31 APPENDIX ANATIVE PLANTS OF THE LOWER MAINLAND 32 Native Plants of The Lower Mainland The following is a list of native plant species in the Lower Mainland region that are useful in wildlife gardens. Poisonous plants are not noted, so if you are concerned about this please look up the plants in one of the field guides listed below. This list is in no way exhaustive but it should help you to get started when choosing native plants for your garden. Other helpful books include: Trees, Shrubs and Flowers to Know in British Columbia and Washington by Lyons and Merilees; Trees and Shrubs of British Columbia by Brayshaw; and Plants of Coastal British Columbia: Including Washington, Oregon, and Alaska by Pojar, MacKinnon and Alaback. Legend: Exposure: S= Full Sun, P= Partailly Sunny, Sh= Shadey; Moisture: D=Dry, M=Moist, W= Wet; Value: B= Bird, H= Hummingbird, M= Mammal, Bu= Butterfly, IB= Insect or Bees, AR= Amphibian or Reptile. Name Amablis Fir Abies amablis Arbutus Arbutus menziesii Bigleaf Maple Acer macrophyllum Bitter Cherry Prunus emarginata Black Cottonwood Populus balsamifera sp. trichocarpa Black Hawthorn Crataegus douglasii Cascara Rhamnus purshiana Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii sp. menziesii Douglas Maple Acer glabrum var. douglasii Garry Oak Quercus garryana Grand Fir Abies grandis Trees Exposure Moisture Height (m) Sh M 55 Colour Bloom S D 30 White flowers Apr/May S, Sh D, M 35 Green/yellow flowers April S, P M 2-15 White/pink flowers Red cherries April Early Fall S, P M, W 50 S M 10 Sh D, M, W 10 S D, M 80 Sh M, W 1-7 Sh D 25 Sh D, M 80 Value B,M B B, M B IB White flowers Apple like fruit Green/yellow flowers Blue/black berries May Summer B, H, M B, M B, M Green/yellow flowers Winged seeds Tiny flowers Acorns B, M B, M, IB, AR B, M, AR 33 Name Mountain Hemlock Tsuga mertensiana Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia Pacific Crab Apple Malus fusca Pacific Dogwood Cornus nuttallii Pacific Willow Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Paper Birch Betula papyrifera Red Alder Alnus rubra Rocky Mountain Juniper Juniperus scopulorum Scouler's Willow Salix scouleriana Shore Pine Pinus contorta var. contorta Sitka Alder Alnus crispa spp. sinuata Sitka Mountain Ash Sorbus sitchensis Sitka Spruce Picea sitchensis Sitka Willow Salix sitchensis Trembling Aspen Populus tremuloides Vine Maple Acer circinatum Exposure Moisture Height (m) Colour S, P W 40 Purple/brown cones Bloom Yellow and green flowers Value B, M Sh M, W 25 Sh M, W 2-12 P, Sh M 15 S, P W 12 B, Bu, IB S, P M 30 B, M S, P M 25 S D 13 S, P M, W 1-8 B, M, IB S D, M, W 20-30 B, M S, P M 1-5 B S, P M 4 S, P M, W 70 B, M, Bu S, P M, W 1-8 B, IB S, P M, W 25 B, M Sh M 20 Pink/white flowers Yellow/red apples White/pink flowers Red berries B, Bu April/May July-Oct Spring Winter Blue/grey cones White flowers Red berries White flowers B, H B, M B, M B, M Early Spring Summer-Winter May B, Bu B, H, Bu 34 Name Western Hemlock Tsuga heterophylla Western Red Cedar Thuja plicata Western White Pine Pinus monticola Western Yew Taxus brevifolia