1 INVESTIGATIONS ON SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR HYDRGEN STORAGE AND ITS UTILIZATION SINGH S.K. Department of Physics, DCR University of Science & Technology Murthal (Sonepat)-131039, Haryana, India Annotation. The rare earth pentanickelides LaNi5 and MmNi5 (Mm: Mischmetal typically contains 49 %La, 32 %Ce, 13 %Nd, 4 %Pr and 2 % other rare earths) have been synthesized in the form of amorphous and amorphous like phases. It has been found that the amorphous phases have higher hydrogen storage capacity than their crystalline versions. The variation in the electronic behavior on hydrogenation has been monitored by investigating the variation of resistively as a function of time. A very curious result embodied in the observation that the thick (~150nm) and thin (~30nm) films of both LaNi5 and MmNi5 have similar resistively variations, has been found in the present investigation. The present result is in sharp contrast to the earlier known observations [1]. The present results suggest that it is the surface characteristics and the variation of density of states (DOS) and not the film thicknesses which eventually decide the electrical resistively variations on hydrogenation. The details of the influence of surface and the density of states (M-H, H-H interactions) on the hydrogenation behavior have been described and discussed. Yet another aspect which has been described in this communication related to the application of hydrogen/hydride as alternate fuel. Keywords: rare earth pentanickelides; amorphous phases; hydrogenation; thick and thin films; resistively variations; surface characteristics. 1. Introduction Rare earth pentanickelides correspond to one of the few hydrogen storage materials capable of storing hydrogen at volumetric density higher than that of liquid hydrogen [2-4]. These materials can also absorb and desorbs hydrogen reversible and hence they represent the key energy materials in the realm of “hydrogen – the future fuel” scenario. As is well known by now, the hydrogen absorption characteristics crucially depend on the crystal structure and the electronic band structure characteristics of these intermetallics [5-7]. In the light of this, studies on hydrogenation and its correlation with structural and electronic behaviors of these intermetallic represent a potentially important area of investigation. We have carried out studies regarding the influence of the structural features on the hydrogenation behaviour. We have also investigated the variation of the electronic characteristics originating from the hydrogen absorption. In particular we have synthesized amorphous and amorphous like phases of rare earth pentanickelides (e.g. LaNi5, MmNi5). The hydrogenation behaviour of these phases has revealed that they have a higher hydrogen capacity than the corresponding crystalline versions. As regards the monitoring of the variation of the electronic behaviour on hydrogenation, we have employed thin films since decrepitation in these unlike in bulk is negligible. We have found a very curious result in regard to the resistivity variation. The thick (~150nm) and thin (~30nm) films have been found to exhibit similar resistivity variations with respect to time on hydrogenation under specific conditions of the film surfaces. As for example a thick film of LaNi5 (~150nm) when aged at ambient conditions shows resistivity variation behaviour similar to that of a thin film (~30nm). This result is in sharp contrast with the earlier observations that the thick and thin films invariably have distinctly different resistivity variation characteristics [1]. It has been shown by us that the mechanism put forward for the electrical resistivity variation on hydrogenation is inadequate. I have been able to explain the resistivity variations satisfactorily by taking into account the surface characteristics and the variation in the DOS. 2 2. Experimental techniques and results The rare earth pentanickelides i.e. RNi5 intermetallics (R=La, Mm) were prepared by melting the stoichiometric mixtures in the quartz (silica) tube under the vacuum of ~10-6 torr. This melting was carried out several times in order to procure proper stoichiometric alloy. The RNi5 ingot so formed, were tested by X-ray diffraction technique employing Guinier focusing camera in the transmission mode. The powder diffraction results conformed that the synthesized materials corresponded to the known hexagonal system with CaCu5 structures. Thin films of RNi5 intermetallics were prepared by vacuum thermal vapour deposition technique under the vacuum of ~10-6 torr using suitable masks. These films were characterized by transmission electron microscopy. Fig. 1 exhibits representative transmission electron micrograph and diffraction pattern from the as deposited LaNi5 thin films. Similar results were obtained from MmNi5 films. As is vividly apparent whereas the microstructure exhibits featureless characteristic, the diffraction patterns show halos. From these results it is discerned that the as deposited films are amorphous. The melt quenching (rapid cooling) of these RNi 5 intermetallics also produced amorphous like phases. