with good quality parameters. Palabras clave: calidad, colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica, complicaciones. Key words: quality, retrograde endoscopic cholangiopancreatography, complications. 8. Utilización inadecuada de los avances científicos técnicos del laboratorio clínico y del método clínico. Repercusión en los servicios de salud Inadequate usage of the scientific-technical advances of clinical laboratory and clinical method. Repercussion on health care services. The clinical laboratory research have been influenced by the scientific-technical advances of the last years, consequently nowadays there it is offered a great variety of examinations allowing a better diseases prevention, diagnosis, control and prognosis, but they cannot, and should not surrogate the clinical method. We carried out a review of the sources available in Infomed and books related with the theme, and analyzed how the inadequate usage of the laboratory tests and the clinical method, on non-scientific bases, affects the quality of the health services in our settings, and identified that main generated problems are the damage of physician-patient relationships, the obstruction and delay of the certain diagnosis, putting up the prices of the health care services, overwork for laboratory technicians, and the incorrect learning of the usage of diagnostic means by the students among others. Palabras clave: laboratorio clínico, método clínico, revolución científico-técnica. Key words: Clinical laboratory, clinical method, scientific-technical revolution. 9. Tiroiditis de Quervain. Informe de caso De Queravin’s thyroiditis. Inform of a case This entity probably has a viral origin. The symptoms usually began after an infection of the upper respiratory ways and are characterized by general discomfort, mild fever and pain, generally unilateral, on the thyroid or referred to ears and jawbone. In the exploration, there is a great sensibility at the touch of the thyroid, nodular and increased in size. Sometimes there is no pain, being rare the debut with signs of serious hyperthyroidism. What it is characteristic is the increase of the sedimentation speed and the decrease of the thyroidal capture of radioactive iodine. Respecting the hormonal levels, in the first stage T4 and T3 are increased and TSH eliminated; lately, as the hormonal gland gets empty, there is a stage of hypothyroidism. The differential diagnosis should be established with the serious disease and with the silent thyroiditis. The process evolves during several months achieving the complete recovering of the thyroidal function. In those milder cases, it is usual to control the symptoms with anti inflammatory drugs, being necessary the use of the steroidal ones in most in the most serious cases. It is not indicated the treatment with anti thyroids and propranolol may be used to control the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Having a patient with these characteristics we decided to present the case. Palabras claves: tiroiditis de Quervain, clínica, diagnóstico diferencial Key words: De Quervain´s thyroiditis , clinic, differential diagnosis 10. Tumor de Vanek o pólipo fibroide inflamatorio. Reporte de un caso Vanek's tumor or inflammatory fibroid polyp. Report of a case The Vanek's tumor or inflammatory fibroid polyp (IFP) is a rare benign lesion of submucosal location, not encapsulated, that may be located throughout the digestive tract, being more common in the gastric antrum (80%), although it has also been described in the gastroesophageal junction, duodenum, jejunum, ileum and colon. It is the less frequent benign gastric tumor (1-4%) with slight predominance in males and a peak incidence after the sixth decade of life, being its process of getting malignant an exceptional event. This case report presents a 47-year-old male patient with a Vanek's tumor of antral localization that was diagnosed at the Teaching Provincial Hospital Arnaldo Milian Castro, of Santa Clara. Palabras clave: pólipo fibroide inflamatorio, tumor de Vanek, Vanek´s tumor, informe histopatológico. Key words: inflammatory fibroid polyp, histopathologic inform. 11. Sindactilia compleja de la mano, un reto difícil. Presentación de dos casos Complex hand syndactyly, a difficult challenge. Presentation of two cases We present two cases of complex hand syndactyly that were surgically treated in early ages. In the first case a boy aged two years was operated, with atrophy of the left upper member, total syndactyly of the fingers and agenesis of the first phalanx of the third finger. In the second case a girl aged one year was operated, with syndactyly of the second-to-fourth fingers of the right hand, and the particularity that between the second and the third finger she presented the common proximal phalanx in the proximal half, bifurcated in the distal half. In the first case we carried out a surgical treatment in two times with time intervals of three weeks, satisfactorily obtaining the separation of the fingers, and in the second case we got the separation of the second and the third finger, lacking still one more operation. The dissemination of this study benefits human the society, promotes health and establishes principles for a multidisciplinary treatment. Palabras clave: sindactilia de la mano, operación precoz. Key words: Syndactyly of the hand, precocious operation. 