Yellow Cedar Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Exposure Moisture Height (m) Sh M, W 60 Colour Bloom Value B, M P, Sh M, W 60 B, M S D, M 40 B, M Sh D, M 5-15 B, M Sh M, W 30 B Shrubs and Vines Name Alaskan Blueberry Vaccinium alaskanese Baldhip Rose Rosa gymnocarpa Beaked Hazelnut Corylus cornuta var.cornuta Black Huckleberry Vaccinium membranaceum Black Gooseberry Ribes lacustre Black Raspberry Rubus leucodermis Black Twinberry Lonicera involucrata Blue Elderberry Sambucus cerulea Common Juniper Juniperus communis Exposure Moisture Height (m) Colour S M 2 Pink/green flowers Blue/purple berries S, P D 1.5 Pale pink-rose flowers Orange-scarlet rosehips S, P M 1-4 Yellow catkins Nuts S, P M 2 Yellow/pink flowers Purple- red/black berries S, P D, M 0.5-2 Reddish/maroon flowers Dark purple berries S D 2 White-pink flowers Purple-black berries Sh M, W 0.5-3 Yellow tubular flowers Black berries S, P D, M 6 Flowers Blue berries S D 1 Each cone sex on diff. Plant Green- blue/black berries Bloom With leaves Value B, M May-July B, IB Early Spring Fall May Summer-Fall B, M B, M B April-June Summer- Winter April-May July-Aug July Aug Aug-Sept B, M B, H, Bu B B 35 Name Common Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus Devil's Club Oplopanax horridus Dwarf Nagoonberry Rubus arcticus Evergreen Huckleberry Vaccinium ovatum False Azalea Menziesia ferruginea Gummy Gooseberry Ribes lobbii Hardhack Spiraea douglasii spp. douglasii Highbush Cranberry Viburnum edule Indian Plum Oemleria cerasiformis Labrador Tea Ledum groenlandicum Mock Orange Philadelphus lewisii var. gordonianus Mountain cranberry Vaccinium vitis-idaea Nootka Rose Rosa nutkana Oceanspray Holodiscus discolor Oval-leaved Blueberry Vaccinium ovalifolium Pacific Ninebark Physocarpus capitatus Exposure Moisture Height (m) Colour S, P D, M 0.5-2 Pink-white bell flowers White berries S, P M, W 1-3 Tiny white flowers Bright red berries P W 0.15 Pink-rose flowers Red berries S, P D, M 4 Deep pink flowers Purple/black berries S, Sh M 3 Copper flower S, P D, M 0.5-2 S M, W 2 S, P D, M 0.5-3.5 S, P D, M 1.5-5 S W 0.5-1.5 S D, M 3 P, Sh W 0.2 S D, M 3 S D, M 4 S M, W 2 S M 4 Bloom May-June Winter June-Aug Aug-Sept May-June B, M B April- July B, H, M, Bu Late summer-Nov B Red-fushia flowers Sticky, hairy berries Pink-deep rose flowers Spring White flowers Red-orange fruit Green/white flowers Blue/black fruit White flowers June Summer-Winter March Summer June White flowers June Pink flowers Red fruit Pink flowers Purple/red rosehips White-cream flowers May-June Summer-Winter June-July Pink/green flowers Blue/black berries White flowers Value B, H, Bu, IB June-July B, H IB B, Bu B, H B B, H, Bu B, H, Bu, IB B, H, Bu, IB Before leaves B, M June B, Bu 36 Name Pacific Rhododendron Rhododendron macrophyllum Red Elderberry Sambucus racemosa spp. puberus Red Flowering Currant Ribes sanguineum Red Huckleberry Vaccinium parvifolium Red Osier Dogwood Cornus stolonifera Salal Gaultheria shallon Salmonberry Rubus spectabilis Saskatoon Amelanchier alnifolia Soapberry Shepherdia canadensis