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the as quenched phases revealed that these phases were microcrystalline. Fig.1 (a) Fig.1. (b) Fig.1. (a) Transmission electron micrograph of the as grown LaNi5 thin film, bringing put the amorphosity of the film. (b) Electron diffraction pattern of the thin film of LaNi5 exhibiting halos and hence revealing the amorphosity With the known results that the amorphous phases have certain advantages over crystalline forms in regard to hydrogen capacity we studied the influence of hydrogenation on the structural as well as electronic properties of these amorphous and amorphous like phases. The amorphous phases may have higher hydrogen capacity than their crystalline counterparts. In order to check this conjecture low pressure hydrogen absorption was monitored. This was accomplished by employing the electrolytic cell and placing the known quantity of RNi5 material at cathode. Fig. 2 shows the hydrogen concentration versus time (t) curve of MmNi5. From the figure it is evident that the as quenched (amorphous) form has higher hydrogen capacity than the crystalline version. It has now been known that the variation in physical properties of these intermetallic as a result of hydrogenation can not be monitored easily since the material decrepitates on hydrogen absorption. However, the problem of decrepitation can be avoided by taking the material in the form of thin films. Keeping this fact in view, thin films of LaNi5 and MmNi5 were prepared by thermal evaporation technique in vacuum. The electrical behaviour of these films was then monitored by measuring the variation in the resistivity of the films on hydrogenation as a function of time. 3 The variation of resistivity as a function of time was monitored for the films of the two thickness ranges i.e. a) thick films (100-150nm) and b) thin films (30-40nm). The resistivity variation as a function of hydrogenation time for a large number of films corresponding to the above two categories was investigated at the temperature of 25 oC. HYDROGEN ABSORPTION IN MmNi5 per gm NORMAL (AS GROWN) TIME (Minutes) Fig.2. Hydrogen absorption in as syntheized (polycrystalline) MmNi5 and quenched MmNi5 Resistvity φx10-4 cm VOLLUME OF HYDROGEN IN ml QUENCHED TIME (Minutes) Fig.3. Resistvity variation of LaNi5 thik film (~ 1500 Å) on hydrogenation Representative curves revealing the resistivity variations with respect to hydrogenation time for thick and thin films are shown in Fig. 3 and 4 respectively. As can be easily discerned from the figures, the resistivity variation for thick and thin films are remarkable different from each other. The effect of thickness will be to increase the resistivity of the alloy film itself through enhanced surface scattering of electrons with decreasing thickness. But, the resistivity variation of LaNi5 thick and thin film Fig. 3 and 4 on hydrogenation is different, particularly the decrease (BC in Fig. 3) of resistivity in thin films is rather surprising. The hydrogenation behaviour is known to be crucially dependent on the physical nature and surface structure of the storage material. The effect of surface structure on hydrogenation characteristics of thick and thin films was verified by the films of MmNi5– a material which is less susceptible to surface oxidation than the LaNi5. The important result coming from this was that regardless of the thickness, the resistivity variation on hydrogenation has similar features. A representative figure bringing out the ρ-t characteristics of MmNi5 thick (~150nm) and thin (~ 30nm) films is shown in Fig. 5, as can be seen the trend of resistivity variation for both the thick and thin films is rather similar. In both the cases the resistivity on hydrogenation increases to a saturation value. On exposure to atmosphere i.e. on aging (~72 hours), the thin films of MmNi5 started exhibiting behaviour similar to that of LaNi5 thin film (fig. 6). The differences in the behaviour apparently come 4 through due to the contamination of the surface of the film. As expected, the thinner films would undergo surface contamination rather rapidly and the thin LaNi5 films get contaminated almost instantaneously. The MmNi5 films on the other hand are comparatively stable and deteriorate only slowly. Yet, another interesting observation suggesting the role of the surface characteristics was in regard to the ρ-t behaviour of thick films (~150nm) of LaNi5. After aging through exposure to ambient atmosphere for 42 hours the LaNi5 thick film (Fig. 7) started exhibiting ρ-t characteristics similar to that of LaNi5 thin film. The above results clearly point out that the ρ-t behaviour does not depend on the thickness but it is related to the surface characteristics. If the surface characteristics of the two types of films are similar, the ρ-t characteristics of these films would also be similar. 3. Discussion Resistvity φ (thin)x10-4 cm Resistvity φx10-4 cm Resistvity φx10-4 cm Fig. 2 represents the hydrogen concentration versus time curve of MmNi5 when activated electrolytically i.e. low pressure hydrogen absorption. Initially the hydrogen concentration increases and attains saturation with time for crystalline MmNi5 as well as quenched MmNi5. The higher absorption capacity in quenched forms may arise due to the relaxation of the condition of a specific density of interstitial positions in the amorphous versions. Generally the hydrogen capacity is controlled by the density of voids and also the size of the voids [8]. In quenched forms more number of voids is expected for hydrogen atom occupation. From the above result, it is apparent that the hydrogen concentration is dependent on the structural characteristics (amorphous/crystalline). In sharp contrast to the crystalline versions, the