12. Quiste renal gigante. Presentación de caso Giant renal cyst. Presentation of a case Frequently, cysts develop in the kidney. Among the diversity of renal cysts, the simple one could be located inside the kidney or in its surface and may be single or multiple, unilateral or bilateral, and more frequent in the left kidney. Generally they are asymptomatic and can reach a great size, called giant cysts. We present a patient aged 66 years, entering the hospital with lumbar pain of one year that gets worse despite the medical treatment for a presumed sacrolumbal pain. It was found a remarked increase of the abdomen volume, mainly in the direction of the upper hemiabdomen and it feels a big tumoral mass filling the totality of the upper abdomen, renitent and no painful. An abdominal computer tomography was carried out, finding a multi partitioned hypodense image filling all the left hemiabdomen with displacement of loops, left kidney and psoas muscle. We arrived to the conclusion that it was a giant multi partitioned cyst of the left kidney. A left paramedian supra and infra umbilical laparotomy was carried out finding a renal cyst of the upper pole of the left kidney surpassing media line and displacing aortal artery to the right of the spinal column. A left nephrectomy was carried out. It is rare a simple renal giant cyst surpassing the media line and compressing so many intra abdominal organs; this is a fact scarcely described in the medical literature. The surface physical examination restricted to the organ producing the symptoms that motivate the consultation, interferes the precocious diagnosis of many diseases as it is shown in this patient. This is one of the most frequent mistakes committed when applying the clinical method. Palabras clave: quistes renales, riñón, enfermedad quística. Key words: renal cysts, kidney, cystic disease. 13. Vigencia del pensamiento de Fidel Castro Ruz en la salud pública cubana Validity of Fidel Castro Ruz´ thoughts in Cuban public health The current article allowed us to deal with thoughts of Fidel Castro where the essential aspects conforming the organization of the public health system in Cuban are highlighted, taking into account the situation of public health before 1959 until current days. We emphasized those aspects we think are important for the significance the thoughts of the Cuban Revolution leader have for the Cuban society. Palabras claves: salud pública, Cuba, Fidel Castro Ruz Key words: Public health, Cuba, Fidel Castro Ruz. 1. Video endoscopía de magnificación e imagen de banda estrecha en la vigilancia del esófago de Barrett Video endoscopic magnification and narrow band imaging in the surveillance of Barrett´s esophagus Introduction: Magnification high resolution video endoscopy, and narrow band imaging (NBI) make possible the identification of suspicious dysplasia´s areas in Barrett´s esophagus (BE), entity considered as the most important risk factor in esophagus adenocarcinoma. Objective: To determinate the utility of the narrow band imaging in the surveillance of the Barrett´s esophagus. Methods: It was carried out a descriptive, prospective study at the Gastroenterology Service of the Clinic- Surgical Teaching Hospital Faustino Perez, from May 2010 to May 2011. Twenty-three patients with previous diagnosis of Barrett´s esophagus were enrolled in it. Results: The mean age was 57.6 years, with a predominance of the male sex (73, 9%) were males. The mean Barrett’s esophagus length was 2, 4 cm. The sensibility and specificity of ridge/villous pattern to detect the specialized intestinal metaplasia (SIM) was 93, 6% and 90%, respectively. The sensibility and specificity of the irregular mucous pattern to detect the high grade dysplasia was 100% and 98, 4%. Conclusions: The magnifying video endoscopy and the narrow band imaging showed a high precision for detecting the specialized intestinal metaplasia and for identifying focuses of high grade dysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus on the basis of mucosal and vascular endoscopic patterns. Palabras clave: esófago de Barrett, displasia, imagen de banda estrecha. Key words: Barrett´s esophagus, dysplasia, narrow band imaging.