Stink Currant Ribes bracteosum Sweet Gale Myrica gale Thimbleberry Rubus parviflorus Trailing Black Currant Ribes laxiflorum Western Trumpet Honeysuckle Lanicera ciliosa Wild blue Lilac Ceanothus velutinus Wild Gooseberry Ribes divaricatum Exposure Moisture Height (m) Colour Sh D,M 2-8 Pink-rose purple flowers S, P M, D 6 S, P D 1-3 S, P D, M 4 S M, W 1-6 S, Sh D, M, W 5 S, P M, W 4 S D, M 1-5 S D, M 1-2 P, Sh M, W 3 S W 1.5 S D, M 0.5-3 S, P M 1 P, Sh M 6 S D 1 S, P D, M 0.5-2 White-cream flowers Red berries Red/pink flowers Blue/black berries Pink flowers Bright red berries White/green flowers White berries White-pink flowers Red/blue-dark purple berries Pink/red flowers Yellow-red berries White flowers Purple/black berries Yellow flowers Bright red berries White/green flowers Blue/black berries Bloom Late spring April-May June- July April-May May Summer June Aug- Winter May-June August April-May June-Aug April-May Aug-Sept May-June Early Summer Value B B, H, Bu, IB B, H, Bu B, Bu B, M, Bu B, M, Bu B, H, M, Bu B, M B B B White flowers Red raspberryish fruit Green/white-red/purple flowers Purple/black berries Trumpet orange/yellow flowers Orange-red berries White flowers Green or purple flowers Dark purple berries May-June July-Aug B, H, Bu B May Sept June B, H Bu B 37 Name Bog Cranberry Oxycoccus osycoccos Bunchberry Cornus canadensis Coastal Strawberry Fragaria chiloensis Crowberry Empetrum nigrum Creeping Raspberry Rubus pedatus Dull Oregon Grape Mahonia nervosa Falsebox Paxistima myrsinites Fringecup Tellima grandiflora Kinnikinnick Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Tall Oregon Grape Mahonia aquifolium Trailing Blackberry Rubus ursinus Twinflower Linnaea borealis Western Bog-laurel Kalmia microphylla spp. occidentalis Western Tea-berry Gaultheria ovatifolia Wild Strawberry Fragaria virginiana Ground Cover Exposure Moisture Height (m) Colour S W 0.1-0.4 Deep pink flowers Pale pink- dark red berries Sh M, W 0.2 Green/white-yellow/purple flowers Red berries S D 0.2 White flowers Small hairy strawberries S D, M, W 0.2 Purple flowers Black berries Sh M 0.2-0.4 White flowers Red berries P, Sh D, M 0.6 Yellow flowers Blue berries P, Sh D 0.2-0.8 Green-maroon flowers S, P M 0.4-0.8 S D 0.2 S, P D 0.6 S D 0.5 S, Sh M, W 0.1 S W 0.5 Sh M, W 0.05 P, Sh D 0.2 Green/white - red flowers Bloom May-June Aug B, M B B, M B Sept May-June B, M, Bu M April-May Pink/white flowers Summer Red berries Aug-Winter Yellow flowers Late Spring Blue berries Early Summer Pink-white flowers April-May Black berries July-Aug Pink trumpet flowers June-July Seeds catch on birds and mammals Rose-pink flowers Pink/white flowers Red berries White flowers Small hairy strawberries Value B B B, M, Bu B B, M B, H, M B B Early Spring B 38 Name Woodland Strawberry Fragaria vesca Name Alaska Violet Viola langsdorfii American Vetch Vicia americana American Wintercress Barbarea orthoceras Arctic Lupine Lupinus arcticus Brewer's Mitrewort Mitella breweri Broad-leaved Stonecrop Sedum spathulifolium Canada Goldenrod Solidago canadensis Canada thistle Cirsium