amorphous like as quenched phases not only possess higher hydrogen capacity but also have more ductility and less subject to pulverization [9]. TIME (Minutes) Fig.4. Resistvity variation of LaNi5 thin film (~ 300 Å) on hydrogenation TIME (Minutes) Fig.5. The φ-t characteristics of MmNi5 thick (~ 1500 Å) and thin (~ 300 Å) films on hydrogenation Resistvity φx10-4 cm Resistvity φx10-4 cm 5 TIME (Minutes) Fig.6. Resistvity variation on MmNi5 thin film on hydrogenation after atmospheric aging (~72 hours) TIME (Minutes) Fig.7. Resistvity variation of LaNi5 thick film on hydrogenation after atmospheric aging (~42 hours) Earlier the present author reported resistivity variation of RNi5 films with time [6, 11]. Other workers have investigated exclusively the variation of resistivity of these films and put forward a mechanism to make these variations intelligible [1]. They suggested that the resistivity variation is dependent upon the thickness of the films. The increase of resistivity on hydrogenation was explained by the formation of H- ion layer and the decrease by the formation of highly contaminated metal hydride layer. However, they neither considered the surface characteristics nor changes in the density of states (DOS) on hydrogenation. Both these features are known to influence crucial hydrogenation characteristics. As a matter of fact the present observations reveal that the mechanism put forward in reference [1] is quite inadequate since it has been found that thick and thin films may exhibit similar characteristics (Fig. 5). By taking into account the surface characteristics and the variation in the DOS, we have been able to explain satisfactorily the variation of resistivity consequent to hydrogen absorption. Keeping in view the foregoing points, we have put forward an explanation by taking into account both the expected surface characteristics and the variation of the density of state for making observed ρ-t variation for thick as well as the thin films explicable. The present results suggest that the thickness of the film does not decide the ρ-t behaviour. Surface is known to play a crucial role in the hydrogen storage capacity and consequently on the ρ-t behaviour of different films. The surface characteristics of the hydrogen storage material especially RNi5 type materials particularly that of LaNi5 have been thoroughly explored by several workers. According to surface mechanisms put forwarded that La in LaNi5 captures the “lattice dissolved” as well as atmospheric oxygen producing La2O3 and free metallic nickel on the surface [7]. It is the high affinity of ‘La’ towards oxygen that there is always free Ni at the surface which is capable of dissociating H2 molecule in atoms which eventually diffuse into the lattice and get slowed down and become ineffective after a certain 6 period when the hydrogen on the surface gets partially bonded. It is also known that repeated hydrogenation leads to extraction of dissolved oxygen in the material, its eventual reactions on the surface produces La2O3 and increases the free concentration of nickel on the surface. Thus, it has been estimated that 25 hydrogenation cycles would produce up to 1 atomic percent Ni (~100nm) on the LaNi5 surface. In the case of LaNi5 films it is expected that the thicker films (~150nm) would have bulk like behaviour, since the surface would get contaminated similar to the bulk. On the other hand in the case of thin film (~30nm), the surface is expected to be severely contaminated through oxide formation. The surface of the thin film would, therefore, have high coverage by oxide formation. The higher oxide coverage, the greater would be the extent of free nickel on the surface since oxide formation leads to the reaction 4LaNi5 + 3O2 → 2La2O3 + 2ONi (1) The availability of large nickel concentration would lead to the formation of large nickel nuclei. The surface would therefore have lower density of La2O3/Ni channels which would be available for hydrogen diffusion leading to absorption/desorptions (Fig. 8). In addition to this, the density of interstitial voids in thin films is also likely to be lower than that of the bulk counterparts. In the light of this, the hydrogen concentration in thin films would be less. On the other hand thick films (LaNi5) have higher hydrogen capacity due to less oxide contamination. So the surface as well as the hydrogen capacity plays a dominant role in governing the ρ-t variations of these films. On following we proceed first to outline the hydrogenation characteristic i.e. ρ-t variation for thick film and thereafter for the thin films. In order to explain the basic differences of the two thickness ranges of films we have considered the effects of surface structure on the hydrogenation and resistivity. Fig.3 shows the resistivity (f) vs time (t) curve of LaNi5 thick film on hydrogenation. Initially the resistivity decreases (BC of Fig. 3) and then resistivity increases to CD and eventually attains a saturation value DEK. The variation in the electronic and optical properties of metals/intermetallics on hydrogen absorption becomes intelligible in terms of the changes in the density of states (DOS) consequent to the hydrogen concentration. As already mentioned the hydrogen absorption in the thicker film is analogous to the bulk material, the resistivity variation of thick film on hydrogenation can easily be understood based on the variation of the density of states. The decrease of (BC of Fig.3) in LaNi5 