arvense Chocolate Lily Fritillaria lanceolata Clasping Twistedstalk Streptopus amplexifolius Common Camas Camassia quamash Cooley's Hedge-nettle Stachys cooleyae Cow-parsnip Heracleum lanatum Exposure Moisture Height (m) Colour P, Sh M, W 0.2 White flowers Small hairy strawberries Bloom Perennials Exposure Moisture Height (m) Colour S, P M, W 0.2 Blue flowers Bloom Value B Value Bu, IB S D 0.4 Purple flowers April-May Bu, IB S M, W 0.8 Yellow flowers Early Spring-Mid Summer S, P D, M, W 1.5 Purple flowers Spring Sh M 0.2-0.4 Green/yellow flowers Late Spring B S D 0.2 Yellow flowers May-June B S D, M 1.5 Yellow flowers July-Aug Bu, IB S, P, Sh D, M 0.3-2 Pink/purple flowers Summer B, Bu, S, P M 0.8 Dark purple flowers April-May P, Sh M 0.4-1 May-June B S M 0.7 Green/white flowers Red-dark purple berries Pale-deep blue flowers April-June B S, P M 0.7-1.5 Deep red-purple flowers June-July H, Bu S, P D 1 White flowers May-June Bu, IB Bu H, Bu, IB 39 Name Edible Thistle Cirsium edule False Lily-of-the-valley Maianthemum dilatatum False Solomon's-seal Smilacina racemosa Few-flowered Shootingstar Dodecatheon pulchellum Fireweed Epilobium angustifolium Foam Flower Tiarella spp. Goat's Beard Aruncus dioicus Great Camas Camassia leichtlinii Hooker's Fairybell Disporum hookeri Indian Pipe Monotropa unifora Kneeling Angelica Angelica genuflexa Leafy mitrewort Mitella caulescens Large-leaved Avens Geum macrophyllum Large-leaved Lupine Lupinus polyphyllus Nodding Onion Allium cernuum Northern Rice Root Fritillaria canschatcensis Exposure Moisture Height (m) Colour S D 1.5 Purple flowers July-Aug Bloom Value B, Bu White flowers Red berries Cream/white flowers Red berries Magenta-lavender flowers May-June B May-June B March-May IB Rose-purple flowers June-July Sh M, W 0.1-0.4 P, Sh M 0.3-1 S, P M, W 0.1-0.5 S D, M 0.8-3 Sh M 0.5 White flowers May-July Sh M 1-2 White flowers May-June B S M 0.7 Pale-deep blue flowers April-June B Sh M 1 May-June B Sh M P, Sh M, W 1 Sh M 0.2-0.4 Sh M 1 Yellow flowers May-July S, P D, M, W 1.5 Purple flowers Spring H, Bu, IB S D 0.5 White flowers Spring H, Bu, IB S, P M, W 0.6 Bronze-purple/brown flowers Cream-white flowers Orange/red berries 0.1-0.25 No chlorophyll, is colourless H, Bu, IB White-pink flowers Bu Green/yellow flowers B IB 40 Name One-sided Wintergreen Orthilia secunda Pacific Bleeding Heart Dicentra formosa Palmate Coltsfoot Petasites palmatus Pearly Everlasting Anaphalis margaritacea Piggyback Plant Tolmeia menziesii Queen's Cup Clintonia uniflora Rattlesnake Plantain Goodyera oblongifolia Red columbine Aquilegia formosa Rosy Twistedstalk Streptopus roseus Siberian Miner's Lettuce Claytonia sibirica Skunk Cabbage Lysichiton americanum Small-flowered Alumroot Heuchera micrantha Small-flowered buttercup Ranunculus uncinatus Spotted Coralroot Corallorhiza maculata Spreading Pholox Pholox diffusa Spreading Stonecrop Sedum divergens Exposure Moisture Height (m) Colour Sh D, M .05-.20 Green/white flowers Summer Bloom Value B H, Bu, IB Sh M 0.1-0.4 Pink/purple flowers May-June P, Sh M, W 0.1-0.5 Cream/white- pink flowers Late Spring S, P D 0.3-1 Yellow flowers, white bracts July-Fall P, Sh M 0.4-0.8 Brown-purple flowers April-June B P, Sh M 0.2 May-June B Sh D, M 0.4 White flowers Blue berries White-green flowers Summer B S, P M 1 Yellow-red flowers May-June H, Bu, IB P, Sh M, W 0.2-0.3 May-June B Sh M 0.1-0.4 Rose flowers Red berries White-pink flowers April-June B S, Sh W 0.3-1.5 Green/yellow flowers, yellow bract March-April S M 0.2-0.6 White flowers May-June Sh M 0.2-0.9 Yellow flowers Late Spring P, Sh M 0.2-0.4 Red/purple flowers May-June S D 0.05-.01 Pink or white flowers S D 0.15 Yellow flowers B Bu, IB AR B B, Bu Bu Bu, IB July 41 Name Exposure Moisture Height (m) Colour Bloom Springback Clover S M 0.3 Purple white tipped flowers Trifolium wormskjoldii Star-flowered False Solomon's-seal P, Sh M 0.2-0.6 Cream/white flowers April-May Smilacina stellata Dark blue-red/black berries Stream Violet P, Sh M, W 0.5 Yellow flowers Viola glabella Trailing Yellow Violet Sh M 0.08 Pale yellow flowers Viola sempervirens Vanilla-leaf Sh M 0.1-0.3 White flower May Achlys triphylla Western Trillium P, Sh M, W 0.4 White flower April-May Trillium ovatum Red-purple berries White Fawn Lily S, Sh M 0.3 White flowers April Erythronium oregonum Wild Ginger Sh M .05-0.2 Purple/brown- green/yellow flowers Spring-Aug Asarum caudatum Yarrow S, P D 0.5-1 White-pink flowers June-July Achillea millefolium Value Bu, IB B IB B B, IB B, Bu B B, H, Bu 42 Ferns Name Exposure Moisture Height (m) Value AR Bracken Fern P, Sh D, M, W 3 Pteridium aquilinum AR Coastal Wood Fern S, P M 1 Dryopteris arguta AR Deer Fern P, Sh M, W 0.2-0.8 Blechnum spicant AR Fragile Fern S, P D, M 0.3 Cystopteris fragilis AR Lady fern P, Sh M, W 2 Athyrium filix-femina AR Licorice Fern Sh W 0.7 Polypodium glycyrrhiza AR Maidenhair Fern Sh M 0.3-0.5 Adiantum pedatum AR Narrow Beach Fern P, Sh M, W 0.4 Thelypteris phegopteris AR Oak Fern P, Sh M 0.4 Gymnocarpium dryoptersis AR Parsley Fern S, P D 0.2-0.3 Cryptogramma acrostichoides AR Spiiny Wood Fern P, Sh M 1 Drryopteris expansa AR Sword Fern P, Sh M 1.5 Polystichum munitum 43 Aquatic Plants Name Exposure Moisture Height (m) S Water 1-3 Bull Rush Scirpus lacustris Cattail S Typha latifolia Common Hornwort Ceratophyllum demersum Pondweeds Potamogeton spp. Scouring Rush Equisetum hymale Small-flowered Bullrush Scripus microcarpus Water Plantain Alisma plantago-aquatica Yellow Pond Lily S Nuphar polysepalum Watershield Brasenia schreberi Water Colour Bloom Value AR AR 1-3 Water 4Green flowers AR Water 3 AR Water 1.2 AR Water 1.5Small brown flowers AR Water 0.6White/pink flowers AR Water 0.2Yellow flowers AR Water 5Purple flower Late summer AR Sources: Naturescape BC- The Stewardship Series, 1995; Butterflies of the North Cascades, BC Wildlife Watch, 1998; IUE brochure: Native Plants and your Garden; Trees, Shrubs and Flowers to Know in British Columbia and Washington by Lyons and Merilees; Trees and Shrubs of British Columbia by Brayshaw; and Plants of Coastal British Columbia: Including Washington, Oregon, and Alaska by Pojar, MacKinnon and Alaback.