thick film is thought to be due to the M-H interaction in which hydrogen produces additional states Fig. 9b. Due to the additional hydrogen potential the ‘d’ states get lowered on energy scale and the new structure corresponds to a larger value of DOS at the Fermi level. This is in accordance with the known results on the variation in DOS consequent to hydrogenation. In this case the resistivity (conductivity) is expected to decrease (increase), this explains the relative drop manifested by BC in Fig. 3. This corresponds to medium hydrogen concentration. As further hydrogenation proceeds i.e. high hydrogen concentration is achieved H-H interaction onsets. Together with the M-H interaction it affects the DOS drastically; these changes incorporate considerable reduction in the DOS available for the conduction (Fig. 9 c). Now the lower states of the host material are well separated as hybridized parabolic ‘sp’ band, and most of the states are also occupied at the Fermi level. This causes the situation where the electronic conduction would require intra-band transition. The conductivity (resistivity) would therefore get-reduced (increased) drastically. Consequently the ‘f’ (CD of Fig. 3) increases and attains saturation with time. Fig. 4 shows the ρ-t behaviour of thin film of LaNi5 which is different from that of thick film. From the figure, it is apparent that the resistivity decreases from B’ to C’ thereafter it 7 attains a saturation C’F’. The decrease in the resistivity of LaNi5 thin film like thick film originates due to M-H interactions in which the hydrogen atoms interact dominantly with metal atoms in the intermetallic matrix. This corresponds to the situation of low hydrogen concentration region (BC region of Fig.3). Due to the lower density of La2O3/Ni interfaces and lower hydrogen concentration in the solid solution, there is a highly decreased probability of interaction among the H atoms i.e. H-H interaction. So the resistivity in Fig. 4 (B’C’) decreases initially and never increases thereafter. This is because unlike in the thicker films the H-H interaction responsible for the variation in DOS leading to an increase in resistivity (region CD in Fig.3) will not switch on in the thin film case. The slow rate of decrease of resistivity in thin film with time may be due to the high oxide coverage, leaving lesser density of channels for hydrogen diffusion. Since the density of channels is known to be the rate controlling factor, the switching of M-H interaction in the film would be accordingly slow. After an optimum hydrogen uptake, the resistivity decrease would attain a saturation value. When the thin film surface is not significantly contaminated through oxidation as in fresh MmNi5 films, the thin film ρ-t characteristics are similar to that of the MmNi5 thick film (Fig.5). Likewise when the thick film surface gets significantly contaminated through aging as in LaNi5 film and the surface becomes similar to that of a thin LaNi5 film; the ρ-t behaviour also becomes similar to that of the thin film (Fig.7). Fig.8. Expected surface characteristics of thick (fresh) and thin (fresh) LaNi5 films (a) No hydrogenation Fig.9. (b) Occurrence of new states due to M-H interaction (c) Metal hydride 8 4. Application of MmNi 4.5Al 0.5 hydride as fuel in I.C. engine One of the aims of the studies of the synthesis of the rare earth based pentanickelides was to use its hydride as a source of hydrogen for fuelling the I.C. engine in automotive area. C A D B Fig.10. A hydride/hydrogen I. C. engine. The I.C. engine was a standard Villier’s 1.75 H.P. (3000 RPM) cane crushing machine which usually runs on gasoline (the gasoline tank (D) is abandoned in the present work). Carburetor (C) of the engine was modified and a cam induced injector system (B) was fabricated for running the engine on hydride/ hydrogen (contained in tank (A)). The primary step in the automotive applications apparently would be to run a hydrogen/hydride powered internal combustion engine. To meet this goal I have utilized RNi5H6 type hydride for running a Villiers internal combustion (1.75 HP; 3000 RPM; Fig.10).This is the four strokes I.C Engine generally used for cane crushing, but can also be used for running a mobike/scooter. The carburetor of this engine was modified on lines similar to those suggested by White et al. [13]. The hydrogen injection into the main chamber was carried out by cam induced fuel injection pump(Fig.10).The hydrogen injection into the chamber was carried out by cam induced fuel injection pump. The hydrogen gas was supplied by MmNi4.5Al0.5 hydride which partly dissociated to yield hydrogen at ambient condition. At later stages the dissociation was obtained by the engine exhaust gases which raised the temperature up to ~ 50 oC. It was possible to control the back-firing of the engine through controlled injection of hydrogen. The I.C engine gave satisfactory performance for one hour with employed hydride of about 5 Kg. It is proposed to utilize twin and improved hydride tanks to achieve a higher range. 5. Conclusion It has been found that synthesis of the amorphous phases of LaNi5 and MmNi5 is possible in thin film form by vacuum thermal vapour deposition and in bulk form by melt quenching in liquid nitrogen. Interestingly the low pressure hydrogen storage capacity of amorphous and amorphous like phases is higher than that of the corresponding crystalline counterparts. 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